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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 take 1 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 ,dun 83 1d171342 {- ~fAD 1 yuriy.shalygin on current unctad session in belgrade. (rpt ScSSiON . G engin,et 141300) (enginter 2000) 11t obal trade conf center in moscow and in interviews its director on types of act -v-i\ties held there. (4 min: mayak 18150 3 report on preps in moscow for forthcoming intl medical conf on rheumatism to be bhel there, incl intvw with soviet doctor. (4 mrin; ~rsian 1800) -16 rrespondent savchenko lauds facilities available at intl 4 alk by president of "medexport" foreign trade assn mikhail vasilyev on soviet medical instruments and apparatus which are expgrt'd to many countries. (4 min: german 1600) Z 6 ,JI ins 1883 stmt by chmn of russian theater assn on 20th congress of intl theater institute in berlin, highlighting institute's tasks and sovontribution to world theater. (4 min: port 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 hegemony. as an example, he writes, we can refer to situation in JAW" writes that sole way to preserve universal peace is to accept 0W&/ soviet government's proposals. my friends and i believe that this LL is only way to prevent nuclear war, another listener condemns u.s. administration's militaristic policy aimed at achieving military supremacy. In order to veil true objectives of u.s. foreign policy. reagan resorts to calumnies against soviet union. A listener from hamlet near esfahan writes that nature of this policy is to impose iran. united states does its best to stifle revolution and revive' iran's past situation (4 min): b. our listeners ask what benefits united states can gain by calumniating soviet union. actually united states is not benefiting a great deal from this. although u.s. mass media publish many fabrication on soviet union. nevertheless nations compare policies of united states and soviet union, and can tell good from bad by their own experience (2 min); c. a listener asks for nbre information on battle against nazis in summer of 1943. after discussing the battle against nazis in summer of 1943. after discussing the battle, talk says soviet armed forces shouldered major burden of war and defended their country's freedom and independence, and saved people of near-and middle east including iranian people from danger of fascism. (6 min: , riian .151700) 0-5-/ 7 mailbag for northam?listeners.' _. ___ .., .,...~ y s armea forces. (enginter 2030)? Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 6. "special program for listeners": A. mikhail sumbatov opens program by.referring to soviet union's proposals on specific mesaures to limit nuclear arms. disarmament, and support these proposals have received. letters from various parts of world, OA including Iran, prove this point. A listener from hashhad Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 (rut engna U2300) (engna _ - 19 JUN 1983 "looking thru mail": quotes from african listeners ltrs. in response to questions, it is'stated that ppl in ussr can move about as freely as in any other country and that foreigners are not called up for military duty. milit service is honorary duty of soviet citizens. Persons without soviet citizenship cannot it's aAW\, Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 9 "with listeners program: incl replies on.composition and function of cpsu; merits of socialist path with regard to developing countries which want to recover from heavy burden they ,Therited from colonialism. (arabic 1730) 1*,review of soviet press on sovie disarm proposals, contrasting soviet and u.s. approaches to problem of disarm, quoting sputnik, 1i (~,fO (~sotsialisticheskaya industriya,.moscow news and za rubezhom. ~J05aY o (5 min ginter 0700 (~ls X1 1 If aleksandr zholkver on soviet pledge not to be first to use LLL k6 ((1- ) i vl on need to turSTAT (tasse 140647) (9 min: adislav kozyakov wonders whether all americans know that ussr has unilaterally pledged not to be first to use nuclear weapons and that on other hand, reagan admin has categorically refused to follow suit, as both officials and mass media in usa do their utmost to conceal initiative of ussr from public, points out that unwillingness of white house to assume obligation not to be first /olvctro t use nuclear weapons is part and parcel of its nuclear strategy, CQsu- briefly cites andropov cpsu cc plenum remarks on soviet policy. engna 2200) 14 stmt by (barclay), secy of south australian seamenSs tu, participant at recent conf of intl to moot against chemical, 0 S+(aJ( -' bacteriological weapons in vietnam, on consequences of u. s. U('- M,;L~hoxious chemicals in vietnam, gives his impressions of vietnam. U' (jeu-f ( 4 in i n e t 1300) .,5., 16 JUN 1983 /lrI lJ Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011''~'' (,LJt---nuclear weapons. (rpt enginter 151300) (finnish 151530) 12 summary mikhail kostikov northern europe into nuclear free zone. Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 15 item on.intl congress held in amsterdam by movt physicians for prevention of nuclear wr, cites intvw with prof (wilhem verhagen), chmn of one of congression commissions, saying he shared view of ,./ colleagues in various countries,that in nuclear war it would be impossible to provide population with effective medical assistance. 0-8 he estimated probable casualties if one-tenth of nuclear charges u. s. strategists intended to use in war exploded. over continent. he said it was duty of all physicians to press for disarm. (3 min: enginter 1300 1600 2000 frenchinter 1600 2000 italian 1700 Ca ary novoye vremya 17 Jun editorial on 21 Jun prague mtg of world assembly "for peace andlife against nuclear war." (450 -Pka- -text sent: tassr 1710) 17 meetings-on soviet soil:, vadim volkov interviews peace campaigners in ussr on their way to prague world peace congress, citing president of czechoslovak academy of sciences, flemish peace moot chmn, ldr of british quakers for peace, secy of italian struggle for peace, president of jap assn of ex-pows, and sec gen of bagladeshi peace cncl. (15 min: orbita 0445 0115) take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 Jun 83 united states 16 JUN 1983 18 summary yuriy zhukov Pravda on story of ltr sent by soviet schoolgirl tatyana fomina to president reagan bearing plea for peace, how letter was returned from usa with "return to It J sender, because of address unknown" written on it. fomina was shocked to hear that u.s. president reagan was allegedly inknown to u.s. postal service. (3 min: enginter 1300 1600 2000 polslo 1400) on resignation of STAT James brown, director of east european service of radio free europe. (rpt tassr 150930) (3 min: enginter 1300 1600 serbo 1x00 19-00 czech/slovak 1-600 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 2000 spanla 2300 portbraz 2300 czech/slovak 1600) 44 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 20 valentin mashkin notes that aggressiveness and anticommunism are bases of reagan's foreign policy which states that ussr is source of all evils while in truth this is basic C4" O.4NAULVharacteristic of u.s. foreign policy, particularly regarding centJl-~america. (6.5 min: spanla 2300 portbraz 2300) ILL g Washington report on U.S. secretary of state shultz stmt in senate foreign relations cmtee, pretentiously titled "american-soviet relations in context of american foreign q police," (600 text sent: tassr 1554 tasse 2015) 1L .Q 22 vladimir pozner daily talk contrasting educational systems of usa and ussr, basic difference being responsibility. reagan's position is that federal government should neither finance nor become involved with school education, and that involvement should be at state and municipal levels. whereas soviet state gives educational system maximum possible funds as education is a nati,d l responsibility. (4 min: engna 2200) L z'latorunskiy weekly talk on reagan's 13 ,dun anti-soviet speech choosing day of solidarity with oppressed ppls, scores cynicism of reagan who dons robe of human rights campaigner, and points out that reagan has never made stand in favor of truly oppressed pplsstruggling for their most elementary rights. (fre!hmag 151930) _6_ 1$ JthY f9P Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 OA Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 americas 24 'discussion and analysis' from 'youth orbit, friendship club' feature: subject discussed today is "imperialist interference in central america"; letters from (Jorge navarro) from lima, Ulk&eru; ("jcrge franco), from panama; (sergio derrutia), from argentina; all of whom condemn u.s: interference in central america; feature includes rebel songs; from (clodomiro betancurt), from havana, cuba, who blames somozists supported by u.s. government all-Ir for situation in nicaragua; (soledad dominguez) from lucre, bolivia, who notes that all national sectors support salvadoran 51-frevolutionaries; (simon saba), from venezuela, who notes that NI 06L ru despite intervention of imperialism, central ameerican people will succeed in struggle; (alfredo mosquera), from calf, Colombia, I Cc,~ who notes that reagan administration continues to intensify tensions in central america to prepare for armed intervention against nicaragua; (ismael raina) from peru, who demands imperialism put an end to its interventionist policy against nicaragua; put an end to genocide in el salvador; and end threat of intervention in socialist cuba; (francisco linares), from paris, calls on all latin americans to actively support struggle of people of central ameri (25 min: spanla 0000) 2 Pravda, 16 ,dun, political observer (koliguyev) on a~4 review of'second national day of protest as informed by intl news agencies' feature: summary intl news agency reports on violent incidents registered during second national day of protesin chile. (15 min: spanchile 2030) (D _ 16 JUN 1983 28 'answering letters from listeners' feature: from, great britain, bolivia, Colombia, australia, mexico and italy expressing support for Chilean people; noting excellent reception quality of radi_ - oscow broadcast. (7.5 min: spanchile 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 26- vitaliy korionov pravda on events in chile. (rpt enginter 152002-),\(Czech/slovak 1600) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 29 Jose miguel varas notes that repressive measures by pinochet regime are responsible for violence on national day of protest. he adds that this shows that chilean government is unwilling to seek peaceful means to overcome serious crisis TA;+;E 3 CF SEVERAL-COMMENTARY LIST: MOSCOW CONSOLIDATED 16 JUNE 83 30 INTL DIARY: INCL YURIY KOBALADZEI ION STAT CONSERVATIVE GOVT'S POLICY OF STRENGTHENING TRADE AND ECON AND POLITICAL LINKS WITH PINOCHET REGIME, RE CHILEAN NAVY C-IN-C ADMIRAL MERINO'S COMING VISIT TO BRITAIN TO HOLD SECRET TALKS ON POSSIBILITY OF BUYING HERMES AIRCRAFT-CARRIER. (3 MIN: ORBITA 0930) 31 COLOMBIAN AMBASSADOR TO USSR EXPRESSES SATISFACTION OVER RESULTS OF SOVIET-COLOMBIAN JOINT COMMISSION MTG HELD IN MOSCOW. (3 MI''RORTBRAZ 2300) 32 "SOVIET PRESS ON CUBA" FEATURE: DETAILS OF ARTICLE WRITTEN IN SOVIET PRESS ON CUBAN ISSUES SUCH AS MONCADA ANNIV; PETRY. (6 MIN ANCUBA 0100) CLI) WEST EUROPE 33 SUMMARY V. BOYKOV NOVOYE VREMYA, 17 JUN, "ATLANTICISTS' MARATHON," ON NATO'S BRUSSELS AND PARIS SESSIONS, SCORES NATO'S ~TASSR 1835) 16 JUN 1983 34 VLADIMIR OSTROGORSKIY NOTING THAT 30 YRS AFTER 17 JUN 1953 UPRISING IN GDR FRG IS REMINDING OF THIS EVENT, PRESENTS SHORT HISTORIC REVIEW OF EVENTS IN 1953 NOTING THAT HISTORY HAS TAUGHT THAT ANY INTERFERENCE IN CDR'S AFFAIRS OPERATES LIKE BOUMERANG. IT SEEMS HOWEVER, THAT ON RHINE LESSONS OF HISTORY WAS NOT LEARNED. Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 35 Y. BORISOV ON WEST GERMAN REVANCHISTS tITG TO BE HELD IN HANNOVER 17-19 JUNE. RALLY OF SILESIAN LANDMANSCHAFT IS TO BE HELD. THEY MAKE ARROGANT CLAIMS AGAINST TERRITORY OF SOCIALIST K POLAND. MTG WILL BE HELD UNDER AUSPICES OF LOWER SAXONY. OVER 100,000 TO ATTEND. BUNDESWEHR BARRACKS TO BE,MADE AVAILABLE. SUPPORT GIVEN BY MASS MEDIA. ANTI-POLISH DRANG NACH OSTEN CONTINUET SUPPORT FROM WEST GERMAN MINISTERS, BUNDESWEHR OFFICERS EXPECTED TO ATTEND RALLY. ALL THIS VIOLATED AGMT BTWN POLAND AND FRG. (POLL, d, 1400) "GOOD EVENING, AUSTRIA" PROGRAM FOR AUSTRIAN LISTENERS, aut st 2( a. (RPT ERMAUST 131800) (GERMAUST 1800) I 3 PPL AND EVENTS: INCL ALEKSANDR BARABEYCHIK INTVW WITH (KENWETH DOWNES), LDR OF BIRMINGHAM CHAMBER'OF COMMERCE DELEGAG VISITING MOSCOW, ON GOOD CLIMATE FOR SOVIET-BRITISH TRADE. HE DOES NOT BELIEVE THAT EMBARGOES ARE OF ANY USE OR HELP TO ANYONE. (ENO 1500) 38 ANON ON ANNIV GENERAL DE GAULLE'S LONDON APPEAL 18 JUNE 1940, LAUDS HIS ROLE AT TIME AND HIS SOLIDARITY WITH PLIGHT OF SOV PPL FIGHTING NAZI INVADERS. HE BELIEVED IN FINAL VICTORY OF SOV PPL. HE STRESSED IMPORTANCE OF SOV-FRENCH RELATIONS OF FRIENDSHIP. AFTER WAR HE EXPRESSED HIMSELF AGAINST COL WAR POLICY AND BROUGHT FRANCE OUT OF NATO INTEGRATED COMMAND, WAS STRONG ADVOCATE OF EAST-WEST DETENTE AND COOPERATION. THIS IS GENERAL DE GAULLE'S ACY TO HIS PPL. ( 95 MIN: FRENCH 1730) tk.10 SOVIET CULTURE: FEATURE DEVOTED TO SPANISH POET A FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA ON ? ND DRAMATIST 85TH ANNIVER OF HIS BIRTH. (NAME INDISTINCT) SOVIET HISPANICIST RECALLS LORCA'S DEATH AT HANDS OF ASCISTS IN SPANISH CIVIL WAR AND STRESSES SOVIET READING PUBLIC'S GREAT D V E OT IOC: TO S'OETR Y AND PLAYS. (SPANISH 152130) y 1 6 J(J 1983 40 SUMMARY NEW TIMES ANALYSING RESULTS OF 19TH OAU SESSION OF 0 HEADS OF STATE, (350 TEXT S 5~1DI" E"T: TASSE 2131) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 NIKOLAY VASILYEV, MINISTER OF LAND IMPROVEMENT AND WATER tt) Ff~h(CONSERVENCY, CHMN SOVIET-ETHIOPIAN FRIENDSHIP ASSN, ON ASSN'S QNN f 5T"4NIV. (RPT AMHARIC 1,41500) (AMHARIC 153-0) 44 TASS OBSERVER LEONID PONOMAREV ON FATE OF CZECHOSLOVAK 41 ALEKSANDR BOVIN IZVESTIYA ON OAU SESSION. (6 MIN: ENGINTER 1730 2~ ^0 FRENCHAF 1930 AMHARIC 1530) 4 NOTING LIBERATION OF AFRICA FROM RACISM AND COLONIALISM REMAINS MAJOR TASK OF INDEPENDENT STATES OF CONTINENT, MAINTAINING THAT DESPITE STRENGTH OF APARTHEID REGIME IN SOUTHAFRICA, BACKED BY WEST, AND ITS AGGRESSIVE POLICY TOWARD INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES, HISTORIC LOGIC WILL LEAD TO ITS COLLAPSE, STRESSING THAT INTERNAL FACTORS WILL DETERMINE ITS FUTURE WITH ANC AND SWAPO IN FOREFRONT OF STRUGGLE. (5 MIN: ENGINTER 2030) CITIZENS WHO HAVE BEEN SEIZED BY ANTI-ANGOLAN COUNTERREV GROUPING UNIT N ANGOLA. (TASSE !32008) (4 MIN: VIET 151300) CLS 45 MESSAGE TO SOLEMN MTG OF UN SPECIALSTAT CCMTTtE AGAINST APARTHEID, RE INTL DAY OF SOLIDARY WITH PPL OF ,'. SOUTHERN AFRICA, SENT BY MENGISTU HAILS MARIAN, IN HIS CAPACITY OF NiUCHMN OAU. (350 TEXT: TASSE 1816) 46 REVIEW OF SOVIET PRESS ON EFFECTS OF APARTHEID ON INDIGENOUS a*JJv' POPULATION OF SOUTH AFRICA, RE ANNIV OF SOWETO MASSACRE, QUOTING S? ~s~wj WORLD MARXIST REVIEW, IZVESTIYA, NEW TIMES, PRAVDA. (3 MIN' mo SS&O"ENG ILT ER 0700) STMT BY ANC MBR ANTHONY MONGALO ON SOWETA DAY. (RPT ENGINTER S.c Q ~(t~ 14173' (PORTAFl830) 16 JUN 1983 I 1 ) S. 17 2030 FRENCHAF 19`30 AMHARIC 1530 SOMALI 1600) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 0.W~jj 3 P 48 ( VUD I NO BOYEVOROV) ON ANN I V SOWETO MASSACRE 16 JUNE. GIVING SOwR ACCOUNT OF SITUATION WHICH DEVELOPED FROM PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION (,V G.SScC1j-- TO MASSACRE CF AFRICAN CITIZENS AT HANDS OF SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE, rp- NOTING SOVIET PPL'S SUPPORT AND SOLIDARITY WITH AFRICANS STRUGGLING FOR THEIR RIGHTS AND THEIR OPPOSITION TO APARTHEID. (ENGINTER Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 atio" 0-f 5 49 ANON MARKING ANNIV OF BLOODY EVENTS IN SOWETO IN JUNE ~ 1976, WITH REPORT ON THOSE EVENTS EMPHASIZING THAT SOUTH AFRICAN !3-0--f PO-9-APARTHEID REGIME FOLLOWS A BLOODY POLICY OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, RECALLING AS EARLY AS 1963 UN PLENARY ASSEMBLY CONDEMNED PRETORIA REGIME, BUT EVER SINCE WESTERN POWERS HAVE BEEN SABOTAGING UN DECISIONS. (5 MIN: ENGINTER 1000 GERMAN L600 PORTU J- E 2DOO GREEK 1000 PERSIAN 12-00) 5 5 KALIN ON SOVIET SUPPORT FOR AFRICA N STATES TO MARK INTL DAY COF SOLI ARITY WITH EMBATTLED SOUTH AFRICAN PPL. (6 MIN: MAND 0700) 51 FEATURE "IMPISM IN THE DOCK": RECALLING EVENTS OF 16 JUNE 1976 IN SWETO AND PRAISING AFRICAN PATRIOTS WHO WERE MURDERED BECAUSE OF T$EIR ~GOLOR. (6. 5-4 MIN: FRENCHINTER 2000 ARABIC 1730) take' -6f several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 52 I extraordinary session of chamber of deputies of lebanon to discuss question of ratification (~jcu.1UN P4-a-?.2 CLQ of lebanese-israeli agmt. (350 text sent: tasse 1609 tassr s Tl ,A STAT orb rti 53 the arab world: anon on talks between gromyko and fo4~r outgoing Jordanian ambassador to ussr (tasse 091714) (3.5 min); r+~ R.~.J vladimir borisov on 16th anniv libuan revolution (4. 5min); anon on egyptian foreign ministers intvw with al-masawwar (5 min). -10- 16 JUN continuing persecution of tudeh party in iran, comparing irarn's situation with that of as-sadat's egypt. (rpt ,persian 151700) (persian 1800) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 1,~-SSIZ- 55 noses mabbida, sec gen south african cp, saying that some time ago a message was received from iranian tudeh party comrades in exile complaining about situation in iran and on arrest and torture of party mbrs, maintaining islamic republics ldrship has condemned tudeh party of spying and alleged that its members are foreign spies, claiming tudeh party mbrs and iranian partisans would never betray their country, voting south african cp solidarity with iranian workers and tudeh party mbrs. (5 min:/rsian 1700) 56 vladimir korolev noting through mediation effort of envoy, of un sec gen afghanistan and pakistan will resume talks on political settlement of situation involving afghanistan in geneva on 16 jun. (rpt enginter 151300) (finnish 151530) 57 program for chi intellectuals: (honin sov eastern language expert, on chi lit works translated, published in ussr. (7.5 min: and 1600) far east 58 vsevolod ovchinnikov pravda on japan becoming harnessed to u s. global strategy as a result of williamsburg ummit,oting tokyo shimbun. (4.5 min: jap 151200) 16 JUN 1983 59 special program marking 29th anniv of formation of K~) strata. cites various functions held by frship society, further notes cooperative relations between frship societies, various collectives of frship society, introduces song describing soviet-korean frship. cites interviews with those who belong to frship societies in (leningrad, ukrainian.kazakh. (15 min; 1~Q) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 soviet-korean frship society, recalls time when soviet-korean ail frship society formed. ntoes over 360 collective membrs of ~ShI frship society in ussr, organization of soviet-korean frship !society cc which is composed of noted figures from various Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 cop east europe 60 "voices of friendship:" item marking the 50th anniversary. of the "free germany" national committee which operated in the ussr, with report on former committee member ernst (koehler); gdr, and his life and activity (16 min part missed); repor ton last week's 32nd session of parity government commission of gdr and ussr in moscow, with quotations from head of gdr delegation, deputy chairman of gdr council of I'5eS,,)"J ministers gerhard schuerer, and ussr delegation, deputy chairman of ussr council of ministers leonid kostandov, informing about SOU agreements signed at the session (7 min); "sound letter" by a soviet nn journalist from lipetsk to his gdr colleagues in cottbus reporting on his work (2 min) brief info about economic life in socialist L5' L S5~- U,S5h DS couMtri s L3 min). (total 18 min german 1500) itar 61 report on 40th anniv of struggle for kursk during wit, mentioning recollections of soviet marshals to be broadcast from 29- n. (3 min: bulgarian 1530) 62 vasiliy ananchenko reportage from central museum of ussr armed forces in moscow, where an exhibition dedicated to 40th anniv'o' battle of kursk opened today. (4 min: mayak 1700) 63 feature on 20th anniv valentina tereshkova's space ace flight, recalling events which led to her flight and her impressions following it, incl review of her career since then.. (12-5 min: serbo 1900 portuguese 2000 spanchile 2030 german 16$0 amharic 1,530 uig rian 1.530 hungarian 1400) -12- 64- 'time events, people': anatoliy yaroshevskiy intvw with valentina tereshkova, who 20 years ago today became first woman in space, tereshkova reminisces about her cosmonautical past and about soviet women's love of peace, in her capacity as chmn Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 U- S 6 66 "soviet life style": incl anon on soviet female cosmonaut ckground, career. (8 min: mand 1230) take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 16 ,dun 83 cpsu cc plenum CPs~- C-c 67 chernenko 14 jun session report. (tasse 141522) (12 min: ~~erNe~i a ii a-1700) ppth ( I 65 program in response to african listeners' letters on achievements of tereshkova, first woman cosmonaut. (6.5 min: enginte.1730 frenchaf 1930) 69 information report on 15 ,jun session. (rpt mayak 151200) (orbita 0004; 3 min: orbita 0001 0100 0400 home 0104 0204 0400 mayak 0330 0430; 2-1 min: mayak 0200 engna 152300 spanish 152130 mand A7 0; brief: enginter 0700 0800) 69 andropov 15 jun speech. (tasse 151307) (53 min: orbita 0100 0300 home 000; 30-20 min: spanla 00Q9 spancuba 01-00 german 0900 polish 1300 hind 1138 urdu 120$ mand 0700 mandsea 1,230 viet 10-00; 19-10 min: engna 152300 enginter 0800 portbraz 2300 Q.~1droPdJ Spc~ spancuba 01-00 finnish 151-&30 dari 1500-persian 15001 170-0 arabic 1530 bulgarian t 3 ] polish 1480 burn 18-30 lao 1030 thai 11-00 camb 1330 kor 0930. 9-3 min: enginter 1100 Berman 1500 serbo 160.0 1900' albanian 1430 hungarian 1900 burm 1030 1430 urdu 130-0 beng 1500 indo 10 thai 1160 lao 1030 i300]nran.d 0780; 2. 5 min: arabic 1530 frenchmag 19.30 jap 151200; 2-1 mid engna 152300 enginter 0700 0860 Spanish 15130 finnish 15-1530 german O q-00 1500 1600 germaust 1900 viet 1300; brief: orbita 1750 spanla 00?00 spancuba -0100 f i n7 i 15 I530) ' 16 JUN 1983 report on 15 jun plenum, incl 7. 5 grin andropov. (9 min: 'I3. Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 Psi C 71- anon onconclusion, noting functions, composition of cpsu Guc t n Lo / r< ~nJ14cc chernenko's report on ideological work, andropov's speech at (~ 9c OLOUIA (OP plenum , citing excerpts of andrpov's speech, decisions adopted. p' (10.5-6 min: frenchinter 1600 2000 spanchile 2000 portbraz 2200 span-la-2'A00 kar -1330) w5OJ 5eSi or) non hailing outcome, noting topics discussed and report by konstantin chernenko, citing andropov on cpsu policies in various fields, incl domestic and intl scenes. (10-8 min: indo 1-330 1-50 o 1300) r supsov session 73 report on 16 ,dun opening of session, listing leaders present, giving account of andropov's election as chairman of presidium of ussr supsov, quoting chernenko address (3.5 min), and andropov reply (one min). (7 min, sent: mayak 0730; 500 text, incl 400 words chernenko, 120 words andropov, sent: tasse 0816 tassr 0805; 5-3 min, incl 2 min chernenko, brief andropov: german 0900 1500 1600 germaust 1800 dari 1500 albanian -1430 polish 1300 1400 urdu 1300 beng 1500/twice/ lao 1130 thai1100 urdu 1300 burm 1-030 2-1 min, incl 1.5 min thru brief chernenko, brief andropov: enginter 1000 11-00 1,200 1300 1500 1-600 4700 2-00 frenchinter 1600 2000 engna 2,200 enguk\t-00 italian 19-00 portuguese 2000 persian 1500 1,700 1000 arabic 1.500 1730 greek 130Jgreekcy 1730 amhanic 150 Somali 1600 portaf 1-830 frenchaf 1930 serbo 1600 19-00 hungarian 19-00 in ola30 15-00 kor 1330 ,are+Qd., 1230 1600] 16 JUN 1983 report on andropov's election 16 ,dun as chairman of supreme soviet presidium, with short biography. (4 min: albanian 1430) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490011-1 3c,Y560 75 gromyko report 16 jun. (7,500 text sent: tasse 1031; 57 .25Si0N 3,500 text: tasse 1043 tassr 1247; 30-20 min: mayak 1330 mand G ~~1b00; 19-15 min: orbita 1245 italian 1*00 german 1600 persian 1.500 uSS1~- bulgarian 1,530 romanian 1600 czech/slovak 1500 hungarian 1630; 14-10 min: enguk 1900 portuguese 2000 dari 1500 arabic 1-500 serbo I9 oris ponomarev speech 16 jun. (200 text sent: tasse 1600) 77 geydar aliyev report 16 ,dun on draft law. (550 text sent: tassr 1512; brief: enginter 2100 portbraz 2200 spanla 2300 engna 2200 a gu 1900 italian 1900 portuguese 2000 serbo 1900) 1900 hind 1400 camb 1330: 9-3 min: orbita 2200 2300 enginter 13Q0 1600 frenchinter 1-600 engna..22003italian 1700 1900 german 15,00 dari 1.`.00 persian 17-00 1800 serbo 1600 albanian 1430 czech/slovak 16,90 hungarian 1900 polish 1400 lao 13,00 burm 1430 indo L330 1500 urdu 1340 beng 1500 kor 1330 viet 1400 mand 4.23 twice/; 2. 5 min: mand 1600; 2-1 min: eng inter 12-00 1306 150Q 160C' 21-00 frenchinter 1600 2000 engna '2200 enguk 19-00 italian 1700 portgugese 2000 german 0900 germaust 1800 persian 1500 arabic 1560 17.30 greekcy 1730 arnharic 4-5301somali 160D portaf 1830 frenchmag 1930 frenchaf 1330 serbo 1600 1900 albanian 1431)-czech/slovak 1500 1600 polish 1300 1400 hind 11.30 14,00 lao 1390 indo 1330 viet 1000 1300; excerpts, on iran-iraq war, 8 min: persian 1500 1-700; 120 text sent: tasse 0939; on mideast, 250 text sent: tasse 0915; on rel tins with developing countries, 150 text sent: tasse 0932) 78` resolution 16 jun on intl situatiian anu w>, Tw<