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C. ontact 1 C all 5 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP74B00415R0005O 050022-4 0 In 5 1s T JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 8 March 1971 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. I I Met with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, and discussed a number of items including arrangements for the Director's briefing of the Defense Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee presently scheduled for Thursday, 18 March at 9:30 a. m. See Memorandum for the Record. 2. I George Murphy, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, called. He said he understood Dr. Teller has :made a statement to the effect that the Soviets are well ahead of the U. S. in the computer field. Murphy said he did not feel this was an accurate statement and asked if we could give him authoritative sources (preferably unclassified) which could be used in taking issue with Teller on this. After checking with Mr. Duckett and Dr. Chamberlain, I advised Murphy that Duckett had no objection to his saying that Teller's statement did :not square with statements made by Mr. Duckett on this subject. OSI has also prepared references to unclassified materials on the subject which we are forwarding to Murphy. 3. Talked to Mr. Frank Keenan, Administrative Assistant to Congresswoman Florence Dwyer (R., N.J.), STATINTL who suggested 9:30 Thursday morning for the demonstration by the STATINTL STATINTL representatives. After talking with OS, I confirmed the time of meeting with Mr. Keenan. Mr. Keenan said also that he will be meeting with thel eople when STATINTL they arrive in town and will let me know the names of the Company STATINTL representatives who will be giving the demonstration. OS, has been advised. SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP74B00415R00050005q 410/23/2003 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP74B00415R000500050022-4 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 8 March 1971 Page 2 STATINTL 25X1 STATINTL 25X1 25X1 25X1A 4. Recruitment TATINTL Division, called to advise that he had been referred by P Personnel, to Mr. Douglas Jones, in the office of Congressman STATINTL Lennon (D., N. Car.), concerning an appointment inquiry by a constituent. Mr. Jones is a personal friend of informed Mr. Jones that he would send a letter and application to the constituent, F_ I A copy 25X of the letter will be furnished to Legislative Counsel. 5. On 6 March, I talked to Dorothy Fosdick, on the staff of Senator Jackson's Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations. She said the Senator was cutting a tape for his CBS "Face The Nation" program the next day and had asked her to check with me as to what could be said about the deployment of a new type Soviet ICBM. I said this was still very sensitive information and I thought the Senator could do no more than say that despite reports that SS-9 deployment had leveled off, it was much too soon to conclude that the Soviets had called a long-term halt in deployment of all ICBMs. Today I told Senator Jackson of our concern over some of his comments during his TV appearance yesterday regarding recent Soviet ICBM developments. See Memo for Record. 6. Captain John Bruce, Chief, Legislative Affairs, U. S. Coast Guard, called for an appointment to discuss U. S. policy and procedures in handling defectors. He explained that his attempt to get this information from State Department had proven unsatis- factory as he had been referred back to a Captain Dahlgren (phonetic) in the Coast Guard. His interest stems from an up-coming visit by the :Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy and the need to institute a course there on the handling of defectors (international law and foreign policy implications). After a discussion with who also called Captain Dahlgren' s office, I advised Captain Bruce that on the basis of information available to me, Captain Dahlgren should be a knowledgeable source for the type of information needed. Captain Bruce didn't seem to be optimistic about the outcome but said he would call Dahlgren. Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-R P74B00415R000500050022-4 1 Approved For Release 20041011,1 P74B00415R000500050022-4 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 8 March 1971 7. I I Peggy Clements, in the office of Representative Robert E. Jones (D. , Ala. ), called and requested a brochure on the functions of the Agency to be sent to a high school constituent. A copy of the Agency brochure was mailed to her. 25X1A JOHN M. MAURY jegisislative Counsel CC: :ER O/DDCI 25X1A Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin :DDI DDS :DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB :Item 6 25X1 A EVE i Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP74B00415R000500050022-4