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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 10, 1957
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CONFIDENTIAL1 pproved For Release 20Q-AuL~ -RDP78-05787A000200010035-5 10 April 1957 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chiefs Operations School FROM : Assistant for Headquarters Tr0ating St10JECT : Weekly Activities Report No* 15 3-9 April 1957 1a SI( NlFarfICA.11T IT9 ssas c--am:rM Nothing to Reports I10 OTHER_ ITFA Bans a. The next several sessions of the PP Seminar conducted by will be devoted to a discussion of PP liaison operations.. In anticipation of the so5saons has put together an 25X1A9a excellent agenda to guide the discussions Courses 25X1A9a 25X1A9a b. Clandestine Services Review No0 16 commenced on 8 April with an,. enroll sent of 37 stude ntf3. This group appears above average and quite enthusiastico The ed arse got off to an mccellent, start due to the frank and forthright talk b P Mr. White (DD/S) and an equally' excellent talk by speaking for the DDft in' place of so Counterespionage Operations Course No. 9 ended on 5 April 1~57- This class participated most, actively in all discussions and. showed a high level of interesto `1?huir paper work., howevecr$ fell below the knowledge exhibited by them 3,n oral discussions,, and accordingly their evaluations will not reflect, in our opinion, the benefits which they derived from the a lasaee,, A course report is now being preparedo pproved For Release 'CONFIDENTIAL. so GE Operations Course No. 10 will begin on 15 April 19570 f o The sixth running of Information Reporting, Reports, and Requirements got under way on 8 April. Fourteen students were enrolled; one withdrew on 9 April because he could not devote full time to than oOyourse0 Six students erofrom NEA,; three from WE; and one each from SF ,p D, 07Rv and a The second running of the t io reeks, half-day course Information Reports was eompleted on 5 April o Six students were en rolled* g0 Tutorial inetr 9"1 vasion and Fro o was given to two staff officers (NFA) at by on 8m1O April 25X1A9a h0 Staybehind Operations Noo 17 scheduled to begi* 15 April has an enrollment of three studdents0 ilia P SOI NEI. Nothing to reporto 'OI L[DENTIAIi Approved For Release 2001/08/09 : CIA-RDP78-05787A000200010035-5