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October 2, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
take I of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 2 oct 83
i0S 11,5 5
1 r'
unga session
on proceedings. STAT
(rpt ':tech/slovak 011600) (4.5-3 min: enginter 1410
1 andrey ptashnikov
frenchinter 2100 spanla 2300 german 011600 1600 italian 1800
greakcy 1800 greek ],.900 swahili 011730 bulg 1630 czech/slovak
('i'" 160,D polish 1500 hung 2000 serbo 2000 hind 1130 urdu 1300
5e StO .
Nor I~ anon: vlec luuui
g 4 a 1 0 2 OCT 1983
2 intl observers at roundtable: boris andrianov, dmitriy volskit..
and edgar cheporov discuss significance of andropov stmt-on
current intl situation and u.s. militarist-adventurist policy,
reagan's un speech and foreign response, dangers of new american
nuclear weapons brought on to Japanese territory, U.S.
interference in near-east and central america, tass stmt on
leb3non, washington's militaristic course in foreign policy
encountering increasingly sharp condemnation on world arena
as .town in unga, weinberger visit to china and attempt to
expand milit coop with prc, growing antiwar and antimissile movt
and reprisals against fighters of peace. (sent: home 1230
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
~~ f)pbV
LL S . 6
c ( $ul /''ti6rrnS
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
2 e4JAM-t'r-. sAs --A a 1. omt 1 s j . ;aur, E .ts w: ra~:t', are rp.: gh t
or kauasa?ki waric4rrs ,made r>edundant, giving example of young woman
who will find it hard to make ends meet, and workers decision
to form a un;on (3 min); andrey rachkov report on trip thru
kalahari visiting a botswana village, and mtg with an african
trained in ussr in a veterinary institute (5 min); yuriy
ustim*nko report on child mortality rate in u.s. indian
reservations, giving 'pine ridge' reservation in south dakota as
example, noting poor medical facilities account for high
mortality rate (4 mini, igor kudrin on signing minstrel groups
at Spanish universities -- an old tradition. they perform for
him {t., mi-iO. (home 0800)
4 summaries pravda editorial article, 1 oct, "defending
orld peace," on andropov's stmt on u.s. militaristic course.
(enOnter 302010) (7-5
0117t ,) a p 011200)
min: enginter 0710 spancuba 0100 german
5 andropov stmt on soviet and american foreign policies,
and disarm issue. (tasse 281733) (26-20 min: enginter 1610
pery;.sn 1700 arabic 1530 mand 1600; 19-10 min: enginter 0810 1110
121') 1910 spancuba 0100 spanla 2300 german*1600 italian 2000
port 1800 arabic 1730 amharic 1530 somali 1600 Swahili 1730
czech/slovak 1600 polish 1500 camb 1330 bur 1030 1430;
9-3 min: enginter 1410 engna 0001 enguk 2000`'italian 1800
greefcy 1800 greek 1900 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000 b ulgarian 1630
indo 1330 1500 urdu 1300 beng 1500 lao?1300 korean 1330; brief:
soviet life in last week": anon on soviet ppl's reaction
andropov stmt on u.s. arms buildup, mil intervention in el
saly. oor and elsewhere, notes all support andropov stmt.
orean 1130)
1I 98
as -
(vashin) on "common threat to socist countries." denouncing
milit reagan policy, citing andropov stmt on improving sino-sov
relations in view of serious world sit, urging all socialist
to ack'I concert to repel impist aggression. (8 min: mend 0700)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
o,na l 1~n
e(-v a.st a
v .i *tar a&i v &kAw -,no*: ng era Band, h i ' s an ga :awda I SS
reiterating new delhi nonaligned summit call for basic changes
in intnatl econ relations, condemns reagan's attack on
nonaligned movement, as also econ exploitation of developing
nations by west, especially u.s. which uses its loans to put
moral and polit pressures on poor nations. supports
nonalignAd call for new intnatl econ order. (7 min: hind 1400)
9 appeal by afro-asian writers conf in tashkent. (tasse
011344) (5-4.5 min: 4'nginter 0710 1010 indo 1330 1500
bur G du 1300 hind 1400 beng 1500 camb 1330 lao 1300)
on asi.an and african writers' conf. (7 min: arabic
tik:? 'IZ of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 2 oct B-Z
;i'"intnatl communist and workers' movement": summary from
wor~.s. by;georgian litterateur on what it means to be a communist
(4 min); re anniv of publication of problems of peace and sociali,.
cpsu ccsent greetings, briefly quoted, citing zagladin's address
at iastive mtg. (serbo 1700)
alking with you" feature with vyacheslav rostovtsev. (rpt
IL `Aown4,aj span i s E&0000) (11 min: spanla 0000)
5, ICorr .- -m n-1 unl a-
(rpt Somali 031600) (somali
j 13 anatoliy belobrov gives statistics on unemployment in usa
and other countries. (rpt czech/slovak 011600) (5 min: Swahili
14 "questions and answers".
3 -- o 2 ocr,se3
15 for british listeners. (rpt enguk 012000) (enguk
S, jCoreC-
W,U 5+
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
ray few r.,t 'Mays mall: .ncl listeners ltrs on u. s.
rr1. :.:,r,ivn with foal airliner and nead to struggle for peace.
5 ICQ~~``
"we skip through your ltrs," with vladimir ostrogorskiy
::Luo':irn from and commenting on listeners' ltrs denouncing u. s.
int=r+erence in afghanistan, western propaganda campaigns,
diversionist and espionage activities carried out by cia in all
parts of world and u.s. militarist policy aimed at gaining
super' o in world. (12 min: german 011600. 1700)
16 mailbag for northam listeners: incl replies by boris
novifov to listeners' ltrs on Jewish autonomous region of ussr,
listener given info on region and rights enjoyed by Jewish
community; Scottish listener is told soviet gun laws are quite
strict, no handguns or rifles are sold; soviet view re attempted
assss?.aination on pope john paul ii, novikov says it is hardly
surarising affair was used to slander ussr as western mentality is
pc~t. Iiket7 to accept allegation that ussr and its allies in socialist
om comao.rnity should be unhappy with polish-born pope who might
At conceivably support polish solidarity; another listener told ussr
and is allies fully support arms reduction as proved on various
occaLi-,ins by its positive peace proposals, citing andropov's
Iat' t stmtl on subject. (engna 0001).
fi.sl plane incident
0 2 OCT 1983
15' summaries anon izvestiya providing more details about
0(Lc- 6yf- incident. (enginter 301310) (12-10 min: enginter 1530 engna 0001
7 part two of an unrehearsed discussion focusing on
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
(rpt engna 010000) (enginter 2010)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
2 summary krasnaya zvezda on socialist countries peace
proposals. (350 text: tasse 0839 tassr 0700)
p w 5 PO N, it 1 finer over soviet airspaces criticizing u. s. admin for
c 0. rearranging violation of soviet airspace for espionage purposes.
I'- - frift,1 it ? 1 (/~-J
L/S (3 min:/o 1030)
2= summaries valentin falin izvestiya 29 sep, on most recent
allegedly new initiative of u.s. in geneva negotiations, which
WS 0" are only designed to soothe nato partners. (8 min: german 011700
)011900) Z< S
~&:w " N ~`-f~ g e rr,~au s'
23 resume of soviet press on soviet peace initiatives. (fit
nq ~,+:~;~~61nt0) (enginter 0810 1110)
35 summary anon pravda on how arms race started, recalling
FA policy of usa when it had monopoly of atom bomb. (3 min:
Q^ ongint 2010) ACS
&On b 0 4 O1 i 1983
2t report on
k S
21 recorded intvw -with son khamvanvongsa, chairman of lp4r
state- cmtee for newspapers radio and tv, who is paying official
visit to ussr, noting lao attitude toward downing of south korean
intn3tl panorama, on need to prevent milit confrontation,
,I tourhing on u.s. deployment plans and soviet peace proposals.
mis-5iftS(400 text: tasse 1800 tassr 1605)
27 tars political news analyst vladimir serov on need to fend
off nuclear threat. (450 text sent: tasse 0638 tassr 0455)
26 round-up on andropov's stmt on u.s. militarist policy,
quoting u.s. daily world, finnish tiedonantaja and yemen's first
remarks by spartak beglov on sov tv program
us so l &nArd,4~p p9me minsiter. (3.5 min: enginter 2110)
qwx'd 5t'-4
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353ROO21O157OOO7-6
,fo ' v 3r+::ananarivo report on tass intvw with richard
, ",ndr :,n,ransato, mbr of madagascar's supreme rev cncl, hailing
to,tdpuc.crv,,- .sndi ^c+v' M latest peace proposals and scoring washington's
mil':ari.stic ambitions. (450 text sent: tasse 1540 tassr 1301)
LA --.-
go t;ime, events and ppl: incl review of listeners' ltrs expressing
/( 1 supc;.rt ror policy outlined in andropov's stmt and expressing
c ((
cond9, rtAtion of u. s. admin's actions. (3 min: home 0900 orbita
$i time, events and ppl: incl vyacheslav lavrentyev on u. s.
milit rist activities, pegged to forthcoming day for disarm and
p andropov's stmt. (home 0900 orbita 0900)
take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 2 oct 83
0 2 OCT 1983
32.-report an mass antiwar demonstration held in mowcow.
(magat-011200) (8-3 min: enginter 0810 1010 1110 spancuba 0100
ger an 011600 germaust 0 L1900 swahili 011730 czech/slovak 1700
~~2/''" hunj r 730 polish 1400 serbo 2000 a'].b 1530 bulg 1630 viet
33 Skint:-issued by participants in antiwar demo held in moscow.
!1-~~W`~(~a~Se 01-L=) (5 min: german 1-7-00 germaust 19.00 enginter 0-710
G ~~-+S 101h inter 2100 italian 1-800)
iy zhvkov, chairman of soviet committee for defense of
pea:_ significance of recent mass manifestations held throughout
uss', touching on role played by soviet ppl in struggle for peace,
.:itir; listeners, ltrs on issue, praising soviet peace plans and
i ing tashington's expansionist policies. (mayak 0700)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353ROO2101570007-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570007-6
Q 35
-a b
L:an :ormiunist ldr Jorge calla cueto on andropov's stmt
i=cyan`:; warmongering policy. points out Signs that indicate
is right in his assessment.
(4 min: spanla 2300)
T's Corded intvw with thai writer yotthong thapthiumai
(rp" ~ha 011100) (thai 1100)
Lmary mihai1 solokhov appeal to world writers as contained
in edition of (foreign literature) journal. (rpt german 2816001
(3 ~ nla 2300 germaust 044900
38 round-up soviet's ppl favorable impression of andropov's
'stmt oi, ntl issues. (engna 2300)
on article by fray, director of STAT
fc ,
intnatl relations cnal and prominent specialist in field of
strategic arms, published in washington post, charging u.s. admin
f' wit.- .-sing socalled soviet threat to justify its milit arms
ti_evolod shishkovskiy
on positive response STAT
he-~% to andiropov's recent stmt, reps of various organizations
r ..i:ernes; by reagan's dangerous course, citing remarks by
:an activist who is against de
_ ~1~j(o I cur :p
yment of missiles in
soviet peace policy and that of other socialist countries.
min- ma y a k 0730)
7 ~,ss
vik.tor vasilyev reaffirming to soviet stand at geneva talks.
(rp;: :.r-ointer 011410) (enginter 0710 1610 frenchinter 21-00
ILspa ,.ib _1i- 00 german 01-1-600 hind 11-30 mand 1230; anon: viet 1000)
4i mariya kordeyeva speaks of strugle for peace conducted by
radio forum for peace and security in europe. (rpt
ita i.an 0..00) (german 1600 Spanish 012000)
s. (,U