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Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001101560030-5 OLL 84-1118 21 March 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR: C/PCS/PGL ATTENTION: FROM: Office of Legislative Liaison/Liaison Division SUBJECT: SSCI Request on Narcotics Trafficking and Nicaragua Per our conversation, attached is the article from the March 23 edition of National Review concerning. Nicaraguan involvement in drug trafficking. A copy has been sent to DDI for their action; however, it would be appreciated if you would see if further information is available in the DO. STAT STAT enate Liaison Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001101560030-5 BARRYGOLDWATI Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001101560030-5 JAKE DARN. UTAH JOHN H. CHAFEE. R.I. RICHARD O. LUGAR. IND. MALCOLM WALLOP, WYO. DAVID DURENBERGER. MINN. WILLIAM V. ROTH. JR.. DEL WILLIAM S. COHEN. MAINE WALTER D. HUDDLESTON, KY. JOSEPH R. BIDEN. JR., DEL DANIEL K. INOUYE, HAWAII PATRICK J. LEAHY, VT. LLOYD BENTSEN, TEX. SAM NUNN. GA. HOWARD H. BAKER. JR., TENN., EX OFFICIO ROBERT C. BYRD. W. VA., EX OFFICIO ROBERT R. SIMMONS, STAFF DIRECTOR GARY J. SCHMITT. MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: united $tates senate SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 CIA PETER SULLIVAN, SSCI NARCOTICS TRAFFICKING AND NICARAGUA MARCH 20, 1984 84- dq"r5 Attached is an article from the March 23 edition of National Review concerning Nicaraguan involvement in drug trafficking. Would appreciate your checking to see what the Agency has on these allegations and reporting back to us. Thanks. Attachment STAT Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001101560030-5 has the military cap ping out of the Gulf likely to try it given th battle group in. the region: ever, one can be grateful that his predecessor, who stands behind the d2ptrine that bears the latter's name. Approved For Release 2008/12/02 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001101560030-5 ilities necessary to stop ship- r very long, and neither is presence of a U.S. carrier t times like this, how- l 'is Reagan, and not The debate over hiring -quotas :moved to a ne January 16. '.That was when the chairman ' o National Endowment - for-.-- the Humanities, Wil , announced that his agency was refusing Bennett --comply with a directive of the . Equal Employmen Speaking bf Amnesia He promised the moon in New Hampshire, NV 'e in the conservative South He sum npns the stars and the planets To somersault out of his mouth. Lane Kirkland. anticipates heaven; For teachers, e's cash in the bank. Imagine the howl 'if elected, . When President gndale goes blank. Eden Pastore, who once sprung Tomas Borge from prison during the Nicaraguan revolution, has''.lately been announcing over his rebel radio, Voice ' d.-San- dino, the, shady -doings of his former comrade-in- - arms, who is now Nicaragua's Interior Minister: In a February broadcast, the- pesky Comandante Cero re ported Borge's Panamanian bank-account number. For Opportunity Commission 'requiring each federal agen- the curious, it is ##159-80027-D at the Banco-. ;de. ~`cy to'set nu ericdal goals .: in filling jobs, whether or Santander, in Panama .City, and the deposits area from not -it_ had e r iscriminated in the past: Instead, cocaine' :trafcking. -:By now,_' though, 'the ::charge : is Bennett.. vowed -to continue a policy'-.'of - color-blind humdrum :' 'In`July 1983 . Canadian: police arrested and sex-blind hl ing. - What - is most notable is . not Rodolfo Palacios ;Talavera;`~the First Secretary : at the that ,one governme t agency', . shoulddefy another, but Nicaraguan Embassy, for:toting an. unregistered pistol that the revolt sho d begin at the: NEH,The arts and $10,000 worth-'of his briefcase: After and. humanities .endo ents, more: than the rest of a bitter Nicaraguan protest 'claiming diplomatic immu- Washington, like to,tai . about rewarding:`pure, :.ab nity, Palacios informed authorities that Tomas Borge stract merit for its own'- Ate. But' as Ronald Berman had arranved through an -aide' -for Colombians 'to use- recounts in his new book, ulture and Politics; the stop on theway to the United -States. The linchpin - political pressures to bend their rants toward -equal- .of the entire operation is one Carlos Enrique Lehder ity of result: to. support "Senior'- cizens'- art"- instead Rivas, a'34-year-old Colombian - who is. an admirer -.of the' most brilliant artists, and t allocate money of Adolf Hitler and 1s worth in excess of ' $270 mil- fo histona.aa research evenly w `a6 regio s lion. Lehder, _founder.r of -the National Latin; Civic Massachusetts doesn't get ".more. than'! its --share just Movement in Colombia, has been linked with Robert Vesco. The young Lebder. is known to bestow. gifts of private planes upon those'- valuable ' to his ,opera T -;.: tion. Last year be gave lanes to Daniel Ortega,:- 6 mfs Borge, and Fidel tro.-:'Curi ously, .Lehder sums _ up his political philosophy .by declaring, "An incor- The: Heritage Fouri rect image bas'.been spread of Hitler's Germany.";-,~'''' come up with a pro featuring an under-thirty..c news - agency,' TA'SS, widely admired fort its --light -` resented. - After the speaker's touch, reports as follows: "Miner in the Yakutia Re- discussions take place. The me public of eastern Siberia have fo nd a 95-karat dia- attended by conservatives of all mood of `rare beauty' and named `The 80th Anni- ' will be collected into -a volume' a versary of the Second Session "of th RSDWP,' rafter the second meeting - of :the Russian S 'al Democrat- ic Workers' Party in 1903, at ;which: ian revolu- tionary Vladimir' I."-Lenin formed his ment:" We'tbought?.you'd like to.know: because it has Harvard. Now that . merit. in hiring .is back in favor, merit in culture may- not ` be ?far `:be- . hind. r . . ation- in - Washington, -D.C., 'has - sing idea and is holding' fort n meetings,: each of 'them' Tservative:leader as speak :thought have been rep- ening remarks, lively ngs have been well ges. The speeches era year. or so. NR contributors Walter Olson and Dinesh D'Souza have participated as speakers. -When. you do -.while ago -Father the' leftist Institute fo ever the-scenes.'.' - work on th m_. news = that the -trendyMacA o named Father : Hehir as one- of the recipients of its an' Hehir received -a medal ' from' olicy : Studies for his "behind-, . American - Catholic bishops' pons.' Now comes the-_' /02 : CIA-RDP90BOl 370R001101560030-5 Approved For. Release 2008/12