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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
June 11, 2001
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Publication Date: 
November 3, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-05844A000100080008-5.pdf135.82 KB
GE ERAL BERVIC38 AAIINIS'1 ION CIRCULAR NO 190 TO Heads of Federal' A,dencies GSA D i icSffl6 i' &e Instructions on File Approved 1For Release. 2002/02/12 : CIA-R GENERAL SERVICESADMINISTRATION 1. Purpose. This Circular informs Federal agencies of proper action to' be taken in connection wit7. trading stamps received from Government `; purchases pending establisi;mment of a firm policy in respect thereto. 2. General. In an unpubLishec dects on (B-128096, dated August 20, 1956) relating to trading stamps received in connection with purchases of electric service from it atility company, the Comptroller Generale of the United States Bias !3tutcd that trading stamps received for Government purchases `. . . may be regarded as in the nature of a discount., rebate, or reduction i.n the price paid . . and that it would appear to be i r. the be a l .'Interest of the Government to redeem the stamps." 4. Nothing in this Circular is intended to affect any existing programs for redemption of trading stamps in consonance with above cited decision of the Comptroller General. received in connection with Gcvernment'purcheaes c Pending establishment of such Et Goverrment-wide'policy on this matter, Federal agencies sho,ild collect and bold such trading stamps as are ing a Government-wide policy for the handling' of. trading stemgpe.? 3. Policy. In view of the above dec. i sl on, representatives of the General Services Administration are consulting with the General Accounting Office and trading stamp firms for the purpose ofestablish- Effective Date. The Droviaions of this Circular are immediately. FRANKLIN FLOETE 19 J tO? 10 Administrator iC I Approved For Release 2002/02/12 : CIA-RDP78-05844A000100080008-5