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August 7, 1983
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take I of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 aug 83
j K.
a NAIL /
I,~~II< 2 countries and continents: feature on london-period of lenin's
F^~ff"`,~ ,(ife; feature on cameroons, cultural and artistic life there;
b/ 5f-mt. cheyss 's visit to cuba. (sent: orbita 0515 0715 0930 home 1130)
Li,, d
. observers roundtable: levin, bovin and shishlin discuss anniv
of hieroshima bombing, referring to signing of helsinki final act
and peace proposals presented by ussr and other socialist countries,
as yet with no positive response from west, touching on u.s.
socalled flexibility at.geneva arms talks and growth. of. antiwar
movement in world; on reagan's central american policy, re events
in el salvador and nicaraug and u.s. maneuvers in central america;
u.s. and french interference in chad's internal affairs by supplying
milit hardwares on aspects of french minister of external relations,
feature on swedish tourist industry; feature on life of
primitive inhabitants of jungle area bordering bangladesh and
burma-\ (home 0700)
3 summaries anon undated pravda on gneeva conference against
q raci-s . -~(3 min: engafr 1700 2000)
4 report from geneva conf,against racism and racial
discrimination, quoting speeches by representative of un special
antiapartheid committee (brief), Yugoslav delegate (brief) and
hea>: soviet delegation (2 min). (portafr 1830 Swahili 1730)
CU_ J')
5 roundup reports from new York, paris, rome and London on
escalating unemployment, plight of unemployed in capitalist
col ries. (rpt enginter 051300) (enguk 1900)
time, events, ppl: incl zholkver discussing new statistics
which have been published in western countries regarding growing
~J . uneoyment level. (4 min: home 0800 orbits 0800)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
.a+j.rvy.^ . T' Ts _o'! +k -'.i'i~a'.~y '.""'r . ~.. ~. - ..1. -1 ? 1 M "-?~ . ? 1 - ? 1 . _,. - ? 1 ? . -..
7 interview with ethiopian representative at recent
international satellite and radio communications seminar in moscow.
(4 min: aharic 1530)
I -u- 01 s
8 interview with tunisian delegate to world telecommunications
seminar in ussr, onhis impressions of soviet union, importance of
semina (4 min: frenchmag 1930)
' Pravda report by corr (darasta), who accompanied nhan dan
corr during visit to baku petrochemical college, telling of college
training of cadres for different fraternal countries. (rpt viet
44'1300) (8 min: viet 1300)
10 anon, based on interviews with cross-section of soviet
people lauding socioeconomic achievements since gosr under able
guidance of ruling,compartyi hailing soviet foreign policy which is
directed toward eliminating dangers of nuclear holocaust -- facing
~1~~ I~~~~J,od~cman4ind because of usa and its allies' nuclear armament policy --
f establishing peace and bringing about basic improvements in
[iol ,, interational relations. (12 min: hindi 1400) (~ r
_U L
11 radio moscow friends' club: quotes letters on importance
of second rsdwp congress which founded bolshevik partys praising
soviet peace initiatives. also quotes portion zimyanin speech at
rsdwp anniversary session stressing peaceful nature of soviet
fore 'i-7 policy. (frenchmag 1930)
12 radio forum: letters from jap, u.s., colombian listeners on
?' need for world peace, scoring u. s. central american moves,
disar, ent stance. (8 min: ,dap 061000) (~ J
13 we skip through your letters" with vladimir petrov reading
from and commenting on listeners' letters denouncing lack of
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
jobs for young people in frg and social problems in frg and
netherla?~\ds. (10 min: german 061500 1600)
14 mailbag for world service listeners. (rpt enginter 031200)
(enter 1200) _D _ 0 7 AUG.199?
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information; soviet view that introduciton of mx missile is designed
o 1)p-,et existing parity; deterioration of soviet-american relations
following president reagan's introduction of "crusade"s
reason for lenin using various pseudonyms; refuting allegations
that ussr has used or is prepared to use chemical weapons, recalling
soviet proposed ban on chemical weapons; continued existence and
useromany language in ussr. (engna 062300)
LA aVTh 16 mailbag for british listeners. (rpt enguk 061900)
17 Africa mailbag. (rpt engafr 061700) (frenchafr 1930)
take a of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 aug,83
r 16 valentin zorin an u.s. nuclear attack on hiroshima and
J fa t .N, ros h i rt u
I~ ` nNN1 / nagas 1 i, current u. s. nuclear arms policy. (sent: engna 062300)
summary stanislav kondrashov izvestiya on anniversary
JG.~1 h it ima bombing.
(tasse 041844) (5 min: enginter 0700)
yuriy zhukov greets jap peace campaigners on behalf of soviet
pea%.e champions, re bike for peace marathon, hiroshima anniversary.
(rpt enginter 061300) (spanla 062300 spancuba 0100 german 061500
por*tr 1-830 amnaric 061530 swahili 1730 hung 061900 burmese
061430 hindi 11.30 jap 061200 Urdu 061300 beng 061500 indo 061330
15 mailbag for north american listeners: incl replies on soviet
citizens need for visas to leave user, number of soviets being
refused u. s. entry visas; editorial, control of moscow radio program
Icontent, function of glavlit organizing in ensuring that no printed
material contains leakage of classified economic or military
raIIit') I C
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
21 anon re atomic bombing of hiroshima, signing of moscow
treaty on 5 aug 1963 banning nuclear tests in atmosphere,
3- 0-p space and under water. (rpt penchenko, enginter
051300) (spanla 060000 spancuba 060100 urdu 061200 hindi 061130)
commemora`tionof hiroshima day. (3 min: Swahili 1730)
Via 1"N'GA0 22aleksey anatolyev on hiroshima anniversary, noting dap
01"-WA? pres.+ic-r Is presence, yet supporting u. s. nuclear policy. (5.5
ct-~~~ min: j a.p- 061000 )
K, -S
ews report reviewing worldwide demonstrations in
24 on hiroshima anniversary:) I on mass
demonstrations by peace supporters;
demos marking anniv; can Francisco report on continued mass
U-V(mar5:ing hiroshima anniversary. (approx 400 words: tassr 1030)
J (4
25 sergey pravdin on hiroshima ceremony commemorating victims
J1Jcf ill1J ~ri,~,
of u.s. atomic bombing, noting that ceremony marked opening of
world peace council week of action against nuclear weapons,
`I L 1d~~'~u1
in usa, despite bourgeous propaganda efforts to discredit
actiVAL\ies of peace supporters. (4 min: mayak 1800)
anon on results of further round of soviet-american talks
on limiting and reducing strategic weapons. (rpt enginter 031300)
(5-3 min: enguk 1900 greekcy 1730 arabic 1730 bulg 1530 bur 1430
indo, ,33 1500 camb 1330 lao 1300)
OW,1' 27-summaries segment pravda intnatl review on significance
1 /l 1 rt,l' N
of he)sinki final act and signing of nuclear test ban treaty,
/u' ~'{ pointing to necessity of positive results at geheva negotiations.
f--(3 min: enginter -1300 1600 2000 frenchinter 1600 2000 Berman 1500
r) J`~ italian 1700 finnish 1530)
07AUG 1983
28 (oleg alekseyev) onrecent meeting of nato consultative
group on problems on nuclear armament, referring in this connection
to planned actions by antiwar movements in europe and usa. refers
~Ohfit.UG/A=to some official actions against members of peace movements in
se~e~ral countries. (5 min: german 061600)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
i i r cent ress statement bu defense minister ustinov
e p
L advantages.. rejects reproach of soviet inflexibility at geneva
that soviet union does not strive for unilateral
ummar z ng
negotiations, pointing out that ussr is only insisting that french
and british nuclear weapons be included in calculations. (7-5
ita-lian 1900 part 072000 german 1600) Li
(AJQ-C min:
r, 1,,1:
aleksandr zholkver on president reagan's bild-zeitung
interview corroborating his decision of deploying nuclear missiles
on european soil, calling simultaneously on ussr to reduce its
Di ?y
/v1/S5I1e,militapotential. (3 min: german 1600)
rr, , 5 (S / ? S
citing willi brandt's washington STAT
article chiding backers of euromissiles. (300 text sent: tasse
1337 tassr 1133)
32 "for peace and security in europe": extracts
interviews with portuguese visitors to ussr who attack u.s. plans
to deploy new nuclear weapons in western europe and expand military
presence in portugal, highlighting growing movement in portugal
Cyr hA, ~`P opposed to siting or transit of such weapons in or through
portuguese territory, and praising soviet peace initiatives.'
(14 min--)port 2000) -'
33 summary yuriy zhukov pravda "reasonable, questions.ard
0 wrong answers," discussing propagandistic content of booklet
tAj0" published by usia on intermediate-range nuclear weapons. (rpt..
germ 051600) (6. 5 min: port 072000) CL~
4 andreyev on reagan statement on arms policy, saying it is
dangerous to mankind, noting ussr doing everything possible to
hi G
~,~~ top n,i -I ar holocaust. (7 min: mand 0700)
G S+r',-, trpt
Is 36
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
review soviet press comment on soviet stand on arms race.
inter 030700) (enginter 0700) 0 7 AUG 1983
mikhail vasilyev analyzes concept of military parity.
(rengna 062200) (enginter 1410 enguk 1900)
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37 vladislav kozyakov on u.s. congress backing of reagan's
1410)* l~(~3
specifif natural conditions. (6 min: engafr 062000)
take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7
38 georgiy tanov on reagan's neutron bomb production decision,
quoting british physicist and Lass in effects of neutron weapons.
,j,,speculating that neutron weapons could be used by rapid deployment
1,41)"f force and supplied to bases in other countries. notes that neutron
weapon is particularly dangerous to tropical africa because of
?ram ,
of preventing war. (rpt german 030900) (german 050900)
41 cultural; program: cultural workers struggle for peace.
(rpt Berman 021500) (german 050900)
42 introduction to listeners' letters to moscow radio#
noting letters from japan.. frg, usa, finland, bulgaria, austrias
colombia, perue reviewing.tbeiropinions on peace and war,
supp6i ing user and hitting'usa. (7 min: kor 0930) ~c
3 youth program: incl note on campaign of soviet young people
on peace referendum "i vote-for,peace," quoting letters on soviets'
sufffl-11-hgs in last war. (frenchmag 061930)
44 interview with two french members of recent peace
train delegation who received warm welcome in kiev and gained
clear 4sprestion that soviets do not want war. (french 1730)
-ytu-C- international public to strive. together against danger of
40 vladimir (kovalov), member of.soviet acad medical:sci. on
significance of peaceful use of nuclear energy.and calling on
a (,
nuclear .eapons. (5 min: -german 061500)
(9- 07AUG1983
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32 Igor dmitrigev
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45 . (douglas ; aattern),:.*- member', of u. s. peace movement, gives
impressions of-soviet peace movement gleaned
with group of 150. excerpts from address by
rally on soviet and american people_'s common
(4 engna 2200)
s pipeline
during 2-week.visit
(mattern) to.moscow
desire for peace.
( S
46 sidelights from the ussr; incl report on.stand of
L) gas pipeline, from siberia to. western euro e, including ,,review
of dp iculties which had to be overcome (3 min: german 1600)
47 (lev zhizhevsk.i.y.) pravda.on dollar war.taking:,placein,world
C`tf ctw, jr
- --- -~.., ~a~.-.R vfftswV) c:3 min: german 050900)
48 summary anon pravda intnatl section item entitled: "retagan's
big c4ub, quotes newsweek. (4 min: spanla 2300)
resume of soviet press -on .u. s. and soviet-american relations:.
pravda, new times on u.s. naval involvement in central,arer.icas-
Pravda and tass.stmt re events in.chads izvestiya,on.30th anniv
of bombing of h-irofhimas sovetskaya rossiya on bike for ,peace
-tour, sovetskiy_sport intvw with u.s. coach on wei htlifti .
g. ng in
ussrr/-l(engna 2200) S
on decision taken by
0 7 AUG 1983
conf to authorize. production of new generation of nerve gas.
(r Pt en na 062000) (enginter -1410 enguk 1900)
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on reagan's hypocritical attempts
to defend washington's approach to intnatl trade. (350 text.sent:
tassr 0980)
51 spartak beglov, observer of novosti, referring to claims
by u. s. milit ldrs that u. s. nuclear arsenals are insufficient.
(rpt eng-inter 062000) Cengi.,t_r 0800
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53 account of intvw with prof.-aleksandr ovcharenkoe of moscow's
institute.of-world lite giving his impressions of_changes_for,
worse brought on bg ec.on _ prob lems stemming.from - mi l it spend
U- S
partak-.alek.sayev.desc.ribes his visit. to statue.of liberty
on liberty island in hudson bay. linking statue-with u. s. racial
policies and police brutality, toward ethnic minorities,.and rsprisals
against ppl of poorer districts, concludes about another significant
move in name of american liberty re u.s. admin's intention to
deport south.african poet and fighter against apartheid, dennis
brutus..who will face.deathat hands.of hired.ki lleis in south
africa. 'while former nazis and associates of dictators somoza
and bi~tis~a are doing well in u. s. (engafr 1700.2000)
take4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated-7 aug 83
55 lit in series b.y dmitr-.iy .ch,uvakhin. on history of
soviet-canadianrelations. noting;.paralells btwn two nations,,
tracing history-of relations fr.om;1917._.whan,canada .joined
other western -powers - in : ex.tr.emely hostile :stand re . ussr, . up .
to wwii, which brought.abgput major reconsidbration._.of canadian
foreign policy.and led.to.f urth.er:turn in soviet-canadian.relations.
(engna 62300)
8d:~aleksandr zholkver..on; reagan's optimism about diplomatic
settlement of central-.amer'ican problems. (rehash home 031500)
/ r 4 Q }N~
(germs 050900) 0 7 AUG 1983
57 yuriy soltan-on ,washington's socal.led. dafense of freedom
in central america. (rpt.enginter 061300) (enginter 0800 1.100
1300 1600 2000 frenchinter..1600 2000.spancuba 0-100-Italian 1700
finnish 1530-,gorman 06.1.500.1500:arabic 1730 greekcy 1730 portafr
1830 swahili.--1730.pglish 1400:bulgarian 1530,hind'1130 urdu 12001
1300 061300.;beng 06.l,500..indo.061300.061500 1300 1500 bur 061430
oroan 1330 lao 061300 camb 13301 anon: hungarian 061630)
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(9 min:/gna 2200)
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58 summeof intvw:with mexican senator raul castellanos
I'll- . . .
on critical. si.tuat;i.on :in ;, central, aipericansays th.is...serious
uch-ka*pIIkpgast-crgated due to
america another u. s.- border. rejects reagan's accusations that
crisis was crsa.ted,by-soviet, intervention. in. central america.
president.reagan's decision. to consider central
spanla 2300)
9 .*anon: "what kind ;of, freedom,is.washington.defending in
central. america?" 'rapping .u.,s.. milit. exercises there,
ridiculing reagan stmt on,.fr.edom ih area, comparing
nicaraguan.-guatemalan;.rogimes..(4;min: vist
60 anon on._.special'_ceremony held in moscow to
celebrate bolivian.-indopendence.anniv, bolivian amb and
soviet dr spoke on occasion,-referring to bolivia's.histori.cal
loyalty to liberator, andalso_to.bo.livian-soviet relations.
(3 mipfq.spanla 060000)
~~~nrst.in series .of "day _of bolivia" feature.
program dedicated.to,anniv.of bolivian independence and to
200th birth anniv.of simon,bo.livar, reprots on culture,
historyt folk.lore,, and;.cit?ies-wh:ieh..make up image .of bolivia.
includes words by. bolivian,amb:to ussr remembering anniv of
bolivian indep:endence,. reading . of. part of independence
decl a ion. (15 min: spanla 0000)
62 valentin mashk.in.on speech delivered by george shultz to u.i
senat.)(spancuba 060100) 1 ~_J
6anon on soviet tv intvw with luis corcvalan, gen.sec of
chilean compartys on determined spirit.s.hown by?chilean,workers.
0 7 AUG 1983
64 "encounter with:chide",:feature: chilean exiles sing
songs in solidar.ity,wi.th chilean patriots and demanding overthrow
of f.Mseist maim.. (19 min: saanehile 2000) (o
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
65 katia and .peps -review article published by. clandestine
newspaper eI siglor,. saying,over.throw of pinochet would.be cultural
event, praising_courage.of;newspaper for its. constructive criticism
agains regime. (4 min: spanchile 2030)
6- "report on chile" featur.e:(gennadiy spar..skiy) reviews
deficient health program_in country,, high. cost..of medicines.
etc. scores ;rightist press for .distorted manner in
whic "resents news on national events. (8 min: spanchile 2030)
67 "chronic-le ,of books and. culture" feature, dedicated to
literacy and.,cultural. events ,in -chile, by ,dose miguel varas.
(spanch i la 2030)
68 2d part of intvw,with,nicaraquan amb.to ussr.by corr anselmo
septiem on u. s. at.teezp.ts to . impose .its will on nicaragua under
pretext.of .socalled sovietth.rest, soviet coop with nicaragua,
rV U. S. heavy handedness, contadora goruip efforts. u. s. intervention
in c,"tral america. (17 min: spanla 062300) (-S'
m aniac maiden. mbr.-of paraguayan comparty, on use of armed
forces by.govt clique.as means.to repres s paraguayan.ppl. at
service of.multinational;cos%panies cites names.of main generals.
educated .in u..s. schoo.ls. who -are exploiting national wealth for
their ,bwn interests. (5 min: spanla 2300)
-~~ ~7AUG1983
70 uruguayan-panorama :featur..,e:-.; by ricardo;saxlund ,uruguayan govt
restricts.party activities, interior minister quoted; party reactions
to govt decisions comments. on respective decrees; uruguayan comparty
issues resolution on uruguayan-polit situation; calls upon
uruguayan ppl to search for consensus; gallup.poll reveals 90
percent of.ppl.in mantevideo.support political parties;
enrique tar.igo.'s.;-artic.le.published by magazine opinar
advdt#tes defense of freedom. (9 min: spanla 062300)
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take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 aug 83
west europe
0n t ,,b an-
72 gloss by tass corr vladimir (kostolev) including an imagined
talk among mbrs of'frg police on planned equipment of frg police
/wt ,
inclu irg austria in this strategy. (3 min: german 1500)
(k S
74 "good evening austria," program for austrian listeners.
(r_germaust 051800) (germaust 061800)
71 the frg in mirror of soviet press: incl info about pravda
article on growing antiwar movement in frg, izvestiya on ac
measures adopted?by frg govti new times on defamatory campaign by
munich propaganda radio stations, pravda bonn dispatch on delivery
of tub,.s for gas pipeline, and others. (12 min: german 061600)
with pf+stic bullets and gas grenades. (3 min: german 1500)
73 summary anon undated pravda article on article of vienna
volksstime entitled "criminal plans unmasked" on secret nato documen
dealing with possibility of nuclear strikes in europe, even
commentator answers listeners' questions, by nikolay gorshkov
u 1, - (
replies to br.itish listener on british trade with user, gorshkov
british businessmen are torn btwn thatcher's policies and
trade relations with ussr and other socialist countries which
runs counter to interests of businessmen themselves, blaming
situation on reagan's pressure on its allies to halt trade with
eastern bloc countries, situation which would be detremental
to bria~in's econ. (enguk 1900)
7' resume of soviet press on france and french-soviet
relations: soviet press gave great coverage to andropov's answers
to ta s,, marchais' intvw with temoignage chretien. (french 1730)
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0 Rn
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
Ti mailbag: acknowledgement of listeners' holiday greetings'
french listener sends details of local franca-ussr society
everts: french listener writes enthusiastically about recent soviet
parli mentary delegation visit to his town of sarlat. french
list .njr had good holiday in ussr. (french 1730)
1 j
lole zamoyskiy "democracy and justice" recalling italian
neo-fascist outrages on italian train. (rpt italian 041900)
(i t a Li n, 1900)
79 anatoliy yuryev and anon annoncer discuss formation of
new italian govt and problems they face and its formula. (italian
reports on 5 aug moscow mtg btwn andropov and alvaro cunhal,
gen sec of portuguese comparty, with gist remarks exchanged.
r4-`a(tasse 051204) (5-4 min: spancuba 060400 beng 061500 bur 061430
SC Urdu d u 061200 061300 hind 06.1-130 jap 061200 camb 061330 l a o 061300'
brier': spanla 060001 spancuba 060100 engna 2200 enguk 1900 jap
Y11 ~' ?_rM 118 summary-mpr unen on results, of indochinese foreign ministers
c(t.asse 051140) (2.5 min: kor 1330)
on life in laos. (rpt enginter STAT
051300),(4 min: bur 1430 lao 1300 mand 0700)
1 third in series.on viet-policy in southeast asia, reviewing
viet-kampuchean relations' during pal pot era, denouncing pal pot
border provocations, foriign help to regime. (7 min: mandsea 1230)
-~ 7 - 07AUG1981
121 anon on anniversary tonkin gulf incident. (frenchnter
04 00 (span la 060000) ( ,~ /C1
------ f i Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0 --?-- ,~
take 8 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 aug 83
east europe
122 (alekssy obogorov) on scan results in various coma
countries for first .half of ysar. (rpt albanian?O61430) (korean
123 program on, socialist communit.y,.presenting: roundup report
on celebration of 80th anniv of rsdwp,.in capitals of various
countries, including-gr.eetings-msg from hungarian.party, fidel
castro's speech in.havanaon unniv) recent tv intvw-with.polish
ldr on reagan admin's, opp.osi,tion. to -poland) 29 jul mtg, between
andropov and le duan,on reduction of tension in. europe and
indochinese countries' efforts to normalize situation in
southeast.asias soviet and hungarian endorsement of Banos kadar's
visit ussr. (14 min, overall: lao 061030)
124 voices of friendsh-ip: program for gdr listeners. (rot
CD german 051600) (german 1500)
Iii s"
may podklyuchnikov. on town of schwedt
where industrial production has risen by a third and energy needs
`~J 1/
have fallen by,24,percent within a year. (approx 400 words:
Od 60-- 126 summary anon undated new times an results of kadar-led
hungarian delegation's visit to ussr. (rpt hungarian 041630 on
1 se--
5 aug ]4 st) (hungarian 061630)
12'f "on the road of friendship" incl hungarian-soviet coop
128 summaries cyr.ek,pravda.intvw on strengthening
btwn agri machinery producers in-two countries)
two cooperatives form..hungarian-soviet friendship link: memory
fiorian writer, geza gardonyi. (15 min: hungarian 061900)
of h
in poland_, . ( t - en inter 052000) (4-3. 5. lain: hungarian
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
129-.viktor OIAMChev.
quoting, polish press.and,
readers' l.trs._on. n.or",lizat.ion process taking place . in poland.
(rpt enginter 061300)_(enginter 0800 1100 1600 2000 spanla
062300 pancuba 0100 german 0611500; anon: vist 1000)
(_ (.(_ /L
130 on the routes ,of: friendship" magazine. (poorest, due
recorAar failure: 20 mint polish 1400)
131 "diary of toviet-Yugoslav ties": pravda reportage by.
valentin sharov from l.jubljana municipality league of communists
cmtee on committee's . work in implementing decisions from last Icy
congress; vasiliy,ar.,datovsk..iy izvestiya on kosovo's. econ
development.(3 min); anon reports on Yugoslav agro-industrial
exh ib ition...wh ich :.has :. Just, er%ded . in moscow, director of the
exhibition, milomir;pavlovic,, notes among ,other things, that
exhibition was visited. by large number.of ppl, including
high-ranking officials.: responsible foragri; intv.w with.
mbr of georgian delegation of.physiologists which recently visited
Yugoslavia aon exchanngeTvisits and coop.in this sphere btwn
Yugoslavia and.georgia (3;. music'ftom ensemble about to visit
Yugoslavia (2 min); feature 'of soviet soldier who helped
reconstruct bridge in;belgtrade after war, recalling construction
feat min). (serbo 1600 1900)
132 prof (edward,emile).on basic characteristics of proletarian
party1.(rot amharic 041530 on 5 aug list) (amharic 1530)
radio moscow'replies: aleksandr kelin explains
difference btwn,socialism.and communism, says socialism and
communism are two face.of same socio-eco system which'follows
capitalism, points out communism is.second phase. (7 min:
engafr 062000)
a sociit\ist society. (12 min: dart 1500)
134'vasilig (farshonev) replies to listeners' queries about
135 talk. in
series-,by maria.'(prelizhayeva) an her biography
of lenin published by-"progress" publishing house in moscow.
(9 mi )persian 1700)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101530007-0
take-9 of 9 -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 7 aug 83
136 ustinov answers to tass correspondent's questions.
Masse 301123) (6-3 min: enginter 1410 persian 1700 polish 1400
serbo 1900`,korean 1330 urdu 1200 1300 beng 1500).
137 special program devoted to anniv of kursk battle. (23
k .tV s ,-
-b, fli"min: garian 1530)
138 anon on working condition for soviet astronauts now an
orbitallight in space. (5 min: korean 1130)
139 sidelights from the ussr: incl report on recent soviet
space venture, iricl technical data. (5 min: german 1600)
140 report an sov seismologists' findings on relationship
btwfolar movement, earthquakes. (4 min: mand 0700)
(I I
ife in ussr
141 summary pravdaeditorial, 8 aug, an personal responsibility
for production of good work and saving of material resources.
(3.5 min: orb its 2200)
142 reports on regular politburo session on results of andropov
{ le duan mtg and aspects of soviet domestic issues. (7a_
-051650) (5-4.5 min: thai 1100 dap 061200 bur 061030 urdu
lid J n061200 061300 1200 1300 bong 061500 1500 i n d o 061130 i n d o 061330
061500 -13?0 1500 l a o 061300 1300 camb 061330)
143 reports on cpsu cc/cncl minister and aucctu decisions on
further measures to strengthen labor discipline. (mayak 061330)
()r' 0500, 2-1 min: mayak 0200 0430-orbita 062304 0001 0004 0200
Li, 6y /
(r 5 F h 0 t04 0204 0400) . 2 O 0 7 A UG 1CA
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