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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 28, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-04718A000500190088-2.pdf149.54 KB
-1-190 1 a Approved For Release 2003/08/05 -04718A00V500190088-2 T0: Each Assistant Director and Staff Chief FROM: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Personnel and Space Allocations 28 APR 1950 1. a. After exhaustive efforts during the past several months to obtain needed additional space for further expansion of CIA under planned build-up through the fiscal year 1951 it has been determined that we can anticipate no addition to currently assigned space in the Washington area prior to 1 January 1951, b. This determination makes it necessary to restrict our departmental personnel build-up and other planned facilities to those which can be currently accommodated for most efficient results within our overall space allocations, until additional space can be made available to the Agency. 2. In the light of these conditions the following policies and procedures are re-emphasized for continued study and action: a. COAPS will continue special effort toward: (1) The defining of essential substantive programs and the elimination of substantive effort which, even though it may be of some value, is not currently essential to the CIA mission. (2) The early recommendation of solutions for current problems in connection with abstracting and indexing, liaison, intelligence information requirements, and overt collection effort within the Agency. (3) Reducing to the extent possible the requirements for reproduction and dissemination of substantive materials, b. The Management Staff will direct special effort toward: (1) Continued elimination and avoidance of duplications and non-essential activities in administrative effort. (2) Streamlining and centralization, where appropriate and feasible, of decentralized administrative effort. (3) Reduction of current personnel authorizations to the fullest extent commensurate with the continuance of esse programs and operational activity. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 :,-C "R) Change- In Ck ss1 El asm Chngggoyyy g d To: TS So Q? /y+~v, 12 gyp SL Approved For ReIg,ase 2003/08/05 P8-04718AOOa500190088-2 (4+) Adequate controls, through further centralization and priority determinations, of the utilization of reproduc- tion facilities. (5) Assistance and support of COAPS in carrying out the provisions of a. aboveo c. The Personnel Director will, in coordination with the Chiefs of the Administrative and Special Support Staffs: (1) Determine, in collaboration with the Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs, the maximum numbers of personnel which can be accommodated by Offices and Staff Sections within allocated space, and the designation of positions to be filled within space restrictions. (2) Direct personnel procurement activities to concentrate their efforts to filling such positions until the availability of additional space can be predicted with sufficient certainty to warrant resuming an increased or overall effort. 3. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs will give full cooperation to the implementation of the emergency measures indicated above, and must, of necessity, tailor their current plans and programs to the availability of facilities and personnel to carry them out. 4. a. COAPS and the Management Staff will afford the fullest opportunity for conferences and general discussion between all Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs concerned in determining action to be instituted or recommended under these instructions. b. Matters which cannot be resolved in this manner will be referred to the Executive, with full statement of the position of each official concerned, for action or further reference to the Director* c. All action involving changes in Agency policy, organization structure or major functions will be referred to the Executive prior to implementation, even though full agreement has been reached by all concerned. 5. a. Attached hereto is a tabulation showing your current de- partmental personnel authorization and total space (exclusive of space for guards, I & S receptionists, emergency rooms, etc.) which can be allocated to you in the Washington area within current overall availability. The final determination of author- ized facilities and personnel to be housed within this space Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : QIDP78-0471;$AQ 0500190088-2 Approved For Relapse 2003/08/05SE ; 78-04718A0%600190088-2 allocation must necessarily be left to you. b. An Agency policy statement relative to personnel plan- ning for your fiscal year 1952 budget presentation has been added to the inclosure to avoid the necessity for a further directive on this subject. 25X1A Copies of each inclosure furnished: COAPS Management Staff Budget Officer Personnel Director Chief, SSS Chief, Administrative Staff 95OO g Approved For Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP7 }4 _ -3-..