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COPY:ABW: Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040005-4 COMP: VW SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL PREBS CORRESPONDENCE, English Edition, Vol. 9, No. 62, November 1 1929, p. 1338-1339. LET US CREATE AN INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF WORKERS TO RENDER TECHNICAL AID TO THE SOVIET UNION. By Belbej (Moscow). The historic step of the Hamburg railway men, who have challenged the workers of the Soviet Union to an international revolutionary contest, is the best proof that the world proletariat regards the Soviet Union as its revolutionary fatherland. The workers of the Soviet Union have responded enthusiastically to the challenge of the Hamburg prole- tarians. To the effort of our foreign comrades to intensify the fight against imperialism we reply with a still greater acceleration of the pace of socialistic construction, we reply with the slogan: "Execution of the five-year plan in four years!" The challenge of the Hamburg railwaymen to a contest is only a preliminary step on the road towards attract- ing the progressive sections of the international work- ing class to the work of socialist construction in the Soviet Union. The movement must now be organisationally consolidated. The international Labour movement is faced with a number of tasks in connection with direct participa- tion in our socialist constructive work, with direct rendering of aid in the industrialisation work of the Soviet Union. Our Party has set up the task of overtaking the capitalist countries which are furthest advanced technically. In order to exploit the tremendous technical experience acquired by capitalist economy, we are concluding dozens of agreements concerning technical aid with a number of big capitalist industrialists and technical organisations. The most responsible plans of our investment work are submitted by us to these organiza- tions for their judgement and advice. The international Labour movement should assume the task of organising the international technical aid of the workers in our socialist construction. The proletarians of Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States have been trained in factories of high technical organisation. They have great technical knowledge. Among these comrades there are surely thousands and tens of thousands of highly qualified foremen and artisans, people who have learned exactly the organisa- tion and the production technics of the capitalist concerns. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040005-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040005-4 Moreover, there are abroad not a few engineers and other specialists who are interested in our fight and in our development. The very rich experience of production technics possessed by the international working class must be fully exploited for our socialist construction. It is necessary for the purpose of an international revolutionary contest to proceed immediately with the creation of societies for international proletarian technical aid to the Soviet Union. To these societies must be attracted in large numbers those workers who desire to protect the Soviet Union. Branches of these societies, which are to be organised chiefly according to branches of production, must be built up on lines similar to those of our pro- duction conferences. Through their mediumship our foreign comrades will be enabled to transmit to our socialist development their collective experience in production. Our newspapers every day report dozens and hundreds of defects observed in our production. Every day we carry on discussions concerning questions of organising new branches of production and of rationalising old ones. All these questions might be discussed with the greatest profit in the sections of this society for international technical aid to the Soviet Union. Let us give an example: a commission of Ford's engineers comes to the Soviet Union to study the question of erecting an automobile factory; we have an extensive discussion concerning the choice of a certain type of car to be produced here. The production conferences of our automobile factories can place all the questions before the comrades working in the automobile factories in Germany, France and other countries, so that their tremendous experience may be taken into consideration in the expenditure of the hundreds of millions for the erection of the huge motor-car works near Nijni Novgorod. Individual factories such as the electro-technical factories and those of the General Electricity Company (A. E. G.), might have such technical connections. The Hamburg railwaymen might be able to give our workers some useful tips as to the most rational organisation of transport economy. It would be good to extend the work of the Societies for Technical Aid to the dispatch of sections of specially chosen highly qualified foreign comrades to us for con- sultation concerning our investment works. In addition to the dispatch of plans by the managements of our factories to foreign technical firms for judgment and advice, the workers organisations must send these plans to the Workers League for Technical Aid for their considera- tion also. By means of their collective experience the society in question would be of inestimable assistance to us. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040005-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040005-4 In regard to exploitation of our patents covering inventions there is much left to be desired on the foreign markets. It would be very useful for our in- ventors in the ranks of the workers to call upon the International Workers League for Technical Aid for as- sistance in arranging contracts to cover the exploita- tion of their inventions. In the same manner this society could be asked regularly, as are our production conferences, for advice in regard to orders passed by our factories to firms abroad. The numerous Labour delegations which visit the Soviet Union must be got to give practical help and to participate in our de- velopment. This will constitute a kind of international proletarian supervision of our technical progress. The international revolutionary contest, which is beginning must be exploited to the fullest extent to attract as many foreign workers as possible to direct participation in our constructive work. The organisation and the development of the activity of the societies for international technical aid can surely be promoted by the very numerous societies of the Friends of Soviet Russia. In the same manner it is certain that the International Workers League for Technical Aid will be of assistance in the choosing of the best qualified proletarians and specialists for despatch to the Soviet Union on short visits or, in individual cases, for regular employment. The International Workers League for Technical Aid to the Soviet Union will be one of the most prominent embodiments of the pregnant slogan of October: the Soviet Union is the fatherland of the toilers of the whole world: We appeal to all comrades to let us have their opinions of our proposal. Suggestions concerning alterations in the plan and in regard to methods for its practical execution should be addressed to the works' council of the electricity work (Elektrosavod Moscow Generalnaja 1-3). Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP90-01226R000100040005-4