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Document Release Date: 
October 1, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 4, 1965
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25X1 Ap CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Current Intelligence 4 October 1965 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM 1 Oct. 047UU- The Indonesian Situation (Chronology of_ Major Events of the Indonesian Coup Attempt 4:00 AM on 1 Oct to 22:00 PM on 4 Oct) US Embassy's external telephone line was cut. 25X1 The Djakarta radio announced that a military move took place on 30 September led by Lt. Col. Untung and directed against army generals. 1315 Brig. Gen. Sabur, Commander of the President's bodyguard, announced that Sukarno was in good health and remained in leadership of the nation. 1400 Djakarta radio announced Decree #1, which established the Revolution Council as a supreme authority and named 45 members including Air Force Chief of Staff General Dani. The decree dissolved the cabinet and instructed the present ministers to discharge their responsibilities until a new council of ministers is formed. Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00472PI000600020011-2 25X1 Ap After- noon An announcement by AF Chief of Staff General Dani in afternoon issue of WARTA BHAKTI daily described 30 September movement as formed to safeguard the Indonesian revolution and ordered all members of the AF to remain alert to "crush any attempt to endanger the revolution." 25X1 1720 1800 2045 25X1 Radio Indonesia abruptly went off the air. Radio Indonesia resumed broadcasting with music. Radio Indonesia announced that the Army Strategic Command now controls the situation including the radio station and tele- communications building and that the army, navy and police have united to crush the "30 September Movement." Tanks were moved to the vicinity of the palace and established several roadblocks. There were reports of sporadic firing. 2 Oct early AM Numbers of truckloads of West Java Siliwangi troops entered Djakarta. 25X1 Appr ved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00472A000 00020011-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00474A000600020011-2 Radio Indonesia. announced that Lt. Col. Untung and Col. Suherman, commander of a unit of Diponegoro Division, were dishonarably discharged. Brig. Gen. Umar, Chief of the Greater Djakarta Command announced that the city was under a "state of war," -- martial law--and imposed an 1800 to 0600 curfew. 0600 Heavy concentration of troops and 40mm AA guns around palace. 1000 Unsuccessful attempt made by Lt. Col. Untung's troops to recapture telegraph office. Heavy concentration of armor closed main thoroughfare. 1500 Sukarno met at Bogor, south of Djakarta, with his top subordinates, including the Acting Army Chief of Staff Major General Pranoto, Major General Suharto, and Air Marshal Dani. 2300 Radio Indonesia went off the air. Embassy reports curfew in full effect. 3 Oct. 0130 Sukarno spoke over Radio Indonesia on tape, assumed command of the army, appointed General Pranoto to "discharge the daily tasks of the army" and General Suharto to "implement restoration of security." General Suharto followed by stating that the army leadership was now directly in the hands of Sukarno. ApprOvea or Release - 25X1 App The Radio made an announcement reportedly from General Dani which appeared to place the air force in sympathy with the 30 Sep- tember Movement and followed it by an announcement dated 2 Oct. stating that the air force will stand aside from the affairs of other services and that it had not joined the 1130 September Movement . " Morning Subandrio reportedly returned from Medan to Djakarta. 1000 Djakarta Police Commander Sawarno announced that all civilians issued arms must turn them in within 72 hours. 25X1 Radio Indonesia carried an announcement that the Commanding General of the Diponegoro Division, and other Central Java officials disavowed the 30 September Movement. 1600 Army announced that 5 October Armed Forces Day parade would be held. 2400 Sukarno made a second statement over Radio Indonesia absolving the Air Force of involvement in the 30 September Movement and revealed that he had gone to Halim Air Base on the morning of 1 October of his own, 4 Oct. Morning Djakarta remains calm with General Suharto's forces in firm control. The only newspapers apearing in Djakarta were two Army papers that branded the Communists as enemies of the Indonesian revolution. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T0047214000600020011-2 25X1 A4 1000 Armed Forces Day scheduled for 5 October postponed to 10 November. 1200 Radio Indonesia announced that six kidnapped generals, including General Yani, have been found dead. Sukarno ordered seven days mourning for the generals. 2200 Radio Indonesia announced that Sukarno has ordered a meeting of the Indonesian cabinet on 1000 6 October at the presidential palace at Bogor. proved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T0047 25X1 Apprtoved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00472A0p0600020011-2 Approvedw,6r ReTe?R0S1QEZECI A-RDP79T( 72A000600020011-2 Approved For ReleT-Qf?01. EXa DP79T00472A000600020011-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00472A000600020011-2 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP79T00472A000600020011-2