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Approved Fq frtelease 2003/09/30 CIA-RDP75B002&&R000400110035-8
OxC - 4589
Copyjof 6
4 March 1963
SUBJECT : Visit To Lockheed and
Escape System
1. On Monday, 25 February, the undersigned met at Burbank with
to discuss the last series of high Q dummy drops made at El Centro,
California, and the resultant parachute modifications and future test
2. Actions taken regarding the parachute system follow:
a. I will fabricate two prototype
guards for main canopy jettison re eases. They will also modify
one of their other production releases to fit our requirements.
These possible improvements will be evaluated on 28 February.
b. Four survival seat cushions provided by will
be evaluated at I land at Firewel Co. to determine comfort,
characteristics. se c1 Ie the NATO, Navy F4H, modified
s will provide necessary deceleration and wind blast decay.
stem to delay-man-seat separation four seconds after eectio.
and pneumatic types.
c. Lockheed will take immediate steps to modify the escape
USAF review(s) completed.
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The two-second delay which has been used was proven inadequate
via high Q tests at El Centro.
d. Parachute harness and pack modifications:
(1) The wrap around webbing of the first stage parachute
pack will be changed from type 8 to type 22 condition t'Ut' for
increased strength.
(2) Main risers will be increased four inches in length.
Packing experience indicates this change.
(3) Pack retention webbing will be added between the
bottom of the parachute and the seat sling to ensure a
closer retention to the man of the chute and survival kit. A
wrap around webbing for the emergency oxygen container will
also be incorporated for the same purpose.
e. Four dummy drops will be made from B-66 aircraft at El
Centro during early April at the new high Q. This will be done by
dropping at 20M and 300 KIAS. One more live jump will be made at
low speed and altitude over water to test the improved flotation
incorporated in the full pressure suit. Four tests on the deck at
very low speed (65 knots) will be mad in April. The
ejection seat program will begin by early May.
Approximately ten full pressure suit flights have been made by Lockheed
pilots and five suit flights by our pilots. Items discussed and action
to be taken is as follows:
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a. Helmet tie down.
Problem - difficult to pull down when suit becomes
pressurized and inability to release after suit
pressure is dissipated.
Action - of D. Clark Co. is working on
a fix which should be approximately 18
March. In the interim the pilots will index the pull
down tab so that it will be in an intermediate
position which will provide comfort without suit
pressure and still prevent the helmet from excessive
rise when suit pressure is introduced.
b. Pressure suit gloves vs. control stick.
Problem when pressurized the pilot loses tactiieal
discrimination between finger tips and the stick.
This combined with excessive bulk of the control stick
head with its many buttons makes precise control
Action - Lockheed is shortening the control stick
height for better man-stick relationship.
- D. Clark Co. is further customizing gloves
for individual pilots - especially pilots with small
hands - for increased reach to all stick control
investigate other control stick heads. a present
one is the same as used in the B-58 aircraft*
c. Neck ring.
Problem - difficult to turn head.
Action - D. Clark Co. is retrofitting all helmet rings
to provide easier head mobility by way of more efficient
bearings and tefldn rings.
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Problem - helmet weight vs. suspension.
Action - D. Clark Co. presently working on new
suspension system to provide better weight dis-
tribution. Other possibilities to improve this
situation include larger head pads, head pads made
of more porous material and increased ear pad
Problem - Reflection from instrument panel but more
severely from direct sun during turns and during re-
fueling is inhibiting necessary pilot vision.
Action - Immediate action being taken is to paint the
instrument panel black and darken the pilots face with
burned cork. Both of these remedies help but do not
solve the entire problem. Another quick fix which will
be pursued immediately is to fabricate a dark mask made
of a soft nonirritating and absorbent material.
will research the drug industry for possible
use o nonparticulant materials that could be applied
to the face without irritation during or subsequent to
- Long range action has been in process by the
D. Clark Co. with and 25X1 A
I to p e Improved visors.
However, this has been slow due to the fact that
D. Clark Co. has had no authority to indicate who might
want the end product or how many might be required. In
essence the D. Clark Co. is unable to push these efforts
since they are only nuentine the involved anies to
pursue the problem. has sub- 25X1 A
muted one sample c 73=3 pro se u aweight penalty
is involved. s working on a laminated visor.
Problem - Pilots desire this device to be assured their
suit has inflated to the required pressure in case of
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pressure loss in the cabin.
Action - Two GFE altimeters will be provided D. Clark
Co. who will then make up a kit to permit field
irs tallation,
g. Pressure suit underwear.
Problem - Excessive shrinkage after'washing is being
experienced. The question of white underwear vs. some
other color was mentioned.
Action - D. Clark Co. will pre-shrink underwearp before
Wig. will coordinate with
and make recommendation re coloro
h. Press To Test (PTT)
Action - Firewel is providing a PTT lock which will
enable pressurized flight as long. as the pilot chooses
to keep the lock on. Under pressure the suit is forced
away from the pilot along with all hardware and straps
thus giving him the opportunity to move around within
the suit. He will be able to easily release the lock
and return to normal vent pressure when he so desires.
4. Other items discussed were as follows:
a. An ECP is presently at OCAMA via USAF to modify F-101
aircraft to accommodate the full pressure suit.
will follow up on this regarding the possibility of our retro-
fitting an F-101 for training flights.
Problem - Dosage. It was believed by those attending
the last ground school that too much material was
given in two short a period of time, i.e., eight hours
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per day does not give the class adequate time to
digest and ask questions on subjects covered.
Action - Lockheed responsibility.
c. Survival kits.
Problem - Components.
Action - It was clarified that the components of the
kit were for survival purposes and not escape and
evasion. Kits are built up at Vacuum
packed winter items such as wal-K around s eeping bag
components will replace other items per judgement of
personal equipment people at the Area.
5. On Thursday, 28 February, a meeting was held at Burbank with the
following people in attendance:
This meeting was held to summarize the two preceding meetings of the week
and finalize on actions to be taken. Of prime importance was the matter
of oxygen consumption being experienced during full pressure suit flights
twenty-two liters per minute. However, this average is only for avfew
flights of relatively short duration. Also, these were first flights with
the full pressure suit which may have some bearing on the consumption rate.
will investigate immediately the spring loaded
exhalation valve vs. compensating valve as a possible source of oxygen
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6. Following is a summary of various circumstances which were
graphically presented by[ I
I. Present System
Vol. 875 cu. in* x 2 cylinders
2000 lbs. in each cylinder
Consumption Conditions
30 min. ground and climb to 27M
Cabin alt 27M and 5.00 PSIA
Assumed Avg. Rates Time
17.8 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA 8 1/2 hrs.
18.75 LP1 - suit 5.25 PSIA (Firewel Runs) 8 1/2 hrs.
22.20 LPM - suit 3.88 PSIA (U-2 alt) 8 1/2 hra.
II. Present System with bottles charged to 2500 PSI
Vol. 875 cu. in. x 2 cylinders
Consumption Conditions
30 min. ground time and climb to 27M
Cabin at 27M and 5.00 PSIA
Assumed Avg. Rates Time
24.8 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA 8 1/2 hrs.
19.15 LPM - suit 5.25 PSIA 10 1/2 hrs.
18.30 LPN! - suit 5.50 PSIA 10 1/2 hrs.
III. New bottles - Of longer
Increased colume to 952 cu. in. x 2 cylinders
and charged to 2500 psi
Consumption Conditions
20 min ground and climb to 27M
Cabin at 27M and 5.00 PSIA
Use emergenc 02
Assumed Avg. Rates Time (120 Cu. in.)) at 20 LPM
20 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA 10 1/2 hrs. 1 hr.
20.9 LPM - suit 5.25 PSIA 10 1/2 hrs. 1 hr.
(Firewel chamber)
24.42 LPM - suit 3.88 PSIA 10 1/2 hrs. 1 hr.
(U-2 alt)
Irl ;7 (11 51' "
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IV. New bottles - 6 1/2" longer
Vol. of 3125 on. in. x 2 cylinders and
charged to 2500 PSI
Consumption Conditions
30 min. ground and climb to 27M
Cabin at 27M and 5.00 PSIA
Assumed Avg. Rate
23.5 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA 10 1/2 hrs.
V. New bottles - same as IV above except the bottles are
charged to 2800 PSIA
Consumption Conditions
30 mino ground time and climb to 27M
Cabin alt 27M and 5.00 PSIA
Assumed Avg. Rate
21.70 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA
14 hrs.
23.45 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA
12 1/2 hrs.
27.80 LPM - suit 5.50 PSIA
10 1/2 hrs.
7. After reviewing the above conditions it was decided that Firewel
should proceed with installing 2500 lb. ganges and charge all present
bottles to this PSI as soon as possible (Condition II above). Concurrently,
they will order new bottles 6.5 inches longer which.will accept 2800 PSI.
will provide drawings which will confirm the new length and outside
diameter. By May of this year all aircraft should be retrofitted with
the longer bottles charged to 2500 PSI. This will meet conditions described in
IV above. In the meantime the 2800 PSI capacity will be pursued. The reason
for not going to 2800 PSI initially is that some problems are forecast at
this pressure.
oxygen were discussed and
will look further to t e pose bility.
25X1 A j
Captain USAF
d For Release 2003/09/O ":`Ct;- DP75B00285R000400110035-8
6-DD (Chrono)