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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
January 31, 2005
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Publication Date:
January 22, 1954
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Approved For Release 2005/02/17 :CIA-RDP80B01676RQ0'~AQ0,030022-6
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O~DCI~VML: jck (f3 Jan 5~+)
Rewritten VML:drnt~ (?1 J~.n 5~+)
Orig & 1 -Addressee
1 - REad ~n~;
FEMA review(s) completed. ~- ~ ~~ {=tirono
On file OSD release instructions apply.
C Approved For Rele 57 ~I~i~R~8'8B~1676R001000030022-6
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Approved For Release 2005/02/17 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030022-6
8 January 195
Brief of better from Val Petersona
1, Life Insurance ,Association of America has establi~~ed
Committee on Civil Defense to xork closely w~.th FCiul.
2. Committee members are:
James T. Phillips' Vic?-Pres., N. Y. life Ines. Co.
Samuel Milligan, Senior Vice-Pres., Metropolitan
Gerhard D. Sleicken, Vice-Pres., John Hancock
3, Governor Peterson recommends "complete and .frank
briefing" by CIA and other appropriate agencies.
!~. i~CT~A has asked the Committee members to fill out
necessary questionnaires f'or "Q" and "T'S" clearances.
Approved For R~Iease 2005/02/17 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030022-6
~~% s _ os
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030022-6
?EG 2 9
Honorable Allen tnT. Dul1$s
Director of Central Intelligence
Washington 25, D. C.
This Administration has long been concerned over the serious
economic consequence of an atomic attack on business, commerce,
and industry in the United States. It has also been attempting,
by every means at its disposal, to stimulate the active partici-
pation of private industry in fU.rthering the national civil
defense program.
In this general connection, the Life Insurance Association of
America has recently established a Committee on Civil Defense for
the purpose of examining all aspects of civil defense and advising
the life insurance industry as to the steps that should be taken,
both by the Association as representative of the industry, and by
individual companies. Menbers of this Committee are: James T.
Phillips, Vice-President, tdew York Life Insurance Company, Chair-
man; Samuel Mi.ll.igan, Senior Vice-President, Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company; and Gerhard D. Bleicken, Vice-President, John
Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company.
We welcome this Committee, since the irdustry it represents can
exert a tremendous influence for improving our overall national
defense. Through the policy holders and the companies that form
the Association, an estimated seventy percent of the adult ~ou-
latian of the United States can be reached to increase public
awareness and willingness to participate in civil defense. Also,
the extensive investments the insurance oompanies are making in
our urban areas provide a lever for raising standards of construc-
tion and for effecting dispersion which may contribute in the long
run to reduction of urban vulnerability. At the same time,
insurance companies can actively participate iri our search far
means to avoid or minimize social, economic, legal, and a~ninis-
trative disruption that attack on this country would cause. I
like to regard this Committee as a pilot-project, from which we
can learn how best to bring large segments of industry into our
non-military defense preparations.
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030022-6
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030022-6
In discharging its great responsibility to the Life Insurance
Association, the Committee wishes to review the significant eo~-
ponents of the national defense picture. To do this expe< itiou:~ly,
a series of briefings is proposed by the Committee, While it rn~ig
appear that this Committee should not need such a briefir~ in
order to comprehend the reality and nature of the threat, or th?:
measures that need to be taken, since so much on these subjects
has appeared in the public press and in speeches of high :officit?ls,
we all know that many private executives have not responded ade-
quately, and there is little wonder that the public and private
industry generally are uncertain about the threat and our defen.~es.
In view of the pot erctial value of this Committee, not on1~r to ttE is
Agency but to others concerned with our national preparedness, .I
wish to assist them in obtaining a oamplete and frank briefing,
To do this, it seems necessary that the members be cleared. Ac4:ord-
ingly, the three members have been asked to oamplete the 'necessary
security questionnaires for both "Top Secret" and "~" clsarance~.
Because of the rigid schedule imposed on the committee ma