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MEMO Approved For Release 2002/ : IA-RDP78-06096A094400030002-3 29 JUL 1965 FOR: Executive Secretary. Clandestine Services Training Board SUBJECT NCE Two-yoar Formal Tralning Prog Trainees Assigned to the XDP er (a) Memo did 3 Doc 64 to Exec Secy. CS " ft ADDP, auk): 'Proposal for a Two-year JOT Training Program" (b) Memo dtd 15 Mar 65 to DDP/TRO through CiTSD ft CiTSD/Training. subj: "Proposed TSD Trairdng of JOT. Assigned to the DDP" 1. I wolcome this opportunity to respond to proposal for a two-year formal training program for C,Ireer Trainees assigned to the DDP. I believe that the concept ropresents a zilinificant step forward and I hope that with certain modifications it will eventually be adopted. The purpose of this memorandum is to enlargs upon that pro- posal from the point of view of the Office of Training and to outline its principal implications with respect to manpower, training facilities and costs. Philosophy or Approach 2. Perhape it would be helpful at the outset to dwell briefly on general philosophy or on an approach to the problem. As I expressed it at au earlier mooting of the Training Board, I am strongly in favor of a training program that combines formal courses of instruction with on-the-job Instruction, as differentiated from one of twenty-four months of continuous formal instruction. This approach is much sounder from the pedagogical viewpoint -- the trainee will absorb more of the instruction and will retain ft. This approach also takes into consideration the human element ? the average Career Trainee (CT) is 27 years old. has spent most of his life lat school, including college and post-graduato study and the military. Moreover. about 60% of them are married, and of that number about ball DOC 04 REV DATE OBIG CCMP DPI OBID CLASS PAW, JOST 4;0.1--- NEXT Ir TYPE Lv or elm fgU Orgr Nrint0002-3 25X1A - ? 4' I 1,2J iniia vinitatiz Td Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030002-3 have at least one child. Thus, they arrive at the Agency psychologically ready to get down to work at the job, ready to sink their teeth into -ornething. 3 My fifteen years of experience leads me to believe t two years mucus formal training would be counter-productive to the Clandestine e. U told at recruitment that they would be put into two-year program before being given their first assignment, I believe the majority would decline employment with the Agency. We would lose those who are eager and aggressive and who have initiative; we would retain those who are content with being run-of-the-mill types. Thi* brings me to my next point -- rather than call the program a two-year trainins program. I believe that there would be some advantages in calling it a two-year &vela ental program. The attitudes which we inculcate in that early days at recruitment and training will be crucial for the acceptance of the program by the trainees. One thing which we should remember .1 nd of which the CT should be reminded from the first is that our American educational system does not prepare people to be intelligence officers with the specific *Ulla which are required and that these must be acquired in training and through experience. 4. Another possible area of difficulty exists in connection with the two-year training program or & more extended training program and that is the assumption, either on the part of OTR or on the part of the Clandes- tine Services, that such training will produce a finished intelligence officer. OTli is, in this circumstance, in much the same position as a professional school mow* namely, that practice in the profession always rens ahead of the training and that it is difficult, if not impossible, to teach most up-to- date techniques and specific ways of doing jobs. Like the professional school outside, OTR concentrates on basic tools of the intelligence pro- fession and upon familiarisation with standard techniques and methods and with developing a broad enough outlook on the part of the trainee to enable him to profit fully from up-to-date training on the job. Thus, _4_t remains the responsibility of the supervisor on the jOb to familiarise the individual with the particular techniques and practices of the office to which he is assigned. When looked at in this light, the advantage* of combining formai training with on-the-job training are quite apparent. 5. Another matter of importance is the sequential relationship of the blocks of training that are to be included in the two-year program. The use of time blocks generally assumes a continuation of things as they are, but I believe that our plans should not necessarily be based on this assumption. Approved For Release 2002/05/0- : *014144014fiegifiAL Approved Forelease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030002-3 4rirgRAIT0 that the program eventually adopted should pro- xibility. i.e., to make allowance for the excep- for individual variations among the CTs. It may develop a of the training program should be waived in view of the previoxta training and experience of the individual. I would expect. however, that such waivers would occur mostly in the second year of the program. I should like to explain this by saying that I visualise the first year as being spent almost wholly in basic training during which the DDP candidates would be kept together as a class. Upon corapletion of basic training. I anticipate that the class will be broken up into smaller groups to take different courses. For example, some will go on to pars- military courses, others will take language courses, others specialised Readettarters training courses, and still others to on-the-Joh training. I believe that it is in this second year that a great deal of flexibility must be introduced. For example, we may find it advantageous to waive cer- tain aspects of PM training of CTs who came into the Agency from Special Teresa. Or waive tannage training for a CT who already has a good command of the language of his area of aseivament. .12ruent Training Program, 6. Under our present training program, all CT: get nine weeks of training together as a group or class before it is split up and they are assigned as candidates to one of the four Directorates. This nine weeks is comprised of two weeks of Agency orientation, four weeks of introduction to cornmurdsm, and three weeks of introduction to intelligence techniques. At this point. the DDP candidates enter the eighteen-weeks' Operations Course (OC) and the non-DDP candidates enter the six-weeks' Operations Farailiarisation Course (Oro. After the OC, a number of DDP and some DOS candidates take the seventeen-weeks' paramilitary course (PMC). The remainder of DDP candidates are assigned to one of the Divisions or Staffs of the Clandestine Services. Altogether the CT has s,,ent a total of twenty-seven weeks In formal training courses, or a total of forty-four weseiss U he takes the PMC. Language training Allti specialized training. I f any. folio* later on at the initiative of the Desk or Branch to which the CT is *saved. d Cbanea in the Tr 7. The Train*" Board has my proposal before it to hav* all CTe take the OFC. This change would keep a new class together an additional six weeks and would *sable OTR to refine still further its selection candi- dates for the four Directorate a. It would also eliminate the need for dupli- cation of coverage of the earne material in the OFC and in the first six Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA- P 06096A t ?Mk Approved For.Belease 2002/ - P78-0609640,000400030002-3 1 the OC. At a result the OC would be shortened to twelve or weeks and would be devoted fully to proficiency training in trade d related subjects. Thus, if the proposal to have all CTs take the OFC were adopted, CTs would remain together as a class for fifteen weeks of basic training. For those assigned to the DDP, this would be followed with twelve or thirteen weeks of basic training in tradecraft and related ekills. For a till smaller number of DDP candidates, this in turn would be followed by seventeen weeks of training in paramilitary techniques and *kind. In other words, we are still talking essentially About 27 or 44 weeks -- whichever the case may be of formal training for DDP candi- dates and as yet we have proposed no fundamental changes with respect to either content or approach. S. It is prodimply at this g program that I would like to propose a fundamental change. DDP candidates are assigned to Headquarters Desks for tours of one to three years after their training all I Since the training they have received there is all field- oriented, they have been given little to prepare them specifically for their sesignmente at Headquarters. Moreover, those assigned to overseas stations have been given little background information to assist them in understanding the Headquarters' Desk or how best to work with it. I pro- ? pose, therefore, a new three-week course to help prepare them to assume or understand the responsibilities of a desk case officer at l'Ieadquartere. Emphasis would be on name checks, agent clearances, project management intelligence rsqtdrements and reports and cable writing (Attachment A). I believe that this new course, which would be given by the Operations at Headquarters, should follow the OFC. After having been exposed weeks of concentrated and relatively high-level briefings, such a emir** would have the virtue of bringing them back to earth, down to the s and bolts of Intelligence work. It would help prepare them realistically will be expected of them on a Desk. This course should be followed n-the.job training assignment to a Desk of three to six months. A certain amount of flexibility in regard to the length of assignment could be permitted if it were clearly understood that the CT is in a t raining status and must return to complete the formal training program. the Desk to which the CT is assigned need not be his Desk of permanent assignment, although there would be obvious advantages if it were. The main purpose at this stage of the training program, however, would be to give the CT a good baste foundation in the procedures and practices of the Clandestine Services Headquarters Desk. This attachment to a Headquarters Desk could either prosaic!s or follow the OC, but I believe it would be more beneficial to have it precede. As already stated, the OC emphasised tradecra.ft and Approved For Release 2002/05/04 :00161INIKODICOENTIAL Approved Foraelease 20 DP78-0609E4000400030002-3 agent ;1uAft.ig. For those preparing for early assignment seas it represents a logical development of the training program. For those remaining at Headquarters it will give them an understanding of tho field cans *blear and hi* problems. 10. I would also longest that thought that part of paramilitary trairdpg that empha the Clandestine Services. It would de-emphasise that ary training that concerns itself with skills training. A good prototype of what have in mind is the way TSD has put together its package of CTs. From its whole rang* of technical training courses. TSD has taken the substantive aspects which show how its activities are a part o Clandestine Service. operational effort but it does not concern Itself with skills training as such. If a similar approach were adopted toward our paramilitary training with a view to including it in the OC. it would add another three or four weeks to the OC. This change would have the advan- tag. of giving all CTs an understanding of paramilitary activities and their contribution to the Agency's work. It would also have the advantage of having only those CTs going into paramilitary assignments take skills training in P14. OC II. I would suggest that this first or basic phase of the Career Training Program be coachaded with the TSD course for CT.. to which I have re- ferred and which is cited as reference 13. This course would be almost 2 wiseks 4 3 6 y orientation (no change Introduction to Communism (n ? Introduction to Intalligence Techniques o change) * 4111 /I*OTC (new element is that DDP candidates would ; at this point career placement of CTs by Directorate takes place) 3 tt Claadastine Services Headquarters Course (new -- for DX P candidates only) ? On-the-Job training with a Clandestine Services Headquarters Desk 12 to 13 --OC (stress on skills training in tradec raft and agent handling will r0112114.11 unchanged; plus a po siblo new addition of 3 or 4 weeks of paramilit4ry orientation) 12 to 24 ? TSD Training (23 days) Approved For Release 2002/05 -ii.iiiii1JkX-06096011 II!' sfiTIAL 25X1A Approved Forlitelease 2002IjJ15JDZ? DP78-06096A000400030002-3 f training if the Desk assignment is three Lv. or thirteen weeks in length. If the OC and if the Desk assignment is lengthened could run fifteen to sixteen months. and t4an&ua&c Tr bang 12. The second phas. of the training program should be devoted to specialised training and to lingua;. training. A I atated earlier, the class of DDP candidates upon completion of the basic phase would be broken up into smaller groups. It is at this point that management should *lora** lanagintition and flexibility in tailoring a training program that would harmonise Agency needs with those of the individual CT. Since the kind of specially tailored training I have in mind is more assignment- related than other typea of traiaiag, it would be highly desirable U the CT's area of assignment could be determined at this time. Or, as suggeited by If the CT could be generally directed toward a given gograpbical area. U this determination could be made, it would be possible to put together a apse/Skelly tailored program. If such a determination is sot possible at that time, it would then become necessary to devise a program more general in application but which the CT could be expected to Wig many times in his career. As applied to language training. for example. we would have these alternatives: where a determination of area of assign* meat has been made. the CT could proceed to full-time language training is the language of that area; where Such a determination has not been made the CT could tudy full-time a widely-used language such as French or Spanish. U. With respect to language training believe that it la essential r the Clandestine Service to set the objectives that are to be achieved. Once they have been set OTR' s duty to specify the length of time that it wiU take to achieve the des red level of proficiency. But I would like to make it clear that I belie', it would be desirable to train for a professional level of proficiency rather than for a given period of time. However, if the Clandestine Services cannot afford the length of time involved, they must accept lower levels of proficiency. Normally five to six months full-time are necessary to acquire a useful proficiency in the common languages and nine to twelve months in the more difficult languages. For example, six months fuU.tirne are usually necessary for German, nine for Russian, and twelve for Chinese. In each case, we are talking about an intermediate proficiency -- a proficiency aimed more at speaking the language but with some proficiency in reading and very little in writing. But I believe this is the proper approach, as to achieve a high proficiency in a language is as much a product of experience and practice as it is of training. With few Approved For Release 2002/041elerpilliba0 6 1119DERT13AL 5X1A Approved Forikelease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030002-3 *sceptical* lieve that all DDP c language courae aimed at achieving an in d take a fu I of p 14. OTR's present seveniesn.week PC is the pararnUitary equivalent the OC -- essentially a basic course. If it were decided to add a para- military block of instruction to the OC, as I have previously suggested should be considered. the PMC would have to be either reorganized or retained for non-CT trainees only. In that avast, the need for such a course in the CT program would no longer be valid. I believe it would fellow, however that our need for specialised or skills training would be commensurately greater for those CTs whose assignments are in the PM a.m. Haying had the introductory or basic material in the OC. a CT's tailored training in PM could extend to several weeks or months. or In accordance with the specific needs of his assignment. I believe that this same principle of flexibility ought to apply to other areas of specialised or tailored training as wall? to training in TSD-type activities and in the various disciplines of Cl, 11. and CA. Interspersed among :ouch specially satiorad programs. I believe it would be desirable for the CT to have a es-coed stint of on-this.)ob training. To have the greatest value, it should iss in his area of assignment. Ai a final step, I believe that it would be extremely useful to have the CT participate In a four-week workshop in operations (Attachment B). Its purpose would be to assist him in relating La his own mind all that he has learned in his training and experience in the Agency. Hopefully such a workshop would put the finishing touches on his formal preparation for work in the Clandestine Services. 15. As a final observation, I must point out that proposals and of the kind we have just been discussing cost money and require manpower and office space and equipment to put them into effect. Regardless of how strongly we feel the challenge al 'proposal. OTR is no exception. We estimate that it would cost an additional $688 thousand dollars over what the CT program is now costing to put this proposal into effect (Attachment C). SIGNED hiA.TTHZW BAIRD Director of Training 5X1A Attat4menti A. B and C PPS:I rhei (28 Jul 65) Distribution: 0 & - Adige 4 - OTR CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/111046111111110*6096A000400030002-3 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030002-3 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400030002-3 chment c Approved Forikelease 2002/011112111111M8-0609M004000300 Money, Von Space an4 Equipment I. Money a. CT Saiaries b. Salaries. contract language teachers c. Language Laborat ? Aeditionsi floor space 0,700 sq. ft. (.5. $4. 3n) a. Additional staff perm:mils' (salaries) 1 51, :300 Comment: i. This additional salary cost is calculateu on a GS-49 base ($7Z00): d% for allowances (WOO); WO for an ingrade raise 0E100). This figure ($533,332) does not take irao account two grade promotions which are likely; however, as the GS-09 base %lase is higher than the actaal EO ID average. $533,332. I& an acceptable working figure. Z. This program would lacrosse the number of full-tirne language stationts by 75%. Thus a 20% Lacrosse in contract omployee money amuld be requirod. 3. Additional "positions", i.e., booths and equipment weal(' be required. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDR70,06096A000463iCIAENTIAL 3. wietiitigh Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-06096=00400030002-3 a. Staid (I) 3 additional ors (GS-14) 4 (Z) I aiditiosal secretteao (GS- . Language Trait School () No increase In staff TIC (Z) 20% increase princtpa1i InwAt contract enp1oyevs c. Hsacquatte Training/CS J aci4itionanmtructor (G5-3) Space *ad Equipmext a. CT Staff (1) 4 offices (2) CT base sne reception room b. Language Training School ) I. claasroom (30 x 3U) ) 8 to 10 200 sq. ft. closer C. quart* Training/OS Oman. cla roe= 4 - 15.rnsn swinar rooms 40-.) it. ft. 6(`-1 sq. ft. sq. It. 4. Frosoat 22. Their, within appreciable assignment ? 315 while on ut etrentb la 4 to EOD this fall kefGre any each com eller (5) will be required to hantlie the cases of 60 CTs. The extension of the program would so increase, the counselling Wail as to necessitate a minimum of thr ge new positions. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RpP78-06096A Approved Fcrr-Release 2002/05/02: 4. *pity/ CT b. s.00ntrati language test c. Atinition La.aguage 06096A000400030002-3 *tory equipment . Antinomy/ classroom and office s. Anditional staff salaries Coseiment: 3. A total of 583J tut to cover the ea of space today ppresitnately $4 0 s s Total 5 '3,332 59,004) tr).000 45.394 5 anal (ta space wo be ?gram te two yenrs. The he Um's/ye 111741/L, woutd be 63d0 2'3 Approved For Release 2002/0 _178-06096A000400 -