Suggestion No. 58-5

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Publication Date: 
November 7, 1957
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Approved For Release 20.00%08/29: CIAfiRDP78-05597A000200060016-2 7 November 1957 SUBJECT: Suggestion No. 58-5 1. In our opinion the reference aids that are now available to NIS users and researchers in the Intelligence Corn nunity provide, i more -convenient Ineatxs of determining the coverage and the nuineripal designation of NIS Areas than would the pr?posed Alphabetical Index of NIS Reports. 2. The NIS STAI ARO INSTRUCTIONS contain a "listingnpf NIS Area. arranged-in hurnerical order and NTH Area'. Index Map 'which. shows We NIS number and the boundary of each land and ocean area. These instructions were designed primarily for researchers and others engaged in the NIS production program. For NIS users there is t4e NIS RE "tRENC VIOL, a ' condensed version 0f the NIS STANDARD INSTI UCTIONS with the addition `of sugge"stions on how to use the NIS, which ,also contains a numerical listing of NIS Areas.' F'urthe,r,, the NIS QUARTERLY PRODUCTION' REPORT contains a numerical listing, of the NIB Areas on which published 1V'I'S elements are available, and a list of the published eleilionter as weI it those in publication process in OBI as of the, date of the report. 3. The above mentioned NIS reference aids. give complete and . ,,. precise information on the numerical designation and Coverage of each NIS Area, which the suggested Alphabetical index does not do, or example, the' latter lists "Nationalist China, NIS No. 398 whereas NIS No. 3913 also covers Hong Kong and Macao as'we'll'as all Jatioual.iat- held Islands. There are other similar cases where thei coverage extends bey and-tlie borders of the country name in the Alphabet ica.I Iridex, such as Spain, Denmark, Ecuador and Portugal, to name a few. 1 JOri inal only ty ed an- forw?wrd.ed. - no file -o,,--,y Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060016-2 Approved For Release P78-05597A000200060016-2 SUBJECT: Suggestion No. 58-5 7 November 1957 4. In several other respects we feel that the suggested index is much too general `its area designations -to serve as a traihning or library aid. For example, the proposed index lists only the fgtr Ocean areas under the NIS nu #'nbers_ 104 through 107. These pcean areas are divided trite Parts`as follows. '104.12 Parts, 1+95 -_12 Parts, 106. 4 Parts, and 107 - I Part. These Parts are produced 4,44 published as individual units. To gain knowledge 6f'the area treated in each Part requires reference to the NIS Index Map on the Ocean Areas. The NIS Quarterly.Reporfa.fso lists the published NIS on Oceanography and Marine Climate tinder the Part number-of the Ocean Area of which it is a part. Further,' certain of the largest land areas are divide into Parts for treatment in NIS Chapter" II (Military Geography) wha e Chapter III through IX on those large areas treat the NIS Area as a whole. There is no indication of this inn the suggested index and there is, of course, no Information' on the boundaries of the Parts in Chapter rI breakdown. 3. While the `suggested index might be of some limited value as a training or library aid, it is not definitive enough to be of any value to NIS producing personnel, nor, in our opinion, is there any need for such an index among the users of the NIS. 6. For your ready reference in considering this matter, I am attaching copies of the NIS Areas Index Maps which, in our opinion, fully rAeete the 'requirement for which the 'Alphabetical Index was designed. Enclosure: NIS Areas Index Map 0-=?~ c;inal Only a- ~ forwarded - no file c Ray Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060016-2