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Publication Date: 
January 21, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-06096A000100040015-1.pdf133.14 KB
Approved For Releas00/08/30:CIA-RDP78-06096A~fl100040015-1 21 January 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR; Director of Training THROUGH Executive Officer SUBJECT Weekly Activities Report ~l 7 - 19 January 1965 a. Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures Preparations for production of this film continue in- cluding several hours spent last Friday reviewing personal files of forty Office of Security employees who were selected by the Office of Security as actor candidates. At our re- quest, another batch is forthcoming. Likely candidates (about 15) were earmarked against specific roles for further examina- tion. Actual casting will not take place until arrives after which we will conduct personal interviews, make voice tests, etc. Several persons from DDP have been inter- rogated for the purpose of obtaining information which will aid in making the sets as authentic as possible both in con- struction and dressing. 25X1A 25X1A b. Propaganda Film (African Division) has obtained a considerable quantity of stock footage which he hopes will fill the re- quirements of this film. is helping him to 25X1A screen, select and index portions which will be turned over to the editor for incorporation in the picture. Two of the vendor's representatives npent most of 1~+ January inspecting the sound system in the 8th floor pro,~ection booth and attempting to solve our sound problems. Although they installed two new amplifiers we are still not satisfied. They are back today with additional replacement equipment. The fact that this is a brand new installation makes it completely illogical that we should have this difficulty in obtaining a clear sound system. If todays efforts are unproductive, drastic measures of some kind will certainly be in order. A report on today's developments will be forthcoming. 3. Vistiu~,l Aids Section Intelligence School 1. Six 35mm color slides were made from USIB, CIA & NSC roved For Release 2000/08/'t~~RDF~78-06096A000100040015-1 Approved For Releas00/08/30'? ~CP78-06096q,Q~"0100040015-1 25X1A t10NRDEiJTIAL 2. Design and paste-up of proto-type intelligence self-teaching device for Messrs. 25X1A C~erations School 1. One set of 6 color slides from existing O erations School charts was prepared for 2. Black & white negatives and $ x l0 prints were prepared from above for briefing the DDS. 3. A floor plan drawing of fictional building was prepared for Xerox reproduction to be used as a class exercise. 25X1A 25X1A ~. Twenty headline titles prepared for 25X1A 5. Twelve color slides from charts for use by _ 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 A 6' Four Vu-Graph slides on therrrezofax film were pre- pared for on subject of "Dispatch". 25X1A 7' Eight Vu-Gra h slides on dispatch and cable writing for 25X1A 8. One Vu-Graph slide revised for ~ __ "Field Organization for Intelligence". 25X1A 9. One duplicate slide as above for 25X1A 25X1A lO. Four Vu-Graph slides - excerpts from "Priority National Objectives" for 25X1A 11, Sixty-five color slides, 35mm, for ~ on 25X1A "Casing". Management Faculty 1. One three-fold table divider was constructed and painted for use in class "cor~o" exercise for Intelligence Production Faculty 1. Seventy two headline titles were prepared for ;~~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ n= Approved For Release 2000/08/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000100b4~015-1 . Approved For Relea~~000/08/30? :~f~RDP78-0609A~4D00100040015-1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A -3- 2. Twelve 35 slides of maps were prepared fox Language Training School 1. Ten 35rnm slides of maps were prepared for 2. One course scheduling chart was prepared for use. Registrar 1. Three small statistical charts were prepared for briefing the DDS. 2. A cover design was completed for "Bulletin" January cover. 3. Four spot drawings were completed to illustrate "Bulletin" article . Miscellaneous signs and nameplates were done for the Operations School, MSOC, Registrar and 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/30 :~ CIA-RDP78-06096A000100040015-1