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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
take I of several commentary list: moscow consolidated 17 ,dun 83
1 geneva report on'address by Soviet delegate, leonid
kostin, at ilo session, in which he calls for easing world tensions.
(500 text sent: tasse 1315 tassr 1156)
2 (kalin) on two types of attitudes to contemporary
J p4,j
fay, ~,,4A
issue? saying u. s.
aggressive policy increases world tension
while/nialist countries uphold world peace. (7 min: mand 0700)
em on export of soviet products to capitalist countries,
various american and Japanese businessmen give their favorable.
impres}fipns of Soviet products. (4 min: enginter 1500)
4 panorama: incl answers to listeners' questions on life and
policieof soviet union. (arabic 1730)
"mailbag": ltrs acknowledged, extracts read from
listeners' entries for competition "two words-two policies"
comparing socialist bloc's most favorably with that of U.S.-led
capitali,s'tt west. (partafr 1830)
vladislav koziakov on non-first use of nuclear weapons.
(rot .e~ana 162200) :enginter 1000)
7 -nikolay born- i,ty with Stanislav (menshikov),.
specialist on sovit:-erlcan relations, on anniv sov pledge
not to first to IS* nuclear weapons. (5 min, sent:
~a ~ enginter
17 JUN 1993 ,1 1.01
8 more excerpts s- book "entering eighties" by dr. georgiy
arba v. (9 min, se:-: enguk 1900)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
9 tars milit observer vladimir bogachev comparing
ussr's and usa's strategic arms proposals at geneva talks.
+joAK_, (600 text sent: tassr 1522 tasse 1750) (-1
10 noordwijkerhout report on press conf held by prominent
american medic bernard lown, and soviet medic yevgeniy chazov,
al- re 3d congress of intl movt "intl physicians for prevention of
nuclear war," saying they see it as their civic duty to make ppl
aware of medical consequences of possible irreparable tragedy.
(400 text: tasse 2100)
JAW , UJu,v
11 item on intl congress in amsterdam by movt physicians for
prevention of nuclear war, citing intvw with prof Wilhelm
verhagenl.,.,?(rpt enainter 161300) (arabic 1500 persian 1800)
12`+r(ktor tanin "heading for confrontation, " on frantic
activity displayed by western diplomacy in recent weeks with
williamsburg summit,- followed by nato council session in brussels
and atlantic alliance mtg in paris, all pressing for deployment
of pershing-2 and cruise missiles in western europe. (8 min,
fr S51 (- sent:`pb.'tuguess 2000 italian 1900)
aleksandr grigoryev on soviet youth day to be marked this
year by referendum on freezing soviet and american arsenals. it
is'idea of young workers on two big construction sites with wide
support. they plan to spread this to-all walks of life and
age groups in ussr, money for this coming from voluntary work.
(3 c. i,.d" \ e n g na 2200)
roundtable presented by tatiana rudenko with participation
of law prof mikhail krutogolov, boris tumanov of toss,
and art critic tatiana butkovskaya: incl discussion on sunday
peace rally to be held in france. listeners' ltrs read
6A^/)and maintain peace. more and more ppl oppose deployment-of american
~mediu,- ange missiles in europe. (french 1730)
,tAIV In i S61 ~ ( 17 JUN 1983 2.
pravda correspondents report on preps for intl peace assembly
?0011'~due to open in prague 21 jun. (400 text sent: tasse 0725 tassr
-1 v
w(v ~NLd x0600 )
ff 6L
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
Lt C n
16 aleksandr (kuzin) prague report on preps for intl peace
assembly to open 21 Jun, says preps have become matter of honor
for all czechoslovak citizens with workers' stmts underlining
QSbM17need to preserve peace, and workers putting in volunteer work
to donate money earned to assembly funds. incl intvw with (Jan
bruner), czechoslovakia's rep at intl secretariat for preparing
assembly, that his countrymen view decision to convene forum in
prague as expression of trust, and as evidence of growing support
for peace policy. (enginter i-200 1600 200A-frenchinter 1600
italian L700 german.1500 swahili 17.30 bulg 1530 polish 1-400 serbo
1-60 9001 k or ea n 1330)
sole purpose of preventing nuclear war. (6 min: portbraz
held in prague, noting that all forces of peace are united with
Ce -
IS prague corr's report on world peace assembly to open 21
Jun, incl intvw with british mp James lamond, idr of polish
christians, and czechoslovak scientist, all stressing desire for
peace. on eve of mtg massive peace campaigns have been held in
C2 I. many covff Ties. (3 min: enginter 1410)
19 lokshin, mbr of sov deleg to prague peace mtg, previews
meeting., many events held in ussr prior to mtg. (3 min: frenchinter
20 intvw with romesh chandra on forthcoming prague peace
aleksey (kilikov) on world conf for peace to be
(poorest: czech/slovak 1500)
17 JUN 1983
"world of culture": incl report on recent gdr writers
congress in berlin re fight for peace. (rpt german 141500)
(g e r . a n 0900)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 17 Jun 83
1 d 181126
united states
text sent: tasse 1235 tassr 1208)
22 washington report on averel harriman's address at thursday's
(~cJl senat eofreign relations cmtee session, on his impressions of
US+ tt; recent visit to -moscaw and talks with soviet officials. (350
23 tass corr nikolay pakhomov
petition presented by group of american students to reagan,
(L- S
expressing students' deep concern by washington's policy of
conr'rontation and war preparation. (350 text sent: tasse 0746
Lass $645) enginter 2000 engna 2200)
24 valentin mashkin notes that aggressiveness and
anticommunism are bases of reagan's foreign.policy.
1623Q?\(s p an c u b a 0100)
third and final program about american politician and
millionaire col. raymond robins and his contribution to establishing
soviet'tmarican diplomatic relations. (5 min: engna 162300)
vladimir pozner contrasting educational
and up.i. (rpt engna 162200) (engna 2200)
systems of usa
- 17 JUN 1983
it ~9
27' summaries yuriy zhukov pravda on story of ltr
sent by soviet. schoolgirl tatyana fomina to president reagan
bearing plea for peace. (rpt enginter 161300) (ehginther
0809-,engna 162300 port 2000)
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23 "argentine week" feature: que pass magazine charges that
repression has increased during political campaign; increase in
QY Q~fi11,~ unemployment and loss of purchasing power characteristic of labor
9 situation according to la razon report; 24-hour strike called by
govt employees ended; clarin reports that last u.s. nuclear proposal
is not suitable; highlights of the week: former tucuman governor
.noted while peril.of war was distant presence of britain makes
argentina potential field of war; comparty greeted agosti for
award; argentine comparty launched 37th financial campaigns youths
from 11 parties called march for peace and democracy; sarah
mancilla nominated candidate for neuquen governor; conrade bauer
brier'ed. cabinet on his negotiations in ussr. (16.5 min, spanla
29 intvw with gerry grundmann, vice president of montreal,
on .signing of contract for visits to canada of two sovie.t performing
jIju-groups, giving background details of contracts, and stressing
importance.of cultural relations btwn ussr and canada.
30 - volodia teltelboim on national and international
impact of second natl day of protest, noting national unity in
repudiation of pinochet regime and international support for
chileany'pPl struggle. (13 min: spanchile 2000)
3t "two words" feature: with gaston vargas on right of chilean
ppl to rebel against repressive pinochet regime to restore
demq!cra"cy. (8.5 min: spanchile 2030)
17 JUN 1983 i
32 vitaliy korionov pravda on events in chile. (rpt enginter
4ti ( 152C' ) (e ngi n t e r 0900)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0 ;'M
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
take 3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 17 Jun 83
slovak )
33 pravda on intention of extremely right-wing west
german "conservative action" organ to stage series of provocations
directed against gdr and ussr and against foreign workers
living in city. (300 text: tassr 0106 mayak Q250 polish 1400
tendencies displayed at buntSTATg
session. (400 text sent: tassr 1131)1
3S summ4ry. of pravda and krasnaya zvezda on events in west
berlin and frg marking 30th anniv of 17 Jun counterrev uprising
in gdr ich are dominated by fascist elements. (3 min: german 1500)
valentin sakharov on relations btwn user and frg, quotes
gromyko's speech at supsov in which he underlined interest of his
country in an intensification,of these relations in econ sector
and especially in security sector, this would also be a topic
during forthcoming visit of frg chancellor kohl in the user,
and various agreements btwn frg and user and frg and other socialist
countries, the ussr also expects frg to contribute.to positive
resu geneva disarm talks. (4 min: german 1600)
3 "our contacts," for listeners in frg. (rpt german
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
35 intnattl diary: inc,l. vi'ktor levin on festive session of
7 JUN 1983
3 vladimir ostrogorskiy,noting that 30 yrs after 17 Jun
1953 uprising in gdr frg is reminding of this events. (rpt german
(11 min: german 1500)
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40 "good evening austria," program for austrian listeners:
recorded stmt by-sec of austrian-soviet friendship society, ludwig
a ravelsberger), on tasks of antiwar movement in austria (6 min);
review of austrian-soviet contacts with reprots?on relations btwn
austrian metallurgical enterprise. and soviet foreign trade
organizations, the delivery of soviet lada cars to austria,
performance of leningrade theater with austrian drama on mozart
a u~
in moscow, performance of bolshoi ballet theater in vienna, and
performance of vienna popular opera in moscow (7 min). (15 min,
overall --iecl music: germaust 1800)
41 intvw with acad Bergey tikhvins'kiy who recently participated
in 7th angol-soviet round table mtg, during which soviet delegation
pointed out crusade against socialism and other measures of reagan
admire are incompatible with relations btwn states, noting during his
mtgs with public figures and scholars he found that they
were often unaware of soviet and socialist initiatives on peace,:
prague a claration proposals outlined. (5 min: enguk 1900)
r1 ) Ltl
tars political news analyst yuriy kornilov on article by
Italian foreign minister emilio colombo in gazzetta Is mezzogiorno
echoing washington's adventuristic policy. (600 text sent: tasse
0900 tassr 0725)
43 soviet panorama: incl intvw with heikki loeyttyniemi,
chairman of turku city cncl, who gives high appreciation of twinned
town relations btwn turku. and leningrad against background of recent
turku dpj held in leningrad. (4 min: finnish 161530)
17 JUN 1983
44 anon on french-african relations in light of french armed
forces milit exercises in mayotta island. (rpt enginter 141730
where attrib stepanov) (somali 1600)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
45 aleksandr sergeyev on importance of unctad session for
t' developing african countries, with particular ref to question of
prices of african raw materials on world capitalist market, noting
1cbu'during Williamsburg summit it was made clear that leading western
powers intend to use african debt as lever of pressure, thus
allowing west to control finances of young states. (3 min: enginter
,1730 2 0 somali 1600 swahili 1730)
aleksandr shaknov"intvw with mbr of soviet delegation who
recently visited sierra leone, discussing purpose of visit and
expansion of soviet sierra leone relations, stressing importance to
both "ui:ries for exchange ,of visits. (3 min: enginter 1730 2030)
gojNi V df- 4
anon marking anniv of bloody events in soweto in ,dune 1976.
(rpt eng
ter 161000) (turkish 161400)
atl diary: incl viktor anikin recalls events of soweto
OA)JId riots and disturbances which have marked past few days in south
S,o- Sough africa - 5-3 min: ham* 1615; anon: somali 1600)
49 stmt by hidipa hamutenya, mbr of political bureau of swapo, on
u. s. support for south africa's occupation of namibia, says it is not
surprising western contact group does not put pressure on south
africa to end its occupation since western companies are entrenched
in those countries, where they make enormous profits at'expense of
ppl. /,-~ min: enginter 1730)
17 JUN 1983 1.&
"good day, africa" program: two mali students in user,
graduates of institute for russian language are interviewed on
their work and life and future plans (4 min); mailbag persuing ltrs
fro mo cow radio friends club mbrs (4 min). (frenchafr 1930)
mm. Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
s l-f
S(a tasse 1036 tassr 0907)
(n (S- s'+
"window on arab world": inclanon on lebanese parliament's
frenchmag 1930)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
take 4 of several -- commentary list: me cow consolidated 17 Jun 63
51 tars Corr aleksandr bogatyryov STAT
on curfew
imposed by Israeli army in southern lebanon. (400 text sent:
52 vladimir kazanskiy on growing tension in mideast, especially
arou7 Lebanon. (sent: engna 2200)
- --?-- ~T LLumnasr-isravii agreement, and strong condemnation
expressed in arab world, citing syrian 'ath-thawrah' describing
it as one of humilitation. (3 min: arabic_-530
french ag >~30)
54-corner of palestinian arab ppl: vladimir. bilyakov on uprising
in ansar prison, saying human patience has limites; touching on
lack of basic human rights in prisons anon on prominent palestinian
poet, sa .ih al-qasim. (arabic 1530)
55 nikolay andreyev on agricultural policy in algeria, re
17 JUN 1983 -' ? q
natl day of agrarian rev, reviewing development of agri and all
levels of living standards, stressing as yet it is difficult to
say all problems of algerian countryside have been solved. (3
min: engnter 1730 2030;
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
36 igor sheftunov on last week's cpsu cc plenum and
andropov's speech. speaking about international issues,
andropov pointed out that aggressive character of reactionary
extremist forces headed by u.s. imperialism has.been enhanced.
he said efforts are being made to turn back course of events and
added this policy will not be successful for. imperialists.
shertunov goes on to condemn u.s. support for reactionary
dictatorships and rotten monarchies and its support for shah's
regitre. - he discusses persecution of tudeh party by shah and how
attempts to suppress liberation movements in iran failed.
says when imperialists wanted to resort to force to stiffle
CPSw. revolutionary movement, soviet union announced it would not
ms allow foreign intervention in iran's domestic affairs. general
j._--huyser had to leave country, and shah fled, too, revolution
G1~~~~1'v}succeeded, but west tried to to stifle it with sanctions. ussr
SPO,w allowed iranian goods to pass through soviet territory. thus
thwarting siege plans. in their efforts to reestablish domination
over iranian people and other nations, imperialists have
learned from their mistakes. this is why they strived, with help
of elements like gotbzadew, to spread discord among anti-
imperialist forces. in order to to achieve this they used lethal
weapon of anticommunism on extensive scale. rightist forces in iran
have actually showed support for reagan's call for anti-communist
crusade and prepared ground for persecutionof todeh party
coupled with anti-soviet acts. in his remarks to vssr supreme sovet,
gromyko pointed' out ussr supports normal and friendly
relations with iran. soviet union wants to see iran independent
and has always supported goodnighborly relations with it. 2 7 JUN 1983
gromyko then expressed regrets about recent acts against
employers of soviet organizations in iran and said these acts
do not help to expand bilateral relations. he stressed that soviet
union's actions will be based on its views on whether iran is willing
to maintain normal relations with us or if it has other
int,Antions. (8 min: persian 1700 1800)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
57 ppl and events: incl aleksandr barabeychik intvw with
(remy sakor), gen sec of malta-ussr friendship society, discussing
soviet-traltese econ contacts, stressing ussr's role in development
of maltese econ and importance of various types of exchanges btwn
two co nt ies. (5 min: enginter 1500)
59 (name. indistinct) )..-haili=rig in4ia-soviet friendship and coop
serviing cause of world peace and benefiting ppl of two nations,
notes identity of views btwen india and ussr on major intnatl issues,
especially need for ending, global tensions, eliminating issues,
especially need for ending tensions, eliminating dangers of nuclear
W war and brgining about basic changes in intnatl icon relations.
10 .in hind 1400)
59 krasnaya zvezda on five yrs since sowr rev in dra, where life
is increasingly normal and courterrev bads suffering more defeats.
13 f-Tft~ enginter 0700)
"comments" on kaverznev's tv film "afghan diary," noting
that it gives true picture, showing how afghan rev enimies are
losing ground, giving description of sequences in fil.
nin: enginter 1380 1690 frenchinter 1600
.2000 engna 2200 german 1500 italian 1700
p ers ian ' 100 I300 arab i c
1730 turkish-1400 Swahili 1730 albanian 1430 bulgarian 1-530 czech/
slovak 1500 polish 1400 serbo 1660 19001 attrib Pravda: urdu 1200
61 boris savadin on film "notes from
afghanistan" which shows current situation in afghanistan and who
launched undeclared war against afghan nation and
how terrorists train in their camps in pakistan. (4 min:
dari X6'.0)
ca.nb 0 eng 1500 bur 1430 lao 1300 indo 1330 1500)
U i
PaluS~7) ~J
17 JUN 1983
62 "vladimir korolev on resumption of geneva talks on
nistan. (rpt enginter 151300) (4 min: thai 1100)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
63 recorded remarks by afghan clergyman who recently
visited tadzhik ssr with afghan clerical delegation.
(3 persian 1700)
6 from moscow's viewpoint", review of weeks events on cpsu
cc plenum, and interest shown in it by afghan ppl; on afghan-
66 tass political news analyst askold biryukov on how
japan uses socalled soviet threat to justify its milit expansion
y,.af') paki tan relations. (10 min, sent: dari 1500)
11) /h,
and alliance with u.s. (70 text sent: tasse 2015)
of several --
PI cnd, rr commentary list: moscow consolidated 17 Jun 83
65 "special program" "2-line struggle in world political
arena," mulatov "the only clear-cut method of preventing nuke
"ham confrontation," saying it is doubtless that china can make
/J4C, contributions to opposing impists peddling nuke.arms race.
(6 ,a 7. sent: mand 1600)
on preview of
documentary on nuke disasters in tokyo 26v may, citing intvw
-7uL, with documentary's director an his motive to make this film.
(16!-ii~: jap 161200)
69 tsvetov an ja-u. s. security pact working-level con) to be
waii. (4 min, sent: jap 161200)
69 special rpogram marking 29th anniv of formation of soviet-
~rshl korean friendship society. (rpt korean 160930)
a~/~/1 ( l5 f~ : korean 11JT J 03
report on moscw factory producing electric equip for use in
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
east europe
71 intnatl dairy: incl nikolay agayants reports on important
role of coop btwen socialist countries as pointed out by andropov,
touchin various aspects of coop. (5 min: home 1615)
72 irina voronina), lecturer at leningrad univ section for
albanian lang and lit, describing aspects of its work. (4 min:
73 voices of friendship: program for gdr listeners; item marking
50th anniv of ?free germany" nati cmtee (6 min); report on
periorc:ace of gisela, may and albrecht muel.ler in moscow, including
intvu with gisela may (13 min, incl music). (18 min, overall:
germ 16O(p )
74 resume of soviet press comment on life in
poland and its progress toward normal life, citing
Sovetskaya rossi,ya, pravda, krasnaya zvezda, izvestiyas moscow
news, pravda and komsomoiskaya pravda. (4 min:
eng i n,er~700 )
75 vsevolod konyushko on coop btwen se?viet and polish academies
pt)(O J
of sciences.
(5 mi . olish 1400)
76 anilov n imperialist subversive activity directed against
soc.ialist countries, particularly poland, which thanks to socialist
unity and fraternal support by other socialist countries, failed
miserably\ (4 min: polish 1400)
~/ ' , gun 1s83~
7? viktor olenichevl
'--- /,,-5 -
noting how polish govt STAT
seeks to provide citizens with broad and competent information
about admin in attempt to quell disquiet among polish ppl and refute
allegations by west that situation in poland is far from normal
as clained by polish authorities.
(eng ter 1410)
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
LL.yn,P (DON
78 radio university, "the ussr as it is", final lecture in
series on fundamental principles of communism and various
sta944--Af socialism as it evolved. (20 mini s -an; h i 62
p s )
"radio moscow answers listreners"; aleksandr fedorov in reply
to carr,eroon listener who asks about forms of social inequality and
equality, says social inequality exists in society divided into
poor and rich, exploited and exploiters, cites u.s. as examples
of this, pointing out in socialist countries there are neither
rich nfr 'oor. (5.5 min: enginter 1730)
90 "mirror with many facets": incl item on soviet fight
against/fascist hitler. (somali 1600)
81 "interluctor" program replies to listeners' questions on
~,l SS}ti Q ~~ /great ?a\triotic war, re its 40th anniv. (port 2000)
lop WS IL,
Oe 82 report on 40th anniv of struggle for kursk during wwii,
recollections of soviet marshals expected to be broadcast
mondayl29 jun. (3 min: bulgarian 1530)
83 "our post": Yncl item re forthcoming 40th anniv of battle.
84 feature on soviet space achievements, marking 20th
GS anniv of valentine tereshkova's space flight. (Spanish 162130
85 soviet panorama: incl anon on anniv of tereshkova space
I_ (C (>S fli giving prfile of hero. (6 min: frenchinter 1600)
italian 1900)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
17 JUN 1983
on sovi space exploiration. (5.5 min: mandsea 1230)
87 sci-tech: incl note on various projects for
space laboratories, space workshops, space observatories,
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
take 6 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 17 Jun 83
cpsu cc plenum
~psu "C 83 andropov 15 ,dun speech. (tasse 151307) (27 min: mand 0:700
----viet -1-400; 14-12 min: serbo 1600 ,dap 161000 161200; 9-3 min: finnish
(rpt frenchinter 161600) (10 min:
90 roundup reactions to andropov speech: leningrad worker
in pravda, rude pravo, mongolian news agency, hindustan times, san
francisco examiner, collective farmer, asahi quoted. (4 min:
french' ter 2000)
91 gromyko 16 Jun report. (tasse 161031) (21-20 min: mayak
user supsov session
162330 spanla 0000 spancuba OtOO polish 1300 bur 1030 hind 1430
5u)%OV urdu 1800 mand 1600; 18-13 min: enginter 1100 finnish 161-530 greek
SQ-~SIVA) 161800 romanian 1600 kor 0920 mandsea 1230; 9-4 min: enginter 0800
,n g n a 1-62300 s p a n l a 2300 finnish 161530 g e r ma n 0900 a r a b i-33J
urk 161400 161-930 1490 greek 1500 albanian 1430 lao 1030 thai 1100
bang 1500; 2-1 min: engna 162300 finnish 161530 turk 161400 16+830
somali 1600 mand 0700; portion on sov-usa relations, 7 min: engna
2200; portion on european security, 6 min: enguk 1900; portion
in supsov. (3-4 min, sent: enginter 130.0 frenchinter .1.600
partbraz 2200 spanla 2300 italian 17700 german 1300 persian4500
in s tb o africa, 330 text: tasse 0901)
17100 arab 17-30 turk 1400 portafr 1930 frenchafr 1-930 somali 1600
swahili 1730 bulg 1530 czech/slcvak 1500 polish 1400 kor 1330
mand 1-230 camb 1330 bur 1430 4--do 13 0 1500 Urdu 1300 ?
on asian issues, 4.5 min: mandsea I Oj portion on ussr's relations
with asian countries. 230 text: tasse 0847; portion on situation
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490012-0
S,,s,wR2 aliyev 16 jun report. (tassr 161512) (18 min, sent:
home 1140 mayak 1330; 3 min: german 0900; 1 m_ Spanish 162130;
~~IISS~, A