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TO: ' Deputy Chiefs of Staff Comptroller of the Army Chief Signial Officer Commanding Generals US Continental Army Command US Army Materiel Command US Army, Caribbean Commanding Officers US Army Strategic Communications Command OS Army Caribbean Signal Agency SECRET Approved.- Release 2001/08/31 CIA-RDP78-059A0001000 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL WASHINGTON 25. D. C. W RELY REF AGAM-P EMI 381 (31 Dec 62) SIGSD-8a SUBJWT: i~aal Cc~mnranication Plan 2-62 (Short Title : SIGCOMP 2-62) (U) ment of the Army, 13 July 1962, subject: "Signal Communication Plan 1-62 (Short Title: sIGCOMP 1-62) (U).11 b. DCA letter 4600/530/ece, 30 October 1962, subject: "Installation of Military Communications Equipment in South America (s)," (NOTAL). c. DCA letter, 4600/600; of 9 November 1962, subject: "Installation of Military Communications Equipment to Meet CINCARIB Requirements (S)," (NOTAL). 2. (S) The inclosed plan for establishment. of military ccnnm nication facilities to meet CINCARIB requirements after bilateral communication aggee- ments hays been__q n.~lwd_ed is forwarded for information and necessary action. 8: ' January 1963 , *ARMY Declass/Release Instructions On Fife* 1. (S) Reference is made to,: a Letter ADAM-P (M) 381 (3 Jul 62) SIGAC-5a, Headquarters, By Order of the Secretary,. of the Army: 1 Incl J. C. LAMBW Signal Commmuj cation Major General, USA Plan 2-62 v/4`inal The Adjutant General Copies furnished: Assistant Secretar of Defense (l&L) ,Aee~etant Secretary of Defense, (IBA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS; (Cozi inued on page 2) DECLASSIFIED AFTER 12 YEARS. DOD DIR 5200.10. Approved For Release 200 5/sP'CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 SECRET Copies furnished: (cont) Assistant Secretary of Defense.(Manpower) Secretary of State Director, Defense Communications Agency Chairman, Joint Chiefs'of Staff Chief of Naval Operations Chief of Staff, US Air Force Director, Joint Communications Electronics J-6 Deputy Under Secretary of the Army (IA) Assistant Secretary of the Army (I&L) Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence Chief of Engineers Chief of Transportation Commanders in Chief Pacific Command Atlantic Caribbean Command US STRIKE Command Commanders. Caribbean Air Command US Military Groups Venezuela Nicaragua Colombia Costa Rica Honduras Ecuador Directors Central Intelligence'Aaency Naval Communications Telecommunications, USAF Commandant 15th Naval District Chief US Army Security Agency SECRET Approveor Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-f79A000100040013-6 "WK Approved For Release 2001/08/31: CIA-RDP78-0W9A000100040013-6 SECRET DRAFT 1. (.S) GENERAL a. By memorandum to the-Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installa- tions and Logistics), dated 30 October 1962, the Director, Defense Communications Agency (DCA), in his capacity as the Defense Representative on the National Security Council Subcommittee on Communications, directed the Army to take propriate action to implement the installation of United States military coumsunications equipment to meet CINCARIB requirements in eight priority countries as soon as the State Department completes negotiations needed topermit-operation f ,Wgh.._ gwent..., The,,..eight priority countries-*re, iN Bolivia Ecuador, No AaPrao t. ZeC'o, -' Arr$ ,GA/A-7N Guatemala Honduras Colombia Nicaragua Costa Rica Venezuela No C,N Do b. The first two priority countries, Bolivia and Guatemala; constitute Phase I of DCA System Plan to Fulfill CINCARIB's Communications Requirements. SIGCOMP 1-62 covers Phase I whereas SIGCOMP 2-62 addresses itself to the next six countries which correspond to Phase II of the DCA System Plan. Subsequent plans will cover Phases III (seven additional countries) and IV (lateral circuitry). c. on 9 November 1962, the Director, DCA, in his capacity-as the Defense. Representative on the National Security Council Subcommittee on Communications, requested the Secr_etary__of _the_Army__ to install,, operate,_and maintain fixed military communiseti_.from CINCARIB, Canal Zone to Caracas, Venezuela; Managua, Nicarua; San Jose, Costa Rica; Bogota, Colombia; Quito, Ecuador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras,.. The terminal facility at.Carac will be transportable equipment (AN/ TSC-20 or equivalent). kl t Inclosure No. 1 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/31: CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 SECRET 2. (C) ASSUMPTION a. Department of State will obtain the necessary communication agreements with countries concerned to permit operation of US military communication facilities in support of this plan. b. These communication agreements will be consummated at an early date. c. Appropriate radio frequencies will be available. d. Local transportation (fork lift, cargo vehicles, etc.) to receive and move communications equipment and personnel will be available at the Canal Zone, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador and Honduras. a. Necessary building space in the U.S. Embassy and in the U.B. Military Group of each country concerned will be available. f. Requisite funds,.manppwer spaces and personnel will be made available. g. Site surveys are to be completed by 31 January 1963 for two countries and by 31 March 1963 for remainder. 3. (C) GUIDING PRINCIPLES a. Rapid, reliable, secure communication facilities will be provided between Headquarters, CARIBCOM and US Agencies and other activities as directed, in six Latin American countries. b. A single U.S. agency will operate and maintain the classified communi- cationterminal, wherever feasible, to meet CINCARIB long-haul point-to-point requirements. c. Installation of communication facilities planned herein will c6nstitute implementation of Phase II, DCA System Plan for Fulfilling CINCARIB's Requirements. Phase I requirements were covered in SIGCOMP 1-62. 4. (S) OPERATIONAL CONCEPT a. Long haul, point-to-point HP SSB radio circuits will be established 2 SECRET Approve or Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78 79A000100040013-6 ApprovecF r Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-09A000100040013-6 SECRET from the Canal Zone to: Caracas, Venezuela; Managua, Nicaragua; San Jose, Costa Rica; Bogota, Colombia; Quito, Ecuador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Although not a responsibility of the U.S. Army, air/ ground communications are to be installed by the U.S. Air Force at quit. and Tegucigalpa in Phase II and at La Paz, Bolivia and Guatemala City, Guatemala of Phase I. These Army and Air Forca installations are to be collocated wherever possible. b. To assure immediate responsiveness in meeting CINCARIB require- ments, Phase II communication facilitieswill be established as follows: (1) Engineering team consisting of representatives from the U.S. Army Strategic Cothmunications Command and the Caribbean Command will make a detailed on-site engineering survey prior to arrival of communication equipment and personnel. This engineering team will arrive on site within 24 hours after Department of State "GO" is received.- SelecUon._of exact locations for facilities, arrgangements..forcontract and logistic support required, and sub- mission of detailed bill of materials for special items are tasks to be accom- plished by this team within approximately 4-days.- (2) After the engineering team has completed its on-site engineering survey, a temporary installation, if required, will be deployed. This temporary installation may consist of AN/GRC-26 or suitable van or shelter equipment with necessary support vehicles and military personnel in each of the six countries concerned and in.the Canal Zone. This temporary installation will be capable of secure on-line operation in the U.S. Bnbassy in each Latin American country. Approximately 3 days will be required for the temporary installation thereby providing limited communications service. In event AN/GRC equipment is not deployed, the permanent fixed equipment discussed in subparagraph 4b(3) may be installed on.a temporary basis while awaiting construction of building, inclosure No. 1 C T Approved For Release 2001/08 RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 20CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 (3) Concurrent with shiprsent of.the temporary facilities, pre- fabricated buildings, fixed communications equipment and full storage facilities will be brought to the site to complete the permanent installation in each one of the six countries. Approximately-25 days will be required to place the station in full operation in its permanent location. Current planning envisions contractual installation with one year operation and maintenance. (4) After the fixed facilities become operational, the temporary installation (AN/GRC-26 equipment) and military personnel, if deployed, will be withdrawn as required. Permanent mili_ tar+ personnel will be assigned to the fixed station 3 months prior to termination of contractual operation for on-the-job training and replacement of contractual operation and maintenance personnel. (5) Fixed type communication equipment will be installed in five of the six distant stations and in the Canal Zone for all six circuits. Unless otherwise directed, transportable HF SSB (AN/TSC-20.or equivalent) will be employed at Caracas, Venezuela. JCS has directed CINCSTRIKR to provide 2 AN/TSC-201s for this purpose and at the call ofCINCARIB. Fixed communication facilities, for two countries not yet identified, with associated terminal facilities in the Canal Zone, will be operational within 90 days. The remaining countries will be operational by 30 June 1963. c. Each HF SSB radio circuit will be capable of 3 Voice and 16 tele- typewriter channels ultimately but will be initially configured for 1 Voice and 4 .-teletypewriter channels (one to be secure on-line KW-26). d. Operations in Latin American countries. (1) All U.S. Army communications will be operated on a 24-hour day, 7-day week basis, unless otherwise directed. SECRET Approve ror Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP7879A000100040013-6 Approve ,,F pr Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-t1 79A000.100040013-6 SECRET (2) The U.S. Army will be prepared to operate and maintain the classified communications center in the U.S. Embassy of each country, unless otherwise. directed. Determination of U.S. Agency to operate and maintain the classified communications center in each country made on case by case basis after right-of entry has been received. (3) The U.S. Army will install, operate,.and maintain the un- classified communications center, and. the high frequency radio terminal. (4) Provisions will be made for emergency voice and teletypewriter operations at the HF terminal normally to be located at the airport in each country. (5) Indigenous personnel of the country concerned may be employed to operate one or more. of the unclassified communication centers as well as the HF radio terminal. In such cases installation and maintenance will be furnished by the U.S. Army, upon request. e. Operations in the Canal Zone. (1) Interim facilities (AN/GRC-26) will be shelter operated. (2) Fixed facilities in support of this plan will terminate in existing Army DCS Transmitter, Receiver and Cm-center locations, wherever possible. 5. (C) MISSION AND FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION a. Mission. To install military communication equipment to meet CINCARIB's requirements. CINCARIB must have rapid, reliable, and secure 'communi- cations between the Canal Zone and the six priority II countries. b. Functional Description. For communication channel configuration, see Inclosore 1. 6.. (S) SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS a. Equipment. Inclosure No. 1 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08 3 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2001/081CR RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 (1) Fixed radio, telephone. and communication center equipment with associated cryptographic and power equipment are required in Bogota, Managua, Quito, San Jose, and Tegucigalpa. Unless otherwise directed, one AN/TSC-20 or equivalent is required at Caracas. For reliable communications, estimated trans- mitter power of 10-KW (PEP) is required. Operational experience and/or additional requirements may cause power increase at some stations. (2) Motor vehicles required for normal operations for each communi- cation team stationed in the six Latin American countries are: One (1) 2k ton cargo, with winch; one (1) 3/4 ton; two (2) k ton; and one (1) 1000 gallon water trailer. Additional vehicles are required during initial construction. Caution will be taken to assure that excessive number of vehicles are not unloaded in foreign countries. (3) Existing fixed communication equipment at the Canal Zone requires appropriate augmentation at Transmitter, Receiver and Commcenter. (4) As indicated in DCA Memorandum of 9 November 1962 (reference lc in letter of transmittal), sole-source procurement or direct negotiations, if needed, is authorized; Force/Activity Designator II and Urgency of Need Designator A apply with a resultant issue priority designator of 2. Supply priority of 2.00 is authorized this plan. In the event a DX Program priority is required, the Chief Signal Officer will so advise the Defense Representative of the National Security Council Subcommittee on Communications. b. Radio Frequencies. An adequate complement of frequencies is needed for HF 888 and VHF/UHF circuits. 6A9 mission required by HF SSB circuits aid 400 F9 required for VHF/UHF circuits. c. Airlift. Requirements. Personnel and equipment for installation and operation of the Canal Zone and the six distant stations require airlifting. SECRET Approv For Release 2001108/31 : CIA-RDP78 08,779A000100040013-6 Approvedpr Release 200 IA-RDP78-0"'19A0O0100040013-6 Weights and cubes will be furnished by the U.S. Army Strategic communications d. Building Space. (1) Distant Stations. (a) The transmitter, receiver, communication center and microwave station require approximately 1000 square feet of operational space. A similar amount of space is required for associated power, primary and standby. Prefabricated buildings are required. Building space for U.S. Air Force, Bit/ ground facilities at Quito and Tegucigalpa is required. (b) Floor space is considered available for the unclassified terminals at the U.S. Military Group and for classified terminals at the U.S. Embassies. (2) Canal Zone. Building space can be made available at the existing Army Transmitter and Receiver Sites and at the existing Tape Relay to meet Phase II requirements. e. Personnel. Teams pro- Equip- Circuit vided by ment Canal Zone Out Station Date 0 WO EK CIV 0 WO EK CIV 1 DA (OCSIGO) AN/TSC-20 1 8 1 1 12 1 Jan 63 2 DA (OCSIGO) AN/GRC-26 6 1 11 1 Mar 63 3 DA (OCSIGO) AN/GRC-26 6 1 11 1 Mar 63 4 USCONARC AN/GRC-26 7 Dec 62 5 USCONARC AN/GRC-26 7 Dec 62 6 USCONARC AN/GRC-26 7 Dec 62 Contingency USCONARC AN/GRC-26 7 Dec 62 CZ Augmentation TOTAL 1 20 1 3 34 7 21 59 38 Inclosure Na. 1 Approved For Release 20 1 .~~~~~T CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2008 RETCIA-RDP78-05719A000100040013-6 Circuit Teams pro- vided by DA (OCSIGO) DA (OCSIGO) DA (OCSIGO) USCONARC USCONARC USCONARC CZ Augmentation Equip- went Canal Zone Out Station Date 0 WO IM CIV .0.; WO EM CIV AN/TSC-20 1 8 1 1 14' 1 Mar 63 AN/GRC-26 1 1 23 l'Sep 63 AN/GRC-26 1 1 23 1 Sep 63 AN/GRC-26 1 1 23 1 Oct 63 AN/GRC-26 1 1 23 1 Oct 63 AN/GRC-26 1 1 23 1 Nov 63 10 1 Jun 63 Total - 1 8 10 6 6 129 19 141 Notes: 1. Two (2) AN/TSC-20 equipment from USTRICOM. 2. All personnel, less those from USCONARC, to be assigned to USASCC. 3. For team. composition, less. those from USCONARC, see Inclosure 2. f. Funding. Funds estimated at $11,885 million are required in FY 1963. Additional funds of $1.704 million are, required in FY-1964. FY 1963 O&MA require- ments are currently funded. For details see Inclosure 3. g. Circuit Requirements. See Inclosure 4. 7. (S) ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES a. Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations is responsible for: (1) Making a determination, in coordination with the Army General Staff, as to the units or activities to be reduced, slipped or inactivated, and/or other appropriate. reallocation of resources, to meet the manpower space requirements of this plan., This determination will include the possibility of utilizing civilian technicians in lieu of military in whole or in part. Tnclosure No. 1 SECRET Approv or Release 2001/08/31 CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approvedpr Release 2001/08/31 CIA-RDP78-09A000100040013-6 SECRET (2) Authorizing Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel to fulfill the approved personnel requirements of this plan without regard to priority from unallocated resources, as required. b. Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics is responsible for obtaining PERA funds to implement this plan. Reprogramming, authority for the PEMA costa of this project have been issued to Army Material Command by ODCSLOG. MCA minor construction funds have been apportioned to DA to cover the cost of minor projects at.Chiva Chiva, Canal Zone. This project, however, must have prior approval of OSD. c. Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel is responsible for: (1) Reallocating manpower spaces to meet requirements of SIGCOMP 2-62 and pursuant to determination made by DCSOPS. (2) Assigning personnel to meet the interim and fixed requirements in accordance with priority established by DCSOPS for SIGCOMP 2-62. d. Comptroller of the Army is responsible for providing additional O&MA funds to implement this plan. e. The Chief Signal Officer is responsible for: (1) Programming and budgeting for communication equipment,. less air/ground, required to support this plan. (2) Having cognizance over implementation of this plan, con- sistent with DCA specifications and instructions. (3) Providing necessary communication equipment for the six countries concerned and such fixed equipment as may be required at the Canal Zone. (4) Providing necessary cryptographic equipment as required. Inclosure No. 1 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 20 CIA-RDP78-65779A000100040013-6 (5) Taking necessary action to implepent this plan upon receipt of additional funds, manpower spaces, and personnel. (6) Submitting appropriate reports to DOD., JCS or DCA. (7) Coordinating with CINCARIB concerning assignment of radio frequencies. f. Commanding General, U.S. Continental Army Command has agreed to provide eight (8) AN/GRC-26 teams in accordance with DA.Message 922566 and USCONARC Message ATUTR-SIG 304064. Commanding General, Army Material Command is responsible for: (1) Procuring and storing communication equipment required to support this plan. (2) Disseminating the contents of this plan to insure proper supply priority. h. Commnander, U.S. Army Caribbean (USARCARIB) is responsible for: (1) Operating and maintaining the Panama communication terminal of the Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and Ecuador circuits. (2) Requesting necessary communication team personnel and spaces for augmentation at Panama terminal. (3) Providing administrative and logistical support at all distant stations concerned, to.include: floor space, housekeeping facilities; Con- struction projects; lease of telephone pairs, and other actions to complete terminals. (4) Exercising command supervision of the U.S. communication detachments in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and Ecuador. as defined in AR 220-31. (5) Submitting monthly progress report of readiness or implementa- tion actions as pertains to Canal Zone activities with first report as of 10 Inclosure No. 1 SECR~T Approv ` or Release ~QA'f/U813,1 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For-Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 SECRET y 31 December 1962. Subject reports will be submitted to the Chief Signal Officer, Attn: SIGSD-10. i. Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Strategic Communications Command (USASCC) is responsible fors. (1) Installing, operating, and maintaining .the Venezuela, (unless responsibility is given to another coamnand) and the Nicaragua, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and Ecuador terminal facilities. (2) organizing, training and equipping four interim AN/GRC-26 teams and five fixed station teams. -(3) Providing technical assistance to CINCARIB and/or USARCARIB for engineering installation of communication facilities at Panama in support of this plan as may be required. (4) Coordinating airlift requirements with Chief of Transports- (5) Developing appropriate TA for the Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and Ecuador teams. (6) Conducting on-site engineering surveys and associated tasks. (7) Submitting a monthly. progress report of readiness or implementation actions as pertains to the six Phase II countries with first report as of 31 December 1962. Subject reports will be submitted to the Chief Signal Officer, Attn: SIGSD-10. J. Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Caribbean Signal Agency (USARCSA) is responsible for providing within current resources, such personnel as may be available to man interim and/or fixed communication facilities in support of this plat:. inclosure No. Z SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/31 nfiw-fi 78-05779A000100040013-6 8. (C) COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS Direct coordination between Coninander, USARCARIB, CO, USASCC and CO, USARCSA is authorized and encpuraged. 4 Incl 1? Comm Channel Canfig 26. Personnel Requirements 3? Funding Requirements 4. Circuit Requirements- Inclosure No. 1 12 SECRET Approv or Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 COMMUNICATION CHANNEL CONFIGURATION VENEZUELA (MANAGUA, NICARAGUA) (SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA) eriaiaa *(BOGOTA, COLOMBIA) - - - Distant T T *(QUITO, ECUADOR) (TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS) CA 1'*, C?, CANAL r ZONE m -4 30 m Voice TTY Military Group Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved F : Release 2001/08/31: CIA-RDP78-05 A000100040013-6 CONFIDENTIAL PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Cdsimunications Team Composition: MOBILE/TRANSPORTABLE Fixed AN TSC-20 AN/GRC-26 ' Station Out Sta- CZ Out Sta- CZ TITLE GRADE 1103 Quantity tion tion Radio Officer -' Capt 0500 1 (1) Operations Officer WO 721A. 1 (1). (1) (1) Fixed Station Chief .E-8 279.8 1 ,Fixed Sta Trans Repmn .E-6 272.6 3. (1) (1) (1) (1) Administrative NCO E-6 717.6 1. -Fixed Sta Receiver Repmn , E-5 271.1 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) Clark Typist E-4 711.1 1 (1) Fixed Sta Multiplex Repmn. E-5 274.1 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) Fixed Ste Crypto Repmn E-5 345.1 1 (1) (1) Gen Crypto Repmn E-5 342.1 (1) (2) TTY Repmn E-5 341.1' 1 (1) Signal Supply E-5 765.6 1 Power-Station Supervisor- E-6. 354.6 1 (1) Powerman E-5 354.1 2 Cryptographer E-5 722.1 (1) (1) CcmmCen Specialist E-6 723.6 1 Cam Equip Operator E-5 723.6 3 (2) (3) (3) Comm Equip Operator E-5 723.1 4 .(4) (2) Total: 2 Off/WO 20/WO 1 WO 1 WO 6 EM ~7 t ~~~5 SvP~~ `~ l 23 Eti 12 EN 8 EM 11 EM 25 14 9 .72. 6 Augmentation at USARCARIB, Canal Zone Fixed Station Trans Repmn 272.1 3 Fixed Station Recv Repmn 271.1 3 TTY Operator 723.1 4 Total: 10 CIV Xnalosure No,'? to DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS; DECLASSIFIED AFTER 12 YEARS. DOD DIR 5200.10 Inclosuxe No. 1 co t111A A Approved For Rel 1 78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved Fvlw2eleas~ ~78-0577M000100040013-6 ON FDENT A L FUNDING REQUIREKENTS (1) Estimated Cost. in FY-1963 is: Military Personnel Procurement 151,000 8,910,000 .Out Stations {$3,508,444) Canal Zone: Commcenter, (2,547,950) Transmitter Station 918,131). Receiver Station ( 532,525) Outside Plant (Cable) ( 300,000) Inter-site M/W ( 492,950) Trans-Isthmian M/W ( 610,000) 2,313,000 Out.Station ( 900,000) MATS Freight ($1,348,000) Personnel Airlift ( 65,000) 511,000 *Bldg 732 (Corozal) 411,000) Minor Construction for Chiva Chiva 130,000) $11,885,000 (2) Estimated additional costs for FY-1964: Military Personnel 604,000 Procurement 0&MA 1,100,000 $1,704,000 Approved in FY-1963 MCA Program. DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS; Inclosure No. 3 to DECLASSIFIED AFTER 12 YEARS. I nclosure No. 1 CC ^^ rr DOD DIR 5200.10 Approved For ReI FIQEN 1 1178-05779A000100040013-6 Approved F Release. 2001/08/31.: CIA-RDP78-05WA000100040013-6. SECRET PHASE II - CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS 1+2 (1 Voice Chan (2 TTY ? .Chan /" Air/Ground Inclosure No. 4 to Inclosure No. 1 SECRET: DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS; DECLASSIFIED AFTER 12 YEARS. DOD DIN 5200.10 Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/31.: CIA-RDP78-05779AOOW0040013-6 SECRET SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP78-05779A000100040013-6