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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 ZCZCDPOO52 DAN: 020-052330 INPUT CDSN: KDA368 TOR: 142228Z JUN 83 ROUTINGa DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS-**UNASSIGNED** BFN: LD142154 PTTUZYUW RUDOMKA5959 1652155-UUVU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 142154Z JUN 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS'OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD-EWDK UNCLAS /BBC ONLY AG (2), MOD (2). CHIEF SUB/DRD program summary: moscow domestic television 141700 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 1d142154 moscow domestic television service in russian 1700 gmt 14 jun 83 .((evening vremya, 14 w, first program, 3675 mhz)) (reception fair) (read by zimenkova and kove.l.enov) 008 .1. brief report on*tte plenum of the cpsu central codimittee (rpt ld141453 and add) (audio.only) 053 2. rpt item 1, 1300 got cast -- report on the bureyskaya gas construction project 071' 3. rpt item 2,1300-got cast -- .khatayevich report on a team working according to the brigade contract method at vpered kolkhoz in dnepropetrovsk oblast. 118 4. rpt item 3, 1300 glut cast -- chebotarev report on school children going to work at put lenin a 'kolkhoz in rostov oblsst and meeting with pereverzeva. 160 5. rpt item 6, 1300 gmt cast zhuk report on the novopolotsk protein and vitamin concentrate plant 186 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 6. sinitsyn report on ussr supreme soviet deputies arriving in moscow and registering for the'user supreme soviet session with camera providing, shots of some.deputies being. interviewed by correspondent. 258, 7. rpt item 7, 1300 gait cast -- kondaurov report on communists at the ilicha metallurgical plant in.zhdanov. S. report on sevastopol city being awarded the order of theoctober rsvooution on the occasion of its 200th jubilee followed by video report by plotnikov and providing shots of sevastopol, shots of war memorials and housing estates. 333. 9. report on.kuznetsov presenting the order of lenin to"first secretaries of vol.gograd and magadan pobkoms (proc) (audio only) 342 10. rpt item 8, 1300 gmt cast-- report on le duan accusing the u. s. , and allies for increasing tension in the world. 351 11. rpt item 9, ' 1300 gmt cast - fokin report on peace concert in athens stadium 362 12. glazunov video report on the protest demonstration against-the deployment of u. s. nucelar missiles -in hannover with shots of protesters with their banner and posters, cutting Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 to shots of protesters being interviewed followed by shots of former general bastion addressing. protesters at their meeting. 392- ,1,3. rpt item 10,, 1300 gmt cast -- report on palme's statement, on the soviet proposal on, declaring the baltic a nuclear free zone. 398 '14. druzhinin commentary from the united states on the large-scale campaign concerning the new approach of the reagan administration to the soviet-american talks in geneva on limiting and reducing strategic arms (rpt tea 6 111300 got cast) 437 15. rpt item 1'1, 1300 gmt cast tassreport on the day of national prorest in chile 445 16. tass report on the fighting in salyad.or (audio .only) 452 17. rpt item 1319 1300 gmt cast sitaution in al-biga valley/ 457 Lass report on tense 18. rpt item 15, 1300 gmt cast -- report on wall street journal article on yellow rain in jouthaast asia being natural product of bees.' 470. 19. rpt item 14, 1300 got cast -- report on babrak.karaal's visit to kandahar 476 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 20. rpt item 18. 1300 got cast -- uiyanov report on the posnan international trade fair. 501 21. rpt item 19. .1300 gait cost --,report on china deciding to join the agreement "on the antarctic. 506 22. rpt item 20. 1300 got cast announcement about the death of actor a. a. Popov. 525 23. rpt item 21, 1300 got cast -- andreyev report on the nekrasov memorial museum in chudovo, novgorod oblast 543 24. sports, 581 25. video report on floods in brazil with shots of flooding. in south regions of the country. 586 26. weather. 605 ik/fielder/ne 14/2213z ,dun #5959 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 ZCZCDPG008- DAN: 020-051547 INPUT CDSN: KOA348 TOR: 1421492 JUN 83. ROUTING= DPG WIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS-**UNASSIGNED** BFN: LD142106 TOT: 14215OZ JUN 83 PTTUZYUW RUDOMKA595,1 1652106-UUUU--R ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 1421062 ` JUN 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBI8 WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD-EWDK UNCLA& /BBC ONLY AG (2), MOD (2), CHIEF SUB/DRD program summary: moscow domestic etlovision 141300 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 `1d142106 moscow domestic television service in russian 1300 got 14 dun 83 ((evening vr.mya. 33 3, second program double-iii. 3073 mht)) (reception fair) (road by zimenkova and kovelonov) 014 1. voronin video report on the construction of the bureyskaya gas with shots of bureya river cutting to sh.o#s of personnel of the lengidroproyekt expidition conducting survey work at the location of the future hydroelectric station followed by shots of housing built for the builders of the burayskaya hydroelectric station project 047 ,2. khatayevich report on a team working according to the brigade method at vpered kolkhoz in novomoskovskiy rayon in dnepropetrevek, obiast with :shots of wheat fields, team leader golub and kolkhoz chairman kurnosenko being interviewed.. 099 3. chebotarov report .on school children. coming to put leniso kolkhoz in peschenakopskiy rostov.oblast for work during the summer season.with shots of pereverzeva meeting and addressing school children at the kolkhoz. 148 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 4. turabekov report on zhdanov sovkhoz in fergana oblast with shots of fields under fodder crops cutting to shots of machine sowing fodder crops and of sovkhoz director at work in the field. 180 5. zhuk report on novopolotsk protein and vitamin concentrate plant with-shots of production buildings and outdoor and indoor facilities 207 6.~ kondaurov report on the communists of the ilyicha metallurgical plant in zhdanov with shots of party veterans setting young workers intercutting to shots of outdoor production facilities, followed by shots of metallurgists standing by their furnaces and a rolling mill in action. shots of party secretary merkulov speaking about the construction of the 3000 mill at the plant. 254 7. Lass report on le duan accusing the united states and its allies of increasing tension in the world (audio only) 262 8.' correspondent fokin report on the peace concert and shots of speakers.addressing public. 294 9. tass report on.palme's statement on the soviet proposals for a nuclear-free zone in northern europe. (audio only) 302 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000850027-1 10. tass report on the day of national protest against policy of the pinochet regime in chile (audio only) 313 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850027-1 11. kudrin report from madrid on the protest demonstration against unemployment with shots-.of protestsrs,with their banners and posters and shots of protester being interviewed. 347 12. test report from beirut on tension in the al-biga' valley and the israeli-syrian exchange of fire. (proc):audio only) 3 13. fadeyev video report on babrak karmal'svisit to gandahar with shots of karmal shaking hands with workers of the gandahar textile combine, shots of.karmalvisiting shops at the combine, and again shaking hand's with workers, inspecting troops of the gandahar.military district, and addressing,aeting'of the party and economic aktiv of qandahar and !lders of qandahar province and representatives of the city-inhabitants. (proc) 375 14. tass report from new york on the wall street journal article that yellow rain in southeast asia is natural -product of bees. (audio only) 388 15. tass report on the nyt report on the situation in the 'northern regions. of nicaragua worsening considerably in the last weeks and about the honduran army giving open support to the zomozan groups which have entered nicaraguan territory. (audio only) 403 16. serikov video report. on housing construction in managua with shots of new housing. being erected to replace housing Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000850027-1 destroyed during the 1972 tremors, with shots of construction wlorkers,and machinery at housing construction project, and shots of-construction workers being interviewed. 423 17. ul.yanov video report from poznan on the traditional international fair there with shots of the polish pavilian cutting to shots-of.polish foreign trade minister being interviewed about improvement In the polish economy, the polish pavilion and the soviet pavil.ionin.tarcutting to shots of exhibits at the exhibition. 451 18. chinos* press reports on.china deciding to join the antarctic agreement..'(proc) (audio only) 457 19. announcement about the death of people's actor a. a. Popov and report on the . obituary signed by party and govern.ant and public leaders. (cov) (audio only) 474 20. andreyev video report on the nekrasov museum in chudovos in novgorod oblast with.shot.s of exhibits at the museum and the nekrasov memorial. 493 21. lyash.ko video report on the fruit orchards of pleshkov. former sailor and now fruit grower at kra,snopresnensk.iy sovkhoz in kustanay oblast with shots of.fruit trees, shots of fruit grower pleshkov 529, 22. morozova report on the soviet music festival in.owsk Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850027-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850027-1 with shots of rsfsr composers on their arrival at omsk airport cutting to shots of composer meeting .publ*c, shots of composer shchedrin being interviewed by corr*spondant about meetings,with; people. 556 23. sport 592 24. weather 605 'ik/santiago/px 14/2134z Jun Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000850027-1