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OPTIONAL FORApM NO. 10 U10-104 proved ESoGOVE ENT/05/Oeolplo J096A006$00050036-5 enrollment in the history of the Program. It is encouraging to note that the percentage of students with low aptitude scores is significantly lower. Only 7 out of approximately 80 new students have the lowest score, i.e., 8. Supervisors have been contacted in these cases and advised of the difficulties involved. There has been cooperation all along the line in our effort to screen Memorandum TO : Director of Training FROM : Chief, Language Training School SUBJECT: Bi-Weekly Activities Report No. 6 v) c17 ss. Three 1U.11-lime C:121:J .ses Cl.i-e L: 111-lentl~f 111 p ogress. (~ 3~ fF.1 GJ ~ 6. The Spring-Winter semester of the Voluntary Language A a o z 4 '0 Training Program will begin on 22 March, with approximately !?' ! 101; -+?A.,,..+~ .,'11...7 ;,-, 11 T1'4, 4- +T..o -,11-,+ rn I 0 n I A. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS None to report. B. OTHER ACTIVITIES DATE: 16 March 1965 1. Q has completed all the formalities and is now officially an M.S. (Linguistics) fr rgetown Un' er ity. Vol 2. /~spent ast e k in full-time ench } training. He was a mos~`talen ed stud nt and seemed to appreciate the work done with him. We are preparing a set of tapes to allow him to continue his studies on his own. 3. Two new WAE instructors started teaching this week in the Romance Department. Both spent last week studying the methods of our School through class visits, discussions with other instructors, and work in the laboratory. 4. Enrollment in Romance languages continues to rise. Six new students start this week; three in Spanish, two in Italian, and one in French. 5. We have an urgent request from EE to start another full-time basic German class. The Division has been informed o n z 0 - IJ g that the start of the class is dependent upon our obtainin x; C' .__rts?_e__-1 ~__~t_____1 ____ 1_ ___i__ ___~_s L-_ _ _1~J 1S ____'1 n__1 "1 1!____??, ., Approved For Release 2002/05/0 lff96A000300050036-5 1Excluded from automatic o dolrngrading and o^~t~s~,i~ation t-vo 16096A008e00050036-5 7. Part I, Intensive Spoken Russian, has been printed in an edition of 300 copies. Most of it has been recorded in the is now making all possible haste to complete the second and final part. She deserves credit for performing the lion's share of this very demanding task. Approved For Rele4,se 2002/05/ laboratory so that Russian classes can utilize it. 8. SR has requested full-time training in basic Russian for one office beginning 22 March. 9. T0AR, spent a half-hour discussing his Division's training problems with C/LTS and 0. Among 25X1A other things, he informed us that , C/SR, had. expressed 25X1A satisfaction with our memorandum of 12 February, which reported in considerable detail the performance of five SR employees in our Russian proficiency test. This had been done in response to a request made personally by for detailed evaluations 25X1A of their employees and recommendation for training with a view to stepping up language abilities in his Division. According to SR wishes to send about 25 persons here for similar special proficiency testing, staggered at a rate of,,5 every two weeks. Approved For Release 2002/05/0 096A000300050036-5 GROUP 1 Esclndcd from aaiomati1, downgrading and declassltication