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$se 2003/08/05 CIA-R0P78-04718A000800290131 set MeCarran 'Ricers House V y Jack Steele the riders needbe given no rear I Available evidence an expected aid utlustt'al gress Intended that the riders be %'liea11 n used only against employees sus- revolt ainst its epu ilea der;~ 1 nd t?e isenfiower ad- petted of being disloyal or poor istr4 ion, voted last week to security risks. so-called `McCarran Veterans Unite riders give the Secretaries of The action was unusual In Mate a~d Commercg and the that the powerful veterans' eis 11 been General "absolute" ganizations, which have always powerss dismiss and em oyee s been in the forefront of the of their,ydepartments in a in- campaign for a more stringent terests the united Stases. government security program, The r jection by the House of united to urge the repeal bf the the Mcarran riders, li the McCarran riders and were chiefly Close V9te of 181 to 16L will responsible for the House vote. almost rtaix ly toucli o?a bat- These veterans' groups-the tie in he Senate-one 0whieh American Legion, the Veterans may shed more light on what of Foreign Wars and the Dis- use ha been made in 'recent abled American Veterans-joined sears these riders fit the forces to oppose the riders on khadow nd of the government's these two major grounds: evblvir loyalty and security 1, The riders are no longer progra necessary because the Adminis- 'he ouse action was unex- tration's new loyalty program ai petted because there has never gives the heads of all govern- before'keen a serious "attack went agencies adequate powers against hese riders, even though to get rid of any employers held they i-iave previously given the to be security risks. State, ommerce and 1l 'ilitary 2. The riders might be used Oecreta es-but rot the;Attor- by some department heads to ney Ge eral-the thost s Weeping oust empolyees for political pat- powers ver conferrer on execu- ronage reasons or for incompe- tive off? als by Congress td dis- tence, and thus subvert the 44ss werpment employees. veterans' preference laws and Empi ,yees, dismissed under destroy the civil service system. that the McCarran riders have been used rather sparingly for the actual dismissal of employ- ees, but have been used more widely as "threats" to force em- ployees suspected of being poor security risks-notably homo- sexuals-to resign. A government employee thus) threatened with dismissal under the McCarran riders has little choice but to resign. Such a dismissal carries a clear "secur- ity onus" which imperils the chances of any one ;dismissed under the riders of getting fu- ture private employment. The employee so threatened has no chance of appeal and a public protest only makes his plight worse. Fear and Suspicion The House action made it evi- dent that there are growing fears or suspicions in Washing-, ton that some new Cabinet of- ficials, in their zeal to clean house, might use the riders-or the threat to use them-to get rid of employees for purely po- litical reasons or to circumvent both civil service and veterans' preference procedures to dismiss ey consider incple- ink thaElt e riders be extended] e was & 11 0ttilC p lic y that 'he intended to rid the depart- mkt of ,thousa of,,incompe- tent or fc tetlo Les Anot ier wase recent resig- nation of a riumber-of Justice Department employees, at least some of whom. reportedly quit under, the implied threat that they would be dismissed- other- wise und`gr unpleasant circum- stances Still irother ..bit. 4i` evidence clair Weeks Secretary of Com- merce, planned to make con- siderable use of the riders to "clean up" his department, and reports that he lmd atready used them tp oust g _number of em- nyees. Official Denials -Messrs.. Brownell and Weeks both have vigorously denied any intention of using the McCar- ran riders for political dismis- sals or to destroy or circumvent civil service and veterans' pref- erence laws. Republican leaders appealed in vain to the House to put faith in assurances that the riders would be used only against "subversives." One Department of Commerce employee ousted under the riders brought suit in Federal District Court here last week in an effort to get a Supreme Court test of, the constitutionality of the riders. Several others have brought complaints to this re- porter that they had been ousted under the riders after having previously been cleared for loy- alty. The McCarran riders have an interesting and little-known leg- islative history. They were first placed in a State Department appropriation bill seven years ago, after James F. Byrnes, then Secretary of State, informed the Appropri- ations Committee that he had no way of dismissing twenty- nine suspected Communists who had been transferred to the de- partment as employees of such war agencies as the O. W. I. This was before any over-all government loyalty program was The Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to restore the riders to the State-Com- merce - Justice appropriations bill, and Sen. Pat McCarran, D., Nev., their original sponsor, to lead the battle for them on the Senate floor. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000800290131-9