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June 19, 1983
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user s approach to disarm; on prague
world peace assembly and its role in easing intnatl tension,
scoring was;ington's continued fanning of arms race, in contrast
to socialist countries attempts to ease tensions. (sent:
rn W ~
PQ orbita 0 4'5\0515 0930 home 1130)
countries and continents: feature about opening of suer
;er..orial in italian town of como and current peace activities
there; feature by corr dmitriy meshchaninov about bulgarian ski
/ resort; feature by Lass corr vyacheslav suslin on history
~~,AJith developing countries and
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
ta`e = of s=?veral -- commentary list:
moscow consotiO-Ated 19 Jun e3
1 d2-01314
I intnatl observers roundtable: yuriy kornilov, vladimir
Crju lo:r.eyo and nikolay agayants discuss positive world reaction to
-cpsu cc plenum and supsov session in particular to gromyko's
report and .3ndropo'?'s speech, citing various news agencies,
$eSsi of
GrLd(-GlIddrer'erring to various aspects of speech, incl ussr's relations
~ ~
summary ekonomicheskaya gazeta on acute differences of
and present-day industry of islands of curacao and aruba in
ant,-Iles; feature by corre yevgeniy lukyanov about historical
toy in lgeria. (home 0700)
opinion at williemsburg mtg. (450 text sent: tassr 0622)
4 summary oleg kitsenko pravda new delhi report on
conelusicn oT 'indire gandhi's tour of europe as leader of nonaligned
:- oti to~~ 350 text: tasse 0620; 3. 5 ,nin: mayak 0250)
11,34 tassr 1025)
19 JUN; 79?3 tC S
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
vladimir baidashin new delhi report on mrs gandhi's stmt
to journalists at delhi airport after flying back home from
european tour, on her visit and on recent stmt by u.s. -
ambassador to india harry barnes who compared punjab
secessionists' demands for an independent sikh state of khalistan
to struggle by puerto rican ppl for freedom. (350 text: tasse
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
6 report on pravda article on drug smugling from south asian
countries thru,turkey to european countries, notes that many afghan
fugitives are engaged in drug smuggling, notes drug smuggling thru
karachi arll of pakistan. (3 min: persian 1700)
item proclaiming merits
of soviet machinery exported
abroad, quoting approval of foreign purchasers. (3 min: engna
8 report on impressions of foreign students on life in user.
Cj (7-min: *r-3ian 1800)
~Q~2a -J 19 c
radio moscow friends club.
"ye skip through your letters" with vladimir petrov
frg listeners letters. (rpt german 181500) (10 min:
youth program: incl item on donations by soy youths to peace
funds, )olence among ,)ap students. (mand 1600)
(rpt frenchmag 051930) (frenchmag
C - * 0"
9 J L
12 mailbag. (rpt enginter 151200) (enginter 1200)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
6t S
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
132 mailbag for northam listeners: incl reply to u. s. listener
i..,ho writes to say he distrusts his teachers who tell him usa
won w. ii single-handedly, adamov says 85 percent of nazi soldiers
in fact died on eastern front, that ussr was grateful for
lend-lease but truman himself said that such aid amounted to only
four percent of soviet production; in reply to listener who says
ussr is wrong in fighting in afghanistan, adamov compares u.s.
actions in afghanistan, nicaragua, angola and tuba sending in
rbands to overthrow legitimate
govt, that soviet army was invited
fj 616'61 into dra to repel these external bands, that cia overthrew allende
and massadeq but failed in dra; listener who asks for three good
C uv~'~ reasons .;hy he should vote communist in next presidential elections,
is told to ask cpusa whose policies are to strengthen peace,
enact democratic reforms and curb power of monopolies; listener,
who acquires if ussr has veterans' hospitals, is told ussr has
special hospitals for war invalids, that veterans get vip treatment
at any hospital; info on gun control in ussr; reply on drug abuse
(sent!; reply that there is no pornography in ussr. (Ongna
14 feature "disarm, issue of day": (rpt engna 182200.
j "1 ) (17 min,
SLJ~ v incl 13 in gromyko: enginter I A40; 10 min, incl 6 min gromyko:
CO vmy N uk
summaries andropov msgt to amsterdam congress of
0,0,dcoe6d "physicians for prevention of nuclear war, " (rpt germaust
U a .% t e5 _1% \ ! ( , . .. I. w .. i.i'211 1"-~iP.tA v i a 4` 'F'flnn 1 SOO 1*00i b V 1of :
eng i nter 0700 0800 1+500 11-00 1200 1300 engna 182300 german 1-500
ger. ies0 frenchafr 1-8-1930)
~~-amsterdam report on congress of "physicians for
.prevention of nuclear war," summarizing speeches by olof palme
SwQ~~' LL' (sweden), academician georgiy arbatov (ussr), egon bahr
U 1520 +:assr 1147) 19 JUN 1983tcS
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
retired adm noel gailor (usa), (500 text sent: taste
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
17 special tass corr albert balebanov report on 3d intl
congress of "physicians for prevention of nuclear war,"
incl andrpov msg tocongress read by academician chazov. (800
text, excerpts sent: tassr 0650)
~`I5~~~" commentary list: mostow consolidated 19 ,Jun 83
IS (ray caspar), u.s. poet visiting ussr, speaks for alliance
against nuclear war. he has been touring europe and ussr pleading
for peace. he found desire among sov ppl for friendship with
americans. (engna 192200)
summary smt.by ruld pesec, core mbr of czechoslovak academy
sciences, published in sotsialisticheskaya industriya, says
"being a scientist concerned with problem of cosmonautics and
extraterrestrial civilizations, i happen to see more clearly than
anybody else horrible danger of possible world nuclear catastrophe.
(350 text: tasse 0533)
20 tars corn menaces
submarine f for ida, and
maneuvers. (550 text: tassr 0936)
on american nuclear STAT
on globe shield SSTAT
21 west german tue opposition to STAT
ne?s u.s. missiles for europe, from Paris on tass intvw with french
rf ~ communist senator praising socialist countries' peace initiatives.
an. -From uashington on press conf given by arms control assn
criticizing ad'in's approach to arms reduction. (680 text :
S tassr 0:'.118)
19 it MI 11791,13
." q .0-
"saturday radio mail" program incl anon comment on uestern
F.,;pocrisy a.out installing new nuclear weapons in europe, contrasting
:t with soviet starts and policy, presenting opposing positions in
geneva talks, attacking reagan for his crusade against
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
23 igor penchenko hails supsov resolution on simultaneous
Su Pod
(IL~So( freeze or nuclear weapons by all nuclear states. (rpt enginter
1820:,0) (enginter 6800 14-GO finnish 18-i-530 dari 1&1500: anon:
-Altv- 11
h u 900)
W1 , .
r 6SMbl~ C-4 radio forum for peace and security in europe. (rot
-"'Sportuguese 1820300) (9-7 min: portuguese 2000 italian 1900 german
1500 fi n i s h 181-530 g r e e k c y 1-730) (,L fffi ~~ (,tJ ir.tvw with congolese friendship society president, during
Toscow stoppover on his way to prague peace conf, stresses 6,5 Y
inpor an a of mtg to be held 21 jun. (6 min: frenchafr 1 1930)
yuriy r'okin reports from athens citing intvw with a doctor
on pra ie\peace assembly. (3 min: mayak 0630)
27 reports roud.ing up foreign comment on importance of prague
peace assembly: citing afghan ldr, STAT
citing west german delegate to assembly, and 0 STAT
citing medican congress deputy that much hope is being STAT
placed in assembly. (400 text: tassr 1040)
georgiy tanov on prague peace assembly, one of most
representative and important forums of peace supports, notes that
anti,_ar-,r,ovt today has grown into worldwide movt since threat
ps18'2 700 arharic 181530 1530)
C(J~v WO/
f nuclear catastrophe has also become worldwide, underlines
heir concern in light of south african arms buildup, and briefly.
expansion of mavt in africa for peace and against arms race juustifyin
G Cu q oting androp-ov at.recent cpsu cc plenum. (5 min: enginter
2? tass corr nikolay setunskiy
on reagan-s
choice of to ldr as mebr of cncl on intnatl broadcasting, claiming
it was no accident that kirkland was nominated as he follows in wake
of ad--in's anticommunist policy. (400 text: tassr 0328) tLS
5-- 19 JUN 1983
3 komsamolskaya pravda intvw with u.s. girl who decided to
stay inussr. (550 text: tassr 0755)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
CPsu pktIUO
(rpt engna 182200) (engna 2200)
31 moscow viewpoint: vaientin zorin reply to questions posed
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
of americans visitign ussr on soviet-u.s. relations.
(sent:/-qngna 182300)
32 further in series based on book by academician georgiy
arbatov "entering the 80's,"
on various aspects of soviet-american
(sent: engna 182300)
t "ass on soviet-american relations:
resume or sovie p
,_psu cc plenum held, incl . rni quote andropov speech: ussr supspv
Qhd~OPd1/5~,;;er:ed in r^cs,c ow, incl 2. 5 n_,.quote &romyko report: izvestiya
:.ar,ired u. s. policy in central america, noting sending of
" personnel there, moscow news carried intvw with u. s. pastor
r~r*y~n~S ~/'~n tr ngthening peace and human rights. (engna 2200)
1 34 vladimir pozner on american ppls approach to socialism.
tars corr v. legantsov
an watergatt %i le
scandal involving republican party pre-election campaign, extensivel;
quoting american press. (approx 400 words: tassr 0948)
(take :3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidted 19 jun 83
amer i cas
3t. "talking with you"; vuacheslav rostovtsev replying to
bolivian listener on reason why soviet union does not increase
relations with jatam countries.
(rpt portbraz 142300) (spanla
37 le.;nid levchenko on situation in chile. (rot enainter
181 ?:1,)) ( n g i n t e r CE-+t0 11-04) F i n n i s h 181-530 d a r i 1560; anon:
hVr,,ar n i-' 30)
G 19 JUN 1983
enemas maidana, mbr of paraguayan comparty, on new police
repression in paraguay under stroessner regime, paraguayan
cpp-..itior, organizations have strongly denounced arrest of
mangy, professionals, students, and peasants. (5 min: spanla
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
? Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490014-8
S, report from mzscow's friendship house on Simon bolivar
exhibition on 200th anniv of his birth sponsored by venezuelan
01een b a s i 4. ^.~.v with venezuelan amb on bolivar's biographical
ba' :.;n (5 min: spanla 2300)
4'3 si aIights from ussr: incl yevgeniy sashenkov intvu with
director of germar, t>.urists coentral which opened office in
cscoy~-.~ (Y ip: ger nan 1600)
on british govt lack o}STAT