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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 ZCZCDPO967 DAM: 062-054142 INPUT CDSN: ANI661 TOR: 262258Z OCT 83 ROUTING- DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMOIS-**UNASSIGNED** PTTUZYUW. RUDOMKA5992 2922235-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 262235Z OCT 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OtINAWA JA RUDOMKB/FBIS LONDON UK//SBC// ACCT FBLD-EW.DK UNCLAS /BBC TAB Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 program summary: moscow television 261800 1d262235 moscow television service in russian 1800 gmt 26 oct 83 ((evenig vremya, 14 w, first program, 3675 mhz)) (reception good) (read by grigoryeva and kochergin) 015 1. camera shows announcer reading text of andropov's pravda interview concerning the inf talks in geneva and the deployment of missiles in europe (cov pm261632) (audio only) 304 2. video report on antiwar rally held in kiev with shots of crowd at meeting and shots of construction brigade leader bush", writer gonchar and other speakers addressing the meeting. 349 3. rpt item 1 1400 gmt cast -- abdukhalikov video report on the tashkent combine building plant. 367 4. rpt item 2 1400 gmt cast -- morozova video report on "omsknefte-orgsintez" complex in omsk. 383 rpt item 5 1400 gmt cast -- csa report on bryansk oblast Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 potato sales (audio only) 391 6. rpt item 6 1400 gmt cast -- report on sowing in kuzakhstan ('audio only) 396 7. tass report on gromyko meeting new indian ambassador (audio only) 409 S. rpt item 9 1400 gmt cast -- video report on departure of the soviet party-government delegation for vietnam 421 9. rpt item 13 1400 gmt cast -- tass statement on aggression against grenade and on u.s. violating international laws. (audio only) 462 10. rpt item 14 1400 gmt cast -- video report on f. castro reading cuban cp and government statement on u.s. aggression against grsnada. 475 11. tass report on attack on cuban construction workers' settlement near the airport. (cov) (audio only) 484 12. tass report from barbados on fighting continuing on grenada. (cov) (audio only) 494 13. rpt item 15 1400 gmt cast -- tars report on un security council discussing u.s. aggression against grenada with video showing nicaraguan and other representatives at the Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 14. tass report on mitterrand statement at council of ministers session condemning aggression against grenada. (cov) (audio only) 512 15. tass report on thatcher's statement concerning actign against grenada. (cov) (audio only) 515 16. tass report from beijing on chinese foreign ministry representative's statement about china being concerned about 'situation on grenada. (cov) (audio only) 520 17. report on CSSR federal assembly issuing appeal to ?uropean parliaments and their deputies with video showing deputies voting during the assembly session. 530 18. rpt item 10 1400 gmt cast -- ilyashenko video report on t the antiwar demonstration in london. 545 19. rpt item 11 1400 gmt cast -- shishkovskiy video report pn antiwar demonstration in brussels. 563 20. rpt item 12 1400 gmt cast -- tass report on session of presidium of spd party in bonn (audio only) 578 21. rpt item 16 1400 gmt cast -- starodomskaya video commentary on u.s. aggressive actions being a serious threat Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 to nicaragua's sovereignty and security. 606 22. tass report from managua on Sandinista national liberation front and governing council of nicaragua addressing appeal to people of the country, to governments and peoples throughout the world in connection with the explosive situation in central america and caribbean region as a result of washington8s aggressive actions and especially the u.s. 11 armed intervention in grenada (audio only) 614 23. report on the order of lenin being awarded to bashilov, chairman of user committee for construction affairs, with video showing photograph of the man. 620 24. komarova video report on international symposium on architectural bionics held in moscow, with shots of yu. s. lebedev, head of a section at the history and theory of architecture institute being interviewed, cutting to shots of scale models of structures initiated from nature. (rpt) 641 25. sport 659 26. weather 672 (ENDALL) 261800 IK/LAWRENCE/RL 26/2245Z OCT BT *5992 oxvl Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 M ZCZCDPOS02 DAN: 062-044271 INPUT CDSN: AN1474 TOR: 2616422 OCT 83 TOT: 2616432 OCT 83 ROUT1N0= DPO WIRE SVC? **UNASSIONED.* C ONND I S-+* UNAB$ I GNED*. PT TUZYUM RUOOMMK"919 2"! . ZMR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 261600Z OCT b FM FR IS LONDON UK TO.RUTLAAS/F1I8 WASHINGTON DC RUHJFSA/FPI8 OKINAMA JA RUDOM KS/FS18 LONDON UK//SSC// ACCT F1LD-EWOK ONLY AO (2). MOD(2), CHIEF BUS/DRD Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 If NO program summary: moscow television 261400 1d261600 moscow television service in russian 1400 gat 26 oct 83 ((Evening vremya. 539 second program, double-iii, 3675 mhz)) (reception good) (read by grigoryeva and kocbergin) 011 1. abdukhalikov video revert an the tashkent combine buildine 11 _0 I plant with video showing 200.000th cotton picking combine leaving ; the plant inter-cutting to shots ft workers assembling cotton picking machines at the plant. 044 .i-! n 2. moro:ova video report on the *oasknefteorgsintex" complex '.n in oask with shots of outdoor facilities at the petrochemical enterprise, shots of facilities in a laboratory, and shots-.of panels in the control room with correspondent speaking about new products being manufactured at the enterprise. 070 3 report on the construction of yeletskaya gas compressor station on the urengoy-ushgorod gas pipeline. (audio only) 080 4. tratsovskiy video report on gas pipeline construction brigade led by martynov with shots of men welding and laying crf Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 pipeline, shots of electric welder pivovar and brigade leader martynov being interviewed. 116 S. cia report on bryansk oblast potato sales. (audio only) 129 6. report on the completion of winter crop sowing in kazakhstan. (audio only) 136 KIM chairman. V.T. kulikov being interviewed and shots of housing 7. chekalin video report on the 22nd party congress kolkhos in selenogradskiy rayon in kaliningrad'oblast with shots of kolkhoz fiel4s, shots of agricultural machinery, shots of kolkhoz an inw kU RUS swvi&wwwnf. 9. v. fedorov video report on the private plot of pensioner glazatov living in frunte city with shots of the pensioner's garden, shots of pensioner being interviewed about his garden and about the use of private plots by individuals in the city. 229 9. video report on the departure of the soviet party-government delegation for vietnam with video showing tereshkova, ry,shkov, rusakov, aliyev and grishin walking at the airport cutting to shots of tereshkova, aliyev and ryshkov boarding the aircraft and shots of grishin, rusakov and other officials waving. (cov 1d261138) (vsl) 247 10 ilyashenko video report on the antiwar demonstration in london with shots of delegates from various parts of britain taking l Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 Rol Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870058-5 part in procession and shots of meeting held in hyde park. 275 11. shishkovskiy video report on antiwar demonstration in 949 brussels with sots of crowd at meeting held in brussels. 308 12 tass report on the session of the presidium of the spd party board in bonn and report on brandt's speech at the session. (audio only) 327 13. tars statement on the aggression against grenada and about the u.s. violating international laws. (audio only) (coy 1d261108) (audio only) 373 14 toss report on f. castro reading cuban government statement on the attack on groanda: abc tv report on the fighting on grenada; ,'jk 11 nil d u s dm s tra s d i t ow d o cnn report on u. s. losses- op correspondent's report from / L e i ~ g_ -bout " e i_ i t i-_' c i_ i__ n ? b__ b_ to send units of the Sand airborne division to grenade (audio. aircraft, shots of press conference of one of the captured pilots, shots of fire at a fuel depot; shots of u. s. transport aircraft in the air and on the ground, shots of naval ships, shots of cutting to shots of damage done by bombs dropped by unidentified only) (coy 1d261324) 421 W. 16 starodomikay.a video comentary on u. s. aggressive actions - create a serious threat to nicaragua's sovereignty and security with video showing documentary clips showing somosistas undergoing training in honduras, shots of an aircraft flying over managua `mac win* v A* Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 er Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 fighter aircraft and helicopters, cutting to shots of Sandinista army servicemen at target practice 455 17. chirkov video report on the ku:nets basin artists' exhibition in keaerov with shots of paintings and public at the show. 481 18 fsoktistov video report on sakhalin historico-archeological expedition working on urup island with shots of coastal area. shots of members of the expedition including expedition leader being interviewed about the exploration of the first russian settlement founded in 1795 interrutting to shots of objects found during excavations.. 510 19. sport 566 20. weather 993 lanphere/pg 24/163Sx oct 8T #5915 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870058-5 ANI i-=' lot