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Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030020-8 VIS CooarTra MEETING NO 180 19 October 1954 S#*Wtrr ee. The folicoing were presents Mr.. Clinton U RANGE to CLASS. C3 EI-Dli" 6PiJ h%"I TO t Ti 1 kXT s,VNX U'4TZ' Alnul IIS14-2 State State A=W Armyr Navy Navy Air Force CIA (chat) CIA. (vice Chaim) 25X1A9a 20 production Flann kenning schedules lLr. lain colonel Pidkne- Majot Jacobson Capt. Nerd Lieut. or Malom that the paction P out The Ghai1 a~aunced 1958 gould be consolidated and sent fiatot the the C through fiscal year ant of 3sr meeting. bec~+uSo of o t e members prior to the next apVI schedules and non-Slob Chapter have arisen over the devep sib -ittiieess for the Sov&ovie t ted Bloc this year it the axly separate allwation resP future schedules areas. These difficulties were could be res Oved Iona tore t3.ou by the Bug n felt that this coon Prdblem (ion. lie Chaixm 1 laxinin and coo the ove ]1gChapter VI schedule f=nd by carefu P caord VI coordinaticrim were g member that D r procedures for Chapter event that the regu adequate . 3. Treatment of NIS.a rePoxt on the suggested( a s te The State member said that StaN3etinS No,. 179) vas not Y had NIS committee until the report I3iS 39 ( yes deferred ch should be traatmen,Re ? ueatad that this matter (tee members-, ready. ed and ci~ultd to the N'S Cocmn-ittee& before been d the next regular meeting of the 4Production giti~tion carter of ? production for the first qu rn rho the review of NIS the members reported 'Following No. 179) s cottee FT 1955 ( $e Oi cations J. their Meeting ties as foll+o production Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030020-8 Approved For Release 00/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597 0400030020-8 States The State member reported that his Agency is feeling the its of the Foreign Service integration program with its resultant uncertainties and morale factors. Arme~rs The Army member reported his Agency is about 50% aheadof last year's production of comparable date. He stated ArW has taken drastic steps to further improve production, but whether they will provide the necessary results is questionable since Aiv intelligence components are about 25% under strength, The Chairman suggested a special meeting with Army representatives for the purpose of developing procedures to further the guidance of analysts as a means of reducing review problems. Navvy: The Navy member said that Navy's reduced production was caused by getting on with the new coordination responsibility for Chapter VIII. He felt, however, that Navy would shortly be fully meeting its commitments. Aire: The Air Force member reported his Agency will not be in a very good position until around the first. of the year due to organizational changes and to the fact that Chapters I are taking a little more time on their part. He also reported the Outline to Section 83 is being revised in line with current Air Force requirements and will be submitted to the Committee in the near future for approval. a. Copies of page proofs and related maps and graphics on Chapter I of NIS 7 (Denmark) were distributed to the merrb ers for review, The Chair. man suggested that the Committee meet in a special session, together with the Chapter I Task Group in D/B, on Tuesday, 26 October 1954, for the purpose of discussing agencies' comments on the draft and problems relating to Chapter I production and procedures. b. The State. and Navy members advised that their requirements for Chapters I are unchanged (State: 30 - Navy: 101), The Army and Air Force members will later notify the Chairman on the requirements of their respective agencieso c, The Chairman stressed the necessity for meeting deadlines of Chapters I since all contributions must be available before preparing the Chapter I map, and the review of individual contributions to Chapter I is dependent upon examination of inter-related factors involving other contributions, Approved For Release 2000/08 - 5597A000400030020-8 Approved For Release 21)00/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597(0 0400030020-8 NIS Production on Indonesia The State member reported that his Agency would be unable with present capabilities to augment production on Chapters IP, V, and VI of NIS 100 (Indonesia) before fiscal year 1958. However, there is a possibility that the additional support in fulfillment of USIA requirements may permit earlier work on Indonesia. State is also looking into the possibility of some augmentation of capabilities through external research contracts. In respect to Chapter VIII on NIS 100, the Navy member said that Section 82 was scheduled for fiscal year 1956 but he would explore with the other Defense Agencies the possibility of-including a condensed Chapter VIII this year. The Army Member reported that CINCFE had made known high priority requirements for NIS on the following Southeast Asian countries: Burma.., Thailand, Malaya, and Indonesia. Armor is awaiting comments on this matter from CINCPAC before taking further action. The Chairman requested that the Committee be kept informed of developments. 7. Chapter IX Committee Reports The Chairman was advised that members had not received copies of the 5 October 1954 report of a meeting of the Chapter IX Subcommittee held on 30 September 1954 which includes not only projected schedules for FT 1956, 1957 and 1958 but various other factors concerning NIS production and maintenance. The Chairman will ask the Chapter IX Coordinator to send an additional copy of this report (and all subsequent Chapter IX Subcommittee reports) to each member for consideration of its substantive aspects at the next regular meeting of the NIS Committee, 8. USIA and PW Requirements The Chairman briefed the Committee on the developments involving NIS support of intelligence requirements for the US Information Agency (USIA) and the Arsgy?s Office of the Chief of Psychological, Warfare (OCPW). From the NIS viewpoint, both of these requirements have much in common, relying extensively on NIS Chapters IV, V, and VI, The USIA is authorized to receive available NIS on all world areas, The Chairman will meet shortly with USIA representatives to give them guidance in the selection of NIS elements which will support USIA requirements. After the USIA has had experience with the NIS, the Chairman said he would propose that the USIA send representatives to confer with the NIS Committee relative to any additional USIA requirements which might be appropriate to include in the NIS Outline. At that meeting representation should also include other interested agencies, such as OCPW and OCB, so that the problem can be viewed in broad perspective. Approved For Release 2000/ 05597A000400030020-8 Apprgved For Releas00/08/04-~ImnRDP78-05597)V0400030020-8 Several recent meetings have been held with representatives of CIA and OCPW relative to intelligence support of psywar requirements. At these meetings the Chairman expressed the view that maxiTmrm use should be made of the NIS and its detailed files in fulfilling these requirements. The Chairman noted that both the USIA and paywar requirements were so highly specialized they could not appropriately be wholly satisfied by the NIS. 9. Miscellaneous A, The State member requested that paragraph 7 (Treatment of the Saar) of NIS Committee MeeGsing No. 178 be amended to read a. Chapter IV (Sociological) on should treat the Saar separately as an annex. 25X6A Chapters V (Political) and VI (Economic) should treat separately as annexes under 25X6A Be The Army member reported that after thorough examination of NIS Memorandum No. 20 (Preparation of NIS Maintenance Contributions) it was concluded that maintenance of Section 81 of NIS 18 (Czechoslovakia) is not warranted at this time. The Arur member therefore proposed that this section be dropped from the schedule, with no substitutions. The proposal was approved by the Committee. C. The Army member reported that he had in his files Air Force drafts of Sections 37 and 83 on NIS 34 (Afghanistan). The Army member was requested to turn this material back to the Air Force for incorporating material in Section 37 into Section 83. The Air Force member will also look into the matter of bringing the material in these sections up to date before publication. 10, A special meeting of the NIS Committee for discussion on Chapter I will be held at 1000 hours on 26 October 1954. The next regular meeting of the NIS Committee will be held at 1000 hours on Tuesday, 2 November 1954. 25X1A9a Distributions 4 - NIS Committee 1 - Be , JIG 1 - SA[PC/DCI 1 - DD/I 1 - AD/RR 1 - AD/SI 1 - Ch/C 3 - Ch/G Ap~roved For Release 2000/08/04: GJl-RDP78-05597A000400030020-8