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Document Release Date:
August 26, 1998
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Publication Date:
June 20, 1950
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Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000400020030-8
0 N:' I T I .:.
1. The following were prew is
Dr. Apple-ton
Nz,. Cj-jztOn
Lt. Col. Kiel
Dr. Dcbevof a@
Cdr. Hotaell
Lt. Cdr. Mitt
Lt. Col. W,
NQ WIAN6f (,^' rL"fS ^ -
1r Force
CIA (Mai man)
Newly appointed alternate member for State.
and 9 Thdraft of S
Instra fans for the
P ,was considered, Special NISClimate
a. It was decided that
submitted inplste Parts' dth this
Special NIS will be
considered as a s s be'Ce, each part might be
sh be ould consideredl a section" each major seabdivisfon of a part
will be enhred section because utility A-J.n ten82
and the the Part is analog
balk of EL major aubdivnalogous to the normal NIS Chapter
three sections of ea,
ch art p as be considerable,, The F
will be as followss
SOCtion I - Introduction
Section 2 - Marl Climates
b. S@ctjton 3 - (eeaagMpby
The Navy member is to
the format of the Special NIS for inc1usiad in the ,S ion of
PtructonsfortoNiik He :is to
meeting. The Chairman meted that a present this draft to the next
d with each Part in a manners miiar to the oNIS map ~auld
on each Area Per aovaro Map
o. T h e Navy vM Prepay a l l S
ztribu Navy personnel Peaial NIS Daps to accompa
charged with preps those msita
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP48-05597A00040
Approved Fo"r elease 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP7Z O5597A000400020030-8
should consult with Pub? a at to:.n Bmanoh, 1)/NIS9 eor? o ti pub,
cation aspects,,
d. A11ocrations of r;spowiibility fir p epar3tion of the
Special NIS are at foll? v-i:
2 Nary (with tho cask-
tern of Air F'oras)
3 Nair
e. The ,Standard instructions for the Special LUIS were approved
subject to corment at the nxt meeting,
3. The proposal regavding preparation of NIS 45 (Japan) in the field was
a. The State mwnba,r reported that, L4si1e information is
available in Washington for prep&ring Chapters IV (Sociological),Q
V (Political), and VI (Ecoraor is of this information is old
and incomplete. Honor, it would be desirable to have all of these
chapters prepared In the field.
b. The Arni- member stated that FEC(}1 is already collecting
information for Chapter II (Mil~f GsoLraphy) and possibly
Chapter II (Map and Chart Appraise.) under the Hall Plan. He is
to immmestigate further concerning the amount and disposition of
information collected under the Hall Plan and the amount and
condition of information available for preparation of Chapter III
(Transportation and Tat iaations) and report to D/NIS at or
before the next meeting.
e. The Navy member is to explore the situation with regard to
hydrographic informal4on for IRIS 105 (Pacific Ocean Basin) to
determine ubether it would be prefer i et that relevant
Parts of this Special MS be prepared or to send special
collection requests to japan and prepare all Parts of the Special
1IS in Washington.
d. The )Air Forcer member Is to investigate to determine whether
HIS material on weather should be prepared in Washington, 25X6A
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000400020030-8
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP7$-45597A000400020030-8
e. The CIA membe is to concmlt witnx it zp Division, CIA, to
determine whmmther parts or all o:P i"'Jashin-Lton- 72 (Map anc. Chant
Appraisal) ahoy be prepared In 25X6A
f. It was agreed that the req ost to the JCS to direct
FECOM to prepare all or parts of NIS 45 mould contain a stater
sett to the effect that FECOM, in order to comply w .th the
directive, aright require sugmQntation in the way of personnel.,
funds, or both.
g. The procedure for accomplishing the sending or the
directive to FECO}S is an follows*
(1) The Director of Central Intelligence sends to they
Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff, a : equust that the
directive be issuod.
(2) This request will be referred to the Joint Intelli-
gence Committee., the membership of which is the same as
that of the InteLLigance Advisory Corrmaittee, except that
State has no membership on the former but has representation
thereon by liaison officer. The corn=rrenne of the Special
Assistant, Intelligence Department of State, eon, if
accorded, be expressed by this liaison officer.
(3) If the Joint Intelligence Committee and the Special
Assistant, Intelligence Department of State, concur in the
request,the Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff, will present
the request to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(4) If the Joint Chiefs of Staff approve the request,
the Chief of Staff', United States Armor, as head of the
ageney responsible for executive action, will isms the
directive to FECC4.
h. In view of the lack here of knowledge of conditions and
capabilities in FECQM, the regtoet will designate no deadlines for
completion of the work but will ireiieatee that 1IS !,5 is of high
I. The Chairman artaook to prepare a draft of the DCIca
request and present this draft to the oo.ttes at the next meeting.
4. The ArnVr member distributed cop a of a draft of ArnWl s version of an
NIS Index for S?atAons 80 (Introduction ./to Chapter VIII - Armed. Fore) .
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000400020030-8
Approved For-Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-~5597A000400020030-8
E'TA 31 (Railway Transport) and is to send to individual rs copies of a
similar draft for Section 81 (Ground Forms). Z State mwxber is
to forward to individual members copies of State9 s version of a complete Nisi
3,niex for Chapters IV (Sociological), V (Political), and VI (Economic).
D/RIS will then give the matter further study and malt reaons endations
concerning a composite index.
5. Members were reminded that introductory sections - with the exception
of Section 80 - should be prepared after other sections of their chapters have
been finished. In the event that introductory sections are prepared before
all other sections of their chapters are finisbed, tho introductory sections
should not, as soon as prepared, be submitted to D/NI but should be held in
the preparing agency until an other sections of their chapters are finished,
so are to permit thorough coordination of introductory sections with other
sections prior to the submission of introductory sections to D/MSS.
6. The Chairman undertook to furnish other mw'uers with lists of all.NIS
published and in process of publication as of 30 aurae 1950. Members are to
notify D/MIS of their requirements for copies of this list.
?. The nest meeting was scheduled for 1000 hours, Tuesday, 27 Tuns 1950,
at CIA,,
NIS Comae. Members (4)
Secretary, JIG
Chief, D/Ma
D / N I S (4)
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000400020030-8