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October 1, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
?ve a -- comm,er.taryl list: moscow consolidated 1 oct 8=
-z-rational diary
on large-scale peace demos which took place in
tle_ in user, shitikov addressed mtg at vdnkh; named
P,Qi, --poke about ussr's love of peace, chandra, f. braun and
r.h r foreign guests also spoke; stmt adopted and read at mtg.
home 1745)
r,ew york report on general debate at session, citing speeches
tuuJw4' Lo`; by = :states from hungary, romania, iraq and kuwait. (450 text
" 54-551414 sent: tasse 0849)
u"~ g+?"
indrey ptashnikovl on discussion at unga
see,;:-:n quoting briefly ortega, gandhi, syrian foreign minister,
and others, describes reagan speech as attempt to divert attn
Cp,(urL- from urgent issue and to attain milit supremacy by imposing its
0ALa will on others. (4-3 min: czech/slovak 1-600 hungarian 2000
polish 1-50 0 serbo 1700 2000 albanian 1530 bulgarian 1630 italian
1800 finnish 1630 greek 1900 turkish 1400 portafr 1830 korean 1330
1330 1500 bur 1430-urdu 1300 beng 1500)
4 summaries pravda editorial article, i oct, "defending world
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
on andropov`s stmt on u. s. militaristic course. (enginter
p .
302, 10) 1 OCT 1983 - --
;11F -Ln: sap 201-200; 350 text: tasse 0730 tassr 0021; 7-3 min:
o b i is 0200 home 0400 0600 enginter 302320 0710 1030 11-10 1410
spania-.2300 italian 1800 Spanish 301900 finnish 1630 arabic -1-730
tur~ish 1400 persian 1500 17-00 polish 1500 hungarian 1730 200 J
serbo 1700 albanian 1530 bulgarian 1630 mand 1600-viet 1-000
Vt S
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
-r:cropov stint on soviet and american foreign policies, and
i,ound-up of soviet ppl's favorable reaciton to andropov's
E anon intvw with maximilliano romero, sec gen of latam confed
tood processing workers, on his reaction to andropov's stmt.
spanla 2300)
p.Li._;, quoting bloc and western press and personalities.
en; rter 0-710 10-10 11tO spancuba 0100 Finnish 29L530 301530
t~_r z;n 30f400 mace 180 serbo 3016-00 301900 slovene 1930 ,)ap
urd 1200) tt,. S
stmr .in u. s. militaristic policies. (6-5 min: viet 1300 1400
pol -x 1597)
* t
o use nuc weapons an
er sov
moves and
(I'SM. r
efforts to safeguard world peace in wake of western anti-socialism
drivl \\ (4 min: hind 1400)
.- time, events and ppl: incl academician yevgeniy sergeyev on
pol>cy line. (450 text: tasse 1318)
01 OCT 1983
1 address to writers of world adopted at 7th tashkent conf of
writers of asian and african countries. (text, 550 text sent:
montsame commentator expressing
l mony:iian pill's support for andropov's stmt and ussr's foreign
asse 1344)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
world comment to andropov's stmt on u.s. militarist
1-01-.e I I /V
*assa ,81733) (25 min: persian 1-800; 20-12 min:
~=?.1 i-1 _:45 spanish 301- 0 finnish 291-530 30153$
,'f) korean "'7130 lao 1030 thai 1 tS0 bur 103tTT 10-8 min:
PISCUM fin.nish 2915-3O arabic 1530 romanian 1760 mandsea-1230;
tt,s ir reek 16 0 19-00) LLs
I? shier' editor of indian journal 'dinman' on latest andropov
stmt. reflecting soviet sincerity in reducing world tension and
(" )promosing disarm, citing soviet delcaration that it will not be
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
r',~"de,w `Le
close of 7th conf of afro-asian wriLr,-v
remarks by two israeli tourists,
a&(-On ablra-.Iovich an,, pinhas peri, on conclusion of three-day visit
u.k-r31V- hailing ussr's foreign and domestic policies.
`C4 0 :asse 2225)
t$ aRG~n owe Vaftmu.s avects of s#.Vxrf 'co eL n policy. (rpt
engrrL4er- 301310) (4-3 min: spancuba 01 finnish 301-520 turkish
30 r..
? i s T t ?~ 30'rr's0 ~ 34 i~^v0 ~ a p 301204D u r L u 1 ?0G4-
(ry{ eclh/slovak 191500) (serbo 2000)
rf panorama: incl anon on unemployment in capitalist
C(iP C'
44, /P cou?^'es. (arabic 1730)
jj? anatoliy belobrov gives statistics on unemployment in usa
and gitper ocuntries, stressing unemployment is consequence of
-Fro rC
----~ - ---. _~.. o. ???~?~?~~~~. ea au ny o quvtieo on suo ject ana some
CC9r' n;C, experts. (3 min: czech/slovak 1600 polish 1500 portafr
grammatchikov on andropov stmt on u.s. milit policies.
Ict andrey dolgov on francophone mtg in france. (4 min:
amhr 530)
take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 1 oct 83
(server azimov), deputy sec gen of afro-asian authors
US'& assn ; is n mtg in tashkent. (7 min: amharic 1530)
,1J l
mailbag for british listeners: incl review of listeners'
itrc on kal incident and washington attempt to cover up its
invctuement in affair; listener told that to movement provides
cp and govt with valuable assessment of public feeling; reply given
on ucsr's view of cnd, stressing ussr's supports any organization
s. Kai
D6 w oi"
0 whicf+ wcrks toward world peace; another listener is told about
I,N e -
wes 3r purchases of soviet patents. (enguk 2000)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
--- - 1-
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
)I ttt+ r% from italy": listeners write about hiroshima and nagasa
-"- r551~CS
nn 4nd Qf3orx ' r+-ud&aP.` N-c.sSi4eg, citing andropov's remarks on disarm
nv, 'ie, concern b~ ~taltavh pp1 re italian govt's siding with
JIL (aIJ r/ Oin exALai?. (itaiian 2000) US
j 3 Tisf'e,ers Mailbag. fret finni=h 271530 on 28 sep list)
~f`-a nn t S1 1530)
5. kuItw t),,WAJ.n[ '
-1-11 1- 7i-4 r4lbaj For frenchmag listeners: review of ltrs received
=nd S~n~pfia questions on life and policy of soviet union answered.
our post: inr.l anon preps for construction of war
memo-.al in moscow; anon on construction of siberia gas pipeline.
v (serb.o -30"A900 2000)
i7Yl# s~
Zb mailbag for african .listeners:, incl review of african
listeners' ltrs on situation in mideast and u. s. -israeli
alliance; angolan listener is told there has been no unemployment
in Us5p- for over 50 yrs whereas it has been daily realit
ahs~ captt i t countries. (engafr 1700)
C 0-1)
2:' summaries anon izvestiya providing more details about
i r i c:dsnt. (enginter 301310) (8-3 min: s
a 000 finnish
3015-';- 0710 1010 1110 turkish 30t-400 serbo 301600 301400 viet
en 1000~p 3()1200 urdu 1200 hind 1-130)
01 OCT 1983 .- l/
1% raund-up soviet press re case of law suit being filed
agatresf' U. s. admin on behalf of one of the victims of kal plane,
-seettrlg 4amages for his family, quoting krasnaya zvezda,
komgarrrdick,&y.a pravda, pravda, nedelya, sovietskaya rossiya,
`c_ +rusi.c: frenchmag 301930)
21 part two of an unrehearsed discussion focusing on incident
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
o(ut_ americans believe reagan
rni-IM d:minl cvne~at
KC pIdnf iidt
-ncen, quot:.n humanit=
em,fphosiiInlcj, raaclan ddti-in4 am, Jc4p dLAL hh tetra cvmpei e
~aP6. to adwr# that ~ovi~ brtb !'-aircraft forces did attempt to
--si'-ahJI-5A CoAtdct 444*'k e4u, t 1e.S revealing kal plane was
Afff h4r'ate.k. fL$cr-q VVer soviet territory on carefully planned
reconA&iS~ancv mission. (6 min: enginter 1431 2045)
d rin/peaC-
L su~rirary valentin falin izvestiya on latest american
u S `A O)~ Y~ s
Mltall 31cb0w fa up1inion poll conducted by nyt and cbs
OOW N~NS._ ,
_J* 1 IC-
;ana,ra talks. (4 min: engna 2300)
summary rustem galliulin moscow news condemning western
4r1S manufacturer's for providing arms to reactionary regimes
I - l.' OA ffil-9
,f-+roV-cjhoUt world. (400 text: tasse 0655)
33 rerpot on mass antiwar demonstration held in moscow,
~ describing scene and quoting romesh chandra address. (600
axbDA0,pS text sent: tasse 1207 tassr 1133; 6. 5-5 min: mayak 0630 home
390: o to 0901)
3r round-up reports from moscow's streets and squares, incl
intvwss with participants, citing remarks by andropov and
chandra and others at today's mass demonstrations for peace.
D1M-OS(19-j`-` min: mayak 1200 1250 1330 1430 home 1600 orbita 1600);
8-3 ,r_n: home 1-500 enginter 1-410 spanla 2300 enguk
2000 Italian 1800 2000 port 1800 finnish 16-30 greek 1900
araeoic~1730 Persian 1500 1700 portafr 18-30 serbo 1700 200QJ
:=Q:-siovak 1800 polish 1500 hung 2000 bulgaran 1630 viet
:01 OCT 1983
by participants in antiwar demo held in
with thai writer yotthong thapthiumai
hail:.-+u soviet peace policy and other socialist countries.
thai 1100)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
Ct ~~mo (text, 400 text sent: tasse 1103 tassr 1102 home 1&00
`~0rb .t , 16)0 mayak 11-00; 4-3 min:. engna 2300 serbo 2-000)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
I4 O?I 1.2
viktar vasilyev reaffirming soviet stand at geneva
tair,:, ur vuropean missiles raps socalled flexibility adopted
oy U ri issue. (5-3 min: enginter 1410 italian 1600
tAtSpAM Span; 2300 finnish 1630 greek 1900 arabic 1730 turkish 1400
J'AtIc- seru, 1.700 2000 czech/slovak 1600 polish 1500 bulgarian 1630
MiS51~~~ ind- :330 1500 urdu 1300 beng 1500 bur 1430 lao 1300 comb
1331.). anon: )hung 2000)
3,r. (rashlmov) on inf talks at geneva, says while soviet
r-(-6L nC
Tv 0(0
uni-)r! is trying to find out reasonable solution of arms control,
Jr__u.s is moving toward emplacing pershings, cruise missiles in
-tA4 eur . ' notes u. s. lip service to flexibility in arms control
1 .9) l b v1
tali: awys u.s. is opposed to taking into account missiles
&-16- (3
t arms ..'...f
d Franc
e a
n an
IV%% T7% 1 7
k o r e:y r,-1330 )
(,Iinv,~Iwoinent with nato and alignment with u. s. policy in Chad,
i(K( 551 c5
-77 ,,,, ieb# fn etc. (poorest: french 2030)
4 *ummarymikhail solokhov appeal to world writers as
conts,ined in act exition of (foreign literature) journal
r,otvti of a publicist, by boris tumanov: on deployment of
pers:hiny 2's and cruise missiles in western europe, french
puoli;h-ed in moscow. (rpt Berman 281600) (3 min: spancuba
4i nikolay gratsianov hailing appeal to worker's parties and
pea:- loving forces in europe launched by sod, dkp and sew as an
imp..'tant contribution to peace efforts in world. (rpt Berman
(finnish 301530)
p 1 OCT 1983 LPS
nepiies to listeners ltrs" program: incl item on peace
~nuv~~~i~nt and efforts for disarm as broadcast by moscow radio
P't &tfi- strai
ngtheir truth and authenticity. (greek 1600)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
In rriara F:.r'.?__ 44., 1 ^_ -._ .....4 a... . _
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
-ti4 resume of soviet press on soviet peace initiatives.
(r %n inter 261010) (enginter 2010)
i)ni+;pa states
c4u0b ny ropov's stmt on missiles; tmts by soviet citizens
y`Pd~=pp.wving stmt) round-up listeners' ltrs praising soviet
initiative and criticizing u.s. militarism; south
korna., plane provocation condemned. (8 min: Italian 2000
- Numi& pore? Finnish 1630) (k S
en9,a-.el, 302045) (enginter 1531)
45 roundup soviet press comment on causes of resentment of
black americans at policies of reagan administration. (rpt
artorl on lack of human rights in usia as shown by high level
K,1_ of jr, mployment and homeless children of new york. (3 min:
(A s
viktor (danilenko) notes that american constitution,
key V,ost . fen nter 1110
gi polish 1500)
adopted in struggle for independence, enshrined many principles
of U:~,;ryeoi~ statehood and civil rights and freedoms, stresses
that political system in country has evolved in manner which
fav.,v-s very rich, who make up majority of legislature and hold
4,time, events, people: aleksandr zholkver reads listener's
lett:r.r criticizing u. s. foreign policy; other letters accuse
~ /v
01 OCT 1983 ?-
L 1' Lt Iy
summary anon selskaya zhizn "socialism is invincible,"
on :;.let ppls rallying in support of cpsu to counter
intr i 2ues of u. s. imperialism. (500 text sent: tasse 0859)
report on soviet tv studio nine discussion between vital
kob..h, 9eorgiy arbatov and valentin zorin criticizing
rea3.;nism as a threat to peace. (400 text: tasse 1651)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
Lt ~
, . Vo i"
,_:3mpai9n reagan wants to Justly h i s a M
UNlwittin.lnzss to work for positive results at geneva talks and
also to 1recure approval of his military programs. (3 min:
entin Lorin on reagan administration using south korean
5, kv /.QC.
51 pravda criticizing anti-soviet campaign in usa in
conK, Lion with kal incident. says every day brings fresh
r.vdenca-to confirm provocation's premeditated nature; by raising
hul::,baloo Washington hopes to use it in order to avoid answering
cer'.a:n delicate questions. by whipping up anti-soviet
~~~~~ d nistration's
airiinar incident to stir up anti-soviet sentiments while staying
441?n$ about; crucial facts of incident. claims that kal flight
W,ti synchronized with satellite and spy-plane flights. touches
on LC S., intelligence services involvement in planned invasion
of cam, assassination of chile's allende, events in vietnam.
6,3 vladimir pozner on u.s. attitude toward un organization and
jtS preSenc*- to new York (rpt engna 302300) (engna 2300)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
settlements however,
O h /uU~
~" wamt~:nytor+ has rejected this proposal. the same thing happens
in n:LCaragua. what reagan says is quite the opposite
Sd(vdoo -
take 4' of several -- commentary list: moscow conslidated 1 oct 83
64 roundtable discussion by gaston vargas, valentin
mashktn .and viktor deruga on u.s. foreign policy. yuriy
,:indroPov'; recent statement was an appropriate reponse to
reagan S unga speech. reagan said that the united states is
iaerL,',g to reduce the use of force and create conditions for
pea-:e but the actual picture is
quite different. Salvadoran
reb7.i want to negotia
te a peacef
ra um at he does. the united states usually resorts to force
r:o 10pcis4L-i.ts mandate. in his unga speech, mr reagan criticized
the r on
gned movemt T
en.he reagan administration has
IU t ev.A a q(~-t~
~J ''"'J''=Tieb Its position toward the nonaligned movement.
':re re.j reason underlying mr reagan's criticism is that those
cau, tries do not band to u. s. mandates. the killing of
iav:,;~.ior:rn and guatemalan civilians falls under the terms of the
en.:, conventions, which classify the killing of noncombatant
'=Lv~1=ans as war crimes, the united states also disregarded the
int:.i -ainvr?ic,an rciprocal assistance treaty during the malvinas
w,sr gtr reagan's unga speech was aimed at hiding the true u. s.
'~bJ'==tivNS. yuriy andropov has rightly referred to the united
a; an Aggressiv* power seeking to dominate the world.
.i4 ji- span l a 0000) 0 1 OCT
(,(. S 1983
55 la-it chapter of (pyotr korminiskxn's) series on
goVi&:-Cwban technical and economic cooperation. (6 min: .apancuUo
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570006-7
uruquayan panorama: eport on day of national protest
,,p;..r~e?~ in uruguay on 25 september; pravda commentary on demands
OF r%rauayan people; demonstrations staged in buenos aires and