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Mr. errs
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I forward to you rbbr Vital
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O/DCIAI vgd 18 Oct 60
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I I 13 October 1960
"World Ccmnen can and Democratic National. Tickets"
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NO. 4 -- 13 OmOBER 1960
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East Germany
Communist China
Dominican Republic
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Moscow, Soviet North American Service in English, Sept. 21, 1960,
2300 GNTi --L
(Excerpt) The member countries of the United Nations now number 96
with the admission of 14+ new states Tuesday. So the U.N. General
Assembly has become a still more representative forum of states.
The large number of presidents and premiers who are already at the
current session or are due to arrive make this an extremely important
meeting and greatly enhance the prestige of the United Nations. The
NL'w York TI~'~S notes this editorially today, but it fails to add
that the General Assembly is meeting at top level despite the
opposition of the U.S. Government.
Now the men in Washington see the need to adapt themselves to the
situation. In view of the unusual character of this U.N. General
Assembly session, president Eisenhower has decided to address it.
Though the session is still engaged with procedure there is plenty
of comment in U.N. lobbies and the press about the main problems
confronting the General Assembly, disarmament in particular.
Everyone is wondering what President Eisenhower will say to the
assembly and what new proposals Premier Khrushchev will make. U.S.
leaders up to now have avoided commenting publicly on the problems
facing the assembly. President Eisenhower has said nothing. Neither
have Vice President Nixon or Senator Kennedy, the two other major
figures on the current American political scene.
Yet the two candidates for president have not hesitated to fan the
provocative campaign against the Soviet delegation at the session.
Both have made insulting anti-Soviet statements. I doubt that su,-,h
talk,?.wtU help Mr. Nixon's or Mr. Kennedy's chances in the Novemb"r
election; but one thing is certain: it is not Mr. Khrushchev who is
interfering in the U.S. election campaign, as some U.S. newsmen claim.
The presidential candidates are rudely interfering in the work of the
Soviet delegation in the United Nations by encouraging anti-Soviet
provocations in New York.
However, despite these diversionary maneuvers, L8. leaders will
have to state their views on world problems. President Eisenhower
is expected to do so in his speech Sept. 22.
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Moscow, in German to Germany, Sept. 21, 1960, 1951 GMT--G
(Yakov Viktorov commentary)
(Text) The -laurels of his Republican rival Nixon, meritorious bearer
of the arose of the cold war and current vice president, do not seem
to give peace to Mr. Kennedy, U.S. presidential candidate of the
Democratic Party.
This is revealed in Kennedy's television speech of Sept. 20 with
which he opened a big election campaign. However, Kennedy disreE;ardoct
one thing: hysterical demagogy is a mistake in politics; it doer, not
honor the speaker and will not convince anybody. He started with
dirty slander against the Soviet policy of peace and ended with the
announcement of a program which is not at all different from the
bankrupt political course of the United States which he himself
criticized in his speech.
To speak frankly, it would not be worthwhile to enlarge upon Keni3edy"s
statement. It is a futile pleasure to strain all that dirt which
accompanies the election campaigns in the transatlantic democracy! and
possibly run the risk of being reproached for interfering in the
domestic affairs of the United States. Kennedy, however, was ut-erly
tactless, because he not only slandered the Soviet Union, but aleo
attacked the CPR. This time he tried to make his contribution to the
creation of an atmosphere of cold war at the U.N. session in New York,
in which certain circles of Washington are so interested that they do
not even stop at using the police. It was not by chance that the
press called these methods diplomatic rowdyism. Also Kennedy inctulg?s
in rowdy tricks, slandering and charging the Soviet Union and the
People's Republic of China with undermining peace. Needless to say;
Kennedy does.'not furnish proof. Where would he get his factual nateri.
His concept seems to be that such actions as sending spy planes,
torpedoing the summit, or the present military maneuvers of NATO:
carried out on an unheard-of scale, serve peace. Kennedy's dirty
language is confused.
Well, even Kennedy himself is confused because the nonsense which
he talks reveals his own demagogy completely. The only thing he
desires is American domination of the world--not less than this,
but maybe even more. Yes, maybe even more. As is revealed,he does
not want to occupy second place in the cosmos but only the first
place, and likewise only the first place on the moon.
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In addition he disapproves of the idea that the United States was
pilloried in Paris, that the President was not permitted to go to
Japan, and that Nixon was received with stones in Latin America.
The Republicans are no good because they tolerated such incidents.
He, Kennedy, knows what must be done to change everything, to make
the United States master of the world. What especially matters 1,5
to obtain as much money and autbbrity from Congress as possible for
a new armament race in order to secure for the United States nuclear
superiority over all the world.
This, dear listeners, is the core of Kennedy's program. All the
rest--elimination of misery, poor housing, and unemployment, aid bo
the farmers, and so forth--was attached to the program as pure
demagogy. Kennedy declares that if his program were not to be adopted.
the United States would lose one position after the other. How right
were the ancient Romans in saying, "Whom the gods would punish, triey
first make mad." Kennedy failed to realize that the very policy which
he proclaims has inflicted loss of former positions as well as of
former prestige on the United States.
And still another thing: Mr. Kennedy has tried to cast a shadow on
the position of the Soviet Union in the United Nations and to support
the policy of the United States. He has achieved exactly the opposite.
He has blurted out the true attitude of the ruling circles in the
United States which are struggling for the presidential chair. Be
demonstrated magnificently that this attitude has nothing in the
least to do with peace nor with the desire of the peoples for disarmamnt.
Moscow, Soviet Home Service (Soviet Asia Program), Oct. 8, 1960,
1803 GMT--L
(Gennadiy Yuriyev commentary)
(Summary) We have begun to doubt our mental capacities, and we cannot:
imagine how the American voters can differentiate between Nixon and
Kennedy. We have read their speeches, listened to their press confereci.es,
and studied their programs without result.
We now have a valuable aid, though--the latest issue of TIME. 0:' cotr:;f
you can tell by their personal mannerisms. One can imagine the follcyw:LL:c
sort of discussion between two voters, one preferring Kennedy because ,ic?
twitches his right leg when he is making a speech, and the other Nixon
because when he is shaking hands with children his hand is like rubber.
This issue is a good guide for the voters, because otherwise--least of
all by their policies--you can't tell these two "henchmen of the Jolla '
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Both Ignore Spirit of Times
Moscow, TASS, Radioteletype in English to Europe, Oct. 8, 1960,
1848 GMT--L
(Text) The magazine INTERNATIONAL REVIEW gives a somewhat abridged
version of the "great debate" between Nixon and Kennedy which took
place in Chicago Sept. 26. Commenting on this debate, the magazine's
special correspondent, V. Paramonov, stresses that these presidential
candidates brought up by two midwives--the Republican and the Democratle
parties--have no intention of taking into account the spirit of our times.
Both Lie to Negroes
Moscow, Soviet Home Service, Oct. 10, 1960, 0500 GMT--L
(Excerpts) New York--One of the most hypocritical aspects of a U.S.
presential campaign, which comes every four years, is the attempt of
the Democrats and Republicans to gain the support of the small
percentage of Negroes who can vote. The parties pretend that they
support Negro rights, including the Negro right to vote, of which
millions of U.S. Negroes are systematically deprived. At the party
conventions each party gave what it thought to be the surest promise
of civil rights ever included in its political program.
Thus, the Democratic program Bays: It is time that all Americans had
equal access to all fields of public life--voting, (word indistinct),
employment, housing, and state office. The Republican program agreed.
But what did the two parties do after issuing these programs? At a
special session of Congress after the conventions they voted against
the civil rights bill. In big northern cities--New York, Chicago,
Detroit, and others with a Negro population--Democrats and Republicans
are flooding Negro quarters with posters and leaflets describing their
candidates as friends of the Negro people.
The hypocrisy of the parties is most apparent in the south, which is
traditionally a Democratic stronghold. In reality, racialists have
entrenched themselves there. They use every means to stay in power,
including lynching, terrorism, (word indistinct), and economic
sanctions--any means which will systematically prevent the millions of
southern Negroes from voting. In accordance with the complex electoral
system, a presidential candidate must get a majority (of all?) states.
That is why Kennedy and Nixon are trying to gain the support of southern
politicians--racialists who differ only in the degree of loyalty they
display toward the principle of white supremacy.
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Berlin, East German Home Service, Sept. 26, 1960, 1810 GMT--L
(Guenter Hansel commentary)
(Excerpts) If one wants to have a say in politics nowadays, one rust
begin to think realistically. This afternoon, AP carried the gi$1 of
an interview with the Democratic presidential candidate, Kennedy. In
this interview, Kennedy indicates that U.S. prestige had declined
throughout the world. An opinion poll in 10 major U.S. cities sb?:)wed
that the majority of those questioned were convinced that the USSq
would outstrip the United States by 1970. The lowered U.S. prestige
can only be restored if the United States demonstrates a serious
desire for peace, shows an understanding for the problems of other
countries and, first of all, practices at home what it is preaching
abroad--human rights and equality, economic progress and security.
So much for the presidential candidate, Kennedy. Indeed, dear
listeners, Khrushchev's speech before the General Assembly has hsd a
profound effect. If U.S. policy were imbued with this spirit--it is
of course nowhere said that Kennedy, should he be elected, would make
his own words the maxims of tail policy--the basis for sincere
coexistence and friendship between the peoples, for the solution of
all international problems, would exist.
Berlin, ADN, Radioteletype in German to East Germany, Oct. 9, 19t~O,
0930 GMT--L
(Report on NEUES DEUTSCHLAND article by GDR Foreign Trade Minister Rat.)
(Text) Minister Rau unmasks the underlying reasons for Bonn's
termination of the agreement on intra-German trade. "The West t rman
disturber of the peace sat and sits in the dock at the U.N. General
Assembly," Rau states. By terminating the agreement, the Adenauer
government wants to divert attention from this fact and at the same
time prevent any possible relaxation of international tension.
Adenauer needs a war atmosphere to justify and speed up atomic arming.
Simultaneously, the ideological prerequisites for forcing through the
fascist emergency bill more easily and for foisting the intended new
burdens on the masses in West Germany will be created.
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Rau points out that these aims of the Adenauer government are suppcrtecc
by Eisenhower, Nixon, and their party. This is to be ascribed, amr ng
other things, he says, to the fact that the prices of American armE.ment
industry stocks have sunk rapidly due to the struggle for complete
disarmament conducted by the Soviet Union. In recent weeks stock
quotations have fallen nearly 10 billion dollars worth. "The most
sacred gods of the monopoly capitalists are in danger. This is the
underlying reason why U.S. imperialists have encouraged and have urged
their Bonn satellite to pursue its provocative policy." Bonn's foreign
minister himself revealed that, after his talk with Herter, he wro?;e a
letter to Adenauer explaining the need to terminate the trade.
In terminating the agreement, Bonn expected the GDR to take hasty steps
in reply to this provocation. "The GDR Government allows its actions
in no way to be decided by Adenauer," stresses Rau. The peoples o:a
West Europe and the entire world will also have to deal with the
preparation for a war atmosphere staged by Bonn, he says. This Ad=!nauer
policy means that NATO partner De Gaulle, for example, who has rec)snizaa
the Oder-Neisse frontier as final, is also to be maneuvered into military
adventures to annul the Oder-Neisse frontier to the advantage of tie
revanchists in Bonn.
By its readiness to enter into new negotiations, promised when the
agreement was terminated, Bonn wants to calm the West German econoiic
circles which, contrary to the usual practice when economiG:~questi:)ns
are dealt with, were not consulted this time. "As Walter Ulbricht
explained in the People's Chamber, we are prepared for negotiationsi
on new agreements and are looking forward to the proposals of the
Bonn government and of the West Berlin Senate," states Rau. As fresh
negotiations are now to take place, agreements which correspond with
the legal and factual situation and which overcome all inadequacies
in the agreement of September 1951 and in the agreement of August 1960
should be made,. Rau says, so that trade between the GDR and West Germar:
and between the GDR and West Berlin will be able to expand and develop
further, without interference.
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Prague in Czech to Europe, Sept. 20, 1960, 0730 GMT--L
(Jiri Cermak New York dispatch)
(Excerpt) Khrushchev's presence at the General Assembly has become
one of the main topics of the American presidential campaign. Ths~
candidates of both parties are trying to surpass each other in thF=ir
attacks against the USSR. Cabot Lodge, speaking for the Republicans,
is boasting of his quarrels with Soviet U.N. delegates and of the
firm stand he took toward Khrushchev during the latter 'a previous
visit to the United States.
Kennedy, the Democratic candidate, has also added his bit to the
anti-Soviet campaign. He promised that under his leadership the
international situation would turn in favor of the United States.
"We must review our policy," Kennedy said, "for it is a policy wh_ch
restricts Khrushchev's movements in Manhattan, but does not prevent
him from penetrating Africa, Asia, and Latin America." This statement
was an open admission of the failure of American policy, for what
Kennedy termed "penetration" was merely the admission that the
Soviet Union has succeeded in winning the worldts confidence by its
policy of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.
The American election campaign and the anti-Soviet policy of both
parties clearly show that the politicians who.'.will guide U S.`policy
during the next four years have very little good will for reasonatle
negotiations and agreements that could lead to a relaxation in
international tension. How much more correct and farsighted is the
Soviet decision to transfer the most important problems to the
U.N. General Assembly and to solve them in cooperation with the member
states of the United Nations.
Prague, Czech Home Service, Sept. 28, 1960, 2100 GMT--L
(Text) The U.S. Government directly participated in preparations for
the counterrevolutionary uprising in Hungary in 1956 and in the Berlin
provocations in 1953. This was openly admitted Sept. 27 in his
preelection speech in Cleveland, Ohio, by the Democratic presidential
candidate, Senator Kennedy. He confirmed that Eisenhower's government
incited both these revolts. His criticism was, of course, not directed
at Eisenhower's policy of provocation against the socialist countries,
but at the fact that the government was unable to give effective help
to the counterrevolutionaries.
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Budapest, MDI, Radioteletype in French to Europe, Sept. 21, 1960,
0800 GMT--L
(NEPSZABADSAG article by Louis Weinstock, member of the National
Committee of the U.S. Communist Party: "The American Workers and
the Presidential Elections")
(Text) Nixon and Lodge as well as Kennedy and Johnson, bent on the
cold war, are partisans of the position-of-strength policy and anti-
communism. They have a reactionary record, and it would be wrong to
support either of them. The interests of the people lie in crit?.ciz~11i
vigorously the activity of the two parties and their candidates and
stressing the need for a steadfast struggle to attain the aims of the
Communist Party.
However, the Communist Party states that boycotting the elections
would be a grave mistake. On the contrary, one has to take part
in the electoral campaign and to demand fulfillment of the promis,~s
contained in the electoral program.
The Roosevelt traditions prove that by judiciously establishing
the unity of the working masses one can impose compromises on
democratic politicians. The communists take these facts into
consideration and try to enlighten the masses in this regard.
Nevertheless, this does not mean granting support to the Kennedy-
Johnson team. On the contrary, the Communist Party severely
criticizes the Democratic Party candidates and pillories their
speeches, which are inspired by the cold war.
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Peking, NCNA, Radioteletype in English to Europe and Asia,
Sept. 27, 1960, 0510 GMT--W
(Excerpt) Peking, Sept. 27--Fearing that more and more nations -could
support the restoration of China's legal seat in the United Nations
at the current session of the U.N. General Assembly, U.S. ruling
quarters have recently launched a campaign of hostility and slander
against China, and of opposition to the return of China's legal seat
in the United Nations, according to Washington reports. Directing
this campaign are U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon, who is the
Republican Party's presidential candidate, and Democratic presidentiai
candidate John F. Kennedy.
Nixon, in a statement in the..1ate#t issue of NEWSWEEK magazine,
smeared China as "intensifying tension" and practicing a so-called
"aggressive policy" towards the "free world." So long as there is
no "basic change" in China's policy, "there can be no question of
our (U.S.--NCNA) recognizing them," he howled. Defending the U.S.
China policy, which is being attacked more and more widely, Nixon
dished out the same old slanders against China. He alleged that China
had committed "aggression against the United Nations in Korea" and
"brutal suppression" of the riots in Tibet. Sticking to the U.S.
imperialist policy of aggression and war, Nixon termed the Chinese
people's determination to liberate their territory of Taiwan and
oppose U.S. aggression against China as a Chinese attempt to "expel
the United States from the Western Pacific by force."
Kennedy would not remain behind in the U.S. imperialist campaign
to slander China. In a written answer to questions by the
Scripps-Howard newspapers on Sept. 22, he cried that China "is a
powerful and aggressive nation," that the "real question" for the
United States is "what should be done about the harsh fact," and
that "recognition is not the crux" of the problem. He insisted
that the United States must have % strong and successful India,
a strong and successful Japan, and some kind of regional group
over Southeast Asia" to "remedy the dangerous situation now existing.
Peking, NCNA, Radioteletype in English to Europe and Asia,
Sept. 21, 1960, 1956 GMT--W
(Excerpts) On the eve of the opening of the U.N. General Assembly
session, U.S. Vice President Nixon, the Republican presidential
candidate, purposely made a speech at a gathering in Washington on
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Monday attacking the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries
and advocating that the United States should continue to pursue the
policy of "liberation." He alleged that there is no "freedom" it
the socialist countries, and clamored for subverting them. He c:i_aimec.
that "freedom must be restored in the communist-bloc countries oi"
East Europe" by the United States and that the United States "stands
not just for the status quo, but for extending freedom throughout, the
Democratic presidential candidate John Kennedy also made anti-Soviet
clamors recently. He declared that he "will not promise" that the
United States will "end the cold war," but "can promise" only "t=_rele-3.,
ceaseless effort to rebuild our strength." He said, "Strength alone
can answer Mr. Khrushchev's threats and ambitions," and stressed that
during the U.N. General Assembly session, he did not think that "eithe-
one of us (Kennedy and Nixon) should meet him" (Khrushchev).
U.S. Secretary of State Herter and other officials of the State
Department also seized various opportunities to make anti-Soviet
statements. On Monday, Herter said that the United States refused
to hold "serious negotiations" with the Soviet Union in the
United Nations. He added that he considers that the idea of holding
talks among the leaders of more than 80 countries in the U.N. is
extremely ridiculous.
Threats Against Socialist Camp
Peking, NCNA, in Chinese Hellechreiber to the Press, Oct. 4, 196),
1839 GMT--B
(Text) Peking, Oct. l--According to information from New York,
leading personages of the American ruling clique--such as
President Eisenhower, Democratic presidential candidate Kennedy,
and Under Secretary of State Dillon--have successively threatenei
that the United States is determined "to do whatever it can" to
overthrow the people's governments of the socialist countries.
At the Sept. 30 meeting of the Polish-American Congress in Chica?p,
Eisenhower reiterated the criminal policy of conspiring to overthrow
the socialist camp which he proposed in 1952. The United States, he
stated, will "do -whatever it can by peaceful means" in order that
the so-called "people who are held in bondage by a tyrannical
dictatorship might finally have the right to determine their owr,-
fate by their own free vote."
At the same meeting on Oct. 1, Kennedy was forced to admit that the
policy of the U.S. Republican ppvernment to "free Eastern Europe" has
failed. However, he clamored for adoption of the more vicious polio,,
of encouraging a so-called "peaceful evolution" to subvert the Socia.Lift
countries. Kenneody openly advocated that the next U.S. Government taa=t(t
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measures to encourage "internal dissension in the communist camp" and
adopt the methods of so-called "economic aid and cultural exchang " to
infiltrate the socialist camp, in order to pursue a "policy of patientILy
encouraging freedom and carefully pressuring tyranny" that "look$
toward evolution, not xevdlution."
At the dinner of the Polish American Congress on Oct. 2, U.S. Under
Secretary of State Dillon also delivered a long speech on the cold
war. Dillon imperiously declared that the United States "will never
consent to the present condition in Eastern Europe but will only
regard it as a nightmare before the dawn of freedom which will
inevitably come." He overtly opposed a peaceful coexistence of nations
of different social systems and slandered peaceful coexistence as only
a "slogan" with which "Soviet imperialism" of the 20th century uses
"economic pressure, political infiltration, and internal disturbance"
to "conquer the world."
Kennedy Slanders Cuba
Peking, NCNA, Radioteletype in English to Europe and Asia, Oct. t, 1 bo,
20+8 GMT--B
(Text) Peking, Oct. 8--U.S. Democratic presidential candidate
John Kennedy, in an election speech in Cincinnati on the evening of
Oct. 6, admitted that the United States has met with a most glaring
failure in Cuba, according to a Washington report. At the same lime,
he made a most shameless, slanderous attack against the Cuban re!volutior.
At a dinner attended by a group of capitalists, Kennedy uttered c.
helpless cry with regard to the failure which U.S. imperialism hu:s
suffered in Cuta..and throughout Latin America. He described this
failure as a U.S. "disaster," and stated that "the great tragedy
today is that we are repeating many of the same mistakes throughx"ut
Latin America." He had to admit that "grievances," "discontent," and
"distrust" of the U.S. '!are smoldering in almost every Latin nat::on."
Kennedy acknowledged that the Cuban people's hatred of the United Stat v
was aroused by the U.S. policy of plunder and suppression. He sriid:
"We used the influence of our government to advance the interests and
increase the profits of the private American companies which dom-nate
the island's economy." He added that the United States gave sta-.ure
and support to "one of the most bloody and repressive dictatorships in
the long history of Latin American repression--the Batista regimty."
Kennedy indicated that the United States would nevertheless not ive
up its policy of hostility against the Cuban people in the face of its
failure. In his speech, he made brazen slanders to provoke hostility
against Cuba. He alleged that Cuba is being transformed into a 'militat
communist satellite" and "a base from which to carry communist i ifiltration
and subversion throughout the Americas." He said threateningly, I'How did
we permit the communists to establish this foothold 90 miles away?"
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Kennedy's speech slandering the Cuban people aroused their stro.:ig
indignation. The Havana paper REVOLUCION held that Kennedy's r;)eecn
constituted an "insolent threat to Cuba." The paper pointed cub that
this illiterate and ignorant candidate "ratified the thesis of
imperialism." Another paper, EL MUNDO, pointed out that Kennedy's
speech attempted to "threaten Cuba with armed aggression."
Peking, NCNA, Radioteletype in English to Europe and Asia, Oct. 10, 1360,
1705 GMT--B
(Text) Peking, Oct. 10--U.S. Democratic presidential candidate
John Kennedy, in his election campaign speeches in various towne in
Ohio yesterday, admitted that the debate and voting on the inclLsior:
of China's representation on the U.N. General Assembly agenda ehowec
that a decreasing number of countries were following the anti-China
policy of the United States and that the United States was finding it
ever more difficult to manipulate the voting machine of the
United Nations, according to reports from New York.
Kennedy said that the voting on China's representation at the
U.N. General Assembly on Oct. 8 and recent voting on some other
questions were "the handwriting on the wall. I think they point
the way to the road of disaster." Contradicting U.S. Vice
President Nixon's statements boasting about U.S. "prestige" and
"strength," Kennedy said sarcastically, "If this (U.N. General
Assembly's voting on Oct. 8--NCNA) doesn't demonstrate that our
prestige is not increasing, if this doesn't demonstrate that the
United States is not growing in power, I'd like to know what doe.,."
Depressed at the defeat of the U.S. policy of hostility toward China
in the United Nations, Kennedy said that this "most directly affected
the power, prestige, and influence of the United States."
On the same day, U.S. Democratic National Chairman Henry Jackson said
that the U.N. General Assembly's voting on Oct. 8 indicated that "the.
United States failed for the first time to get a majority in the
United Nations." He thought that this testified to the lowering of
U.S. "prestige" and "completely shatters Mr. Nixon's claim that
communist prestige in the world is at an all-time low and American
prestige is at an all-time high." Particularly concerned about the
unpopularity of the U.S. anti-China policy among the African countries.
Jackson said apprehensively: "Even more ominous for the future Is the
fact that we did not win a single vote of any of the now African natic:ite."
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Ankara, Turkish Home Service, Sept. 25, 1960, 1800 Gw--M
(Summary) The election campaign has been accelerated in the
United States. The two contestants for the White House, Nixon and
Kennedy, have entered an exhausting period of activity. Last w.ek
Democratic candidate Kennedy delivered 38 speeches and held 6 P:ess
conferences. In spite of a bad knee, Nixon has toured 25 states
during the past two weeks.
"The two young candidates are doing all they can to win and at times
even use methods which are not quite fair. One of these is the
exploitation of issues related to religion, because Kennedy is a
Catholic. Up to now the White House occupant has always been a
Protestant. For the first time, a Catholic candidate with a st:-ong
chance to win has emerged, and he needs Protestant votes to win. If
the Protestants are provoked into not voting for a Catholic, RepubliLi n
candidate Nixon would benefit. This, of course, is not a fair attivui _
Though Nixon has instructed his fellow campaigners to make no
reference to religious issues, many Protestant clergymen, and in the
words of a famous writer, "some local political lumpfish; are
exploiting the religious issue.
!'As an example let us quote the words of a clergyman, Dr. (Criswell').
'Catholicism is not a religion; it is political despotism. It --a a
political system which has enveloped the whole world like an oai;opus
and which threatens the basic principles for which our forefathers
gave their lives. Even if Kennedy were to win the election by streseLu
that the church and state are two separate entities, eventually. as a
Catholic, he would have to recognize the superiority of this church ~.,)
all other churches in the United States. Thus religious freedom you-5
die in the United States.' It will be seen that this minister, by
stating that if Kennedy wins, Protestantism would disappear, is fully
exploiting the religious issue." It is reported that hundreds of
thousands of copies of this sermon have been distributed in the soutirn
states. "And in many other places, some Protestant ministers have
established local groups and are preparing for a struggle against
Catholicism by taking a common oath."
"Along with this religious exploitation, which is incompatible with
morality and fair play, the usual electoral demagoguery is in full
swing. The presidential candidates are trying to treat various group.]
as it would Please them. For example, winning the vote of the
4.5 million Jewish population, most of whom reside in New York,
depends on the attitude adopted toward Israel. So the two pros--dent-a:.
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candidates, when addressing Jewish associations, have to state that
they would definitely solve the Arab-Israeli disagreement. They are
saying it and are meeting with strong protests on the part of i.rab
organizations in the United States.
"The Negro vote, which exceeds 15 million, is also of utmost
importance. To win this vote, both attachment to human rights and
sympathy for the black African countries must be shown. Nixon,
somewhat irregularly, provided scholarships for African studenr;s
to demonstrate his sympathy for the black race, and Kennedy hat;
sent a representative to Africa.
"All this is usual in an election campaign. The thing that is
basically important is the attitude of the two candidates towa::d
world affairs. For this reason, compared with previous elections,
this campaign is very interesting and is. being conducted on a =sigh
level. America is at a turning point. The reason for this is the
rapid military, economic, political, and strategic growth of tie
Soviet Union, which each day carries more weight on the world scene.
In order not to lose its supremapy in the face of this Soviet threat,
America must adjust itself and know how to direct its policies toward
new goals. In fact, America, Vhich after World War II almost
reluctantly became the leader of the free nations, experie6ced
difficulties in playing this role. The people (were usdd toe)
America's traditional policy of impartiality; they were unable to
conform to the worldwide responsibilities which had emerged. This
situation created tension and dissension in American elections."
The difficult task of reconciling the American nation and maki-.g it
realize its international responsibilities fell to Eisenhower.
Eisenhower did reconcile the nation, but during the eight year, of
his administration he has failed to tackle seriously the question
of counteracting the ever-increasing strength and influence of the
Soviet Union.
"Since the United States is understood to be lagging behind in
launching rockets, conquering space, and in waging missile competition,
the free world leader cannot claim a great change in the country.
This task is now facing the.yaung leaders and this is where the
greatest importance of the election campaign lies. The United States
must make certain that it advances more rapidly than the comrmi-iist
world in the military and economic fields, and that it maintai-is this
Kennedy, who has set up a general staff embodying the best brains oI
the United States, claims that the development of the economies of
the Western powers has been very slow during the past eight years.
He says: "The rate of development in the United States has been
kept as low as 2 percent. Although the standard of living in the
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Soviet Union is much lower than that in the United States, the
Soviet Union has managed to establish a high tempo of development
and surpassed the United States in-t.the fields of missiles and
education. While the United States manufactures millions of ca.-s
every year and spends billions of dollars for the satisfaction of
luxury demands, it has failed to build adequate schools and has
lagged behind in the missile competition.
"Even if it is the richest country in the world, with the greatest
resources, the United States can continue to preserve world lea iers lip
only through rapid economic progress and through investing huge sums
in the fields of education and defense. The free world has lied
its fate with the progress of the United States. The free worl3. can
only survive if the United States continues to maintain its suprema^g.
Therefore, the entire free world is closely concerned about a new
drive in the American economy, with the rapid elimination of its
shortcomings in the fields of education and defense. These are the
views of Democratic candidate Kennedy." Kennedy believes in vast
investments by the state in the fields of education and defense.
He also wants to increase production 100 percent.
Compared with this bold attitude on the part of Senator Kennedtli,
Vice President Nixon, who shares the responsibilities of the present
administration, is faced with the necessity of defending the past.
He is trying to show that Kennedy's arguments are unfounded and that
the United States is advancing in all fields. But famous writer
Joseph Alsop clearly states that all these speeches are eleetioneerir,
propaganda, and that both Kennedy and Nixon share the same views. i
this point of view is correct, then the election results will be of rzc
"But whoever wins the elections, be it Nixon or Kennedy, American
policy, which is at a turning point, is reaching new stages where
it will have to counteract the ever increasing Soviet danger ir:
the military, economic, political, and strategic fields."
Tomorrow, for the first time in U.S. history, both candidates v ill
face each other on the television screen and express their views.
Three or four such debates will be held in this manner and
100 million Americans will watch them.
"According to the party to which he belongs, Kennedy stands a tetter
chance. The number of supporters of Kennedy's party is 7 or 8 miflior.
more than the rival party. As a matter of fact, for the past three
terms the Democrats have won elections to the Senate and the Bcuse
of Representatives quite comfortably. Of 50 state governors, r14 are
Democrats. Being the candidate of the stronger party is not eraouglx
to win the White House competition.' The personality of the cardida !
plays a vital part. From this point of view, Nixon stands as good a
chance as Kennedy."
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Baghdad, Iraqi Home Service, Sept. 22, 1960, 1900 GMT--M
(Excerpts) In their electoral campaign., both American parties--the
Democratic and the Republican--are now competing,for the friendship
of Zionism and Israel. They compete in giving guarantees for
the survival of Israel and prolongation of the cancer created br
imperialism. Nixon and Kennedy compete to gain the votes which they
regard as an important factor deciding the presidential election.
They compete in praising Israel and considering it the bastion -af
peace in the Middle East. The Democratic and the Republican c&radidates
are competing in praising what they call "the Jewish people" at1 in
admiring their attempts to establish a new civilization in the
Middle East.
This is what Nixon and Kennedy have said and this is affirmed, of
course, by American policy, which runs between the currents of these
two parties. This is also stated by the Imperialist circles &-id
the satellites which revolve in the orbit of this policy and ioleme-:t
it submissively and obediently. The Arabs have learned from the
previous American electoral campaigns that the promises made by the
candidates to Israel and Zionism were implemented and applied. They
were prearranged agreements to give more support and assistance to
Israel so that it could carry on with its criminal aggressive p3liey.
At whose expense is all this done? At the expense of what victim
is America inclining more and more.to the support of Israel? At the
expense of no one except the Arabs. Yes, at the expense of the Arabs,
who are displaced from their home, Palestine, at the expense of the
Arab peoples who are threatened by Zionism and imperialism, at the
expense of the national liberation movement which is flaming it the
various parts of the Arab homeland.
Imperialism today is furiously increasing its aggression against; the
Arab peoples and is taking Israel as a base for its aggression. This
feature becomes more clear as the struggle of the Arab countries for
the liquidation of imperialism and the restoration of usurped Pnl.estine
intensifies. Wherefore the Arabs should realize that every battle
th@gp etl WRektaft,2MAV10 bf W DR@fi5 7flQQ%l1QW 81.f .
What after all this. does Amerioan_'eolicv want?- What, ,oes it want,
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arms and experts through NATO to annihilate people who fight for thet--
dignity and freedom? Yea, what does it want, after all this? :t appears
that American policy does not take heed of events, of what more aid xi
Israel will lead to.
The Arab people will no longer be deceived. These people have one
road--the road of their solidarity and independence so they tIae' is
can take over the duty of rescuing themselves from imperialism,
protecting their freedom and liberating their usurped parts--Algeria
Oman,..and Palestine. The shadow of Israel will vanish with that of
imperialism. The vanguards of the Palestine liberation army 'Will ta1;c
over their duties inside Palestine, to put an end to the imperialist
bastion of Israel and to establish the republic of the Arab people
Palestine. Then the American statesmen will make bargains at the
expense of their own people and not at the expense of other peoples.
Kennedy Statement Protested
Baghdad., Iraqi Home Service, Sept. 22, 1960, 1100 GNT--M
(Text) The IRAQI NEWS AGENCY has learned that the Iraqi Foreign
Ministry has handed a note to the American embassy in Baghdad
drawing attention to a speech delivered by Mr. Kennedy, the Democratic
Party presidential candidate in the United States. The note said it
is truly painful that electioneering propaganda should be exploited
for the purpose of harming the Arabs and their legal rights and for
supporting the usurping group which continues committing crimes
against the rights of the peaceful Palestinian Arabs, a group
responsible for displacing one million Arab refugees, a group vWhich
flouts the U.N. resolutions concerning the return of the refugees
to their country and their compensation for their property.
The Iraqi Foreign Ministry note states that the course which
certain presidential candidates in the United States have adopted
undoubtedly affects American-Arab relations. The Iraqi Foreign
Ministry asserts that this stand is not in the interest of
relations between the Iraqi Republic and the United States.
The ministry has asked that the American embassy act as a medium
for the American quarters concerned with a view to clarifying
the ill effects caused by Kennedy's speech.
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Havana, Radio Mambi, in Spanish to Cuba, Sept. 22, 1960, 2330 GI,Pf--P
(Summary) Nixon is making a desperate effort to gain the favor of
all the reactionaries in his country and to swing to his side t:1Le
hierarchs of the U.S. plutocracy who have been terrified by the
enthusiastic welcome that the humble people have accorded Fidel Castro.
In an attempt to win at any cost, the Republicans are ready to make
all sorts of ridiculous accusations.
Yesterday Nixon accused Kennedy of being a virulent laborist ani an
intolerable trade unionist. The curious thing is that the Repu:'Dliea-ks
accused Kennedy of being a millionaire and a "playboy" when the
presidential campaign started. Nov they are accusing him of ju:3t t.
opposite. Things must be bad in the United States when the heir td
400 million dollars--ill-gained, of course--is accused of being the
protector of the lowly workers.
Meantime, determined to prove that he is just as silly as anyone
else, Kennedy asked for more armaments in a speech he delivered in
Tennessee. He did so at the very moment that Khrushchev arrivei in
New York with his plan for complete disarmament.
Havana, Cadena Oriental, in Spanish to Cuba, Sept. 28, 1960, O1OO GMT--E
(Editor's Note: The following passages from Fidel Castro's Sept. 2`
speech to the U.N. General Assembly were quoted by Cuban corresponder:u
Salvador Garcia Aguero in a commentary on the speech)
(Excerpts) Now we wish to highlight some parts of.Fidel's speech.
For example, when he alluded to the threats of aggression upon tuba
made by Admiral Burke and Senator Bridges, among others, Fidel said:
"We must here and now declare, in the first place, that these routhirLPe
about attacks are for the purpose of creating hysteria and readying
the conditions necessary to mount an attack against our country. We
have never spoken, we have never said a single world that would implr
the idea of any type of attack upon the Guantanamo naval base. We a?e
the first ones interested in not giving the imperialists a pretext to
commit aggression against us. We hereby declare this once and for a. .,
but we also declare that, from the instant that base becomes a thre< ?
to o'ur people, our revolutionary government is seriously considering
recl'uesting, within the canons of international law, the evacuation
of the naval and military forces of the Government of the United States.
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"We must be alert against falsehood and treachery. Mr. Kennedy's
statements are enough to shock anyone. Referring to Cuba, he seas;
'We must use all the strength of the OAS to prevent Castro's
interference in other Latin-American governments-arid reestablish
freedom in Cuba.' They are going to reestablish freedom in Cube!
"'We must affirm our opinion,' Kennedy continues, 'and our intention
not to allow the Soviet Union to convert Cuba into its Caribbean base.
and apply the Monroe Doctrine.'
"Imagine this candidate talking about the Monroe Doctrine in the
middle of the twentieth century!
"He also speaks about the Guantanamo problem. He is the third one to
broach the subject. And he talks about supporting the forces against
Castro in exile and in the mountains of Cuba.
t'lCommunism must be contained,' he says, 'before it has a chance to
spread.' If Kennedy weren't an illiterate, ignorant millionaire he
would know that you can't make a revolution against the people with
the support of the landlords."
(Editor's Note: On Sept. 30, Fidel Castro appeared on the Havana
CMP Television Network's "Meet the Press" program at about 05+5 ;MT
and, in the course of an account of his impressions of the United Stages,
observed that the two presidential candidates are "both young, beardless
men. They are ignorant and illiterate; they are cowards. They look
like two boys of the great vested interests.")
Havana, Cadena Oriental, in Spanish to Cuba, Sept. 30, 1960, 183 GMT--r"
(Summary) Kennedy, the illiterate and ignorant millionaire, said in
Ohio yesterday that a Democratic administration will never accepr the
idea that socialism is the final solution in Eastern Europe. Nixon
has been saying the same thing. The Republican administration will
never accept the idea of the end of capitalist exploitation in
Eastern Europe, either.
It happens, however, that the people of those countries are cons.ruct.ing
socialism whether the U.S. Republicans and Democrats approve of ._.t or
not. Kennedy's words reveal the imperialist policy of interfering in
the domestic affairs of other countries. Who do these Yankees think
they are that they can accept or refuse to approve the socialist
regimes in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America?
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Open Letter to Kennedy
Havana, Radio Mambi, in Spanish to Cuba.. Oct. 7, 1960, 2330 am---r
(Summary) Open letter to an illiterate millionaire: Mr. John 4. KernHdy,
candidate to the U.S. presidency, Boston, the privileged city,
United States.
Scornful Mr. Kennedy: For some time now we have been fo lowinL;
your political trajectory in your attempt to replace that decre-tit
and stupid old man who answers to the name of
Caesar Attila Caligula Eisenhower I, on the throne of the
Yankee empire.
A terrible curse must have fallen on the suffering U.S. people
when they have to be ruled by mediocre men and cretins. It seems
to us that it must be great anguish for the U.S. people to have
to choose between you and Nixon to find a substitute for an old
imbecile and golf player. It pains us to see a people, once ruled
by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, being forced to choose
between you, the representative of sterility, and Mr. Nixon, the
.representative of social obscurantism.
Of course, there is another choice left to the United States,
namely the road of the liberating revolution, but unfortunately
the people cannot see this road because the most despicable
organized propaganda in the history of the world keeps them in
the dark.
We understand, Mr. Kennedy, that you must preach your slimy lies
to achieve your aim, and we also understand that you are obliged
to keep your people blindfolded until you achieve that aim. We
justify to a certain extent your action in engaging in a debate
with Mr. Nixon, the man whom the wrinkled and trembling finger of
the present emperor singled out as your opponent. But what we canna-
Justify and approve, idiot Mr. Kennedy, is that you use Cuba's name
in your political maneuvers and, stupid Mr. Kennedy, we are not
going to keep quiet while you attack our country from your mercenary
rostrum, as you did yesterday in Cincinnati.
Cuba has just the kind of government that the Cubans want, miserable
Mr. 'Kennedy, and we do not believe that you have been able to
concentrate in all your meetings the fourth part of the people
whom our leaders are able to concentrate at any one time and
without any previous r,tice. You should also know, Mr. Kennedy
that the Cubans like the North Americans more than you think they do.
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You are nothing else, you imbecile, than a piece of the yoke that
oppresses the U.S. peo .e, a link of the heavy chain that is
enslaving the U.S. people, idiotic Mr. Kennedy, and we hope that
they can get rid of their yoke and chains. The Cubans, mercenary
Mr. Kennedy, wish to see the North Americans free--free of their
chains and free of the terrible war threat that hangs over them.
You were wrong, you cretin, in saying that Fidel has exploited the
twin themes of human misery and hatred for the Yankees in
Latin America. Understand this, unhappy Mr. Kennedy, that the
hunger prevalent in Latin America is much older than Fidel anc,
that the hatred for the Yankees was sown in our lands by the acid
Kennedys who exploited our peoples for tens of years. The burger
and the human misery that prevail in poor America are the results
of that old policy by which you stand. The hatred of which yru steak:
is directed against those tho, like you, are the heirs to enormous
fortunes amassed with the sweat and blood of the unfortunate i.:nder-
developed people of the world. No, most stupid Mr. Kennedy, Pidel Lt;
not to blame for it.
The misery and the hatred are there because you yourselves eared
them throughout the world. But do not worry, imbecile Mr. Kennedy,
the misery and hatred will not remain much longer because the peop.;.?
are liberating themselves and soon they will remove their blitcdfol.cis
achieve their final liberation, and expel every Kennedy, Nixon, and
Eisenhower. In another part of your inopportune speech you say that
you have a program to rid America of communism and you assured your
listeners that your program will stop Castro's tyranny and that this
tyranny will finally perish in the streets of Havana.
As for the presence of communism in America, we shall say not'