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Approved For Release 2CW 74 A00 1001700 P"W FOR: Adulatetrative Officers and DeslApa led stmj= : Distribution of Vouchered Farads Pay C becks 1. Effective with pay da- 27 October 1961, vouchered funds pay checks fb to the r pexaamm-e1 located in the am CIA building will be available for delivery to eppay a rxe each affected ccgpoamat of such perscan 1. at to 1-03D hours. Mocks the P yr not lleT draring this ent period ~ wing, be r et=" to ca Division, at Boas 1300, Curie Itnll ' ' r ~.1eat to pick up by the appropriato par Glut. 2. 20 pers:it ~atice~ of this service, the istrative Officers those oce'oeyantsr which have novel or rill have iavd to the new building prior to the emotive date fbr this service shall notify the PayysoU Branch, Fiscal Division, in writing that their par checks abould be available at the new building. Other cospaments sched%W to cove to the building after the effective date for this service shall notify the payroll office in writing of such nova at least five days in, advance of the first pay day on which their pay cis should be available at the new building. 3. ft y chucks of eMpioyees of oaallpmentss which do not mom to the now CIA binding aigr continue to be peaked up each pay f- at the Payroll Branch, decal Dirisjat, at so= 3,300, Curie all. T j 4. /ldmdaistrative Offices and prey clerks of all components are urged to take extra precanticos during the relocation period. 'fey should canfutlly verify a33. tine and attendance report control lists so that no amg-lofyee is pay is delayed fbr Is& of a tin and attrasdaaae report and arrange for pt =W b delivery of such reports to the Psysall Breach by 15DO hmrs an Zd daay fbl1 .. ing the end of each pay period. Also, ;1-re 1 mm 'ts should be meAre to pzorgty deliver pay chocks to inedivide:als wherever the are located. 5. If as3or gruyps of the pascaeeel of a ooslpanst or office will be divided batssen locmtiaas on a perommt basis as a result of the curra t coves, the ooeeonaant cry request the des4gnst1cn of a separetts Cost crater for each srjor gyp to provide a basis for mo aaical amet-Wing of the ohms. If separate so" canters are neot feasible or if only a ilex indi~ridetals are ooosaswed, this r of pay checks shall be accaa Ltshed for as office or aae>pceaat by the d~ssignated pay cleats ? sortthe ]ley checks after receipt. ihnn necessary, Aduinistxatiye Offices sb%U des to in wri,' additional des3~urtiaam or padr olrsrks vo p ="=. After 1 ~ 1961s all GIM021 to pick %IP pay shocks shall include 11,00 CRrG GCMP CR'rG CLASS Approved For Release 2001/010-9 : CIA-RDP78-057 7A000100170078-6 IIIIIIIIIIIIII&W :.;..4A nMENAL Dsk 0K Approved For Release 2001/08/09 CIA-RDP78-05747A0 0.0100170078-6 CIA ENTEVIAL OBS OILY SUBJJCT % Distribution at V ehered Ponds Pay Checks 6. Qneeti concerning the toragoiag c be directed to the ChLet, Payroll Branch, Fiscal Diviaioa, DsPuty ccs rtroues CIA I m"111101- MR CI Approved For Release 2001/08/09 : CIA-RDP78-05747A000100170078-6