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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 ZC ZCDP"62 . V M: 023--000443 INPUT CD$N: KOA449 ,TOR: 201041Z JUN 93 ROUTINQW DPI WIRE Svcs **UNASSIQNED** COMNNDI9 **UNAGSIONED** 9FN: LD201904 TOT: 281941Z JUN ?M PTTUZYUW RUDO KA9952 1791001-UUUU--RUTLAAD. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 2010042 AM83 F" FB IB LONDON UK TO RUTLAAQ/FOIS WASHINGTON DC RUNJFiA/FRIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FOLD-EWDK UNCLAS /BBC ONLY AO (2). MOD (2). CHIEF SUB/ORD program summary: moscow domestic television 201300 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 + scow domestic television servic?'in russian 1300 got . ,dun 93 (reception fair) (evening vreoya, 33 eo second program, double-iii, 3075 aye) broad by likhitchenko and suslov) 014 1. yai$a* dov video r?poar.t on the oo.lag gas deposit in kdirkoonistan with shots of drilling rig, and personnel in action iii 2. baykalava video. report on the?vanino-kholosk ferry service connection with the 10th.anniversory of the service with video. showing ferryboat mooring in,kholask port and shots of trains d iv he off the ferry boat and 'stoats of :ships and pOWt 'fociaities in kholosk. 106 3. ochilov;video report on the construction of the boypazinskaya ges in tadjikiatan with shots of the construction site. shots of tunnels excavated in rock, shots of construction workers and machinery instaliingstructures at the project, shots of dpi1'ling machine and oarth.oving equipment in action, shots of d tputy Chef engineer koaarkov,spiaking about the application of the "Or'igad.S method at the project. 1160 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 i-h ~r4wdio. only) 170 abdukhalikov vitro report on cooporativ# fares in kuvtnsk ill-ax with *bats of cattle and chickens and various machined at o. klepov video report on a self-urvice store in pore with shuts of si tats report on'$ remarks on the soviet initia#tv1 ii~hets' ot,cafoteri? ant other facilities at the store. 233 7. sedov video report on the exhibition devoted to the 40th anniversary of battl# of.kvrsk is the clmtrol arced forces muse" with shots of exhibits at the shy. 2 fair a nuclear arsenals free:e. (audio onlp)- 290 glasunov report-on tta conference. of frs spd women's t" at hn conference in .,been with shots of delegates and iac l ud i ny to. brandt addressing the conference. 319 10. toss report on tide union activists in saptiago and OtNW i l s..r t? itios in chile to discuss the results f the 4-da9 senze a in the country (audio only) 325 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 Approved For ...., Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850040-6 sss report 00,16V :rnsvlto of the ,Iic cions in itaig. t ., Lass report on 3a s o pm iots'attacks on isrosli beeps. (cev 14271950 ttsso) (audio onlg) 345 13. report on sgrion prosidoflt meeting g. habash in damastus vith video providing shots of tht two men. (coo 1d2714M tassel) 3!' 1'4. report on the opantflg of asem foreign ministers' con#*1l c? a, banykok with video ,providing :s-hets of minsiters at their ounce. there is no mention ,of .swvitz. 374 . 1 5. tass report on th. closiflg of the second congress of tDi of :cape Verde- islands. . l4 african party for the. is psndefte A V 3" rovisioral government troops sssaining a damaged deep# bowhs, report on provisional govornweat troops inflicting SOVLOAM ,feat on the Chad government troops with video providing shot$ Ong on the ground and, shots of damag d buildings. test report Ellows tuo.ting afp report on ch#d government admitting troop ratreat followed by' i? rondo report on. french foreign relations aia to the shad govern at. (audio only 399 special correspondent vvriy sol.ton report on dail lift An ka1rul with video providing shots of kabul city. street scones Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 .niitar wanking statement. about french government intending to give Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 if salts "sittioy at the anarai h*ad a~rrt+ t thh afg*sn ..d Vote. C'1I~Z:xgp _~O SRRWI Ur 6gav~~a .wfsw~ww.~..+n+ 'C6'te of oporatiansr point vt' OR the. ma# the area "hire ar"t '*assfree sakistan and Iran crdas+s in to afthanistan. vitoo cabs to s is of City street uonsst shots 00 clay bouts* strotchiwi l t#s foothills, shot o-f a s int p. l and shots of a 0041O R eft arsly pa!."ol walking in a street. tpwoc f pan*r#1 secratasry bs:intl ,intervie d anad shots of doIj cit' %no csn"r+nce. tproc.* pro. 19. lobach?nko vino report on tbo international "won and his M ill." eshibition in w real with shots ?f 08-hibits at the sov'i tt 1+ iny. shots, of wiiita -y patrol -checking: auto+aobilosr and sho 442 it. video retort on the vnctad conference in b*19rade with shams vilisn at the exhibition. .497 lrigoryova video, rop,ort on school. graduat.. at diple sa prr*sontation cororony and attending. party in a rayon of ***cow +Eity. ' 124 21. "art. 571 warath sr 592 t/plntt/dp 29/1828: fan Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 DAN. 026-005062 IWUT CD is KOAS36 TOR 24221TZ JUN 83 ROUTING- We WIRE. SVC= ..UNASSIGNED*' Cq!ipwI fA9SIfi1 D+-+- PTTUZYUW RUDONIA9002 17921. . ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 28214OZ JUN 93 FM. FB I S LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINOT?N.DC RUHJF'BAIFBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FiLD-ewpK 8T UNCLAS /BBC ONLY AO (2), MOD (2)CHIEF 8UB /DRD .program summary: aoscow domestic toltvision 21111700 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 -scow ?domostic tolovisiaf service # ..russaaih '1700 gat 2 jun 93 ((evening vrewya? 14 w, first ;;pr.ig aea+: 3679 what reception faire read by likkitch onka.and suslov)) 013 1. video report on the aeetiwg' of r#y, and govornwtnt leaders of bulgaria, huang+gry, . gdr p03,and, rowania, the soviet union and csochoslovakia in aoscowwi:lt~h the, vidoo showing sootod it conference table bulgaria's ?todor zhivrkov and, dzhurova hungary.'s kadara gdr's honeckar, stupA, hoff*anna Poland'* jaruselskia roman ia's -c.*auslac,oa eovtot -union's ustinov, tikhonov andropov and growyko with caoovii;showing andropov's right hand thumb trembling badl>1. wh jis 'his sim as, resting on the conference table as he speaks with ti.khs!norv .1egkt3ng on and then going into a conversation with ustinov? and andropov.looking toward tikhonov and ustinov who Are still in conversation and then turning his head toward gromyko who.is_as n reading something. .camera cute to shots of csechoslova,kia's husak, strougal and diur (fyi 14291827 and vs 1 ids) 040. followed by shots of announcer r4.p4rting on meeting proceeding4s and, the joint statement issued._at the meeting. (coy paw21649 and adds) (audio only) 373 2. tees report on soyuz t-9 docking with- salyut-7 and Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850040-6 kosaos-1443 with .cast*r6 "ovi'dinyl brief shots of mission cssitrdi center cutting to .monochrome, 0ot4 of soyu c t-9 a few seconds before docking cutting to shots of shoulsv, and then shots of ryumins cutting to'shet of alabJr drlw. Oat lyakhov in salyut-T intercutting to shots of ~ Nrsonn*'i trd their, consoles at mission control. followed by, shots.. of geitta ieottervi ring mission directq*, ryumin on today's docking and cosaonaV.ts's tasks during their mission (vsl 14282032) 446 3. rpt item 1 1300 got cast gas field in turkwenistan. 465 yapdev report on malay 4.. ilchenko report on the work euperienc,es of Lvov railwaysgd with shots of the spec.i;al ce+tror. op far controlling the condition of rolling stock with shots of freight car repair facilities at the kovel depot and' rapa r..n and welders at work, cutting to shots of m.lnik. deputy chi-of of the railroad spookhno about the repair of freigbtcars at the kovvl depot. 492 5. k,hatayevich report on fodder pr,ocur ent at p.ovedinskiy sovkhoz in domodedovskiy rayon in;moscow ablest. with shots' of sovkhoz settlement, shots of dal.ry livestock and livestock promises and shots of hagwowing -4n pr._o.gress. and shots of sovkhoz director nikulin being interviewed. 528 6. report an ukrainian party plenum :in'.ksiv and on shcherbitskiy delivering report.. (proc) (audio only) 536 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850040-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850040-6 7. Lass report on the ussi ?supre ,soviet lorti'n' affairs commissions delegation led b.y. =is Irwin i e tiny with the lg. (cov 14281358 del#gation of the french national' mimIlt and adds) (audio only). 540 8. rpt .item 10 1300'at. c st ---.repent on chilean trade union representatives and activi;tti s ting and deciding to held. dog of national protest,on 12 july. (audio only) 544 9. rpt item 11 1300,y*$t. --..tH.s. report on italian election results followed by prostahov yl.dto roort, from rose showing correspondent showing. new,prs;with suction results reports cutting to shots of people .in th r strs*t, with correspondent saying. that election resul,ts rfI*ct p. ln's dissatisfaction with the christian deascrits and with the japlomentation of Washington and nato it*ay with cal.ra focussing on italian cp election ;.posWrj avid, shots. of meeting at the italian cp headquartes in rome. (cov 1d211955) 573 10. rpt item 12 1300 got cast -- report on lebanese patriots' operations against. israeli'troops. 578 11. rpt item 16 1300 get ,.cast - loss report quoting afp report from chad an the head of tbi ,chid government, admitting government troops retreat at press conference._?