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/IC 74 Approved For Relesse 2002/05/ - 78-05343A00W0700175=3 ICS ACTIVITIES REPORT NO. 15 February 1974 The DCI's InteZZigence Community Staff is currently' engaged in a number of activities of interest to USIB principals and members of IRAC. The foZZowing'summary of these activities is provided for your information. 1. Middle East Post-Mortem .With the i ssuance of the Preliminary Post-Mortem Report,* covering the intelligence community's performance before the Arab-Israeli War, Phase I of this project, dealing with the period prior to commencement of hostilities on 6 October 1973, is complete. Following review of the report by the USIB, copies were distributed to USIB, the NSCIC, key officials of the community, and the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). Phase II activities continue. A number of studies are in progress dealing with one or another aspect of intelligence activities during the Mid-East crisis itself, or with issues which came to light during our investigations of those activities. A study of the operations of the intelligence community during periods of crisis is in hand following a series of interveiws held with key officers of the various Watch Offices and the White House Situation Room, covering their activities and operations during the 6-25 October period. 2. National Fames of Products This project is one of the efforts in support of the DCI's objective to make all analytical products as responsive to consumer needs as possible, to avoid overproduction and duplication, to improve and expand substantive coordination in the community and facilitate the expression of contrary views concerning topics of particular significance, and to provide warning intelligence in as clear and systematic and timely a way as humanly possible. The concept underlying this project has been refined and amended in recent months by the lessons learned from the Mid-East post-mortem effort to date, and on 31 January the USIB was briefed on the amended proposal. At the conclusion of this briefing, the USIB approved two actions: (a) an immediate initiation of the testing of the National Operations and Exempt from general declassification schedule of F.O. Z1652., exemption category 573 (2) . Automatically decZassi.fied on: Date Impossible to De e ,1'1i Approved For Release 2002/O5Lng E f P78-05343AOO020060015-3 ,TE 0952 Approver Release 200l05iA-RDP78- 43A000200070015-3 Intelligence Watch Officers Net and its product, the National Watch Officers Bulletin; and (b) the establishment of a committee under the chairmanship of the IC Staff, with participation by-all of the principal production agencies. The purpose of this committee will be to resolve various management and production problems associated with implementing daily and weekly national products. 3. The DCI's Key Intelligence 9uestions for FY 1974 The DCI distributed copies of his Key Intelligence Questions for FY 1974 to USIB principals on 10 January. Coordination of the KIQs will. be an agenda item at an NSGIC meeting expected to be held soon. The KIQs represent a selected number of topics considered to be of high current importance at policy levels of the government against which the response of various agencies and organizations of the community can be measured. The listing has been organized primarily around the particular geographic and functional areas of the National Intelligence Officers (NIOs) who will have the primary role in the KIQ Evaluation Process (KEP) and who will be responsible for the development of follow- on KIQs for evaluation in FY 1975. As explained to USIB principals by General Graham, the KEP will involve the preparation of a baseline review on each question, and then, at the close of the evaluation period, a recapitulation and evaluation of the performance of the intelligence community and of individual agencies in responding to the questions. For the initial effort, a six- month period will be used, but in future iterations the evaluation process will apply to the entire fiscal year. Detailed instructions are being . developed by the IC Staff for use by Program Managers in the first evalua- tion period which is expected to begin on 1 March and end on 1 September 1974. The DCI stated his interest in all Board members becoming personally involved in the KEP in their agencies and departments. 4. National Foreign Intelligence Budget Recommendations for FY 1975 On 19 December the DCI forwarded to the President through the Director of the Office of Management and Budget his National Foreign Intelligence Budget Recommendations for FY 1975. This action responds to the President's 5 November 1971 memorandum and to the DCI's "Objectives for the Intelligence Community" of 6 September 1973. Members of the IC Staff are currently preparing the supporting materials which the DCI will need for his defense of'these recommendations before the Congress this spring. Approved For Release 2002' 5/>7S: t -RDP78-05343A000200070015-3 SECRET Approved For Rele 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-05343A00QZO0070015-3 5. National/Tactical Intelligence Interface Responding to the President's memorandum of 5 November 1971, the DCI included as one of the actions to meet his "Objectives for the Intelligence Community," the submission of a report in the third quarter of FY 1974 on the national/tactical intelligence interface. Actions to be taken were contained in a joint DOD/DCI memorandum of agreement signed by Rear Admiral Hannifin. Chief, Strategic Plans and Policy Division, J-5, JCS, and Maj /DCI/IC, on 2 November 1973. During January, the D/DCI/IC's representative, met with Admiral Hannifin to discuss the on-going JCS action and to explore ways to expedite this effort. An inventory of national intelligence assets was sent to Admiral Hannifin on 18 January for use in the JCS report and a tentative reporting format established. 6. Foreign Intelligence Liaison Study An examination of foreign intelligence liaison relationships is being made leading to a report which the DCI plans to send to the NSCIC on how current arrangements contribute to US policy and intelligence, objectives and whether and how they could be improved. The DCI indicated his desire for such a report at a USIB meeting in late 1973 and asked the D/DCI/IC to undertake, the study with the assistance of appropriate community elements. Contributions are being received and drafting of the report has been started. 7. Other studies currently underway include: a. An intelligence community study of new process/methodology to enhance the utility of SIGINT for technical intelligence analysis of weapon system characteristics and performance. b. A community review of proposed future posture of US SIGINT system in areas of SIGINT and telemetry to insure coordinated planning to support program/budget decisions. This study is one of the actions called for in the DCI's "Objectives for the Intelligence Community." c. A community review of the'US imagery collection systems capabilities into the future, to set forth the various options available to the DCI with respect to system mixes. All overhead imagery collection systems are included. 8. Coordination of External Substantive Research and Development of Analytical Techniques Consultations are underway with personnel from ARPA, DIA, and CIA to identify what is being done in the community in the areas of analytical methodology development and external research relating to product improvement. A preliminary survey report will be prepared on 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/0$v~F F 8-05343A000200070015-3 SECRET Approver Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78- 3A000200070015-3 these findings which will identify the degree and channels of coordination that currently exist. This is the first step in the development of an overall community program which will identify both short and long term objectives, insure the exchange of proven analytical techniques between production components, assure a proper balance between, as well as recommend and encourage new areas for, research, development and application efforts. The program will be coordinated with the R&D Council of IRAC. 9. Interagency Training Activities Working with curriculum specialists in the community, the IC Staff is gathering information for an Intelligence Community Catalog of Courses.- Inputs have been received on preferred data elements and format for such a catalog, and computer programming needed is being explored by IC Staff data support officers. Production of the catalog will satisfy a community requirement for a single document which contains a comprehensive listing of current intelligence education and training courses. Coordination for a forthcoming Army feasibility study on HUMINT training was conducted with personnel from CIA, ASD(I), DIA and ACSI, Army. Inquiries regarding the ICS Activities Report may be directed to 25X1A 4 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-05343A000200070015-3 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-05343A00Q 0070015-3 STAFF NOTE The IC Staff, under the direction of USA, Deputy to the DCI for the Intelligence Community D/DCI IC), assists the DCI in his inteZZigence community responsibilities. The staff consists of three main elements: the Management, Planning and Resource Review Group (MPRRG) which monitors the budget develop- ment process throughout the community; the Product Review Group (PRG) which reviews the factual and analytical product of the community; and the Collection and Processing Assessment Group (CPAG) which conducts national ZeveZ review and assessment of community collection and processing activities. A small Coordination Staff handles community-related tasks involving the activities of more than one Group. Recent staff additions and changes of interest: The arrival on 7 January of 25X1A USN, as Chief of the Coordination a,. ; . 25X1 A The arrival of on 2 PRG's Middle East analyst, replacing USA who was selected to be the Assistant NZO for the Middle East and ~25X1A IsZamic World. 25X1A The arrival of I on 2 January from DIA/DE as the Latin Amerzcan analyst in PRG, replacing F-- I I who was selected to be the Assistant NIO for Latin America. 25X1A 5 Approved For Release 2002/05/08: %IE-R8J05343A000200070015-3