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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S FOR CONSTRUCTION Q`F F A C I ~ T I E S R E Q U I R E D F O R T H E 25X1A JOB NO... IA 4.Q. ;;!-f-/ NO..3.FL.T) C! --.6Y T J ? ' d't~ C.a ... 11 F" rxuc.,.. DiF,,TL-IR I c rry pf'~~ p y y y i } N wA' d`.?k 7 n 8.: P. ' .L~,__.-..7.1~~~-sA 'L LA REV CLANS-!._RE' IlR 70-3 , ,,-?? U N I T E D S T A T E S G O V E R N M E N T Approved Fgr Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 NOTE.--This index is for convenience only. Its accuracy is not guaranteed, and it is not to be considered a part of the specificatiun. In ease of dis- crepancy between the index and the specification, the specification shall govern. PREBID DOCUMENTS (Separate Booklet) GENERAL CONDITIONS ST'ATtvv1ENT OF WORK WAGE DOCUMENTS GENERAL MECHP NICkL REQUIREMii i~ TS GENERAL i1ECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CONCRETE' PAVING (East Side) VEHICLW JYHED CONCRETE TRUCK DOCK, RAMP AND CANOPY INDUSTRIAL TYPE S M'L BUILDING (Two Thus) STEEL INCINERATOR CONCRETE PAVING (West Side) AS.PH"TIC Rl ING OF P, IRKING AAR.1 - INSIDE STOPx,: AREA INST,AiAATIONS SHOP r,R!4~ INDUSTRIAL TYPE STILL BUILDING MEDIC W AND BE LTH ROOM INST,LL,TIONS ELECTRIC,.L ;jOR; , C:t1i,NGES IN J... vi AND S.tdFETY COi,.TROL SYSTEMS SECTION NUMBER ITEN NUMBER Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 GENERAL CONDITIONS B?1. GOVERNviENT SUPERVISION?-?-(a) The work shall be done under the supervision of the Government represont?a.five in charge of the work at the site. (b) The decision of the Contracting Officer or his authorized repre- sentative as to the proper interpretation of the drawings and specifications shall be final. (c) The Contracting Officer i 2430 "E" 25X1A Street;, IL VT., Washington 25, D. C. B 2. CONDITIONS AT SITE OR bUILDING.--The Contractor shall be responsible for having ascertained pertinent local conditions readily determined by in- spection and inquiry, such as the location, accessibility and general character of the site or building, the character and extent of existing work within or adjacent thereto, and any other work being performed thereon at the time of the submission of his bid. B.3. SUbCONTRkCTS.--(a) Nothing contained in the specifications or drawings shall be construed as creating any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the Government. The divisions or sections of the specifications are not intended to control the Contractor in dividing the work among subcontractors or to limit the work performed by any trade. (b) The Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the Government for the acts and omissions of subcontractors and of persons employed by them, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. (c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination of the trades, subcontractors and material men engaged upon his work. (d) The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the Government, utilize the services of specialty subcontractors on those parts of the work which are specified to be performed by specialty subcontractors. (e) The Government will not undertake to settle any differences between the Contractor and his subcontractors or between subcontractors. B.4, USE OF PREMISES.--(a) The Contractor shall not load or permit the loading of any.-part of any structure to such an extent as to endanger its safety. (b) The Contractor shall comply with the regulations governing the operation of premises which are occupied and shall perform his contract in such a manner as not to interrupt or interfere with the conduct of Govern- ment business. Approved For Release 2002/05/0BI --CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 (c) Any work necessary to be performed after regular working hours, on Sundays or legal holidays, shall be performed without additional expense to the Government. B.5. DEBRIS AND CLEANING.--(a) The Contractor shall, during the progress of the work, remove and properly dispose of the resultant dirt and debris and keep the premises clean. (b) Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove all equipment and unused materials provided for the work (except any materials that are to remain the property of the Government as provided in the specifications) and leave the premises in a neat and clean condition satisfactory to the Government representative at the site. B.6. SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATES.--Before the first partial payment under the contract becomes due, the Contractor and Government representative shall prepare jointly a schedule of the estimated values of the main branches of the work, totaling the amount of the contract. The values in the schedule will be used only for determining partial payments. B.7. ENGINEERING AND LAYOUT SERVICES.--(a) The Contractor shall provide competent engineering services to execute the work in accordance with the contract requirements. He shall verify the figures shown on the survey and approach drawings before undertaking any construction work and shall be responsible for the accuracy of the finished work. (b) The Contracting Officer has established, or will establish, such general reference points as will enable the Contractor to proceed with the work. If the Contractor finds that any previously established reference points have been destroyed or displaced, he shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer. (c) The Contractor shall protect and preserve the established bench marks and monuments and shall make no changes in locations without, the written approval of the Contracting Officer. Any of them which may be lost or destroyed or which require shifting because of necessary changes in grades or locations shall, subject to prior approval by the Contracting Officer, be replaced and accurately located by the Contractor, B.8. DRAWINGS. -(a) The general character and scope of the work are illustrated by the drawings listed in the specifications. Any additional detail drawings and other information deemed necessary by the Contracting Officer will be furnished to the Contractor when and as required by the work. (b) In case of differences between small and large scale drawings, the large scale drawing shall govern. (c) Where on any of the drawings a portion of the work is drawn out and the remainder is indicated in outline, the parts drawn out shall apply also to all other like portions of the work. Approved For Release 2002/( Q1 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 (d) Where the word "similar" occurs on the drawings, it shall be interpreted in its general sense and not as meaning identical, and all details shall be worked out in relation to their location and their con- nection with other parts of the work. B.9. SHOP DRi:WINGS.--(a) The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Contracting Officer, shop and setting drawings and schedules required by the specifications or that may be requested by the Contracting Officer and no work shall be fabricated by the Contractor, save at his own risk, until such approval has been given. (b) Drawings and schedules shall be submitted in quadruplicate (unless otherwise specified) accompanied by letter of transmittal which shall give a list of the numbers and dates of the drawings submitted. Drawings shall be complete in every respect and bound in sets. (c) The Contractor shall submit all drawings and schedules suf- ficiently in advance of construction requirements to allow ample time for checking, correcting, resubmitting, and rechecking. (d) The drawings submitted shall be marked with the name of the project, numbered consecutively and bear the stamp of approval of the Contractor as evidence that the drawings have been checked by the Contractor.. Any drawings submitted without this stamp of approval will not be considered and will be returned to the Contractor for resubmission. If the shop drawings show variations from the requirements of the contract because of standard shop practice or other reason, the Contractor shall make specific mention of such variation in his letter of transmittal in order t'l.G.t, if acceptable, suitable action may be taken for proper adjustmen';:; otherwise the Contractor will not be relieved of the responsi- bility for executing the work in accordance with the contract even though such shop drawings have been approved. (e) If a drawing as submitted indicates a departure from the contract requirements which the Contracting Officer finds to be in the interest of the Government and to be so minor as not to involve a change in the contract price or time fcr performance, he may approve the drawing. (f) The approval of shop and setting drawings will be general and, except as otherwise provided in Paragraph 9(e) above, shall not be construed (1) as permitting any departure from the contract requirements; (2) as relieving the Contractor of the responsibility for any error in details, dimensions, or otherwise which may exist; (3) as approving departures from full size details furnished by the Contracting Officer. B.10. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP.--Unless otherwise specified, all materials and equipment incorporated in the work under the contract shall be new. All workmanship shall be first class and by persons qualified in the respective trades. Bw3 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 B.11. STkNDaRDS.--(a) any material specified by reference to the number, symbol or title of a specific standard such as a Commercial Standard, a Federal Specification, or other similar standard, and materials and workmanship specified by reference to Standard Specifications of the Public Buildings tidministration, shall.. comply with the requirements in the latest revision thereof and any amendment or supplement thereto, in effect on the date of Invitation for Bids, except as limited to type, class or grade, or modified in such reference. (b) The standards referred to, except as modified in the specifica- tions shall have full force and effect as though printed in the speci- fications. Federal specifications, Commercial Standards and Standard Specifications of the Public Buildings .dministration are not furnished to bidders for. the reason that they are prepared in collaboration with the material producers who are assumed to be familiar with their requirements. The Contracting Offict.r will furnish upon request information as to how copies of the standards referred to may be obtained. (c) Reference in the specifications to any article, device, product, material, fixture, form or type of construction by name, make or catalogue number shall be interpreted as establishing a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition, and the Contractor, in such cases, may at his option use any article, device, product, material, fixture, form or type of construction, which in the judgment of the Contracting Officer expressed in writing, is equal to that specified. B.12. SksIIPtES.---(a) The Contractor shall furnish for the approval of the Contracting Officer, any samples required by the specifications, or that may be reeueated by the Contracting Offic>r, of any and all materials or equipment h, proposes to use, and shall prepay all shipping charges on the samples. No samples are to be submitted with the bids. (b) No materials or equipment of which samples are required to be submitted for approval shall be used on the work until such approval has been given by the Contracting Officer, save only at the Contractor's risk and expense. (c) Each sample shall have a label indicating the material represented, its place of origin and the names of the producer, the Contractor and the building of work for which the material is intended. Samples of finished materials shall be so marked as to be identified under the finish schedules. (d) tz letter in duplicate submitting each shipment of samples shall be mailed under separate cover by the Contractor and contain a list of the samples, the name of the building or work for which the materials are intended, and the brands and names of the manufacturers of the materials. Copies of the letters shall be furnished to the Government representative in charge of the work at the site or building. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 (e) Samples and letters shall be sent direct to the Contracting Officer, except that where samples are required by the specifications to be approved by Government representatives other than the Contracting Officer they shall be submitted direct to such Government representatives, (f) The approval of any sample shall be only for the characteristics or for the uses named in such approval and no other. No approval of a sample shall be taken in itself to change or modify any contract requirement. When a material has been approved, no additional sample of that material will be considered and no change in brand or make will be permitted, (g) :oproved samples not destroyed in testing, will be sent to the Goverment representative in charge of the work at the site or building for reference, l~pproved samples of hardware in good condition may be suitably marked for identification and used in the work, (h) Samples not destroyed in testing, and that are not approved, will be returned to the Contractor at his expense if requested within 90 days from the date of rejection. (i) Failure of any material to pass the specified tests will be sufficient cause for refusal to consider, under this contract, any further samples of the same brand or make of that material. (j) The Government reserves the right to disapprove any material. or .equipment which previously has proved unsatisfactory in service. (k) Test Samples, as the Government representatives deem necessary, will be --.-_,cured from the various materials or equipment delivered by the Contracts: for use in the work and will be forwarded to the Contracting Officer f::r testing. If any of these test samples fail to meet the specification requirements any previous approvals will be withdrawn and such materials or equipment shall be subject to removal and replacement by the Contractor with materials or equipment meeting the specification requirements, or there shall be a proper adjustment of the contract price as determined by the Contracting Officer. B. 13. HF4.TIjG,--The Contractor shall provide heat as necessary to protect all work and materials against injury from dampness and cold and as follows: (a) At all times during the placing, setting and curing of concrete, provide sufficient heat to insure the heating of the spaces involved to not less than 50 degrees F. (b) From the beginning of the application of plaster and during the setting and curing period, provide sufficient heat to produce a temperature in the spaces involved of not less than 50 degrees F. (c) For a period of ten days previous to the placing of interior wood finish and throughout the placing of this and other interior finishing, varnishing, painting, etc., and until the completion of the building, provide sufficient heat to produce a temperature of not less than 70 degrees F. Approved For Release 2002/0%1O : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 sow (d) Payment will be made for the cost of furnishing heat during any -period for which such heat is required which extends beyond that stipulated in the contract for the completion of construction, in cases in which such extended period of time results directly from changes made in the drawings or specifications pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, U. S. Standard Form No. 23, Construction Contract; and no payments will be made on account of any other items of cost of delay, whether occasioned by a change in the specification or otherwise. B.14. Ci.Iri TIC COiiDITIvN. --Udhen so ordered by the Contracting Officer the Contractor shall suspend any work that may be subject to damage by climatic conditions. B.15. C ix.NGiS IN VIORK.--(a) Government representatives snail have no authority to approve or order changes in the work or to alter the terms or conditions of the contract, specifications, or drawings without written authority from the Contracting Officer. (b) If any part of the work as in.,talled be at variance with the contract requirements, the Contracting Officer may, if he finds it to be in the interest of the Government, allow all or any part of such work to remain in place, subject to a proper adjustment in the contract price. (c) The Contractor shall, when required by the Contracting Officer, furnish to the Government an itemized breakdown of the quantities and. prices used in computing the value of any change that may be ordered. B.16. FIiV~'J, INSPECTION.--4hen the work is substantially completed the Contractc_ shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the work will be ready for final inspection and test on a definite date which shall be stated in such notice. The notice shall be given at least ten (10) days in advance of said date and shall be forwarded through the Government representative at the site who will attach his endorsement as. to whether or not he concurs in the Contractor's statement that the work will be ready for final inspection or test on the date given, but such endorsement shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility in the matter. B.17. GUiJG,NTLE OF WORK.--(a) Unless otherwise provided in the specifications, all work (including materials and equipment) shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for one year from the date of final settlement of the contract. (b) If, within any guarantee period, the Contracting Officer finds that repairs or chances are required in connection with guaranteed work, which, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, is rendered necessary as the result of the use of materials, equipment or workmanship which are inferior, defective, or not in accordance with the terms of the contract, the Contractor shall, promptly upon receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer (1) palace in satisfactory condition in every B-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 particular all of such guaranteed work, correct all defects therein, and (2) make good all damage to the building or site, or equipment or contents thereof which, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, is the result of the use of materials, equipment or workmanship which are inferior, defective, or not in accordance with the terms of the contract; and (3) make good any work or materials, or the equipment and contents of said building or site disturbed in fulfilling any such guarantee. (c) In any case where in fulfilling the requirements of the contract or of any guarantee, embraced in or required thereby, the Contractor disturbs any work guaranteed under another contract, he shall restore such disturbed work to a condition satisfactory to the Contracting Officer and guarantee such restored work to the same extent as it was guaranteed under such other co:tract. (d) Upon the Contractor's failure so to proceed promptly to comply with the terms of any guarantee under the contract or still running upon work originally executed by other Contractors, the Government may (1) either have such work performed as the Contracting Officer deems necessary to fulfill such guarantee, or (2) allow such damaged or defective work or portion of the building or site or contents or equipment of the building, or work disturbed in fulfilling guarantees or guaranteed work, which shows such a condition as to make any such guarantee operative, to remain in such unsatisfactory condition; provided, that the Contractor shall promptly pay the GovEA-nment the sum expended by the Government under the provisions of (1) above or, at the election of the Government, the sum estimated by the Contracting Officer under the provision of (2) above to represent the amount which would have been necessary to expend to fulfill such guarantee. Everything done in the fulfillment of any guarantee shall be without addit.c,sal expense to the Government. (e) All special guarantees that may be stipulated in the specifications or other papers forming a part of the contract shall be subject to the terms of this paragraph insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions of the specifications, or such other papers, with reference to such special guarantees. B.18. ACCIDENT PRLVENTION.--The Contractor shall comply with the applicable provisions of the "Specification for t~ccident t'revention" issued by the General Services Administration and approved July 1, 1939, and snail take any other precautions necessary to protect against injury all persons engaged at the site of the work in the performance of the contract. B. 19. BONDS AND CO;'TtRhCT.--Provisions for Bid Guaranty, Performance and Payment bonds and the provisions of the Construction Contract, as contained in the Prebid Documents of the Invitation to bid are incorporated in these general conditions by reference and are made a part hereof to the same extent as tnough fully set forth herein. B- 7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 SECTION C Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 STATE NT OF 4ORK C.1.--The work in the project consists of furnishing all plant, labor and materials, and performing all work in strict accordance with tnese ations and drawings forming parts thereof for construction and com- ifi c spec of 11Gr1r1it.innal Facilities for the , all complete 25X1A p wn o, with interior and exterior utilities and reaay for service as sho drawings and as specified. .C.2.--In general, the main items of work will consist of the following: a. Concrete work on east side of building "B" Thirteen-foot strip of paving for main roadway. Vehicle shed paving, concrete shed walls, Paving of storage area. Paving in front of loading dock. Paving approach to ramp. b. Steel vehicle shed structure* footings. Concrete truck dock, ramp and metal canopy. Two metal buildings' (west side of Building "B"). e. Metal incinerator structure. f. Paving work with floor slabs of Items 4 and 10 (west side of Building "b"). Flacadum parking area paving (south side of building h. Inside storage area installations: (1) In refrigerator area. (2) In Depot Service Office. i.. T.S.S. shop area construction. J. New communications shop (west side). k. Medical and health room installations. 1. Electrical work, changes in alarm and sprinkler control systems. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 C .3.--The above general outline of principal features does not, in any way, limit the responsibility of the Contractor to perform all work and furnish all plant, labor and materials required by the specifications and the five (5) drawings referred to therein. C.li. --under Item No. 2, there are two :.lternat~-i `_tems requested, covering the enlargement of the steel vehicle shed structure. These alternate items shall include the costs of the additional low concrete walls and footings necessary to make such enlargements, as specified under Item No. 1. C.5.-.-Contractors shall avail themselves of the opportunity of visit- ing the site before bidding to acquaint themselves of all facilities and locations. C.6.--The location of the work called for in these specifications is Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/6*ettAtRBP78-05327A000300050001-7 kPPLICkBLE MINIMUM HOURLY RLTES OF WkGES 1. The following schedule gives the minimum hourly rates of wages which shall be paid to the laborers and mechanics employed directly upon the site of the work embraced by this specification, the rates having been determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Law as amended (hict of L,ugust 30, l935, i9 Stat. 1011, U. S. C. title 40, sec. 276 (a)) and as further amended by Let of June 15, 19110, Public No. 633, 76th Congress, 3d Session, to be the prevailing rates for the corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics in the locality where this work is to be performed. THESE MINIMUM HOURLY R&JES OF WL G: S SfihlLh LfFLY ONLY IF THE CONT! .CT IS IN EXCESS OF iH)2,000.00 IN 1MMOUNT. 2. While the wage rates given are the minimum rates required by these specifications to be paid during the life of the contract, it is the responsibility of bidders to inform themselves as to local labor conditions and prospective changes or adjustments of wage rates. The Contractor shall abide by and conform to all applicable laws, Executive Orders, and rules, regulations and orders of Federal agencies authorized to pass upon and determine wage rates. No increase in the contract price shall be allowed or authorized on account of the payment of wage rates in excess of those listed herein. 3. L .ny class of laborers and mechanics (including apprentices) not scheduled herein, which will be employed on this contract, shall be classified or reclassified) conformably to the schedule. In the event the interested parties cannot agree on the proper classification or reclassification of a particular class of laborers and mechanics to be used, the question, accompanied by the recommendation of the Contracting Officer, shall be referred to the Secretary of Labor for final determination. Lk The wage rates listed herein are straight hourly wage rates. In some areas management and labor organizations in the construction industry have collectively bargained for health and welfare fund contributions. Such contributions are not included in wage rates determined by the Secretary of Labor for construction projects. 5. #porentices will be permitted to work only under a bona fide apprenticef2ir.".p program registered with a State apprenticeship Council which is recognized by the Federal Comm?tee on kpprenticeship, U. S. Department of Labor; or if no such recognized Council exists in a State, under a program registered with the Bureau of apprenticeship, U. S. Department of Labor. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-05327A000300050001-7 OCCUPATIONS NiININjUM HOURLY RATES Air tool operator (Jackhammermen, vibrator) ................. Asbestoes workers ........? 03 91: Asbestos workers' improvers;........ .....?...?.....???? 3.025 lst year '5 2nd year .... ............ .. .., 1Q95 ? 3rd year ... ? 25 4th year , .. ... ... .. boilermakers ? ......................,........?... 2.50 boiler 3.00 makers helpers 2.75 Bricklayers .~.:.?........., ...+......... ~? 3.30 Carpenter~, Carpenters (z;iledrivermen)........... ...............?......?.....??. 2.8p3775 Electricians .> .. 3.00 Elevator constructors ...........................?....,...??? Elevator constructors' helpers ...*too ......?.,??.?......q.e. 2.30 Glaziers .... 2.60 Ironworkers, s~,?..ucturcel .................... 44???..??....,r. 3.35 Ironworkers, ornamentai (chainiink fence erector) .........., 3,35 Ironworkers, reinforcing .. ..............? .? 3.00 Laborers ....... ............................................ 1.80 Lathers ......... ...............................?.... 3.11.5 Marble setters ... 3,30 Marble setters' helpers 2.20 Mortar men .......... 1.94 Painters, brush ? 2.67 Painters, sru3tural steel .,,..n ............. 3.00 Painters, s~n';:'1E; ...... q?.q .......................... ... . 3.00 Painters, spr,.y~ (annii..cable only to snraying with +water base paints on masonry or similar surfaces) ...,. 2.67 S and blaster s n . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ? . . ..... .... ? . . . . . .... . . . 2.8 5 Pipe layers (concrete & clay).................., 1.94 Plasterers ...a....... 3.425 Plasterers' " " " " ? .15 Plumbers tenders ......~ ............. 2 2.15 ... ............. 3.12 Plumbers' labDrers ...,...?....o.....~ ................... ' .... 1.90 Power equipment operators: backhoes Cableways ???...,?. " " ............ ' 3.05 ??+.?o..n.... r ........ ......... ?....????.. . r... 3.05 Cranes or derricks ......? ............. .?..?..... ...... 3.05 Draglines 3.05 Elevating graders ... Hoists ?