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0 UN CLASS I FI EllprovecD JANA 2005/12/14: CIA-REDMAN iNt10060068-C] SECRET W ROUTING AND RECORD SHEEP -- /71,76 SUBJECT: (Optional) X.,;,,Z ' ''.--- i 1"C,..1?t-;k, ..."- FROM: Group EXTENSION 5311 NO. c,*, Acting Chief,/Polley and Pans Office of Security, 4E-70, Rifts. DATE 2 JUL 1979 - TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED L SECOM g JUL 15. 7' `1 1. Thought you might in the attached DOE safeguarding restricted 2A13. --' ? 143 3(2 dil, 't . _ .7' / ? i be interest& proposal on data. S Attn: 311-3Q, . ?,"--- ' :,-- /7_, .' ' . 4. . . . . 10. 1 1 . 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 610 3-62 US:DiPDFV"tip efiba ESECIEreleasE90000/4/10ENIMBDPC/101M11,04000e6EUNCLASSI Fl ED Fe ut??????JW10041?14,01001* .1.?? ? ? DL PARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of the Secretary le CFR Part 795] I ) ^ Safeguarding of Restricted Data AGENCY: Department of Energy (DOE). ACTION: Proposed Rule. ? soi.amsee: The Department,of Energy -- proposes a revision of 10 CFR Part 795 which concerns the requirements for the safeeitarding and transmission of Secret and Confidential Restricted Data. part 795 is applicable to all persons who ? receive or generate Restricted Data . under an Access permit issued pursuant ? to the regulations in Part 725 "Permits ? for access to Restricted Data" of 10 CEIL Chapter III. ? . - ? ? ? ?Continual upgrading of security procedures by DOE. both for DOE held-- Restricted Data and that data held by POE contractors, has left a considerable cap between these procedures and Part :.95. In addition:areas StiO as automatic data. peocessing systems are not within hc scolie of .the present Part 795.1n an " effort to update and upgrade Part 795, ?his revision is proposed... ?- - The changes vary in complexity and Telatc in genera! to the following- matters: new definitions; submission of erocedures hy access permit holders; ? eretection of Restricted Data in storage; estabiisliment of security areas; ? , nialifieation of protective personnel; rtification of DOD and NASA _e?rsonnel; preparation and transmission eless!fied documents; shipment of -lassifIod material; security of automatic ta processing systems; and reports on ? ?oleign travel. :Arcs: Comments roust be received on ? ' o be fore July 11, 1979. ?. - wor-lesses: Comments should be sent ? Ceerge Weisz, Director, Office of se feecerds and Security. Department of neren.e e0 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Vashinetore D.C. 20515. (301) 353-5106. OR FURTriFii INFORMATION CONTACT: W. ?. C,iihert, Jr., Chief. Programs and Pro nub. Office of Safeguards and ?e?ur?ity, U.S. Department of Energy, ,..isi:iieeten. 1) C. 2UA5, 301/353-5690, E.f.1?:strARY ;NFOnmATION: chaos,es to 10 CFR Part 795 b would be effected by the ? reposed revision are as fclloWs: 1. eh:RDA" and the titles of former PA of.flcia Is Would he changed to )0E" and the titles of comparable (Ji uff..i1s throughout the Part 2. D'efinitioos of ehe f,,Ilowing, terms would be added for clarity of the- . .. ? ? succeeding text. ? 795.3(c) Automatic data processing system - ? (d) Authorized derivative classifier (e) Data ' . ? (j) General Counsel (k) Guard ? ' ? (1) Information f " ? (n) Material ? (o) Matter .7' ? ? (s) Protective Personnel.... ? (x) Security container. . . (y) Security inspector -- 3. The requirements of ? 79521(a) and 795.21(b) for protection of Restricted ? . Data in storage would be upgraded for comparability with DOE standards established under the authority of the.. - Atomic Energy Act of 19'54, as aniended. 4. New ? 795.21(1) and 795.21(g) would provide additional 'procedural guidance .for the selection and admiaistrative ? e. control of lock combinations..:' 2.-. 5. New ? 795.21(h), 795.21(i), and 795.21U) would provide additional' procedural guidance for the surveillance and protection of unattended security . - repositories. ? . . 6. New ; 795.25(c) and 2715.25(e) would provide qualification standards for ? ? security inspectors employed for the . protection of Restricted Data. 7. Suction 795..31 would be revised to provide amplified guidance for the control of access to Restricted Data by employeespf the DOD or NASA. -. : t. Sections 705.32(c), 795.3(d), and 795.32(e) would he revised to provide. -? amplified guidance for the classification marking of Restricted Data documents. including drafts and letters of . transmittaL ? . 9. Section 795.33(d) would be revised to delete methods of transportation no - longer available, to add additional authorized alternate methods of' transportation, and to provide" .? ?-?": additional guidance for the protection of Rest icted Data in transit: 10. New ? 795.38 would add the requirement that ADP systems used for processing of Restricted Data must be - approvedby DOE. ? 11. New ? 795.43(c) would require reports to DOE of travel to Soviet-bloc countries by Access PcrmiItce employees who have hint access to C-24 category of in Interested persons are invited to. ? . submit written comments with respect "e? to the proposed resulatioes to the address provided Ay e. Cerronents should be identified on the outside of the envelope and on the documents sitlanitted to DOE with the designation "Safeguardiog of Restricted Data." : Fifteen (15)eophei Aonld he received by DOE by the drAline specified. in order to ensure consideration; . In accordance with sectioo -,01(c)(1) of the Department of Energy Organization Act, DOE has determined that these regulations present nnsubstantia! issue of fact or law, and are unlikely to have a substantial impact on the economy Or ? large numbers of individuals or businesses': Accordingly, no public ? . hearing is required, , ? ? ? - Since this document is unlikely. to h.ave any significant effect on the , . 'environment, DOE has determined that _the provisions of section 7(a)(2) of the Federal Energy Administration Act, as 'amended, requiring that proposals having such effect be submitted to the. Environmental Protection Agency for review and comment, does not apply. DOE has determined that this . document does not contain a rna jor proposal requiring preparation of an ? inflation impact statement under Executive'Order 11621 and OMB Circular A-107. - ? ..? (Atomic Energy Act of 1954, al'ameriderl. Section 1 WA., 68 Stat. 948, 42 U.S.C. 2201; Enorgy Reorganization Acrof 1974, Sec.tion 104, 88 Stat. 1237, 42 U.S.C. 5814 and Section 165,88 Stat. 1238,42 13.S.. 5815; Department of Energy Orgnization Act; Section 301, 91 Suit. 577,42 U.S.C. 7140 and Section 641, 91 . Slat. 593, 42 U.S.C. 7251) Dated at Washirgton, this 14, Of ?.fay 1979. ? Duane C. Smell, Assistant Secretary for Pefedse Pro,yrnros. In accadaime with the foroming. it is proposed that Part 795 of 10 CFR Chapter III be revised as set forth _below. PART 795-SAFEGUARDING OF RESTRICTED DATA , General PrOvisirms ' ? Sec. 795.1 Purpose. 795.2 Scope. 795.3 Definitions. 795.4 Communications. ...795.5 Submission of procedures by Access Permit holder. - 795.6 Specific waivers. 795.7 Interpretation. Phy sical Security 795 21 Protection of Restricted Data in storage. 795.22 Protection while in use. ? 795.23 EstatiliOinient or security, areas. 795.24 Special kinds of classified rfiateliill. 795.25 Protective personnel. _Control of 1r-dor:nation 795.31 Access to F.:strii.ted na!a. - 79532 Clastafication and c,repara:ien of .Approved For Re!ease 2005/12/1-4: p-,1A-RDP96M01.13e60450060068-6. ?., ? . - - to classify information. work projects, , 0alsiti2n43, clikukefsalblmircoo Secret or Coroidentia. Restrictes. q? - - (e) "Data" Imaris all information and material containing Restricted Data, ? ineltaiing any such biota or concepts set ,forth by art ADP system:. . (f) "Document" meant any piece of recorded information regardless of its phyaica! form Or characteristics. . (g) "DOD" means the Department of Defease or its duly authorized . . representatives. . s. a (h) "DOE". means the Department at, . :. 795.33 External transralsa:on or doc,,,,n,s 79.5.?3!:.-AR'c*:-AP,KR,ersir F,11"Wp..42 ? ? V.ericti,d na:a: ' 7S5.35 Ac ori to reproduce. . 705.3,i Changes in, rla isincation. 795.37 Des tructIon of cl..?curnents or material - containThg Restricted Data. 795.38 SeeeritY of a Ocilla tie data processing ? ;systems. ? 795.30 Sieyeason or revot.ation of access suthorizatimi. 795.40 Expiration, suspension or revocation of Ae;:es Permit. 795.41 Termination of employment or change of duties. 795.4? Continued applicability or the regulations in this pat t. 795.43 Reports. 795.41 fre,pention. 795.45 Violations, Authority: The provisions of Part 795 are issued under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 85 dtnr:Idt:d. Se:Ctitin 161.i., 68 Stat. 943, 42 U.S.C. 2201; Emagy Reorganization Act of 1974, section 194, 88 Stat. 1237, 42 U.S.C. 5814 and section 165, 88 Stat. 1238, 42 U.S.C. 5315: -Department of Energy Organization Act. section 301. 91 Stat. 577,42 U.S.C. 7140 and section 541. 91 Stat. 593, 42 U.S.C. 72511. General Provisions ? ? 795.1 Purpose. ? ?, The regulations in this part establish requirements for the safeguarding of; Secret and Cnnfidential. Restricted Data received or developed under an Access Permit. This part does not apply to other categories of classified information. - ' ? 795.2 Scope. .The regulations in this part apply to 'persons who receive access to Restricted Data or develop Restricted Data under an Access Permit issued in accordance with the regulations in Part 725 of this chapter. ? 795.3 Definitions. ? (a) "Access authorization" means an administrative determination byDOE that an employee of DOE. a DOE, contractor or subcontractor, an employee of a contractor or subcontractor of another Federal agency. an Access Permittee, or an employee of an Access Permitteb is eligible for ar:cess to Restricted Data. (b) "Act" means the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (63 Stat. 919), including any amendments thereto. , _ (c) "Automatic data processing" ? means data processing largely . performed by en automatic system of electronic or electrical machines :- including input. prucessinn, and output : operetions. ? ; a ? a - (d) "Authorized Derivative Classifier". means an individual who has been designated and authorized by Competent Department of Energy moEj authority a 1 ? production of sperdal nuclear materia 4ele ormr-Gor special nuclear mate in the production of energy. but shell 'include data deciaaaified or removed from the Restricted Data category pursuant to section 142 of the Act. ? (v) "Security area" means a physic, &Reed space coamining classified matter and stibent to physical ? protection and persreal access contr. (w) "Security chearaace" means an eadministrative.deteemination by DOE -.that etneloeee of another Federal irive .ineat (as opposed to 5 tate and local) agency i; eligible for access to Restricted Data: (x) "Seceeity contrdr.er" means any the following reposisaries: (1).4 security filirg crbinet ?a met' security container or a type approved the General Services Administration the stc:rage of classified matter and marked "General Services Administration Approved Security Container". This container meets the Class 1 standards of Federal Specification AA-F-357, the Class 5 standards of Federal Snecification At F-358, or the Class 5 standards of _ Federal Specification AA-F-363. . (2) /I score--a metal security contair of a type approved by the General Services Administration for the stora, of classified matter and-marked "General Services Administration . Approved Security Container", this container meets the standards of , Federal Specification AA-S-1 518A. (3) A vca!t?a penetration-resistant windowless enclosure which: (i) has ? walls, floors and ceiling substantially constructed Cf materials which afford forced penetration resistance at least equivalent to that of 8 inch thick - reinforced concrete; (iil has arty openings greater than 9,3 square inche in area and over 6 inches in the small dimension protected by imbedded ste bars at least % inches in diameter on , inch centers both horizontally and vertically; (iiilhas a built-in combination locked steel door which i existing structures is at least 1" thick. exclusive of bolt work and locking devices and which for new stmictureS least meets the class 5 standards of Federal Specification AA-D-600}3. (4) el scuiity room?one ha v ins combination-locked door(s) and protected by a DOE-approved intrusio. alarm system actuated by arty penetration of walls, floor, ceiling or openings, or by motion within the moon (y) "Security inspector" means a uniformed individual who is authnrize, under appropriate state or local authority to carry firearms and who is Energy or its duly authorized : ? ? e ? .' .. ? representatives. . .. : 0) "DOE approved" means approved by the responsible DOE safeguards and y office. . . (j) "General Counsel" is the principal Attorney of the Department of Energy. -Pc . ) "Guard" nieans an individual, not - necessarily uniformed, who is employed for, and charged ?vith, the protection of classified matter or Government turn-Gun", or aerosol irritants. property. Guards shall be armed with eon-lethal weapons such as billy-club, (I) "Infcrmation", when automatic data processing is involved, means a - representation of facts or concepts producted by an ADP system. , (m) "L(X) access authorization" means a determination by DOE that an. Individual is eligible for access to ? - ? Confidential Restricted Data under an Access permit. - T n . , ? ? ' (n) "Material" means chemical substances, fabricated items,_ assemblies, machinery, or equlpmenL ' ? (o) "Matter" means documents or ? material. (p) :NASA" means the National - 'Aeronautics and Space Administratiort. or its duly authorized representatives. (q) "Permittee" means the holder of an Access Permit issued pursuant to the ? regulations in part 725 of this chapter. (r) "Person" means (1) any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, - ? association, trust, estate, public or 'private institution, group, Goverarnent - agency other than DOE, any State or . any political subdivision of, or any ? political entity within a State, or other entity; and (2) any legal successor, - representative, representative, agent or agency of the foregoing. ' . ? - - ? (s) "Protective personnel" means ? , guards or security inspectors. _ (t) "Q(X) access authorization" means a determination by DOE that an - a ? ? Individual is eligible for access to secret - and Confidential Restricted Data under art Access Permit. . - ? (a) "Restricted Data" means all data concerning (1) design, manufacture or _ , utilization of atomic weapons; (2) the Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP96M01138R000400060068-6 ? 33634 . A 4.?14,111, rgvddridoFR'itus? Yobsligiitt :ltiptilfwilleritoliT3.81to1614flobcibeet36d Rtle3 _ - . , employed for, and charged wit e protection of classified matter. (z) "United States" wher used in eeographicai sense, includes eU - Territories and Possessions of the . United States, the Canal Zone and E, Puerto Rico. ; ? -,-, ? 795.4 C...oilmualc.ations. ? , Communications concerning rule makine. he.. petition to change Part 795, should be addressed to the Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs, U.S., Department of Energy. Washington, D.C. '20545. Alt -other communications ? concerning the regulations in this part ? should be addressed to the Department of Energy at the USDOE Operations - Office (listed in Appendix ''B" of 10 CFR Part 725) administering access permits - for the geographical area. ? ? . . *795.5 Suto-ntsston of procedures by Access Permit holder. , ? --. A Pernintee is granted access to . Restricted Data only after: , - ? (a) submission to the Department or,. Energy field office administering the permit of a copy of his procedures for e the safeguarding of Restricted Data and ? for the safeguards and security ? educution of his employees, and ? . ?? (b) Detet-mination by the Manager of the Field Office or his designee and advice in w?iting.to the Permiltve that ' the procedures for the safeguarding of Restricted Data comply with the ? regulations in this part and the - procedures for the safeguards and ? security education of employees assure that all employees who will have-access to Restricted Data will be informed- - about and understand the regulations in this part. - ? ? 795.6 Specific waivers.. DOE r:(4, upon application of any interested party, grunt such waivers ? from the requirements of this part as it determines are authorized by law and will not constitute and undue risk to the common defense and security. ? 7951 Interpretation. , . ENcept as specifically authorized by DOE in s it innu interpretation of the muuning of the regulations in this part by any offiisir or employee of DOE other than a %vritten interpretation by the ?Cc-acrid Counsel will be recognized to - be biediee upon DOE, Physical Security 795.21 Protection of restricted data In storage. (a) Persons shall store .Secret Restricted Data documents or material _- received cadet an Access Permit. while tinattendeo oer not in use, by one of ? (e)Selec-bon f:),f COM C.:110nS. Each ? ._cornbination intact require the use of following methods: . ? . ? ? (1) When not located within a security ? area: . ? - ? ? n ? (i) In tiSecurity container under either DOE-approved alarm protection or ' ? ?' protective personnel (securityinspeCtor or guard) patrols no less frequent than'- . once each 8-hour shift during non- - working hoUrs. or ? *- ? (ii) In a dual-key bank safe deposit' ? box, provided that the lock and keys to' the box are changed immediately prior . to Such use and the customer's keys are furnished only to persons cleared for - and authorized acess to the Restricted . Data in the box. ?' . (2) When located yeithin a s' ecurity ?e - area: ? _4 RI In &security container Or e- - ? commercial-type steel filing cabinet'':: equipped with a built-in combination'-'2 lock, provided the container or the cabinet is equipped with a DOE- approved alarm system or is under - protective personnel patrol no less frequent than once every fihours during non-working !'our., ?? (ii) Ie unlocked cabinets or open storage In a DOE-approved vault or Security room. ? (b) Confidential Restricted Data ? documents or material while unattended or not in use shall be stored: - (1) Under any of the methods used for Secret Restricted Data documents or material as set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, or (2) In unlocked cabinets or open_ . storage in a locked room equipped with a DOE-approved alarm syst&m. . (c) Changes of combinotions. (1) Combinations of locks of repositories containing Restricted Data shall be known only to those persons cleared for - and otherwise authorized access to the category of Restricted Data stored , therein. . ? , ? (2) Each Permittee shall change the ? . combination on the lock of a repository: (i) Whenever the r.epo.sitory is placed in use: - ? . fl - (ii) Whenever a person knowing the: combination no longer requires access ? ? to a repository. This may be as a result of a change in duties or location in the: . permittee's organization or termination of employment with the permittee: (iii) Whenever the combination may . have been subjected to compromise; and (iv) In any event at least once a year. (d) The record of the combination of a lock on a repository shall be coetrolled and afforded the same level of security protection required for the highest ;. classification of the matter authorized to be stored in the repository. three different numbers. In selecting Combinatinea, multiples and a simple arithmetical ascending or descending series shall be avoided. ? (f) Coutions fleece-dins conibiriatitins. (1) Only a minimum number of pi:rsons should possess combinations to - ?- repositories.,:-? ? e ? . (2) Combinations should he connnitte to mernory insofar as practicable to reduce possibility of inadvertent - ? compromise. ?? . . (3) When cicsing a combination hoc the dial must be turned at least four ? times in the aarne direction. e . (4) Combinations shall be changed only by persons authorized access to Secret or Confidential Restricted Data depending upon the matter authorized ? be stored in the repository. Posted 14-on:lotion. (1) The name addresses, and telephone numbers of custodians having knowledge of the . combination shall be posted on the - outside of each retiository containing Restricted Data. A record of the date o .last change of combination of each repository shalt be muintained en eac repository.. ev. (2) A monitor. sheet shall be posted the security container approved for th storage of Restricted Data. In any situation when one monitor eheet includes several security containers located in a particular space or room, shall he pristed in an ras4 viewed place within, or at the entrance to, ay: room or space involVed. The monitor-- sheet shall contain space for the date and initials of the persons locking an checking the container to assure it is secured. It shall be initialed at the en ? of each work day by the person locki the container(s) and except when not feasible, by one other person who ha -physically- checked the lock(s), locke drawer(s), or door(s) and all exposed drawers to assure proper security oft container(s). -? - (h) Molten:led repository foundry. In the event that an unattended ? -.- repository containing Restricted Data found unlocked, one of the custodian shall be notilled'irnmechatety, the repository shalt he secured by a designated person (e g.. a security inspector or guard) amid the contents shall be checked not later than the ne workday. . (it Security Contc!?,*rier. Checks.: Whenever protective pc :sonnet are required by 1 ?795.21 or 79.23, they shall, as soon as possible after the cl of each normal work dry. urid,' thereafter, at least once every 24 hou of a nonworking period exceeding on Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-R-DP96M01.138R000400050068LQ . ? ? r. day, phyedcally check each approved security container to ass-Uri:leis . - . . . - - O properly eecuredAppk>Ved. F - ?? . . .. e 7es.22 tereeeetion w?hite In use. ? ? 755:25- Pre:active -personnet_ . ? Whenever protective_pai. rsonnel ace lease40541V142:9CIADRUIP9ARQ) ? (a) Posseesa "Q", "Q(X)"."L" or While in usee'documents and material .. ? %) access aiithorization if the containing Restricted Data shall be -? .? , Restricted Data being protected is under the direct control of ? " classified Confidential." ? approPria My cleared individual and the *Restricted Data shall be protected from visual access by unathorized persons. ? 795.23 Establishment of security are3s. ' (c) Be mentally and physically alert, capable of eeercising good judgment, (a] When. because a their nature. . size, revealing characteristics, and fully instructed in their dutiee. ? sensitieity or importance, documents or : id) Security inspectors should be material couteiniag Restricted Data e armed with side arms of not less than cannot otherwise be effectively. .38 caliber. a et , -? ? controlled in accordance with the a... . (e) Security inspectors shall be provisions of ?? 795.21 and 795.22;a initially tr7iined and refresher trained at security area to protect euch documents " least annually. in the safe handling and and material shall be established. proficient use of the type of handgun - (b) The following controls shall apply with which they are armed while on . to security areas: . . duty, and to the i2etent of their legal (I) Security areas shall be separated autnority to act in the protection of _ . - from-adjacent area's by a.physical classified matter. Records of such barrier designed to prevent entrane training shall be maintained during the C i , . into such areas, and access to the tenure of the ndividual. Restricted Data within the areas, by _ ??? Control of Information unauthorized individuals. - (2) During working hours, admittance *795.31 Access to restricted data. shell be controlled by designated ? . (a).Fexcept as DOE may authorize, no appropriately cleared-security person subject to the. regulatibns in this inspectors, guards, receptionists or Other part shall receive or shall permit any - persons assigned for that purpose at individual to have-accees to Secret or ? (b) Poseess "a "Q" or ".Q(X) " access authorization if the Restricted Data being protected ii classified Secret. each unlocked entrance. Remote ? ulentificaaae by television, or coded key card system, may be used where positive. identification and access Confidential Restricted Data in his ?? . possession, unlesS the individual has a or t'Q(X)" access authorization. in ? the case of Secret Restricted Data, "Q", control is assured.. . ? ,. : "QX", or "I." or "LX" access ? . , (3) During non-working hours. security." authorization in the case of Confidential .areas shill beprotected by protective Restricted Data an: ? d . ... 'personnel conducting patrols at such (1) The individual is authorized by an .. frequency, not less than once eery a Access Permit to receive Restriced Data v . .., . . hours, as the responsible field office ? in the categories and at the _ . ? ? manager deems necessary. or by a DOE- classification levels involved. - . approved alarm system. - . . (2) In the case era DOE or DOE - (1) Each individual authorized to' enter contractor or subcontractor: employee, a s?&curity area shall be issued ,a ? ._. _ - the individual needs access to the Secret distinctive badge or piss when the Or Confidential Restricted Data in . number of eniployees assigned to the area exceeds thirty.. ? ? 795.24 Special kinds of classified material. , - ? - ? connection with his duties. (b) As'an alternative to DOE access authorization, Department of Defense ? ' (DOD) and National Aeronautics and .Space Administration (NASA) When the Restricted Data contained ? personnel, officers or eraployees"or one in material is not ascertainable by of the services:officers or employees of observe tion or examine lion at the place " DOD, NASA. or service contractors or where the material is located and when. _ subcontractors, or members of the .. ? the material is not readily removable Armed Forces may be granted access if because of size, weight, radioactivity, or a request set forth in paragraph (c) of - similar factors, DOE may authorize the this section is received from DOD or Permittee to piovide such lesser ? .' NASA. As an exception, DOE access protection than is otherwise required by authorization is required for aCcess ?? 795.21 to 795.23, inclusive, as DOE " NASA personnel to Restricted Data ,? , deteriniries to be commensurate with the other than that associated with space or difficulty of removing the material. ? aeronautical programs or actkities: ? (c) Prior to granting access to individuals referenced in paragraph (b) 000401308CA68462.cieo for Visit or - Access Approval (Form-boE-277), NASA Form 405, or a memorandum or teletype containing the same information, signed by an authorized certifying official will be ferwarded for approval to the field office manager who will coordinate with other offices as -" necessary. (d) Inquire3 concerning the security clearance or access authorizetion statue ? of individuals, the scope or Access Permits, or the nature of contracts should he addressed to the field office administering the Access Permit or the contract.. ? 795.32 Classification and preparation of documents. "" ??? (a) Classification. Restricted Data originated by an Access Permit holder must be appropriately classified. "Guide to the Unclassified fields or Research.",eid and other appropriate guides issued by the U.S. DOE Office of Classification, . will be furnished each Rerrnitte.e. In the event an Accese Permit holder ofiginetes information within the - definition of Restricted Data (? 795.3(u)) Or information which he is not positive is not within that definition and the . guide does not provide positive ; classification guidance for such - information. he shall mark and handle the information ae.Confidentiel Restricted Data and request " ? classification guici-ince from DOE through the Classification Officer at the Operations Office administering the. .- Perrnit, who will refer the request to the Director. Office of Classification, U.S. Department of Energy. Washington, D.C. 20'545, if he does not have authority to . provide the guidance. ? ?-? ? ('o) Classification consistent .with content. Each document containing Restricted Data shall be classified Secret or Confideetial according to its ? own Content. ? , . . (c) Classification marAings. The . highest..classificgtion marking assigned to any portion of a document shall be Placed in letters not less than brie- quarter"inch in height at the top and bottom of the outside of the front covers, on title pages, if any; the first page, the baCk page and on the outside of the back cover, if any. ad'd ? e (d) The balance of the pages shalt be marked at the top and botorri either with: -. . (1) the highest classification merking. assigned to the document,ci-r (2) the classification marking renuired by their individual content, or ? -Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIARDP9611/101-138R000409060068-6 33535 ' Federal Register I Vol. 44. No. 113 ( Monctay, lime It, auu rropuseu Mttle3 ensorer. (3) the marking LiAPPEOVOIL50411 tlIcy have ne cleissitied c.ontent. s(e) The document shall bear the foliowing additional marking on the first page and on the front covers ' Ft:sir-I:led Data . ? ? This document contains Restrictid Data as dermed in the Atomic Energ?,.? Act of 1954.- Unauthorized disclosure subject to - ? ?? ? ' , Administrative and Criminal Sanctions. . ? ? ? - (f) Where the originatorPl the document is not an authorized ?:?-se- : derivative classifier, or is not' responsiblefor the classification, the . words "DERIVATIVELY CLASSIFIED BY" shall be typed oit the face of the document followed by the name, title of position, and organization employing the. authorized derivative classifier. The authorized slerivative classifier shall sign when feasible. ? ? (g) Documentation. .. ? ? (1) All Secret Restricted Data ?.' . . documents shall bear on the first page a properly completed documentation . stamp Such as the following:. ? - This document consists of --;--- pages.. Copy No. of ? Scries (2) The series designation for finished copy shall be a capital letter beginning with the letter "A" designating the . original set of copies prepared. Each subsequent set of copies of the same ? document shall be identified by the ' ? ? succeeding letter of the alphabet. The series designation for draft copies shall he identified in progressive numerical sequence. as "Draft 1", "Draft 2", etc. (h) Leffer of transmittal. (1) A transmittal letter containing no ? ? Restricted Data or other Classified information should be marked with the following markings: (i) "Restricted Datil transmittal" or " ' "Document transmitted herewith write:us Restricted Data-, (ii) With a classification at.leasras ' high as its highest classified enclosure. and ? (iii) A stamp or marking such as the - rollowing: When separated from enclosures handle .his document as unctasified. ? ? , (2) A transmittal let!er containing ?I:stricted Data should be marked as ? ? (i) "Rest:icted Data" on its first page. (ii) A classification at least as high as Is highest classified enclusure or the lassification of the letter itself, - ? ? , likhever is hig!ler. (iii) When the contents of the letter of :anstnittal warrant a lower .. !ossification, a stamp or marking.such s the following: lease..20:0502i44%.0614kgRDP96M91 this di.cumem as (lower ckss:P.ution). , ?7E5.33 External transmi!..sion of ? documents and material. ? . . (a) /?nstriclioni. (1) Documents and material containing Restricted Data - shall be transmitted only to persons who possess appropriate security clearances or access authorization and aree? other:viee eligible for access under the requirements of ? 795.31. ? . ? ? , (2) In addition, such documents and. material shall be transmitted only to persons who pbssess DOE-approved ' facilities for their physical security consistent with this part. Any person ? subject to the regulations in this part -.- who transmits such documents or -- material shall have fulfilled his7 obligations under this subparagraph by :securing a written certification from the responsible DOE safeguards and ? a- security office that the prospective recipient possesses DOE-approved facilities for physical security, thereof consistent with this Part.. ? ? ? (3) Documents and material:: : . - ? 'containing Reitricted Data shall not be ? exported from the United States without' prior authorization of DOE. ? .." ? (b) Preparation of documents. , - Documents containing Restricted Data . shall be prepared for transiniSsion ? . ? outside an individual installation in . accordance with the following: ? . (1) They shall be enclosed in two , sealed opaque envelopes or wrappers. ? (2) The inner envelope or wrapher shall be addressed in the ordinary ? , manner and sealed with tape. The appropriate classification end the.. Restricted Data marking referred to in. ? 795.32(e) shall be placecron both sides of the inner envelope. (3) The outer envelope or wrapper shall he addressed in the ordinary manner. No classification, additional marking or other notation shall be affixed which indicates that the' - document enclosed therein contains classified information or Restricted I. 000-400080011$.1601 be an pack at the classified characteristics will ? . not be revealed.. ? . _ . (2) A receipt which identifies the material, the date of shipment, the recipient, and the person tnnisferring the material shall accompany the . material and the recipient shall sign . such receipt and return it to the sender whenever the custody of Secret Restricted Data is _transferred. (d)Akthods of Iransportesion. (1) :DocurnentS and material containing . Secret Restricted Data shall be -?-? transported only by one of the following methods: s e- (i) U.S. registered mail. . ? -a (ii) Individuals possessing eppropriete DOE security clearance or access ? . ? - authorization who have been given . written'authority by their employers, in s cases of operational necessity when U.S. registered mail or classified messenger service is-not available or sufficiently ? , timely. The office of departure shall , keep a record of the classified matter so transported until the matter has been - returned or a classified matter receipt ?? ' has been received from a consignee. (iii) Aircraft under DOE contract with pilots holding "Q" access,authorization, ? or U.S. Government aircraft with pilots - holding DOE "Q", access authorization' r ? or DOD final type Secret clearance, and who maintain continuous custody of the matter entrusted to them. ? ? (iv) Motor vehicles in sealed van service. ? (v) Common carrier (rail, truck, or air) approved by the responsible field office- manager and meeting the requirements of paragraph (d)(3)(xi) of this section.' (2) Documents and material ? _ containing Confidential Restricted Data shall be transported by one of the methods set forth in paragraph (d)(1) of ? this section or by one of the fullowing methods: , ? ? (i) U.S. first cVass.or certified mail, if approved by the Field Office Manager administering the permit. Certified or first class mail may not be?used in any transmission?of Confidential doeuments . to Alaska, Hawaii, the Canal Zone. Puerto Rico, or any United States - - territory or possession: e (ii) Aircraft under DOE .contract, U.S. Government aircraft, with pilots holding DOE "L" access authorization o-r ' DOD final type Secret clearance. ? (iii) Common carrier service (rail, truck, or air) as approved by the field office manager-and meeting the requirements of subparagraph ()(xi) below. (3) Approved means of shipment for5. Restricted Data are subject trethit.ce.':"" _ ? ? s (4) A receipt. which identifies the document, the date of transfer, the . recipient and the person transferring the, document shall accompany the . document and shall he signed by the recipient and returned to the sender . - wherever the custody of a Secret , document is transferred. 7 ? (c) Preparo:ion of material. Material, other than documents, containing Restricted Data shall be prepared for shipment outside an individual - installation in accordance with the following: . - Approved For Release 2005/1-2114: CIA-RDP96M01138R000400060068-6 iono-eiaig eiseitional seeeral coralitiena as aot repres!e. (I) C.:ententa vprovettlFgelea paciolaed,rotd as required contai shall inc et aseeepriata Department of Traespdetetieii reoulations as to strectie?e! strength and Mate:hits. (ii! Contents shall be so packeot.?d that .51."??? :7; ::::'t.'71:7;;F. or iei,pectien will be readily detected ea roete or upon azalea! at destination. (iii) Conteets shalt be checl..ed against shippina papers as promptly as practicable after arrival and any unresolved diserepiincy shall be ? renorted immediately to the responsible. DoE safeguards and security office. (iv) Additionally. any suspected criminal violations of federal laws or loss of Secret or confidential material outside a security area or loss within a security area if there is no lmmediate explanation to account for the loss shall be reported to the responsible DOE security office and the Federal Bureau of Inveetieation. (v) The ctessification of the contents . shall be indicated inside the package or container to preclude errors in handling and storage after delivery. - - (vi) Seals shall he used whenever practicable and shall be placed on cars or van doors, containers, or other positive fasteeing devices by, or in the presence of a DOE, DOE contractor _ presentative or security cleared perinittee empioyee. Seals shall be serially numbered or distinctively designed and appropriate entry shall be made in bills of lading or other shipping papers. Seal numbers shall be verified by the consignee upon arrival. ? (vii) Combination or key padlocks -shall be used whenever practicable on shipping containers in additien to seals. (viii) Receipts, listings, and other pipers revealing classified information - shell he appropriately marked and -. eloped. (ix) shipping or transfer documents wi-dsh could reveal classified weights or quantities or material shall be , . eopropriately marked. ? (x) Notificatioa of Secret or ? . _ Confidential Reetricted Data shipments, other than packages sent by mail, shall be transmitted prior to departure either to the consignee or to the DOE office eseo-cising adinieistrati ye jurisdiction over the consignee, with sufficient ? iefsrmatien to tie able proper handling at destieation. .? . " (xi) Commoh carriers shall provide all of the following security procedures: (A) Serveinnee by an authorized carrier employee when the material is Lestside af the vehicle. (11) A hend-te?haed signatere receipt systeei which treces the move:meat of Se120b5K201;41:1i?OliVeRelPgiaMO shipped until the tree it is received. (C) When storaLna is required. Restricted Data must be stored in en alarmed or guarded storage area with immediate response by a carrier - employe:., cornelercied ,._a u, or polikat. (D) Verification of the identity and authorization of persons who pick up material. (E) Pick-up mei dedivery In a de se.d. Iceked van. (e) Electrical Transmission of , Information. Restricted Data shall not be transmitted electrically unless a system approved by DOE is used., .? . (f). Telephone Conversation's. No discussion of classified information is permitted during a telephone conversation except over secure , telephone systems approved by DOE. ? 795.34 Accountability for matter ? ..comprising restricted data. Each Permittee possessing matter containing Secret Restricted Data shall establish an accountability procedure and shall maintain for a period o15 years records to clearly show the identification and disposition of all Such ?.matter which has been in his custody at any time. *795.35 Authority to reproduce. - Nothing in this part shall be deemed to prohibit any person possessing documents contalaing Restricted Data from reproducing any Confidential , documents, or any Secret documents originated by the Access Permittee by whom he is employed. Ile shall not reproduce any external generated documents coutaining Secret Restricted Data without prior authorization from DOE or from the originator of the document.. . ? - ? - ? 795.35 Changes in clat??siiication. . . , (a) Documents containing Restricted Data shall not be downgraded to a - , _ lower classification or declassified ? except as authorized by DOE. Requests for downgrading or declosaification shall be submitted to the DOE . ? - Operations Office administering the Permit. or U.S. Department of Energy,. Washington, D.C. 20545, Attention: Oillee of Classification. If the Department approvea ehaeee of classification or declassification, the previous classification Marking shall be . canceled and the followine statement, properly completed, shall 'fie placed on ?the first page of the document. Classification canceki. (Cr chonc,ed - to) tl:Isect appropriate . claasifica:ic.n) by a ...ith.ority of------------- --(Pc authcrizing 0134t-ki?13?13611'6" or p,?ork rnal,;:g change and (Nur thereof). . (14 Any person making a change in classification or receiving notice of such a change shell forward notice of the change in classification to hohleis or all copies as shown on his records. ? ? 795.37 Destruction of documents or material containing restricted data. (a) Documents containing Restricted Data may be destroyed wily by. ? shredding and burning; pulping, or by any other mothod that ess.ures complete ? destruction of the information which they contain. If the document contains . Secret Restricted Data. a recerd of the . subject, title arid report neinher of the document, if any. ita date of preparation, Its series designation and copy number, and the date of destruction shall be ? signed by the person destroying the document and shall be maintained in-the . office of-the last custodian for a period of 5 years afterthe date of destruction. ? ? (b) Restricted Data contained in . matMal, other-than documents. Mai' be destroyed only by a method that assures complete obfiteration, removal, or destruction of the Restricted Data. A , _record or destruction of Secret material destroyed shall be maintained for 5 ? ? years after the date of destruction of the material. - . . ? 795.3a Security of automatic data processing systems. Restricted Data shalt not be processed or produced on an ADP system unless the system has been approved by DOE.. - ? 795.39 . Suspension or revocation of access authorization. ? ? .. s? In any Case ivhe.re the access authorization of an individual subject to ? the regulations in this part is suspended or revoked in accordance with the procedures set forth in Pert 710 or this Chapter,"such individual shall. upon due notice from DOE of such suapiensfo-n. or ? . revocation and demand by DOE deliver. to DOE any and altdocument is or ?- materiel in his possession containing Restricted Data for safekeeping and .stich further disposition as DOE determines to be just and proper. ? 705.40 :Expiration, suspension or revocation of accesa permit (a) Upon expiration of an Access., Permit, the person to whonfsuch Permit has been issued may, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section shall: (1) deliver all de:cements or material in his possession containing Restricted ? Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP96M01138R0004Q0060068-6- . 336311 LAMM F ;chiral Reni -ter ol. 4,* No. 113 Mondav, one .11, 1079 / Proposed Rules: Data to DOE or to a person authorizeo to receive them and file with DOE a certificate of non?possession of '? Rest:icted Data: or. ? (2) destroy them, and file with DOE a certifinate or nonpossession,,or, (3) file with. DOE a certified inventory. of Restricted Data attached to request for approval of retention of such data. A person retaining Restricted Data must , maintain an active Access Permit unless otherwise authorized by DM.: ::?? ? ? (b) In any ,case where an Access Permit has expired or has been .'*1 suspended oi revoked and DOE has determined that further possessiOn by*- the former Access Permit holder of ? . documents or materials containing Restricted Data would endanger the ? ? . curainon defense and security, such '..?-, former Access Permit bolder shall upon due notice from DOE of such expiration, ? suspension, or revocation and of such dete.rraination, deliver to DOE any and all documents and material ip his ? ?.. possession containing Restricted Data for safekeeping and such further disposition as DOE determines to be just and proper. ? ; ? ? ? 795.41 Termination of employment or: cnae oi duties. E.:eh Perinittee shalt furnish promptly to DOE written notification of the . ? . tern,;e a lion of employment of each . individual who possesses an access . authorization under his Permit or whose duties are Cht108eil so access to ? Restricted Data is no longer needed.: Upon such notification, DOE may: (a) terminate the individual's access authorization, or ' ' ? ? ' ? ? (b) transfer the individual's access lietho:ization to the new employer of the individual to allow continued access to restricted Data where authorized, in.rsuant to DOE regulations. ? 795.42 ccntinued?applicability of the 12 re,jui:;tiouts In this part ? ? The expiration, suspension, - ? ? revocation or ?the? termination of security clearance or access authorization or Access Permit shall not relieve any person from compliance'. . wiYh the regulations in this part. ? ? ? ? ? 795.43 Reports. . ? Each Perieittee sliall report promptly to the LIC..)E office administering the . ? made to the near'est office of the Federal' Bureau of Investigation. . ? . ? .. (c) Proposed foreign travel to Soviet- bloc countries, at least 30 days in ;?. advance of proposed travel by any of their emp)oyees, who has bad access to. ; C-24 information, and inform the same office when the employee returns..,. ?795.44 Inspection. e ? . -? ? DOE may Make such inspection of the - ? premises, activities, records,'and' procedures of any person subject to the ? ?'' regulations in this part as DOE deems ? ? necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act.t?- ? .- ' - ? 795.45 Violations. _ ? An injunction or other court order ?? may be obtained prohibiting any violation of day provision of the Act or any regulation or order issued ? thereunder. Any person Who WillfullY ? violates, attempts to violate or conspires . to violate any provision of the Act or , .- ? , any regulation or order issued- thereunder, including the provisions of ? ?7 this part, may be guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be punished by ?? fine or imprisonment, or both; as provided by law. [FR Doc. ;"-loo:sti Film! 6-8 -7R. 4S at-0 ' MUNK: CODE 64.50-0144 ? ? , ? ?. ' ? ? ????..? ? ? " A( Less Permit: ? (a) All losses of Restricted Data .documt:nts or material. ? ! V)) S!attitory violations, i.e.. any allt?oed or suspected ?i9!ation of the ,? Atomic Energy Act or the Espionage Act. An l-nniedidte report shall also be Approved For Release ,2005/12/14 : cIA-RDP.9,6M01,138R600,4013060668-6 . ? . : . ? . : ?. ? ? ? .. - ? - . ? . , , _ ? , ' ???? ? ?