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`'r Approved Ndw Release 2002/09103r C1Pi-RDP71 B0O6A000100010108-3 DD/S&T Staff Meeting Thursday, 4 Jan 1968 (Scoring indicates anticipated action.) 25X1A 25X1 D D])/S&T reviewed the following items: 1. Space Panel will be meeting at1I on 30 Jan. He intended to spend an additional couple of days on the West Coast and asked for suggestions as to what other installations he might pro-ita y v s t. He p: anne o leave Sunday night e . 2. OXCART has now been extended to 30 June following the last ExCom meeting at which the DCI took a strong position that a one-month extension was not feasible. The bigger issue of what happens after 30 June will be under discussion again. There is a danger that without a timely resolution of the future of the OXCART the program will literally fly itself out of existence on the.30 June date. Gen. McConnell will be briefed on Friday regarding the need for addi- tional Air Force personnel during the next six months. 25X1A 3. There are still serious problems in the ' 25X1A program, particularly the lack of decision on the ~] 25X1A contractor. The software problem is sti ll up for grabs . The schedule has slipped, but it is not clear how much. contract work is on the track. Howeve uncertainties with regard to the 25X1D 4. With regard to lE he technical effort and additional installation 25X1D 5. There would not appear to be any new problems in our relations with the other Directorates, but it is questionable how much headway has been made on the old ones. Coordination in the ELINT field has certainly become more complicated and will probably come to a crunch soon. 6. S&T must exercise great care in its relations with BOB. 7. He will discuss the S&T staffing of the NRO with Flax during the next few days. RF Approved For Release 2002/09 03 CIA-RDP71 BOO 185A000100010108-3 Approved F4w Release 2002/09/03 C1A-RDP71 B0045A000100010108-3 8. There will undoubtedly be a round of Congressional briefings after 15 January. 9. The offices must count on having to meet the 30 June established personnel ceilings . 25X1A D/FMSAC said that he had telephoned who had agreed to see him regarding the 0 contract. 25X1A In response to a question from the DD/OSP the DD said that he would undoubtedly visiti at a suitable 25X1A time following the resolution o nmental situation there. D/OEL said that he wished to give the DD a separate 25X1A presentation He wi be sending the DD a memorandum -07 Tor the Clandestine Services concerning the installation 25X1 D r- I 25X1A said that he was following the ELINT Evaluation Group and would have a more detailed report in approximately six weeks. He noted there were 15 candidates '5e ore the Honor Mer Awards Board of which one was from O,.A. 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1A D/OSA said that would 25X1A be coming in for a briefing, and he would undertake to arrange a luncheon upstairs which the DD would attend. WORD on a 95 percent confidence of a 30 December Chicom Shot. He said that the Navy wished to modify or and he has given the verbal authorization and will prepare the necessary papers for the DD's signature. He said that photographs from flights over North Dakota' gave a crop-yield estimate which compared most favorably with Dept. of Agriculture figures. In this connection the DD said thati had indicated the continuing interest of both NASA an griculture. The DD asked the D/ORD for a rurrd n in the futur There followed a general discussion of morale.-problems t NASA NASA crop photography THE a so, the results o -2- Approved For Release 200'2%b9/6b : C A -RDP71 B00185A000100010108-3 T 25X1A 25X1A Approved w Release 2002/09tO'3 : G(A-RDP71 B04WA000100010108-3 DD/OSA discussed the composition of the next Midcareer Course student body. D/OSI gave the DD a letter from concerning the 25X1A possibility of establishing a work team groun to exploit the SA-2 system. He noted that will be retiring 25X1A in June from the Air Force. DD/ORD discussed the findings of the DCI's committee to review the University Associate Program. He asked the offices for their evaluations of this program and noted that t e committee was working against a 14 February deadline. D/ORD noted that NSA was able to send personnel full- ti.me to school immediately after they had entered on duty. The DD asked the EO to look into the possibility of using this technique to alleviate S T s tight personnel situation. The Comptroller noted that the first draft of the Combined Program Call was due tomorrow. He will summarize this and outline the pertinent issues for the DD after which various office meetings with t e DD will begin. He reviewed the FY'69 position ceilings and budgets as they were finalized by PPB for the various S&T offices. 25X1A -3- Approved For Release 2002/09/Q3~+;' C RDP71 B00185A000100010108-3 `ECoET