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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release.2003/ : CIA-RDP78i04718A000500010061-0 ? _ONFIDENTIAL HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTION TAKEN DURTNO FISCAL YEAR 1951 TO SOLVE MAJOR PROGRAM AND OPERAT/NO PROBLEMS 1. The Agenees effort In the field of scientific intelligence has been made more effective through reorganization and competent personnel have been reoruited to give coverage of the major scientific and tech. nical fields which have implications upon our national security. This has improved, understanding of scientific and technical activities over ,- seas, partioulaelly behind the iron curtain. 2. Increased effectiveness of the overseas procurement of maps by coordi. nation of the map procurement program and by extension of exchange ar. rangements with foreign agencies. Expanded an external research program to support intelligence produo- tioa through non.governmental sources, EstChlithed, panels of high level industrialists and consultants in specific fields to advise the Agency on program planning and to pro. vide industrial analyeis 6. Udder direction of the National security Council an official= ar... gunitcd to perform in the fields of economic intelligence* Following this, CIA made a Government-.wide economic intelligence Barmy and es- tabliehed the Economic- Intelligence Committee. Studies were conduct- ed to determine gaps in U. S. Government economic intelligence and a research program was instituted to fill existing. gaps.. Requirement directives have been adjusted to provide necessary information for a ntinmeus economic intelligence program. ? ? r.-? amp? 'Hand documents received for dissemination and the resultant in- creased volume of intelligence data indicates closer coordinationamong the /AC Agencies* This increased workload has been processed by better Utilisation of tabulating machines. 8. Priorities for collection in areas and by subjects were established based on more specific revirements of O3 rating offices, 9. A Document Procurement Committee was established within the Agency to avoid duplication of procurement of periodicals* 10, Improvements in the evaluation of information reports have resulted from increased effort by IAC Agencies to perform better evaluations of these reports, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500010061-0 25X1B 25X1C 25X1C Approved For Reledge 2003/08/27 ? - 718X:100500010061-0 C ON F ID EN T I AL Specific debriefings of IAC personnel and non-IAC personnel where a. propriate has been pinpointed in order to avoid unnecessary general types of debriefings and to gather specific information based on firm requirements Greater decentralisation of authority to operating offices together with ex post facto reviews has improved liaison procedures and control. lestablished during Fiscal Year fertile opportunity for increased intellieence cove e, 15. Senior Representatives of the Pirector have been assigned to strategic field areae with the aim of coordinating and better supervising CIA field-installations in contiguous areas, Key Agency officials have focused their attention upon field supervision. These, steps plus the competence gained threugh experience have permitted more field delegations of authority, thereby expediting operations. 16. Direct Agency efforts together with the handling of unclassified translations through contractual arraneements has resulted in increased service, language coverage and speed. 17. Provisions have been made for emergency cenditions by assembling mobile emergency monitoring stations packaees, stockpiling technical equipment and parts, and establishing additional communications and communications reserves. In short, a complete emergency-plan, including space provisions, otey behind arrangements and the storage of vitel documents, has been developed. 18. Arrangements were made for the collection md technical examination of Soviet or Satellite items and prepared reports on the results of analysis. Improvements in this area have arisen largely as a reault. of centralized staff supervision. Increased comunications and monitoring facilities through the world and effected organisational and technological chaeees for improved service, Those improvements include better systems for traffic analysis, protective radio techniques and inter-agency coordination. Effected centralisation of training with the establishment of an Aeency component to develop, direct and coordinate ail Agency training programs, Specific prograas established include: -2- Approved For Release 2003/08/27 CI -RDP78-04768M0a2M9N1-0 Approved For Reledge 2003/08/27 : CIA-RDP1EO4718A000500010061-0 T AL Multiple language training program using faoi1tjes of other Covernmaat agencies and universities. Refresher courses for clerical, personnel. c. Orientation and indoctrination courses for Agency personne given on a recurrent basis. Plmnnine for the inatitution of a Career Development aimed at the recruitment of high .potentieJ employees and development of CIA employees as careerists in strategic in elli gaice. CIA Intelligence School to produce on a continuing basis adequately grounded intelligence officers ane a basic course for junior officers selected under the Career Development Program. Through negotiation, established increased quota of CIA students to attend several Defense Establishment, Schools, 21. Developed aniinstituted an Agency Safety Program. 22. Developed more effective procedures for administering persrinl procedures, including medical and security processing. 23. Selected areas affecting logistical planning were studied during the year with definite improvements in organieation ane administrative procedures. Effective liaison channels were developed to expedite procurement of supplies and eqelpment. A contract inspection system WAS established for followeep liaison and compliance in connection with Agency contracts with commercial organizations. Published- completely revised CIA Regulations, improveng the content thereof, 25. Reduced Agency's stock level of blenulorms to minimum numbers through an extensive forms control survey. 26. The budget analysis program was farther developed to provide.greater assistance to the operating offices in the formulation and axe of their financial requirements. Through the specialized aeaignmen of qualified budget analysts, it has been possible to make available more adequate teohnioal assistance te operating officials in expediting their budgetary requirements. ? 27. Considerable progress was made in improving the system for ment and control of funds, Through revision of the allotment atruc the development of new methods for the analysis of fund reeedavmmints, and more adequate budgetary reporting it has been possible to provide a more effective system of budgetary control as an aid to management, Approved For Release 2003/08/27 : CIA- DP78-04718A000500010061-0 ONIIIDESTIAA Approved For Release 2003/08/27 : CIA-RDP78- 8A000500010061-0 ONFIDENTIAL 28. Installed radio equipment in passenger carrying vehicles to effect bettet utilisation thereof. 29. Consolidated major printing and reproducing facilities of the Agency in one building with resultant economy. 30. Established a complete Vital Materials Program for the Agency with speclel prcmisions for emergency situations, 31, increased the emphasis upon the program for Records Management on an Agency?wide basis in order to avert future congestion. 32. Typical of accomplishments through the substitution of machines for manual operations are the following: a. Preparation of tables of organisation. Physical inventory' of stock accounts c. Stock record accounting procedures, d, Unvouchered payroll, payroll checks hand pa /1 acc..unting procedures. e. Personnel locator files for emergency p f. Agency telephone directory. g. Personnel recruitment requirements and control. h. Personnel statistical records. 1. Logistical studies, 3. Security clearance requests amu reports, k, Overseas field reports. 1. Applicant and employee qualification records. 33, In conformance with the Bureau of the Budcet Circular d the Agency's practices on paper conservation and effected desirable changes, Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :,C114":RDP78-04715e nElgyf 1-0 ?ID