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September 23, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
take I of several -- commentary list: moscow
unaa session
i time, events and ppl: incl viktor anikin on soviet ppls
3y indignation that gromyko unable to attend session. (4 min,. sent:
LA. NcP-
a home (08p0 orbita 0800)
consolidated 23 sop 83
2 viktor sivakov on importance of nonaligned movement at un,
,I outlines aimes and prospects for movement inlieasing world tension,
.briefly quoting andropov's replies to west g~rman mp's. (6 min:
~(L O.Plro Po
, ngi
ntgr 1419 hind 1400)
1 (a_._ /
agency reports on gromyko's absence from un session, maintains
u.s. attitude is further in series of anti-soviet actions. (engna
4 anon denouncing reagan govt's prevention of soviet delegate
from participating in unga by banning landin of soviet plane in
~3 SEP1983
5 intnatl situation: questions and answers: zholkver replies
~tA- to questions about,south korean airliner incident; valentin
S. 0
1ubernatorov on moving uno institutions fromllusa to some other
~~''Ia nu try; on Washington's approach tq disarm alks and soviet-u. s.
RNs elations; andrianov tells of role of japan in south korean airliner
Jaen' _ "-
incident; gubernatorov replies to question o state system of
RJ' ~ bur ma (3 min); gubernatorov tells of influencje that trans-national
corporations have on policy of imperialist states (5 min);
gubernetorov provides details about Saudi arabia at listeners
re vest;
G_(- q gubernatorov gives details about interpol organization.
3 anon noting reps of several delegation at unga have
pointed to violation of intnatl principles by u.s. admin, that un
should be acceptable to ldrs of all countrie*, citing press
orbita 0930 home 1615)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
ussr, yesterday, today and tomorrow: .ncl account of aeroflot,
its histo , domestic and world wide flight
8 ppl and events: roundup of
routes. (italian 1900)
soviet workers' opinions on
world situation, antiwar movements throughout world;
u.s. adventuristic policy and need to work toward world peace.
-Fr \1700 2000)
(kriyamov) on 12th world energy resources mtg being held in
6 mikhail beglov on astronomical expense of los angeles
,,L' olymp ii;s. (rpt engna 212200) (engna 222300k LX-C.>
12 mailbag: announcer answers foreign listeners' ltrs. (5
new de . (4.5 min: mandsea 1230)
10 panorama: incl review of listener's ltr in which he praised
sovietolicies for world peace; lit program about wwii. (arabic
11 montreal areport on 24th session of assembly of intl civil
aviation organization (icao), summarizing speech by mikhail
timofeyev -- ussr deputy civil aviation minister. (tasse
22x(3 min: enginter 0810 1010 1110 spa{ncub 0100)
min: sp4 a 0000)
kal plane incident
13, summary anon krasnaya zvezda on kal
til;n1 e!L-
5.(Qt- (6 min: hungtria)n 221900)
as. subsidiary of cis.
artical, 24 sop, "When will Washington give
its answers?" on u.s. involvement in spying] activities and its use
of kal plane. (text, 1,400 text sent: tassr 1642 tasse 1725 mayak
14 pravda editoria
1730 home 1800 orbita 1800 2100; 7-3 min: engna 2200 portbraz
hungarian 1900 serbo 1900) ('A'
,---'2 S P 1983
' opinions concerning
review of soviet and intnatl exper
incident, citing u.s. civil aviation pilot
assn official, dap
civil aviation figure, offical of moscow sound detection center
and otW rs. (7-5.5 min: arabic 1500 koreaf 1-130 viet 1300 1400)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Piip" 116 program, complied in form of questions and answers and
based on foreign listeners' ltrs, pegged. (rat m And 161600)
q fee,
Lis (mand 1& 0 serbo 1900) 4 S
involy, nt in kal plane incident. (8 min:l ,dap 221000)
S kOrcm-
18 round-up Itrs received by radio mo~cow, critizing western
presentation of south korean airliner incident. (rpt czech/slovak
yuriy afonin: "lies, rumors being exposed," on u. s.
(spanish 221900)
S k~rea~
round-up ltrs received by radio mol cow, in which listeners
express their attitude to washington's anti-soviet provocation with
south korean plane, many contend action wa
organized and directed against peace, ltrs
s deliberate, thoroughly
briefly quoted from
various countries. (3 min: enginter 1310 11610 french inter .2000
engna 2200 enguk 1900 german -1500 italian 4700 1900 finnish 4530
persian 1500 1700 turkish 1-400 swahili 173b bulgarian 1530 polish
1300 1400 )czech/slovak 1500 hungarian 1630 1900 serbo 1900)
20 in response to listener's query pre ents talk accusing
south korean airliner of carrying out espi3nage in coordination
with u. s. satellite and rc-135 plane and h Ids u. s. responsible
for incident. (4 min; indo 1330)
SEP 1983
21 soviet historian prof nikolay yakovjev showing how kal 007
incident falls into pattern of u.s. spying'laver ussr established
after wwii, giving historical examples of such acts of spying
including newsweek report on nov '73 aboutlfact that eisenhower's
plane on his visit to ussr was equipped with spying equip installed
by (7.5 min: engna 222300)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
take 2 of several -- commentary list: mctscow consolidated 23 sop 83
22 summaries marshal nokolay ogarkoy article "peace needs
reliable protection," distributed by taIs, on aggressive character
of milit preps by usa and its partners.!!, (tasse 22111 (20-10
~~ SS min: spanla 0000 spancuba 01-00 greek 22#-800 hungarian 221900
p_P 1900 mand 1230; 9-4 min: enginter 0810 030 11-10 frenchinter
rr' 222030 spancuba 0100 spanish 221900 tur~ish 221830 1400 mandsea
prqS 1230 jap 221200 urdu 1300 beng 1500 laoI1300 bur 1430I 2-1 min:
home 0100 frenchinter 222030 engna 22230 greek 221800 swahili
221730 frenchafr 221930 mand 0700; tasse 0425 tassr 0355 spanla
0 7jC 0 71, -a
J 23 yuriy soltan on widespread response to andropov's reply
FA- %11'oto west german mps. (rpt enginter 221310) (enginter 0810 1010
1110 er an 0900 swahili 221730; anon: un arian
g o g 221900)
roundup favorable intl reaction to andropov replies to
west german mps. (6-4 min: engna 222300 Swahili 221730 turkish
221830 s ani h 221900 jap 221200)
25_ 1onn report on stmt issued by genscher, frg foreign affairs
minister, re intention voiced by reagan of u.s. admin's intention
~,j,JP to put forward new initiative at genevatalks. (600 text sent:
a, l5U/l tassr 1806)
26 tass on western mass media's chows re new u.s. proposals
re inf. (350 text sent: tassr'1720 eng6ter 20-10 frenchinter
a/ 27 round-up by soviet corrs' reaction from various countries
on andropov's replies to frg mps and we tern approach to disarm
GO.4 ..~
tal s. (4 min: enginter 1410)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
2000,portb'raz 2200 italian 1700)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
28 tasi milit writer vladimir bogachev on reagan's stmt about
U.S. new initiatives at talks on nuclear armaments in europe.
r- (tasse 221911) (6-3
~arabic-1730 turkish
polish 1400 Czech/slovak
camb 1330 lao 1300 urdu
class and communists"
describing role of world communists in
struggle for peace and
againnsstl danger of nuclear war. (7 min:l hind 1400)
presents talk stressing
enginter .1310
1400 persian
1610 german
1500 finnish 1530
MO .700
1600 bulgarian 1530 kor 133
bur--j430 beng
1500 indo 1330 15001
summary>anon kommunist:
in response to listener's query
ussr poses no threat to other countrie and ridiculing western
propaganda creation of soviet threat and pointing out threat to
peace comes from u.s. which creates zones of vital interest.
(5 min;.._indo 1330)
L IA Aif. 11,0
Jt geneva
djsak wk
summary anon pravda
talks, referring to new u. s.
(4 min Aenginter 1410)
32 Igor dmitryev contrasting u.
~K- at ta.U s. (sent: engna 222300)
on traditional "edinburgh
voted to discussion of
tasks of averting threat of thermonuclear war. U- Ce 221735)
s. and user's approach to
probosals to"be submitted
33 feature re intnatl peace day quoting variety of soviet
ppl, on.soviet desire for peace. (10 min: engna 222300)
34 summary nikolay portugalov article published in les
(y S
nouvelles de moscou, of unspecified dat on geneva talks. (6
UPS''` min: frenchinter 222030)
Igor penchenico reviewing antiwarlmanifestaions in world.
0,4huhiA (rat gian 221500) (german 0900)
Mawr ' S+afio
36 (georgiy gramatiskov) on
2 SEP 1983
bility assumed by working
ppl in socialist countries for future of peace. (8 min: romanian
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
F~" 37 anon on obse Vance of intl puce day and its significance.
- art-(rp4 n inter 221310).(hungarian 221500)
' round-up of antiwar activities re intnatl peace day, citing
~-... -
1t2, manifestations in frg, franc* and other countries.
Fn,c- dap 0)
3 intv
soviet peace cmtee secy grigoriy loksjhin on founding, aims role
of-AaN~ce cmtee. (rot enguk 1619QD) (lenguk 1900)
take 3 of several -- commentary list:
gas pipeline
40 report on press- conf in moscow
united states
k.1500 serbo 1600 1-900 hun
Valentin lapin
minister for construction of oil and as industry of ussr, on
siberiaa-west europe gas pipeline ready to deliver natural gas
abroad. (500 text: tasse 1020; 300 text sent: tasse 0815; 10 min:
bulgarian 1530; 7-4.5 min: mayak 1230
hunq-&rian 1900)
moscow consolidated 23 sop 83
given by boris shcherbina,
enginter 0720 engna 2200
41 tass political observer Vladimir serov on george bush's
libellous speech against user and oth r socialist countries made
in hofburg palace in Vienna. (tassr ;21405) (3 min: polish 1400
conflicts around
22310) (spanish
article exposing
dangerous provocations
world and u.~s
221900 german 0900 er~gaf 1700
221900 kor 1130
43 tass corr report from
I --- '7
and soviet far east region.
Viet 1000)
and military
(rpt enginter
s wa h i l i 221730;
23SEP1983 US
san franciisco on u. s. report's
flights' of u. s. planes over siberia
3 min: ko' 0930)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
w at your request: nokolayj (sorokin) intvw with
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
44 anon noting that u.s. presidential adviser willian clark
has endorsed proposed new u.s. trade sanctions against user,
noting that this is nothing new, stressing that like other
sanctions before them they will provellineffictive and harm u.s.
vladimir pozner on abc news li4eline program which focused
on decision of governors of new york and new jersey not to allow
special aeroflot plane bringing soviet foreign minister to
opening of unga to land at either kenr edy or newark airports and
on remarks of u.s. delegate charles lchenstein. (rpt engna
22220Q) Jengna 2200)
(.(_ S
lit observer prof. boris gillerson reviewing an anthology
of u. s. poetry in russian translation
(4 mii engna 2200)
47 tass political observer igor orlov "getting in president's
way?" quoting reagan at a dinner in cglumbia when he said that
econ is picking up and those who are for ever grumbling should
either help us get on with process or stop getting in way, quoting
lane kirkland of afl-cio admitting that reagan's policies show
indifference to ordinary citizen, clai
blame for reduction in living standard
(approx 450 words: tassr 1508)
48 intvw with two american women joy Simonson, and patricia
burnett giving their favorable impress
just published in user.
l.(_ S
ming reaganomics is to
s, unemployment and hunger.
ions of role played by women
in soviet society, noting women doingiengineering, also lauding
pre-school care of children provided b state for working mothers.
(enginter 1510) ~._
CEP 1983
50 volodia teitelboim'on pablo neruda's widow, matilde
(4 min: engna 22300)
49 program dedicated to 10th annivlof pablo neruda's death.
(5 miPA portbraz 2300)
urrutia, stmts, highlights on neruda's life. (12 min:
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
51 report on tearhing down of a shanty camp in Santiago,
noting 60 percent of breadwinners in poor neighborhoods are
unemployed, military govt is unable to cope with this crisis.
(5 min-'4panchile 2000)
52 intvw with australian Journali t (henry mccarthy) noting
unions in australia have expressed th it solidarity with chile,
d . boycott-took place in australia in 194, saying that hopefully
workers will finally -help to topple pinochet regime. (6 min:
spanch i l j 2000)
"two words" feature by gaston Vargas: lots of politics
taking place in chile nowadays, pinocPet has always played
politics, chicanery, he is servant oflpentagon, govt is being
cornered by ppl, popular democratic mvmt has been recently formed.
(6 min:" sanchile 2030)
tars commentator yevgeniy kisel v on senate intelligence
Qr 9.;2N -7 N-.
cmtee voting to give more money to cia~and other subversive
institutions for purpose of fighting legitimate government of
nicaragua, maintaining honduras is becoming main u.s. base and
bridgehead in region, quoting Cuban journal on attempts to
build a reactionary tripartite bloc inlregion. (approx 450
words: tassr 1848)
55 "argentine week": million workers are striking, both
cgt's are holding mtgs at top level, billgnone will meet with cgt
leaders sometime next week, unrest would lead to postponement
of elections, but govt has reassured that electoral schedule will
be maintained, argentine comparty has i sued communique which
was delivered to press, peronist-commun st alliance advocated,
this alliance allows comparty to have members run for deputies,
-- ???-? ,.~~~?y roetma7). (B min: spanla 2300)
SEP 1983
56 valentin mashkin on reagan's rendezvous with honduran
president suazo cordova, maintaining washington is priming up
for a war with nicaragua, u. s. military intervention in central
america is focused on, intervention has already started.
U-O L ate`' (4 m %panla 0000 spancuba 0100)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
take 4 of several -- commentary list: oscow consolidated 23 sop 83
west euroDC
57 tikhonov replies to questions put by arbeiter zeitung
editor-in-chief manfred scheuch, on present-day soviet-austrian
d~IdJ relations. (1, 800 text sent: tasse 0313 tassr 0306; 20-10 min:
n5u1 home 0300 spanchile -2030 spanla 2300
Qu,eS1Ot portbraz 2200 italian 1900
german 0900 1600 germaust-1800 portugueie 2000 greek 1500 polish
G r'
GNUS 1300 hungarian 1630 albanian 1430 bulga'ian 1530 viet 1000 1300
1-400 urdu 1200 hind 1139- beng 1500] burml 1.030; 500 text garbled:
tasse 0600; 9-3 min: mayak 0430 home 0400 0500 enginter 0810
1010 11-10 13-10 1610 enguk 1900 german 1100 french 1730 italian
1-700 finnish 1530/twice/ arabic 1730 tunkish 1400 persian 1500
1700 portaf 1-830) amharic 1530 swahili 1430 somali 1500 polish
1400 czech/slovak 1500 1600 hungarian 000 serbo 1600 bulgarian
1530 kor 0930 1330 camb 1330 lao 1030 1000-burin 1430 urdu 1300
thai 1-100 indo 1330 1500; 2-1 min: mayak 033(' home 1100 enginter
0700 0800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 15001600 1700 1800 french inter
1600 germanO900 1500 1600 french 1730 italian 1700 finnish 1530
arabic 1300Jturkish 1400 greek 1500 amharic 1530 somali 1600
polish 1300 1400 czech/slovak 1500 1600 hungarian 16-30 1900 serbo
1600 albanian 143 kor 1130 camb 1330 la
1600 mandsea 123d viet 100 1300 1400 hi
1500 thai 1100 burm 1030 indo 1330; brie
o 1030 1300 mand 1230
nd 1130 urdu 1200 beng
f: engaf 1700 2090 portaf
FR 56 -our contacts. (ZDt german 221600) (german 1500)
59 valentin zakharov "the cdu and fr'g as a rocket launching
pad,". unmasking hypocritical behavior of
incl cdu leader kohl, with regard to pea
cdu, maintaining cdu cannot make ppl bel
peace and at same time come out in favor
m~sSilc.sroc is an frg territory. (5 min: germ
higher ranks of cdu,
ce rallies organized by
ieve that it is seeking
of basing new u. s.
n 1600)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
60 vantage point: boris belitskiy
held in moscow, citing "intvw with pate
instruments, ltd, who was pleased with
level of''fioviet experimental research.i (4 min: enguk 1900)
n science-83 exhibition
(brown) of british firm
contract he had concluded
with soviet acad of sci for sale of ce~tain instrument systems
manufactured by his firm to soviet res arch institutions, mentioning
similar views expressed by other britiih rep raymond adams of
(burnell) rocs, ltd., stressing anglo-soviet coop in this area
is increasingly attractive to british firms because of high
summary izvestiya carrying excerpts from book by col.
leroy finville, former chief of french
service, published in french press, recalling his involvement in
aerial espionage missions against ussrlon orders from americans.
(3 min sent: enguk 1900) ~-C S
62 in world of sci-tech: incl mikh#il maksimov on exhibition
l of scientific apparatuses in moscow in
Cu-/1- i-ep!?
particip4ted. (italian 1900)
63 stints by two mbrs of portuguese
part being played by portuguese youth i
which italian firms also
comunist youth cc on
n peace campaign gathering
64 anon on econ relations between u
ssr and northern europe,
based on book by vladimir (topol), which points out that these
mutually advantageous relations are good evidence of implementation
of principles in soviet socio-econ development program concerning
coop btwn countries with different social systems. (8 min:
(~ --~
2 3 Stp 1983
65 program devoted to '> finnish-soviet coop. (rot finnish
h 1S3o
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
take 5 of several -- commentary list:
66 "africa as we see it": anon on
woweapons cooperation (3 min); vladimir
K b-zcL cb k ytr~
kenyan general elections (4 min); anon
moscow consolidated 23 sop 83
pretoria-u.s. joint nuclear
borisov on forthcoming
on felimo's day of struggle
against c lonialist (3 min). (somali11600)
Lcs- I
67 summary aleksandr (bovin) izveslitiya "the french in africa."
68 "africa: problems, events, opinlions": vasiliy silanin
re 10th anniv of guinea bissau independence 24 sep, incl recorded
GLLIN,U~ stmts by country's charge d'affairs in
relations in cultural and health areas) as very advanced and politica
relations ver
ood (4
5 min); vl
y g
ov on Wes
s nuc
W coop with south africa (rpt engafr 1700); aleksandr sergeyev
on concern in nigeria over u.s. imperi
again s-'1 eveloping countries (r pt en fr 1700). (portafr 1830)
69 "wave of friendship on radio": lon soviet support to ethiopia
in building socialism, with excerpts of speeches made by vasilyev
e~0 lw
Q and ethiopian amb to russia at gathering marking ethiopian rev
O'JN~J day
70 aleskandr sergeyev on concern expressed by nigerian public
re u.s. subversive activities against( developing countries.
engaf~r 1 0 2000 swap i l i 1730) (-S
71 report on moscow friendship hose soiree marking 23d anniv
of mali's independence, citing speeches by malian amb on progress
OLWA V achieved~y mali over past 23yrs. (4 min: frenchafr 221930)
l 23SEP1983
72 prof georgiy sagalov, participant in seminar sponsored
by to organ of madagascar working ppl
and aucctu, discussing
KadaSc-u"- var io s t pics covered at seminar. ( ngafr 1700 2000)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
73 anon paying tribute to
yusuf adoo, natl chairman of south
africa" omparty. (r pt engafr 221700) (swahili 221730)
5?aC _ _
(J JJ.4-'t-
76 new york report on press conf given by robert mugabe at
un hq, resolutely condemning resumption of ties with zionist
israel by some african states, referring-to situation in southern
africa and rejecting as unacceptable idea of linkage of granting
namibian independence with presence oflcuban internationalists
in angola. (350 text: tasse 1121 tass 0904)
vladimir voyevodov on condemn4tion expressed by un
decolonization cmtee re western powers coop with south africa
in nuclear field, recalling this coop over yrs and flare-up
over south atlantic in 1979 which experts concluded was south
african nuclear test, stressing with western aid south africa
is implementing large-scale program to buildup its milit-nuclear
potential.. (3 min: engafr 1700 2000)i
75 report on moscow friendship horse mtg marking 10th anniv
9L440 --A guinea-bissau's independence, citing speeches by ludmilla
isakova, of institute of african studies of soviet acadmy of
sciences and quinea-bissau's charge d~affaires. (7 min: engafr
77 Pravda on escalation of u.s. interference in lebanon.
(tasse 221906 where not attrib pravda)I(4-3 min: enginter 1310
1610 rman 1500 finnish 1530 arabic 1'30 swahili 1730)
Pravda and other newspaper carry following Lass report on
u. s. escalation in lebanon. (600 text Isent: tasse 0830; 3.5 min:
enginter 2010 engna 2220 italian x700 zech/slovak 1500 hungarian
79 reports datelined, london, beirot, damascus and kuwait
on tense situation in lebanon, with particular ref to growing
u.s. intervention in crisis. (450 textl: tasse 1759)
3 sEP 1983
80 tass commentator vladimir kudelin on Washington's mideast
hypocrisy. (500 text sent: tasse 0842)1,
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
~-e b6
L,4- 5
e sI -
k 't A O I,
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
81 trud intvw with fahri farhud, Id
visiting ussrs scoring washington's advlenturistic policies throughout
world, with particular emphasis on situation in mideast. (400
cating increasing u. s. -israeli
to divide labanon into
e imposition of american
82 igor surguchev on arrival of battleship new jersey off
lebanese coast, which is latest step in u.s. armed intervention
in regn. (4 min: home 1800 orbita 0O0 2100) l,US
result of camp da~-id's accords resulting
lebanon, noting natl patriotic forces denounced u.s. interference.
(3 mint enginter 1410) (,A..5
timoshkin maintaining american milit aggression
on escalation of, u. s. presence in
Sinai and labanon, which
according to
insult to all egyptians
inc sing.
neutral, contending camp david is an
and egyptian condemnation for it is
r of lebanese to delegation
t of several -- commentary list: noscow consolidated 23 sep 83
85 arab palestinian ppl's corner: ergey (name indistinct):
"to sabra and shatila through camp dav~ d," on anniv of crimes
committed by israeli forces in sabra and shatila, comparing them with
nazi crimes during wwii; item on u.s. aggression in labanon,
outlining events during past week, indi
O.A, hegemony over labanon and u. s. attempt
number of sectarian states toifacilitat
(6 min). (arabic 1530)
T16 anon: "the national, day of saudi
and israeli control over labanon-and other parts of crab world.
arabia", on anniv of
C~declaration of kingdom of Saudi arabia,I151 yrs ago. (sent:
3o ub,
:S'1 ara4c 1730)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
87 anon on tudsh party's 42d anniversary. (rpt persian
r4 191700 (p e`r s i an 1800)
anon on 65th anniv of execution of 26 baku comissars.
(rpt persian 221700) (persian 1800)
(k S
89 3d in series of talks by prof bcndarevskiy on u.s. policy
1 -aN
Lj- 5
of aggression and subversion against iranian ppl. (rpt persian
221800),persian 1700)
90 Igor sheftunov discussing who benefits from iran-iraq war,
If 1 6) tL~11---
4_ of ~A'I a fJ
refers to number of deaths and damage one to both sides and says
if money spent for war was spent for p aceful purposes, both sides
would have had opportunity to solve extremely pressing problems,
giving elanples. (12 min: persian 1700 1800) 3
91 summary anon pravda on escalation of restrictions on and
repris against opposition in pakista}n. (4 min: persian 1700)
92 ivan lavrov on increasing number of calls on pakistan for
normalization of relations with afghanilstan, noting calls correspond
with stand of afghan govt for normal rlations, pointing out even
official spokesmen of milit regime have had to admit presence of
many refugees in country has created ec
(5 mid enginter 1410)
on and political problems.
93 reports on 22 sop moscow mtg btwn gromyko and shah mohammad
? Do5d ost, afghanistan's foreign minister, with gist remarks exchanged.
vst -rv (tassr 221352) (1. 5 min: urdu 4200 1300 hind 1130 1400 beng 1500
Q han~ _ bur 1.430 thai 1100; brief: home 0304 enginter 1.431 frenchinter
wl 222030 engna 222300 german 0900 greek 2 1.800 swahili 221-730 mand 0700
vi" Y0')9 camb 1330 lao 1030 1300)
94 andreyev: "riot giving up 2-china
SEP 1983
line" on taiwan's present
situation, citing weinberger's remarks On importance of taiwan,
u. "ants to continue pushing two china policy. (6 min: mand 0700)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
oft el ~
its young ppl. (5.5 min). (13.5 min, overall: mand 1600)
95 program for chi youth: report on construction of hydroelectri
sttn in ussr, noting many komsomol mbTHs are taking part in
construction work (9 min); (kolin) on Ijap's attempt to revive
militarism, noting jap?has stepped up militarism roa
P pganda among
98 recorded in
tvw with tahi natl whlo attended intl book fair in
moscow soviet visit and book fair. ( min: thai 1100)
asian communist
99 joint soviet-kampuchean communique on hu son's visit to ussr.
(tasse 221653) (7-3 min: enginter 0810 XO10 11-10 alb 1430 lao 1030
~i ~ fTU.r
S-,t N USf- 1330 Viet 1000 camb 1330 bur 1030 1430 r d u 1200 1300 b e n g 1500
u Ss tha i 1-300
indo 1330 1500; 2. 5 min: serba 1600 1900; 2-1 min:
u?m --~
L 9erman 0900 urdu 120 1300 thai 1100 be g 1500 hind 1130 1400
1430 indo 1330 carob 1330; brief: tasse c415 tassr 0355 enginter
0700 0800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1600 french inter
1600)engna 222300 spanla 6000/twice/ spa{ncuba 0100/twice/ greek 1500
? I
mand--- 0200 ma d
1.1 bra ?r.! i
is v~
5- S
97 intvw with kato think tank co p~es, its moscow agency's
manager on participation in 4th intl bolok fair just concluded in
moscow -- 7 min: gap 221200)
report on epilogue of gap book n inside story of
J+P 731
sea 1230 viet 1000)
Of anon intvw
with srv s labor min1ster dao thinn thi, on
to us
sr. (3 min: spancub0)
splays at Perm
exhibition, telling of crimes of u. s.
tro~ps duri
Using them in latam and midifast. (3 min:
(~ enginter 1410)
ng aggression
gainst Vietnam, maintaining Washington u ed Vietnam
weapo the
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
b L P "4" STAT
on new di
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
take 7 of several -- commentary list:
1 d241358
east europe
102 intvw with albert belichenko, chmn
investment bank of socialist countries
credits for construction and modernization
mbr countries over 12 yrs of bank's
(g~erman, 0900 hungarian 221900; anon:
moscow Consolidated 23 sep 83
of board of intl
work of bank in providing
of *con facilities in
(tasse 200707)
m~nd 0700)
(4. 5 min: mand 0700
104 anatoliy naymushin
on 60th anniv bulgariaSTAT
anti-fascist uprising, briefly mentioning some of celebrations
0644 which are taking place at present and tressing importance of
u~~ ~p(fSievents 60 yrs. ago, quoting rabotnicheso delo. (3 min: czech/slovak
1500 polish 1400 albanian 1430; follows in time, events, people:
home 000)
105 review soviet media on bulgari n sofia city exhibition
in moscow and on visit of bulgarian city delegation headed by
lbtk( Achudomir aleksandr, first sef Sofia city bcp cmtee. (5 min:
bulgarian 1530)
106 report on
mtg at-soviet acad of sciences on bulgarian
sep 1923 uprising 60th anniv, attended by soviet scholars, friends
o* bulgaria, and jimitur zhulev, ambassador of ppl's republic of
a JUJU /bulg to ussr. (5 min: bulgarian 1530)
anon on survey of world oceans
romania a~d ussr.
107 ("hello, bratislava"):, feature about work of soviet
cosmonauts; feature about seminar of reps of friendship
societies held in moscow, incl intvw with Czechoslovak rep (Jan
blaze`). (czech/slovak 1500)
slovak 1630)
108 feature about days of bratislav in kiev. (10 min:
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
by gdr, mongolia, poland,
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
109 "voices of friendship": presenting program "friendship on
the ether" withjournalist sergey kleme -tyev, author of book recently
published in gdr, co-editor of gdr tv rograms and collaborator
of radio station "peace and progress" telling about some periods
of his life and expressing his views about friendship and answering
listeners' letters on this subject, renIinscences of war times
includ (16 min: german 1600)
-11. 1
report from ryazan on
(3 m 'polish 1400)
formaiton of polish kosciuszko army.
U- Ss(1-
III "life, works, and struggles of karl marx" series. (4
min: spa la 0000)
hailinglindo-soviet coop in
of space research, pointing to soviet assistance to india in
successful launching of its satellites and citing various indian
112 anon
press reports noting failure of india's
first communication satellite
insat-ia which was built by american company, quoting press asia
intl news agency as saying that u.s. deliberately sold that
satellite to india which had many defects, adding that even recently
launched insat-ib has also developed snags. (5 min: hind 1130)
113 salyut-7, soyuz-t9 today in orbit: reportage conducted by
cosmonauts vladimir lyakhov and aleksandr aleksandrov, giving
account of sci-tech, medical, astrophysi
experiments carried out on board svacecr
114 excerpt from soviet tv program i
cal and technological
aft. (sent: mayak 1800)
3 SEP 1983
n which lyakhov and
aleksandrov describe their life and workll on board salyut-7 for
benefit of viewers, followed by general
of data obtained. (3.5 min: enginter 13
engna 2200 german 1500 italian 1700 port
finnish 1530 arabic 1730 turkish 1400 po
sOTYCO1600 1900)
account of usefulness
10 1610 frenchinter 2-000
uguese 2000
lisp 1400 hungarian 1900
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
('~_ SS (L-
L.L 55(L-.
115 sci-engineering: : item recalling soviet cosmonauts' stay in
space aboard salyut-6,?With statements by cosmonauts on their space
research-activities and life aboard spacecraft. (7 min: greek 1500)
116 in world of sci-tech: incl account of space research carried
out by-I~osmonauts on board salyut-7. (italian 1900)
117 soviet sci-tech: incl report on nearly completed first
phase of intercosmos program, which was carried out near black
sea. min: hungarian 221900)
118 "in world of sci-tech: incl report on space medical research.
(amh ri 091530 on 10
take 8 of 8 -- commentary list: moscow
life in
119 Pravda editorial on implementation of food program
(,A- 55(2,
worked out in accordance with decisions
co nss. (orbita 0100 home 0500)
of 26th cpsu
120 summary Pravda editorial 24 sepiadealing with active
(,k Ss (L
use of force of television journalism. (2 min: orbits 2200
2000 2300)
23 SEP1983
Sep list) (amhar~c 1530)
121 reports on regular session of c~su cc politburo to discuss
vs + question of working out a complex-.program for development of
,,,,,,,,,,production of consumer goods and of Sys em of services
rendered to population, among other things. (3.5 min, sent:
mayak 1-700 home 1800 orbita 1800 2100; ~00 text sent: tasse 1705:
5-3 min: enginter 2010 frenchinter 2000portbraz 2200 spanla
2300 italian 1700 germaust 1800 hungariln 1900 serbo 1900)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
consolidated 23
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560012-1
122 reports on festive mtg of c!,ity party cmtee and
executive cmtee of city soviet of p
reps of party, admin and public orb
novosibirsk garrison, devoted to pr
pl's deputies, jointly with
s, servicemen of
esentation"of city with
lenin order, incl address given by iorotnikov, cndidate mbr
of politburo and chmn rsfsr cncl of
ministers. (sty 1300) (200
excerpt incl one min vorotnikov sent,: home 1300 orbits 1300 1400;
5min- mayak 1630; 2-1 min: ham* 1560 orbits 1500)
tug. At serbo 221600) (german--090p Persian 1800 swahili 221730;
1 time, events, people: intvw ith yuriy (inko), chmn
Poltava-town exec cmtee, on Poltava battle, and on development
of tooday. (home 0800)
(k SS((~
125 vladimir ermolayev on first }'ussian marxist
grow b of labor, its 100th annivll (8 min: polish 1400)
126 sergeyev on soviet policy on
LLSS(L - mandseax,230)
127 visitors: spanish visitor: s apish 221900; federico
de la crux, cuban publisher: spancubi 0100; rwandan visitors:
(5 min:
(k N5 _
fre,chaf 21930
unpro: enginter 2000 2045 2100
poor: viet 1300
128 misc internal ussr items: Vol
global 4 say 10 democ 3
our 12 nor ham 2 )atom 14 mideast 3 fr 11 asc 2 asnc 5
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yuriy rogachev on annual electoral conf in soviet