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25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-06096A RFPORT OF OFFICE OF TRAININO ACTIVIT 16 April 1965 A. nr OF NT T TQ T 1. Career Training Proerarn, This is the time of year wbeo seniors and graduate udents begin to make their employment decisions for June and thereafter. The better ones - the ones we are after - usually have alternatives, and: all too often the firm offer that come* first is the one which Is accepted. Thus the number of people we will get for oar July clatt will depend to a significant extent upon the speed with which we can complete the clearance process -and make firm commitment 4. We have had excellent sapport thus far from the Medical and Security Officel and we have no present problem; my raising the subject at this time is a precautionary step and not a complaint. We have enough ems in process to ensure a Mt class if we can make our offers within the next few weeks. in sammary, as of today we have 15 firm MD commitments for July; 50 to 6n cases are in the latter stages of clearance; and 'nore than 100 cases are ia process in which the applicant has indicated in availability date of I July or before. With reasonable luck we Ihould be able to get the 75 we want, but our chances will be ilioroved to the extrat that the proceesing offices Will give our case; all reasonable priority for expedited handling. We are in close touch with the Pers net, Security and Medico' Offtccs on the situation an I think we will rnake our goal, However, I wish to point oat that the timing is likely to be very close in a au-nber of case., and we will need all the processing priority we can get during the next six or eight vecka. Irst tim. an ex-JOT has achieved supergrede rank. %give Assistant to the AD/CR, ws-, promoted ? Ti 6. On 8 Fehr r nEgglia Approved ForicLorov /08/04 : Cl coordination copies of Training Since then all Directorates exc DOCUMENT No. NO CHANGE IN CLAW 0 ? cECLASSSED CLASS. CHANGED TO: 111 96A0GO1OKIZIKIMita: AVM: HF roA Approved For Release 2000/08/0 - 8-06 096A000460020044-8 CONFIDENT14 DDP have submitted theIr cwnrnent* or con ago PPS requested te Special Aasistant to t for their carrot:Lents so we could get these regula As of this date we have had no further inform:at o the orm coordinetion. These regulations have be one stage or another 'ince April 116411 Pilot Program es. Three weeks S to jog the DDP 3 to the status of in process in The third section of the Office *1 .FiL ce Pilot Project was held 25X1A i April at As a result of acre ct last minute drop mate, there were only twenty-five participants in this class. most of whom were ttrt line aupervisors and ranged in grade from 1S-7 through 13 with a majority being about Clrade 10. Another factor that di itinguished this group from any previous lrid sessions to date was the fact that two thirds- of the group were women. As compered to thr two earner Finance groups this elates did not appear to have as good compre hension of the Grid concepts no were they as competent in their understanding of the pre-work. As s result, the first several scored exerciaia fell below the previous Finance and Agency average. Interest and commitment were high and the group worked very hard Indeed. It was very Interesting to note that on the final competitive evercise when scores were established this group went higher than any of the previous Finance or Senior tzenttnare. There was good indication that this class was particularly successful in the development of the interpe rimer relations and other proce;s skills that the program is deigned to achieve. An analysis of the Finance project to date will he prepared as SO= as we can find sufficient time. was again our consultant for this group with the Management Faculty participating even more extensively in the full details of analyeing, administering and presenting the program, including still more of the lecture*. 25X1A Deputy Chief. Fin c duringwhich time we devel proceeding into -Phase U of t Apting to set up the first step in this In fact, we are attempting to get Messrs. Fuchs P. rut end division and -atAff chiefs together at on the weekend and 19 May just before the beginning of the ned Senior Seminar. it t of Saturday 'th s herplaIll and under: ect. We are currently round the middle of Approved For cn emorov.4: 6096A000400020044-8 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 5X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/04: 096A000400020044-8 # We again used our new "Agency in-basket a fled that it is en effective tnstrurne we plan to utilize it in the Senior Senlnar nei month. designed. Accordingly. 4. Manaventrat Training attendthree-day program at N. Y. State School sligNILIMIA r .elations, Immediately following 1 nageme *SS plans to a part of Cornell University. on 26 - 2$ April given by Norman Maier an Malcolm Shaw on role.playing ae a technique of InanAgerial training. S. Proposed Ttln on NPIC bil ty of making a movie pm.nt of photographic lute, was enthusiastic about the idea STA stated that negative Officer a film. content of such a one of hie illustra preparing a setae? would submit a requ y Dir to C and the me flan. (rector and C had long ago expressed a desire for such xchanged ideas on the tated he would assign rk with himaeU and in for the film. After this le completed ?.,,MIC 1 TR for making the film. 7. and JOT COATS One of thc coac meeting should be held time Service; Course, to be run In the fall. meeting will b 9CM out to represen atiwee of the variousCS and component 3? ce LIOT P On $ Apr Approved For Relea 3 2000/08104: 6A000400020044-8 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/04 06096A000408020044-8 7414,CIA-R 8- or the 18th ieseion which started o State 14. quota 16 trstA 18, " 12 AID - 17, It 15 DoD 37 It13 CIA 9. tif The Ilith Session of the Seminar will v-Isle Headquarters on 22 April. All arrangements for the visit have been completed except for details of entry to the building, possible luncheon group for the Executive Director and final discuseions with *II the Agency lectures. The last will do once the uniqueness of the collective Seminar attitude Is determined. Yet to be worked out also is the visit of the 37 military members to the paramilitary items exhibit. 9. Ra it.L1121a.ng_Seikreff FSI plane to reinstate its Rapid fleading Course this Fel be open to other agencies, and the cost $45. 10. 01/) State: On 31 March, tudent will be approximately fOr t1.715re42rn Affair," ProgramManerneii encf ull-day program . The prograrn was run very nanch as it has been in the past, withe tnornfng briefing and answers to various questions from the audience on my part and in 25MY the afternoon. a briefing by of the NI Staff and Z5XIM Staff on their various fields. There were 24 students In the class. The audience this time was more senior than it has been in the past and it was obvious that the State Department people were more experienced and more skeptical. Their questions were very sophisticated and often quite detailed. says, however, that the program was met with enthusiastic response, awl several of the gesketemer. came Up to him: afterwards and said this had been the best day they had spent in their course so far. He believes that the program was a success. e 4 e Approved For Release-2000/0404 : CIA-RDP78-0 96A000400020044-8 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1C Approved For Release-2000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-06096A0004017020044-8 special p randarra c the first grottp Training v d from DC/SR Support a rnerroraDdurr1 requesting cy te Ain of five more SR employee . This rztetno flowing reaction to our 12 February report on. going special testing from that Division: '4Chie4 SR is pleased with this infor ation and has siked me to advise you of his feelings on this matter and to express our sincere appreelstion for ell the effort and ear* you took in preparing and giving these tests. Chief. SR has requested that other SR Division emptoyeei be tested and evaluated under this new system." Approved For Relpasp 2000108/04 : Cil~Q,86A000400020044-8 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release-2000/08/00111.1nb6096A000400020044-8 19 and ?ek of instruct at interest s rcise OA 31 . No security 7 Ap c-el.ltignEivnAt Familiarisation CourJe. Zotbc4arses 3re running rticipi%tion. OFC participated h and OC had its initial dents occurred during work &CC* project an Acting Chief paring a comp of The demolition contract is 5 April. bat it not enticip work before 23 April. f: co ed that th dr a wing order oundation r lino work 3 Gold be, etion or the entire contrac d this Station on 5 April content with DCOS an.4 visit. AC: M is pre 25X1A Is and the actual content T. f this alive analys of pr plias additional tIla ter ia 25X1A co teplitedfor Class 0 . Hopefully, thin will resolve many of our problems with a thi$ matter. A atatt of the analysis will be discussed istith when be is expected to return the week of 12 April. Utaiete. develop on these negotiations, w ilt report to the VTR at once. Copies of this analysis will be forwarded with completed as well az revised Program of instraction reflecting change in coure coatent 25X1A plated through Clays *If). 25X1C Approved For Rgje,a?c499p108/04 : ClA1RfiR78-06096A000400020044-8 r-Nr\t\innt-ri 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ,--'Approved For Release 2000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000400020044-8 arrived at 0900 Ivour, on schedule at 1300 bout's. e^.1 r "ri th and co need', trm fling very srnoothly. 14. ClericalTrakininai Daring the period 4 Yanuary 3 April 165 the Clerical Training tested 445 applicants In typewritingand 132 in zbrthan& ree (127) qualified in typing; fourteen (11S) qualified in d. Included in these figures are the 224 local high school tested on six special Saturdays. Twenty-three qualified as ad five out of 83 in shorthand. A special report on Entrance- y clerical personnel by their job category tuad their initial versus teatin after training follat4A: Test Resu1t ii Tested Ia Typi Qualified Not Qualified Still in 4404 Tested in Shorthand Qualified Not Qualified Test in typing lined Qualified in cLasa than d e1tsaItetTra 44 C4rks 44 3 (7 43 35 (80%) 6 (13,4 1 0 96 96 22 (W) 74 (77/) 74 (77) 16 (171) 6 (65) 6 36 0 t (25) 36 4100 25 (6,11) 2 (61) 1-1`,IT' A I T Approved For Release 2000/08/04: Cirt0RW6A000400020044-8 Approved For Releas...2000/08/04 : CI - 096A0004044-8 M2NWIDEN TIAL Test It Tested ti ortl?and 55 Qualified (38 Not Qualified 34 (63%) Still in Clsas 52 (95%) 0 3 (K) 195 T.ated ti typing 195 QiatUied 51 (26) 129 66%) Not Qualified 144 (74%) 51 (26el) Still in cla96 15 OM in shorthand 92 9 21 (231) 48 (52e,11 Ifted 71 OM 37 (40tq Still in class 7 (8) 1 5, Attendance, OTR (internil Attr4anee for Wk of: ry lsianagement Clerical Conununistrx Lang Directed VLTY3 Tutorial FT PT Tut Total Ma -2 Apr 5-9 April 169 47 .- 32 a *s-. 10 8 31 5 74 162 216 32 236 Vir 128 1 544 49.1,* 4.1. 40,44,44 44.1400, 44411114.- oe, FT 131 87 T-5T Tut AY 4 -44.40 10 1040.. A, I& 4 11 36 4 maie 47 5 -4 4 411r 78 159 44 AV .37 17 3 44,.. .0 w .6?01.1110,- .4,0?000~ TOTAL 288 378 666 362 328 ApprovCAGN?UUDI))48/04 ? CInA-RDP78-06096A000400020044-8 ? 4- 690 Approved For Releas&2000/08/04 : OTR IExternal train Woek of 29 Mar - 2 April 9 April CONFIDErit01 96A000406020044-8 cPNRDE gency e :eternal courses Ti/IL 443 Agency ernplo 4,3'1'4=0 cour es or to progr rn 5 . SIGNED MATTITEW SAIRD Director of Training Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIAMOIRGA000400020044-8 In 239 rograrris,