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Document Release Date: 
June 8, 2001
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Publication Date: 
March 23, 1962
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t ur 'p [",~` ' b 20 /08/10 : CIA-RDP78-06084A000300010003-8 Memorandum ?5X1A2g TO DCC/OS/TR DATE: 23 March 1962 SUBJECT: Organization and Use of Master Files 25X1A2g 2~X1A2g 1. The master files of training material are being reorganized on a time-available basis, the development and control of the files being assigned to the Coordinators for Counterintelligence, Covert Action, Live Problems, Reports and Records, and Tradecraft. 2. The general structure of the filing system envisages a four-fold arrangement: individual papers are to be arranged appropriately into specific manila folders, the folders grouped into larger subject areas filed under fia~r_dboard divider headings within each coordinator-area. Papers, folders and dividers may be arranged in alphabetical, chronological, and/or numerical sequence as necessary to organize the material best, the only requirement being that the system sta si a and flexible, and adaptable to the varying needs of 3. All papers, folders, dividers and safe drawers within each coordinator area will be color-coded and labeled according to the following fashion: Counterintelligence FADING IN CAPS: Folder Title in 1.e. Specific Subject of Paper Below Covert Action DIVIDERS NEED ONLY TOPIC HEADING - PROBLEM: Background Data 25X1A2d1 (Folders would have this space blank) Reports and Records GRAPHIC RECORDING: Sketching Topographic Sketches Approved For Release 2001/08/10 :QDPY8cd#ft4A40 *M0003-8 Long-Range Unofficial Cover Concepts Approved For Relea a 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78- 06b84A000300010003-8 Numerical sequence of a paper or folder may be shown by placing arabic numerals, in parenthesis, after the topic to which it refers. Cross-reference sheets may be inserted to refer to data filed elsewhere in the same or another coordinator area if duplicate copies are not available. 3. The use of master-file material by all instructors is encouraged, but withdrawal sheets should be inserted to note borrowed material. While coordinators are responsible for the master-file arrangements and will answer questions on its use, each instructor is expected to refile borrowed material. Misfiled papers, when found, should be pulled and given to the appropriate coordinator. 4. Unless scheduled for use the following day, material from the master-file should not be kept overnight. In addition to indicating the coordinator areas and facilitating refiling, the brightly colored tabs on each paper serve as a reminder that the paper is part of the master file system, and is not to be retained by the individual instructor. Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78-06084A000300010003-8