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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 taka i a severai -- commentary list:. moscow consolidated 14 aug Id151237 Iobal I,-Ja r I "intl observers at roundtable": spartak beglov, rudolf kolchanov, and aleksandr zholkver discuss week of action h(I(I_ for banning of nuclear weapons, largescale maneuvers in honuras, tuatemala and u. s. policy of interference in region, aggressive u. s. foreign policy in central america, ~i_;ri rn=z'~ , 5,~ Chad events, mcfarlane mideast visit, geneva talks recess 1 and sov U _ (~C 1 all ; t%//~,% t_ ;:.x, /r/ proposals to reducd milit spending, to eliminate nuclear threat, overcome tension and lead to lasting peace and detente on earth. (sent- orbita 0515 0715 0930 home 1130) vsevolod shishkovskiy on nod of geneva intnatl conf on L~ struggle against racism and racial discrimination. (rpt enginter 131300) (enginter 0800 1100 spancuba 0100 arabic 1730 portafr 1830 amharic 131530 swahili 1730 viet 1000, ano d 0700) vladlen kuznetsov "two different tendencies in -international pol'icy." (rpt polish 131300) (port 2000 engafr 1700 2000) 4 anon on soviet policy of peaceful coexistence with developed capitalist countries, accusing imperialists of rejecting soviet policy of peaceful coexistence from very beginning. (6 5 min: dsea 122W 14 AUG 1983 5 yevgeniy georgiyev "war and peace," criticizing u. s. and ether capitalist nations' aggressive policies -- especially massive arms buildup, exploitation of developing nations and interference in their internal affairs, indifference to call (VLr'"`/.' for peace and disarmament -- contributing to-heightening of global tensions, whereas ussr and socialist nations have been consistently working for world peace and stability as evident from soviet arms freeze proposals and Warsaw pact communique. .- t1 `h Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 C irabic -b@8) summary vsevolod ovchinnikov pravda "neocolonialism disguised Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 as aid." (4 min: engafr 132000) summary venyamin shurygin pravda on economy of developing I' (poorest: mayak 0250) aleksandr mikhaylov "we are loyal to principles of internationalism." on soviet youth contacts with youth of anon discussing export of soviet science and technology (3 min: hungarian 131630) soviet chess federation on placing of world championship semifinal between soviet grandmaster and hungarian ribli. (3 min, poor: b summary anon new times "the seven sisters against opec." 11 summary anon pravda outlining main points of statement of 12 anon on preparations for fourth international book.sample notes countries to participate, writers to be invited, book exhibitions to be held, other events. - Lu * j 0 f:Y'( en q r f i- 13 mailbag for world service listeners. (rpt enginter 101200) 14 mailbag for noth american listeners: incl replies on dissatisfaction among workers in u.s. automobile industry; freedom of religion in ussr; function of kgb being under party contrtil and within soviet law; soviet willingness to normalize (jJ4l7 relations with china; soviet undertaking not to be first to use nuclear arms; illegality of homosexuality under soviet law; ussr'sr;need to import fodder grain to accelerate cattle production; u.s. arms race policy harming soviet-american r t i n s. ( e n g na 132300 2300) O- / 14 AUG 1983 5 mailbag for british listners. (rpt enguk 131900) (enguk 1900 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: IA-RDP94-01353R002101530014- it -4,.. as yyYi' k 4+"tYeA-,'ir.T^+i,';'-?' Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 18 IGOR VYKHUKHOLEV TOKYO REPORT DESCRIBING CEREMONIES 16 reply to listeners' letters on,relations between ussr and developing countries, citing soviet assistance for construction of heavy industries in india and for building of hydroelectric power plants in syria, afghanistan and iran, noting rapid develop of cooperation between ussr and developing countries. (6 min: TAKE 2 OF SEVERAL -- COMMENTARY LIST: MOSCOW CONSOLIDATED 14 AUG 17 VADIM ZAGLADIN ON COMMUNISTS' ROLE IN STRUGGLE FOR PEACE. (RPT HINDI 121400) (SERBO 1600) COMMEMORATING ATOMIC BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA AND NEGASAKI. (4 MIN: rc) 1~ ENGAFR 1 00 2000 i 14 ANON REVIEWING ACTIVITIES WITHIN INTNATL WEEK OF ACTION AGAINST NUCLEAR WAR. (RPT ENGINTER 131300 (ENGINTER 0800 1100 1-300 1600 2000 FRENCHINTER 1600 2000 SPANCUBA 0400 ITALIAN 1700 C+ nn ~' GERMAN 1500 ARABIC 1730 PERSIAN 1700 GREEKCY 1-730 f1t~' GREEK 1800 BUL 1530 CZECH-SLOVAK 1500 POLISH 1400 SERBO 1-900 u~- HINDI 1-130 JAP 131204 INDO 131330 131-500 1330 1500 URDU 131300 ~}u7G 1200 1300 BENG 131500 1500 BUR 131430 1430 CAMB 431330 LAO 1313 0 1300 V I ET 1,000) ME, EVENTS, PPL: INCL ANTOLIY DORONIN ON ATNINUCLEAR MOVE 1 /., 1 /)0 ',nI,L . IN THE WEST AND WASHINGTON'S REACTIONS. (4 MIN: HOME 0200 ORBITA C J M v 0800) ( ~) 3- 14 AUG 1983 It s 21 LEONI_D KRICHEVSKIY RE GDR PROPOSALS SUBMITTED TO GENEVA D I SAR MAM COMMITTEE. (RPT ENGINTER 121300) t{ M//A/ Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 1~/ . Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 YURIY R( NEV ON MILITARY BALANCE BETWEEN USSR-WARSAW PACT c{~r` 22 !,~ -- AND USA-NATO IN WESTERN EUROPE. (RPT ENGNA 132200) iii/, 7 ALEKSEY VASILYEV ON CONTINUED PREPARATIONS FOR DEPLOYMENT IN WESTERN EUROPE OF NEW AMERICAN NUCLEAR MISSILES. (SENT: 41 - I ENGNA..,22OO) EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. (RPT GERMAN 121500) (FINNISH 1-530 SPANISH 13-1900) 26 REPORT ON RECENT ARTICLE BY SPD MEMBER ERHARD EPPLER IN SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY WEEKLY VORWARTS ON NATO'S TWO-TRACK DECISION AND W t (~ < GENE4r-,~ NF TALKS. (3 MIN: GERMAN 1600) L4 J 2 IKTOR SHLENOV REPORT ON GROWING ANTIWAR ACTIONS IN WEST 4 - yJ_ 1316OC SPANISH 131900) ITALIAN 1900) REPLY TO BRITISH LISTENER ON DANGERS FACING WEST EUROPE SHOULD EUROPEAN LEADERS AGREE TO U.S. NUCLEAR PREPARATION PLANS. TOUCHES ON PRESSURE ON WEST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES FROM CHANGES IN DOLLAR. INTEREST RATE POINTS TO EXTENT OS U INVOLVEME S T IN CONTROL , . . N '4,'_ LPlb AND MANUFACTURE OF BRITISH NUCLEAR ARMS, STRESSES THAT ?.NEWLY" DEPLOY CRUISE MISSILES WILL BE UNDER CONTROL OF USA, NOT C? , 28 REVIEW SOVIET PRESS COMMENT ON SOVIET PROPOSALS AIMED AT REDUCING NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN EUROPE, QUOTING SOCIALIST INDUSTRY, NEW DES AND MOSCOW NEW. (4 MIN: ENGINTER 0700) 29 REPORTS ON SOVIET TV DISCUSSION, HELD WITHIN FRAEWORK OF CZECH/SLOVAK 1500 ZERBO 1900 URDU 1200 1300 INIAG1 1500 BENG 00 LAO 1300 CAMB 1330) --~ - THIRD CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL PHYSICIANS FOR PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR. (TASSE 101954) (8-3 MIN: ENG I NTER 1.290 141D 1600 2000 FRENCHINTER 1-600 2000 SPANLA 2300 ENGUK 1900 ITALIAN 1700 FINNISH 1530 GERMAN 1500 GREEK 1.600 GREEKCY 1730 POLISH 1400 BUL 1530 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 24 "RADIO FORUM FOR PEACE AND DISARMAMENT IN EUROPE." (RPT GERMAN Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 kI,.,i- - 30 REVIEW OF SOVIET PRESS COMMENT ON ANTIWAR MOVEMENT WHICH, ort,.I"'v CONTRARY TO WESTERN REPORTS, IS GROWING IN STRENGTH. QUOTES PRAVDA, ZA RUBEZHOM, SOCIALIST INDUSTRY, NEW TIMES, IZVESTIYA AND MOSCOW NEWS.1-0 MIN; ENGINTER 0700) ON PARTICIPATION OF NORDIC WOMEN INSTAT PEACE MARCH 83, QUOTING MARCH SLOGANS, DESCRIBING ITS ROUTE AND BRIEFLY QUOTING FINNISH AND DANISH PARTICIPANTS AND AMERICAN l?~omU.r COORD TOR OF EVENTS ON MARCH. (3 MIN: FINNISH 1530) 32 SOVIET WEEK: INCL NOTE ON BIKE FOR PEACE RACE, DESCRIBING ROUTE AND BRIEFLY QUOTING CAPTAIN OF SOVIET TEAM. (4 MIN: FINNISH 33 LEONID ALEKSEYEV ON PEACE ACTIVITIES OF SOCIALIST COMMUNITY. (7 MI POLISH 1300) 34 YOUTH PROGRAM, INCL NOTE ON CAMPAIGN OF SOVIET YOUNG PEOPLE' ON PEACE REFERENDUM "I VOTE FOR PEACE." (RPT FRENCHMAG 061930 ON AUG LIST) (FRENCHMAG 131900) take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 14 aug 83 35 new york report on condemnation of reagan admin's militarist policy by former u.s. vice president waiter mondale, senators john glenn, gary hart and alan cranston who seek democratic presidential nomination. (300 text sent: tasse 1958 tassr 0928) 14 AUG 1983 S f!4 ALI' "I"' tc Is 36 (viktor ragimov) on shift on u.s. milit exercises from nato countries to asia, pacific, africa and latin america, citing u. s. milit exercises off latin america, thailand, africa, says milit exercises are aimed at obtaining more permanent stations.for u.s. and bases for rapid deployment forces. (5 min: bur 131030) Its Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 W "MM Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 37 igor aleksandrov on u.s. milit buildup. white house is not'concerned with deterring russians but with building up strategic force that would enable it to back up its first strike `doctrine. usa has had plans for delivering first nuclear strike on ussr since 1946. plans were relatively sober, but following coming to power of reagan washington adopted policy of undermining arms control negitations to gain milit superiority. (3 min: 38 yuriy soltan critizing u.s. policy in central america, Chad, libya, lebanon. (rpt enginter 091300) (enginter 1300 1600 2000 frenchinter 160.0 2000 spanla 2300 italian 1-700 h/slovak 1500 bulg 1530 hili 1730 30 Czec Swa Finnish 1530 portafr 18 polish 1400 serbo 1900 indo 1330 1500 bur k ) f,, /Ii ;;,q 1430 39 valentin zorin on publication this, week of results of opinion poll carried out jointly by washington post and abc network indicating that 54 percent of the polled said president reagan was about to plunge nation in central amrican war. large percentage of those said admin's policy might lead to another vietnam (3 min: engna 132300) second part of unrehearsed discussion on soviet-u. s. relations btwn viktor yenikeyev and radomir bogdanov and (andrey LL melvi_k). (rpt engna 102200) (enginter 0700) intve with dr (malik) of columbia univ, one of,gr.oup of american psychiatrists who visited ussr thru intourist. on a personal level, relations btwn soviet and u.s. psychiatrists are fine, though; not so on the official level. (engna 2200 14 AUG 1983 of- 5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 42 soviet press on soviet-american relations: all papers Have discussed events in chad, quoting pravda on mounting interference by usa and franca; moscow news intvw with director of instituteof-latin american studies about tension .in central. america; izvestiya on soviet protest over provocations against aleksandr ulyanov on high seas; nedele report great interest in soviet films; sovetskaya.sport intvw with ldr of b/fie)for peace 83 from usa. (engna 2200) americas 43 stmt by soviet public organizations protesting against L~ -~- u.,,m X14- escalation of aggressive adventuristic actions of usa in central america, mainly targeted against nicaragua. (rpt tasse 121328) (spancuba 0100) 44 "day of bolivia" feature: ltrs from listeners on bolivian every read. (15 min: spanla 0000) 45 "literature program": poems on chile and allende. (5 min: amhari/ 31530) .46 chile: anon greets authors.and singers of revolutionary songs (12n, music interspersed: spanchile 2000) 47 gennadiy (speskiy) report covering,first latin american mtg held by "christians for socialism" movt in 1972 in santiago, chile. (9 Rrf spanchile 2030) 48 ,dose miguel varas' chronicle of chilean culture. (9 min: 4' anon on repression during and after 4th day of natl protest in ce. (5min: spanchile 2030) 50 (frida morak), former chilean president salvador'allende's press sect' interviewed on allende's life. (c min: spanla '14 AUC 1983 51 report on salvadoran children resting at soviet camp. (4 min r spanl O) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 52 nikhail kremnev on coup in guatemala. (rot engna (engna 230"0) summary sovetskaya rossiya on coup in guatemala argues that coup took place according to washington's scenario and that washington's claim of noninvolvement has convinced no one. S 54 sergey pravdin on ap report that head of'salvadoran antippl regime magana had received intiation from washington to attend american-honduran maneuvers now being held in honduras, underlines futility of attempts to save magana in light of mounting struggl8f salvadoran patriots. (3 min: mayak 0930) f~ - 55 (anselmo septiem) intvw with nicaraguan energy secy. (emilio rapachioli), on what sandinist revolution wants for /lli ;'.cr (_ ~f~cv ,aAuans. (6 min: spanla 000) CL 56 aon on venezuelan reactions against u.s. policy in central america, incl recorded stmt by (leopoldo espionoza prieto), mayor of venezuelan district of (nueva esparta). (2.5 min: spanla 2300) Gc S take 4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 14 aug 83 ld151412 57 "we skip through your letters," with vladimir petrov reviewing frg listeners' letters on unemployment and its negative consequnces infrg. (10 min: german 1600) 14 AUG 1903 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-013538002101530014-2 Approved For Release "2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 58 review albert grigoryants undated izvestiya on 1970 moscow treaty.?reviewing positive developments of ussr-frg cooperation in particular in economic field, and pointing to good cultural relations and contacts in other fields of human activities. however, ri or ants notes, there are also difficulties most of which have been created by present U. s. administration and its attempts to (aq make its europcan nato allies follow its policy of confrontation and military buildup. deployment of new missiles would complicate ussr-frg relations and deteriorate general political climate in europe!-~ (8 min: german 1600) 59 (stanislav posikov) (A S on neofascist activSTATs /~ v+Itii ' in afs'bI~ria. (rpt german 131500) (german 1500) It. 60 anon reviewing history of events in northern ireland starting 14 august, 1964. (rehash /marin/, enguk 121900) (italian 1900. port 61 igor penchenko describes present unrest in northern ireland. (rpt enginter 131300) (enginter 0800 1100 spancuba 01-00 arabic 1730 persjan,1800 czech/slovak 1500; anon: german 1.500) End vladimir kosyrev, izvestiya correspondent in britain, reports from newcastle-on-tyne on dwindling heavy industry and shipbuilding there and resultant unemployment which creates hardships. (3 min: engaf 700 2000) 63 account of temiognage chretien interview with lionel jospin, first sec of french socialist party, on stand taken by leaders P5fuf / of french socialist party on main issues of war and peace. (rpt ('` french 1730) (french 1730) r rJ 64 "france and franco-soviet relations reflected in soviet ,1L press": brief quotes unspecified papers on willi brandt's Washington (.a ?., post article saying french and british nuclear forces should be ~-/~/?'"`fnc:uded in ea'st-west calculations, on australian protest at french rig .i?~~~ Jv nuclear explosions on mururoa atoll; pravda on development of neutron bomb in france; unspecified papers on french intervention in chad. 0--- 14 AUG 1983 (f r e r/eh 1730) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 . Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 , ) 4. I~U(1 (J.'..~` 65 " user as r~3200ii~ `` sten'by Portuguese." (rpt port 062000 on 7 aug list) 66 soviet week: incl note on "sudotekhnikoa-83 exhibition currently open in .leningrads with brief interview with representatives of swedish firm asea on trade links with soviet union. (3 min: finnish 1530) 6 (nikolay olegov) on recent unofficial meeting in helsinki of premiers of finland, Sweden, denmark, norway and iceland, Na" . quoting finnish press on ri(1'an/Cy- of issue of nuclear-free ,~ (l f Z Q-~ ("C' r1 69 "africa as we see it": anon on african public opinion on french-u.s. intervention in chad (3 min); aleksandr sergeyev on u.s. aggression in african states (4 min); (negel chilov) on ). haric 131530 1530) cong9-bxAzzaville rev anniv (4 min am 70 smts by mbrs of all-ethiopian to and rev ethiopian youth assn'chmn on u.s. maneuvers in east africa. (rpt amharic 181530) (amharic 1530) kc 7: tanzanian, ethiopian and other african students describe thei- 72 aleksandr sergeyev on crocker's speech to u.s. businessmen in w)-,ichhe announced u. s. admin's intention to step up efforts in africa to create better conditons for penetration of u.s. bus,,"s5 interests. (rpt engafr 131700) (frenchafr 131930) ?'. on friendly wavelength, program for east african listeners: report on graduation party at moscow agriculture academy. (.r en afr 311700) (engafr 1700) iO 14 AUG 1903 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 ----*- ?'- *~~. - participants concern with and discussion north, reiterating soviet undertaking not to use nuclear arms against nord'ic participants in zone. notes koiv,,to and palms's appreciation of stand on issue. (finnish 1530) 68 "africa as we see it." (rpt somali 121600)-(somali 131600) C-L_S -/ summer---activities in ussr. (4 min: engafr 132000) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 74 vladimir (shilov) on congolese rev anniv. (rpt engafr 121700) r_Ft; (gl7l,.J(engafr~1700 2000 portafr 1830 swahili 1730) 75 summary izvestiya pegged. (rpt french 12STAT) Of r e.nw-,h 1730) 76 reports datelined paris, washington and tripoli on chad 77 roundup reports from soviet correspondents in africa, pegged. (r engafr 131700) (frenchafr 131430) 7717 Mideast (A S rvcrn }J 2 1f 78 roundup arab condemnation of american bright star 83 (dr ub maneuvers, quoting gadhafi, arab ppls congress, ali nasir mohammad, pdry foreign ministry stmt, Syrian tishrin, egyptian ash-sha'ab, and Somali salvation democratic front in addition to wpc. (arabic take 5 of several -" commentary list: moscow consolidated 14 aug 83 ~_2C( JJ(\/ 79 anon "arab unityis most avowed enemy of imperialism'": .,it was learned from bitter experience during aggression on lebanon that israel benefited fully from divison in arab world, betrayal of sadat and egypt's withdrawal from joint arab front. U. s. imperialism managed to split arab ranks even when egyptian rev triumphed under jamal abd an-nasir. usa was shocked by outcome of 1473 war and weakest link in arab unity was egypt. this was exploited by washington. numayri followed. he was promised aid if he supported camp david agmts. then gabus of oman was another. (poor: arabic ;1730) 14 AUG 03 K Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2,u~-T Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 .80 'talk by igor rostov, secy responsible for radio moscow friends' club: reading ltr from mariam abu ash-shabab, sister of mahmud abu ash-shabab, secy of paletinian friends of radio moscow club who is detained in ansar camp. appeal from soviet readers and listeners to help in efforts to free mahmud and his colleagues frog--ansaw camp. (arabic 1530) 81 igor sheftunov on khamene'i's friday sermon. (rpt persian 101700) (persian 1700 1800) anon on ahmad tavakkoli's resignation from iranian cabinet. (,rpt pMsian 111700) (persian 1500) 83 talk reviewing soviet-cyprus trade relations. (poorest: 84 anon, at listeners request, discusses soviet-cyprus trade relations, giving an account of relations since 1960, adding that trade relations btwn two countries have been increasing since then. 1976 trade agmt proved to be successful, adds commentary which then gives account of soviet goods imported by cypurs and on cypriot products imported by user, making ref to visit to moscow last ,duly by cyprus commerce minister andreou and signing of 10-year agmt on development of econ and industrial coop btwn two countries. (4 min-7)greekcy 1730) "'14 AUG '633 85 ussr supsov presidium/ussr cncl ministers sent congratulator, telegram to indian ldrs on 36th indian indepenence anniv. (220 I~6 4'1 text sent: tasse 1509 tassr 1510 mayak 1500: 2-1 min: home 1_500 r_i- C orbita 1500 italian 1400 german 1500 germaust 1930 persian 1800 greekcy 1-730 swahili 1730 serbo 16-00 1900 mand 1600: brief: home 1800 1950 orbita 1800 1904 2100 mayak 1830 2000 2130 2230 spanla 2300 enginter 1500 1600 2000 2100 engna 2200 2300 enguk 1000 fin:qish 1530 amharic 1530 greek 1800 czech/slovak 1500 1600) Cl 1 -- -^^--~- Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 --,----~- ~* -'ter^'!~"?>; roi~~ ~ . Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 Gr i 86 (aleksey virokov) pegged to 36th STAT anniv of india's independence. noting india's socioeconomic, industrial andt ethnical progress since independence, cites speech ~of indian freedom fighter, (shanti tyagi), hailing indian-soviet friendship and cooperation contributing to peace and stability in asi~ (5 min: hind 131400) It t 87 andrey aloy on indian independence anniv, lauds indian achievements and strengthening of its positions on intl scene, referring to soviet-aided enterprises and suport for turning indian ~ "P y 2 V' Z -r oc~n into zone of peace. (enginter 1430) 88 correspondent's report on moscow function marking 36th anniv of.india's independence and 12th anniv of indian-soviet f~' treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation. (rpt hindi 121400) {~(14 mj: urdu 131200) Ire- report on soviet delegation led by usmankhodzhayev, deputy chairman of ussr supreme soviet, to india. delegation ' met mrs gandhi and discussed bilateral and international issues. it also met president and vice president of india. (2.5 min: bind 1130) ?G yuriy soltan, re 12th anniversary of indian-soviet treaty r-6 of peace, friendship, and cooperation, hailing growing cooperation If in various fields, says indian-soviet friendship not directed against any third coutnries and it is serving cause of world peace which is being threatened by imperialists' aggressive policies. ( 5 m u r d u 1200 1300 b e n g 1500) ... ~3 14 AUG 1983 Approved For-Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 take 6 of several aug 833 1 d 151601 commentary list: moscow consolidated 14 91 correspondent's report on roundtable talk of soviet academicians re 12th anniversary of indian-soviet treaty of peace, rs~ Tt~ ~'friendship, and cooperation; tracing impact of soviet cc ~Ljits revolution on india's freedom struggle and lauding india's foreign policy and its socioeconomic achievements since independence# also hails growing indian-soviet cooperation contributing toward enhancement of peace in asia and world as whole. (10 min: hind 92 "friendship and cooperation program": a) reviewing letters of listeners which speak of close friendship between two countries; b) interview with dmitriy alekseyev, advisor to department of cultural relations with foreign countries in user ministry of foreign affairs, describing close cooperation between soviet union and bangladesh in scientific and cultural fields; c) interview with bangladesh film director alamgir and actress babita, who took part in 13th moscow film festival, praising soviet films and ,especially their technical side. he also suggested to produce film in joint collaboration between bangladesh and soviet union. (over 20 min with music: beng 1500) afghanistan ,7: dmitriy (khabin)I from afghanistan on visit STAT to ?.'illage in kabul province, on life and successes of peasants. (rpt eng-rn.ter 121300) (italian 1700 hind 131130 beng 131500 camb 1330 )/ /~ , 94 recorded remarks by mbr of afghan deleg in moscow on sov-afghan coop in field of housing construction. (rpt dari _'IU, 14 AUG 1115)?0) (dari 131500) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2'"1'~" '"'.~ - 97 anon on struggles of soviet and afghan ppl for maintaining world peace. afghans desire peaceful coexistence with all govts. dra's proposals for normalization of relations-with iran and pakistan is manifestation of this desire. sov govt has supported these proposals. (5 min: dari 1500) 95 talk-An series by sov col (yorkovich) entitled "undeclared war against dra" discusses collaboration btwn u.s. govt and shah's regime to impose a pro-western govt in afghanistan on eve of..il revolution. (9 min: dart 131500) 96 review of sov press on sov-afghan coop in various fields and victories achieved by afghan ppl against rebels and in sociqic_d~nomic spheres. (7 min: dari 1500) , 98 soviet-chinese friendship assn program: soviet metallurgical engineer on his tour of duty in china during 'fifties (3.5 min); article recalls visit of chi shaoxing opera troupe to moscow in august 1955 (4.5 min). (total 8 min: mand 1230) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 5 > program for chinese youths: (alin) on visit with sec of `~ D komsomol committee of collective farm in suburban moscow re young people's role in developing agriculture in user (7 mint third installment of radio novel "youthfulness in flames of war" on afghan geological workers' struggle against counterrev Ct ~in,% bandits (14 min). (total 21 min: mand 1600) aria/far east IOQ Lass statement on u.s. flouting of other nations' (i", ( ",')tcS'% right=_, particularly in respect of micronesia. (tasse 121442) (4. 5 min: jap (,', `% 13120 h ind i 131130 urdu 131200 131300 beng 131500 camb 131330 lao X31300 bur 131430 indo 131330 131500; one min: bur 131030 inch #31330 thai 131100) 14 AUG 1989 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530014-2 treating u. s., soviet foreign policies on equal footing. (8 spirit 83 military exercises, Japanese military allocations. (4 minginter 1430) 1 (6 v i e t 1000) 0 ; sergerskiy) denounces certain asian political clique for alliance between usa, japan and south korea? pointing to vast W/o~quantity of u.s. nuclear weapons stored in south korea, team (L SS 101 anon on issues relating to indian ocean. 104 "from soviet-thai.history file" program. (rpt thai 061100 oleg (zhakov) on renewed efforts to establish military list) (7 min: thai 131100) _.05 anon on growing burmese govt concern over use of narcotic drugs to finance insurgent activities. (rpt bur 121030) (4 min: bur 1430) vladimir korolev on U.S.-JAPANESE military cooperation. (rpt enginter 131300) (enginter 0800 1100 urdu 131300 beng 131500 bur 131430 indo 131-330 131500 hindi 1130 lao 131-800; anon: hung (,l ; ( `13.'900 +t t 1000) (", 5 107 (kiril stepanov) on ,dap-U. S. econ friction, saying trade friction is so serious, acute that gap cannot be filled before presi,d-eVt reagan visits jap this fall. (8 min: ,dap 134000) 108 report on moscow's opening ceremony for jap-ussr seminar for study of marxism-leninism, -socialism in ussr. (6.5 min, sent: dap 131200) (rpt viet 131300) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353 R002101530014-2 .,ww q -,, - take 7 of ?eeveraI ' commentary list: moscow consolidated 14 aug 83 1d151602 109 summary (vladimir kapulin) kommunist lauding national onstruction achievefinents in kampuchea. (rpt thai 111100) (9 min: Is-a-,1030; 8 min: thai 1100) 1I reports on telegram exchange between ussr and dprk leadership on 38th anniversary korean liberation from Japanese militarism. (450 text sent: tasse 1516 tassr 1520; 2.5 min: home 1500 orbits 1500; 2-1 min: mayak 1630 home 19130 orbita 1750 'V 2300 italian 1700 Berman 1-500 germaust 1800 swahili 1-7W persian 1800 greekcy 1730 mand 16Q0 brief: home 1800 orbits 1800 2100 mayak 2000 2130 2230 spanla 2300 enginter 1500 1600 2000 2-1-00 } D 0-) aNr~i~ engna 2200,2300 spanla 2300 enguk 1900 finnish 1530 amharic-1530 greek,-1800~czech/slovak 1500 1600 serbo 1900) 11't-n