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Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP TO: ((Mans. omc. symboR, room amber, building. Apncy/Post) Oft F" NOW and Rstum For Cbsrsncs tw Convsrsstion For Corrsctlon Nq* For Your bWonnation U. Justi 47r,* e h41e t ?~rer.d A* kl d ,i j?7'ro//er ciLkd c4, pra//1e, / ay0~o%va~ spy, d D04 4 - A10 DO NOT uss this tome as s RECORD of appmvsts. oonarrnncss, dlspossb. STAT Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 1. Directorate Administration 5. Initiative Name: New Headquarters Building 3. EC Code: 4. Level (B/N/O) ce of Logistics 8278 0 6A. Alternative: 6B. Change in Profile 7. FOC + 1 ^ Yes No ^ Yes ^ No (Thousands of Then-Year Dollars) Continuation 8. Target 9. FY OBJECT CLASS FY 82 FY 8 3 FY 8 4 FY 8 5 FY 3 6 FY8 7 FY8 8 Personal Services 11 12, 13 250 Travel & Transportation 6 7 8 8 6 of People 21 Travel & Transportation of Things (22) Rents, Communications, & 10 108 130 206 798 Utilities (23) Printing & Reproduction (24) Other Services (Less RD&E) 25 Minus 2530& 2533 2, 800 187,47S 7, 536 6 200 7 109 6 368 RD&E (2530 & 2533 Supplies & Materials (26) 20 17 12 815 3 Equipment 3t 5 22,558 3 142 5 580 4,433 Lands & Structures (32) TOTAL DOLLARS 2 800 187,815 30, 677 9,948 14, 183 11,992 2,800 186,350 8,290 7$23 4,527 7,465 SEQ 32 33 --I 34 35 36 37 38 40J ADP Services/440XX 2 ' 14,871 ---3,414 622 .50306 5 361 2. 190 3 373 41 43, Telecommunications/45 XX 15,806 3,912 3,516 6,439 4511 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 TOTAL DOLLARS 187 815 30, 677 9,948 14, 183 11,992 87 815 30,113 3,041 6, 709 81150 110,493 Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 1,465 25,127 5,550 7,932 A C )proved For Release 2008/05/05: IA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 00 00 0 0 r LL C } LL O 00 N r N --1 LL Ln 00 N N r LL N d C/J N ri r-i r LL rr) I I I I Co LI. N I I 00 I I LL O U 0 u V) CL rl b4 Co LL Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 (When Filled in) Directorate Administration Expenditure Center Logistics (Submit for each Ongoing Initiative) (Thousands of Then-Year Dollars PA - Previously Approved (N) - Nonrecurring Costs RC - Requested Change (R) - Recurring Costs RR - Revised Request Initiative Name FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 New (PA) Dollars 2 J1800 180 , 000 Headquarters Building (R) (2,800) (180,000) Positions (RC) Dollars 7,815 (N) (6,350) (R) (1,465) Positions 12 (RR) Dollars 2,800 187,815 (N) (186,350) (R) 2,800 ( 1,465) Positions 12 FY 85 FY86 FY87 FY 88 30,677 9,948 14,183 11,992 (25,127) (3,041) (8,290) (4,527) ( 5,550) (6,709) (5,893) (7,465) 12 12 10 10 30,677 9,948 14,183 11,992 25,127 3,041 8,290 4,527 5,550 6,709 5,893 7,465 12 12 10 10 Description/Benefits: The erection of a 1.1M square foot office building on the Headquarters compound will lead to the relocation of operating elements from 13 scattered buildings in the Metropolitan Washington area to one location. This relocation will result in a single efficiently organized, geographically convenient, cohesive work environment which will bring about increased operational efficiencies, enhanced productivity, and decreased day-to-day operating costs. Command and control functions within the Agency will be greatly enhanced. RVW SECRET DRV FORM 4215 RV BY 2-82 Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 ate Administrat1011 , Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2 s tics cuui Lure Center Ogl ONGOING INITIATIVES - CPB-4 (Thousands of Then-Year Dollars) Initiative Name: New Headquarters Building Status Report and Reason for Change: The FY 1984 request of $187,815,000 consist of architectural and engineering design, con- struction costs, and General Services Administration fees ($187,300). This requirement ($187,300,000) exceeds the original FY 1984 anticipated cost reflected in the FY 1983 budget by $7,300,000 as a result of more precise costing factors that were developed in consultation with GSA. Specifically, this additional $7,300,000 consists of $3,500,000 in added construction re- quirements to cover the costs related to modification of the utilities in the existing Headquarters Building; $2,000,000 in reserve funds due to the fact that the_areyious estimate did not provide for fine arts and window coverings; $1,300,000 contingency funds to provide a seven percent""" -~F~ set-aside in compliance with GSA guidance; and $500,000 for fees to be paid to GSA in accordance with the recently executed memorandum of understanding between GSA and CIA. A Building Planning Techinical Staff of six positions-($178,000) consisting of a project manager, an administrative officer, an architect, a mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, and a clerk steno is required to enable planning to transit from requirements definitions to actual construction drawings and specifications for construction and then. onto actual construction. This staff was not included in the FY 1983 budget as a FY 1984 requirement, however, it has become readily apparent that a venture of this magnitude requires a full-time staff. The remaing increase of six positions and $337,000, although not shown as outyear costs in the FY 1983 budget, is required for security and safety reasons. A full-time professional security staff consisting of a Chief/Site Security Officer, a Physical Security and Material Control Officer, a Photo Badging and Access Control Officer, a Guard Force and Perimeter Control Officer, a Technical Monitor Scheduling Officer, and a Secretary is required to exercise security control of construction traffic and provide access control of the construction workforce (S87,000). Funding for a security firm is required to provide for guard force coverage of the construction site (5175,000) along with construction site supplies and equipment ($55,000) comprised of a base station and 30 portable two-way radio units, hardhats, lights, foul weather gear, and two command post trailers. Approved For Release 2008/05/05: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200230035-2