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Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A0.00400030016-3 V NIS COMMITTEE MEETING NO, 18! 23 November 1954 1. The following were presents Mr. Clinton Mr. Kaia Colonel Picknall yyMajor Jacobson 2 i~ alone DORM *ENT NO. NO CHAN0E 'I CL',73 j CL.ASs. NEXT A THt hiii State State Arai Arm Navy Aiorce CIA (Chairman) CIA (Vice Chair) -Vio 2, Control for Chapter I, NIS 7 The Chairman notified the Committee that the Department of the Ara r requested full control for Chapter I of NIS 7 (Denmark). This Chapter will therefore be published with the usual control statement in accordance with agreement reached by the Committee (refer to NIS Committee Meeting No. 182). 3. Security Statements The Chairman requested that hereafter a security statement be included in the notification of appointment of members or alternate members to the NIS Committee. Individuals designated to serve on the Committee should be cleared for TOP SECRET information. b. Develotrnent of NIS 66 The Chairman rid to the resume of discussions regarding the OrW nt of the NIS between the Assistant Director, ORR, and copies of which had been given to the members 25X6A 25X1 X7 The Armw member inquired whether or not there was any agreement 25X1 X7 at the last meeting. He requested the vievw51 a encies on the specific production questions which had been raised Ma I on Alaska, (ireenla eland. The Chairman replied that no other formal agreement had been fft* t with the development of the NIS Program, it was clearly understood that these studies would reflect NIS rather than JANIS requirementas as to spee3fic production requirements for the NIS over and above the basic which called for a JANIS-t study in return for similar studio a Approved For Release 2000/08 05597A000400030016-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597400400030016-3 Sir 25X1X7 25X1 X7 ^ The Committee reviewed the specific questions raised and took the following action: 25X1 X7 ^ a. Section 23 (Weather & Climate). do not feel that it is worthwhile to evaluate this material in terms of air- ground operations, ground surface operations' and amphibious operations. 25X1X7 Action: The Air Force member will examine this question with the other Services and prepare a statement of requirements for consideration of the NIS Committee,, b. Secia.X1 7(ropography), This Section is completed in draft but-does not have the capabilities to reproduce certain maps and aerial photographs. Action: CIA is ` t 7the possibility of reproducing the maps and photographs 25X1 X7 ca Section 25 (Urban Areas). does not believe this Section is necessary since the requirements are those concerned is willing to consider specific aspects of urban area analysis that the US needs badly. Action: The Army member will examine this question with his agency and prepare a statement of requirements for consideration of the NIS Committee. 25X1 X7 d. Section 33 (Inland Waterways). _ does not believe that 2fMb'% necessa to produce this section since it concerns mainly the development of which is still in a state of flux, Action: Thi2%member stated there is a firm requirement 2 ,,his section. He will consult further with his agency on this question and prepare a statement of requirements for consideration of the NIS Committee-25X1 X7@ e. Section 38 (Telecommunications). specifically asks if there is a real need for g)SIction since there is full exchange of technical information Action: Army will take up this question with the Signal Corps and prepare a statement of requirements for consideration of the NIS Committee. Approved For Release 2000/08/04: C-IA-RDP78-05597A000400030016-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597 4,,00400030016-3 v 25X1X7 f, Chapters IV (Sociological) and V (Political). does not feel it would be appropriate or necessary to undertake these Chapters, except for Section !sl (Population) and ?ection W4 (Manpower). Action: The State member concurred in these views, g. Chapter VII (Scienti2 lX7is Chapter does not lie within the responsibilities and no arrangements have been made to produce it. Action: The Chairman will confer with the Secretary, Scientific Estimates Comittee, regarding this requir9 h. Chapter VIII (Armed Forces). Information on Armed Forces is not an intelligence responsibility and 25X6A would have to be referred to the planners, Action: The Navy member will investigate this requirement with the other Armed Force members and report his findings to the NIS Committee. i. Chapter IX (Map and Chart Appraisal). Section 92 is completed in draft. Sections 90 and 91 should be completed in three or four months. There are approximately nineteen maps to be reproduced in this Chapter. Action: The CIA is exploring the possibility of repr ue =&these maps 25X1 X7 j. Control IS 66. The question Wl ier or not to control the NIS is being studied Actions will prepare a clear statement of its position and send it down to us for guid OA X7 25X6A 25X6A k. NIS Publication and Maintenance. feels there might well be need for final publication of the NIS He also is aware of the NIS Maintenance Program and of the requirement to keep all NIS 66 elements on a maintenance basis. Action: The NIS Committee agreed that the draft copies 25X1 X7 of NIS 6 meet present requirements. Any final publication of NIS 66 should await the filling of gaps and deficiencies under an active maintenance program. Approved For Release 2000/08/O ff -RDP78-05597A000400030016-3 Approved For Rele9000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597400400030016-3 Priority of NIS Maintenance The Chairman requested that contributing agencies exercise unusual care in scheduling maintenance production in view of the limited capabilities that can be assigned to this task without seriously diminishing NIS production on new areas. In this respect, the review of Section 80(M) of NIS 13-I (East 0ermasr) disclosed no significant changes from the original Section 80 on that area. The Committee held that publication was unwarranted and the section should be retained in the files until maintenance is required. It was agreed, however, that Army should proceed with Section 81(M) on NIS 3,3-I and submit it to D/B for review inasmuch as there appear to be valid reasons for maintenance at this time. 6. Partial Contributions The Chairman stated that there has been a :number of cases :,here contributions have been received without their related graphics:* He said that hereafter partial contributions of this nature will be held until receipt of all graphic-material-,before they are listed in the production record. D/B will notify NIS Committee members whenever partial contributions are received from their agencies. 7 Production PlanningForecast The Committee concurred in the proposal by State that the tentative Chapter I schedule for FY 1956 be approved with the exception that the date of submission to CIA of Chapter I on NIS 18 (Czechoslovakia) be changed from 31 January 1956 to 31 March 1956. The new schedule for Chapters I for FY 1956 is as follows s Date due NIS Area Title in CIA Ina 35 5 26, USSR 30 P 55 53' Egypt 31 Oct 55 9 Spain 30 Nov 55 8 Portugal 28 Feb 56 18 Czechoslovakian 31 Mar 56 5 Belgium 30 Apr 56 28 Syria & Lebanon 31 $aY 56 The Vice Chairman requested the members to advise D/B of any changes in the FY 1956 Tentative Production Schedule as soon as possible. A consolidated schedule will be drawn up for use until June 1955, when defections for the year will be incorporated into a final FY 1956 Production Schedule, In J um, a Tentative FY 1957 Production Schedule will be prepared and, at the same time, a Production Planning Schedule for FY 1959 will be submitted by,.each agency for consolidation so that a three year forecast on production planning may be maintained. Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030016-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597 4400400030016-3 8. Change in FY 'S5 Production The Committee concurred in a proposal by Navy that Section 36(M) of NIS 14 (Poland) now scheduled for December 1954 be dropped from the FT 1955 production schedule as it does not warrant maintenance at this time. 9. Miscellany A. The State member advised that contributions to Section 64 (M) on NIS 41 (Korea) should be submitted in two parts, with State receiving only the portion on South Korea. B. After discussion of a proposal by State f'or a revised contributor statement on the Key Personalities Unit, it was agreed that State would rewrite the proposal as a generalized statement to be used as appropriate with all future Key Personalities Units. C. The State member asked about the appropriate designation for NIS 39 (China) which, for Chapters IV, V and VI, consists of NIS 39-A (Communist China).. NIS 39-B (Nationalist China) and an annex to each Chapter on Hong Kong and Macao, as well as four geographic regions - Part I (Western China and Mongolia), tart II (Manchuria), Part III (North China) and Part IV (South China, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao). The Vice Chairman suggested this matter be taken under consideration, together with all other segmented areas, to determine a general terminology for such situations. D. The Army member advised that the Secretariat, State Defense Military Information Control Committee had been requested by SHAPE to authorize release to its major subordinate commands of certain NIS elements already released to SHAPE. The Army member submitted a memorandum dated 23 November 19514, subjects Release of NIS to NATO Cotes, which recommends: 1) The release of listed elements to designated subordinate commands of SHAPE as requested by SDMICC; and 2) That the USNMR, SHAPE, be authorized here) determine need-to-knave and to release in system appropriate NIS elements from among those approved for release to SHAPE to major subordinate NATO commands. The Vice Chairman requested the members to consult with their agencies and report their findings on items 1) and 2) above at the next meeting of the NIS Committee, E. The Army member submitted a proposal for revision of sections of Chapter IV which the Office of Psychological Warfare had drawn up, to be considered along with suggestions from USIA. The State member advised that his agency is presently undertaking two projects for psycholgoeial warfare Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030016-3 Approved For Release ,2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597,4,00400030016-3 purposes which would involve use of the NIS. One project involves the preparation of a country study for psychological warfare purposes directly from a complete NIS, and the other project involves the revision of the Outline G ; ide for Chapters IV and V within the existing NIS framework to better serve the needs of the USIA. This matter will be discussed further when State has completed the study now under way. F. The Vice Chairman expressed his willingness to comply with a request by the Army member that a consolidated CIA grouping be shown in the listing of participating agencies' production activities in the NIS Program Progress Report supplied monthly. G. The Chairman noted that manuscripts returned to the agencies for correction or revision have sometimes been delayed beyond a reasonable period. Hereafter, when such a contribution is still outstanding at the and of six weeks, D/B will request the member concerned to determine if it should be rescheduled. 25X1 A4b 10. The next meeting of the NIS Committee will be held at 1000 hours on Tuesday, 7 December 1956 25X1A9a Distribution: 4 - NIS Committee 1 - See JIG 1 - SAfC/,DCI 1 - DD/I 1 - AD/RR 1 AD/SI 1 - Ch/C 3-CuG 7 - D /B Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030016-3