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Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030018-1 V NIS COiWITTEE KEYING NO. 182 2 November 1954 NO,CNAT41U2 6Ci GUZ-$ 1o The following were presents Mr. Clinton Mr? Ka in Colonel Pfcknell Major Jacobson Li_s _ ,. ut ? _ Madden 25X1 9a 2: Cho ter -IVat--$e ' LXT AWN., N3 13-z *gNm' 198p y, w: ils_ Q L34;,1' State State ArxW Army Navy Air Force CIA (Chair) CIA (Vice Chairmn) CIA (Chapter I Task Group) (Denmark)a0 The Committee heard further co and turned these over to the Chapter on Chapter I on NIS 7 into Chapter I as the Task Group pI Tsk Group for incorporating that his agency's comments were still aPPr0p tea The Amy member said transnmitted to the Task Group. The A reviewed and would shortly be be demised to indicate the actual classific aP fat,P ivi that :L method Chapter I to permit their possible use a dual sections of which carries throughout the highest cia i tionhofCits co po a ~rtzo feasible method for doing this would be to A indicate the actual, cicatioa of sections in the Table of Contents with suitable refere included Section 14. The Chairman said he Would have the Chapter IcTaskc l$$sifGcoup eroup ex the euit&bJJj of this method for use in subsequent Chapters I, ba The Chairman stressedCth Committee discussed control e importance of developing for Chapter I. based on requirements of the Sta ping a realistic control poliThe cy to-Defense Militaay. Formation Control Committee and reflect the controlled areas H He observed Sources" e observed that the level oft treatment aceordedttherth in IAC in Chapters l did not Comments ooD-45/12 Comments of the other NIS elements which irect as did the more detsiledPal of inform tion. The Committee agreed thatd there ds not actly reveal sources reason to place a control statement on Chapters appear to be valid nation to the International. Staff of S ~pters I in order to control diaseml. this dissemirastion control through its usual ;l si Procedures. nce the NIS Committee can maintain he would have to refer the matter of control for Chapter I oe A agency` for_ decision. The member said The other members agreed to abide by An Da=mvie to his matter: ubeequentr ' the A held that a control statement was required in this Charter I on Denmarkj required for Approved For Release 200 P78-05597A000400030018-1 Approved For Relea 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-0559UAA 00400030018-1 a, The Chairman noted steady progress of Chapter I development in its scope,, treatment, and contents, as well as in the inter agenoy pro- cedures. fhe final review by the several agencies has contributed to the improvement of the finished draft. This review appears to be most effective when done at the final stage of processing, thus permitting a comprehensive v ie.w of the whole Chapter. The principal difficulty to be overcome is the timely submission of contributions in accordance with the established schedule. 3. Treatment of NIS 32 The State member reported that his agency had reviewed the Committee's suggestions made at the 5 October meeting relative to the treatment of NIS 39 (China) and had set forth its views in memorandum of 27 October 1954, copies of which had been sent to all members. After some discussion, the Committee concurred in State's position which is essentially that: a. Maintenance of Chapters IV, and V on Communist China be done by individual sections as required. b0 Maintenance of Chapters IV, V, and VI on Nationalist China be dons by individual sections as required., c? Maintenance on Hong Kong and Macao be done as a unit in annexes to Chapters IV, V, and VI on China. 40 Chapter IX Considerations a0 The Schedule for FY 1956 proposed by the Chapter IX Coordinator in memorandum dated 5 October 19549 subject: Results of Meeting of the NIS Chapter IX Subcommittee, 30 September 1954, was approved by the NIS Committee0 This schedule includes eight areas, as follows: NIS 32 Arabian Peninsula 65 Alaska 100 Indonesia 3 France !t8 Morocco 71 Guatemala 99 Philippine Islands 8 Portugal b. The proposed planning schedule for FY 1957 was the Committee, as follows: NIS Netherlands ,in Finland 50 West Africa 27 Turkey 90 Argentina 41A Korea 25 PA Jordan _' also approved by WWW Approved For a ease - DP78-05597A000400030018-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597,1A 00400030018-1 eo The tentative schedule for FT 1958 was not approved, and the Chairmn was requested by the Committee tb convoy its views to the Chapter I3 Coordinator in regard to item 4 of the above mentioned memorandum of 5 October 1954 that: 1) The NIS Committee is charged with meeting the eight NIS per year goal set by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 2) The Committee considers that new area production should proceed concurrently with necessary maintenanceo 3) The Committee requests the Chapter IX Coordinator to reconsider the alternative schedule (paragraph 4 c) with the view to substituting one or more of the higher priority maintenance areas from paragraph 1* by 5. Requirements for SE I.sian Areas . The Army member reported that Arnr had sent a reply to CINCFE (refer to NIS Committee Meeting No. 180) to the effect that little could be expected in the current year from any ,alignment of NIS production, and that a letter would shortly be sent to indicate the extent of NIS planned production for the next three years on the areas in which CINCFE is interested, l-7: Burma, Thailand, Malaya, and Indonesia. in reply to a question from the Chairman, the Navy member said that no comment had yet been received from CINCPAC on CINCFE's dispatch. The Committee agreed to look further into the problem of rescheduling sections to meet this new requirement. The Army member suggested possible substitution of Sections 20, 21, and 24 on NIS 100 (Indonesia) for corresponding sections on NIS 55 (Ethiopia). The Navy member thought it would-be possible to produce Chapter VIII on Indonesia by the early part of F! 1956, but he will examine the problem with the other Defense Agencies. The State member con- sidered that any further substitutions in State's sections of responsibility for FY 1955 would result in a serious disruption of production., However, he said State was examining the FY 1956 schedule to see what might be donee 6. Production Planning Schedule Copies of the consolidated production planning schedule were distributed to the members. the Chairman advised that the Chapter VI schedule will be in this week, and copies will be sent to the members for inclusion in the present schedule. A special meeting of the NIS Committee was scheduled for Tuesday, 9 November 1954 for the purpose of examining the forecast with a view to rounding out and completing as many areas as possible. Approved For Release 2000/08/04: elA-RDP78-05597A000400030018-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-0559UAA 00400030018-1 70 Substitution of Areas The Cormiittee approv .Arscom erdiation by Navy that Section 35 2 xr ler nt I of NIS Areas and 78 (Cuba) be substituted for for x c , ue to circumstances beyond their oon ro ~p ad equa ~5 T 'ge could not be completed this fiscal year, fi, H uest for Additional. N ---~X 1X7 The Committee approved the request for NIS on all European Satellite Countries (refer to HIS Committee Meeting No. 181). The Chaixxs.n will report the Committee's views to the Secretariat of the SAC. 9.. Correlation Guide The Army member withdrew his proposal with regard to changes in the Correlation Guide and recorwianded early publication of the revised issue. The C:.airnaaaa said the Correlation Guide will be published in standard format for insertion in the Standard Instructions. The Committee agreed to re-examine the scope and treatment of the Correlation Guide after it had been in use for at least six months, 10, The next meting of the NIS Committee will be held at 1000 hours on Tuesday, 9 November 1954. DistriFxitionz 4 NIS Commit 1 Sir, JIG 1 -a SA/PC/ICI 1-DD/I 1 - AD/RR 1. _ AD/SI I-ChC 3_M,G 7 - D/B Approved For Release 2000/08/ 8-05597A000400030018-1