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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 24, 1998
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Publication Date: 
July 29, 1950
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Approved For Release 25X1A6a Lease 25X1A2g today, on the 28th July 1950. 1 A9a The f irst party " hereinafter called the 25X1A5a1 lessor lets tot the second party, hereinafter called the lessee, an apartment on the fourth floor of the building located at 6.reet and 25X9A2 This apartment has een newly built according to the provisions of the has a facade on both streets and consists of one h'1 t s (6) main rooms, a kitchen, one bath, a service room and a latrine. Accessories of the apartment are, a storeroom laying on the basement of the building, and the use of the laundry room and ironing room which also are in the basement of the building. The above mentioned acces- sories shall be used the days of each month the regulation manual of the building foresees. The present contract is concluded with the following terms and agreements which the two parties have already accepted. 1) The lease begins on A..'gust 1, 1950 and ends on September 30, 1951. Therefore the lease lasts .fourteen (14) months. 25X1A6a 3) The premises shall be used only as the dwelling and/or office of the lessee and his family consisting of six (6) persons, except tn.e service, and shall not be used for another purpose than the one men, tinned above. 4) The lessee has the right to sublease the apartment after a relevant approval of the lessor, as for the person of the new lessee is concerned. 5) In case of evacuating the premises before the regular date, the lessee shall lose the sum of two -months, rental, and the lessor (com- pany) is obliged to return the rem:ainin ones with the exception of the two above mentioned, 6) The lessee is free from any repair and /or addition during the term of the present lease. It is nrohibitei for the lessee to perform repair or addition without the consent of the lessor and any such which shall be made with the approval of the lessor shall be at the expense of the lessee. The repair and/or addition shall remain sit the profit of tree lessor and the lessee has no right for an indemnity. The lease ended, the lessee is obliged to return the premises in such a good condition as he received it tje is obliged to an indemnity for Approved For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-05201A000100110056-1 Approved For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-05201A000100110056-1 25X9A2 25X9A2 xp e keeper, central heating and elevators. The bill for expenses shall be fixed by the building's committee, ar and/or tear he made to the premises Sue to an unusual or rrorg use. The lessee is obliged to Pay the electric light bills, aecordin to the meter- s indict-tinris. lie is enses that correspond to his apartrr.ent for c e th ir in casey the aka ? a41 1~a ? _. a i s ... Si. 4.7 L, r~{ r'. rr? a1G!'Ce ft#' l?4 '1 {! $ or tll i 1...':F. M O. obliged to ')a.y i. ess, door- above mentioned l f ether lessee of the sa~4 e building 1ez:vc s, months from the date or ner ieavin j ~ivi 4/3 v 3v a .s vrtay.. _ buildi g, The lessee is obliged the date of 'the term1nati0rn of the ,re .{er,t silent re le a^.e not ..ll ot nccaar, The i lease to abandon the prem ses, premises, as It is above mentioned. are subject tc t-'->e pry, viaiQras of the agreement between the lessor and the lessee, 10) Two zion obliged to p per nn,%- ,ho i protection, s )ec a i-Y tse: ,rep ec of the lease cold t1e Price of the rental. He abza .oafs also time ~rotec- tion, of any future rent price control act that iia be it in. value. 15) The lease ended, and in case the lessee: acts peevishly iii or .er to evacuate and hand over the premises, the lessee, be expelled either ~?nr ware s. . price control act d4:s tzar A~ ct. ce rnir the perlOd of :llU t t tior k- v1 ct l resi-eiit sea's. H even. for a mwzt ble ite s 14 The lessee: recognizes that the provisions of the .,result re.-.'t + ro test hi . Ho v ever , lac a t ai.oO- s a.ay 13 It is prohibited for the lessee to use the premises shall disturb the re ,:iz ia? dwellers of the build" g. 18) Itispv-u e short time any item causing a bau smell, noise, and/or etc. that coiil.d raise the insurance -premium. ihit d i'r 'Hre lessee to out in the ; of a,iv term of the a resae.-i 4 lease entails, # Th e ie e v rr,r WLV t./ 5G~ . 1 of the court according to the law "about evicti ,g ev y according to the law- or by meansi of ?rnv. The contract has been 1.ritten ii,, t. o eoa4ies, and fter it each party received one. The cnritractos Vc )j. 9o /00 Approved For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-05201A000100110056-1 r. i ;tztia.~ of the lease, the lessee Is t th e e e t etay the vi si tin to the V: ~i sc. s of hour tail , Xrrai t, for an , ant to let the premises, The tours shall be fixed after