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CONFIDENTIAL RERS 73- Approved For Re ase 2002/05/02 : C1A-RDP78-05077AQ&910014001 13 AUG 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Director of Personnel THROUGH : Deputy Director of Personnel for Plans and Control SUBJECT : Apparent Discrepancies in Concepts of Personnel Evaluation REI'ERENCES a. Memo fr D/Pcrs to C/RCS dtd 27 Jul 73, subj: Proposed Changes to b. Memo -fr DD/M&S to Heads of DD/ S Components dtd 6 Aug 73, subj: Competitive Evaluation System for Employees of the Management and Services Directorate 1. Referent a. requested changes in Agency regulations to implement specific modifications in the Agency's personnel evaluation system as considered by the CIA Management Committee on 1 June 1973 and approved by Mr. Colby subsequent to that meeting. There are apparent discrepancies between basic concepts therein and those promulgated. in referent b. 2. The primary objective of referent a. is to establish a clear distinction between: a. The system of performance evaluation evolving Letters of Instruction and scheduled ratings of job performance against Agency-wide criteria in Fitness Reports for the official record which ratings are shown to the employees rated; and, b. Those other systems for comparative evaluation of the relative capabilities and potential of employees as pertinent to various selection considerations. Such comparative evalua- tions (rankings) are not recorded in official Agency records and usually are not made known to the employees concerned. 3. The attachment to referent b. titled "AN EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR THE SUPPORT CAREER SERVICE" seems well designed for the purpose i'n 2b above and is consistent with referent a. as proposed. On the other hand referent b. and the attachment "FITNESS REPOR'1S FOR MEMBERS OF THE MG CAREER SERVICE" contain instructions which conflict with referent a. and require supervisors in the M,S Directorate to evaluate promotability and executive potential on Agency Fitness Reports which will be shown tCthe Approved For Release 200 ' R T tQ 77A000100 J `n?r;ET c4 BY (W'_ Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140015-2 employees concerned. It is recommended that you meet privately with the DD/M&S as soon as possible to discuss appropriate action to realign the instructions in referent b. with Agency policy as contained in referent a. 25X1A U Chief, Review Staff I I L1: N ,T1~L Z~, Q I Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140015-2 Approvefqr&JIN/5"2P1?'4R P5077AO00100140015-2 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): iCiuc, Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140015-2 t Approved For,RISWase 2002/05102 : CIA-RDP78-05077AQ100140015-2 SUBJECT ; i ?olxn et Ch ,1at Qs g 1 'r J FOE; C 0f t. lleL-,Ulatious Control r1eag' are -;n pub1.Ieation of the attAcb x1 prO- se- ~'~ 3n 1 to " era lt*I `yel'. '~' yL? ..??fr~rJT! i p to t O Fit-naBB Ana to t i s . j e ?r wig ?s for t; ~ ] etir~ that ) o . ?h-cM' c}zn= x e i -i11 i l)1c meat x=.:,> .l ' z tion In ~;z e `.:;e zcy'+ personnel c.v1u ation cyztem a-i conc>ie Bread, by t;h , CM ~ i rx t;f rrca~t. Co ittC e on I Jtu a L9'f3 and z pprove& by 11r-. Co ;> r GuUcque t to that r:ceti.n3. The of r+nprod re>ro:~ ~i ~t ~ r t o an( I CoIby's F it t n jr3tI`t are stta,chwd for your irli'or:lHtiiOfl. /sl John F. Blcrko Join V. Bla%e Director of Pero e1 Diatrributi are; ?rig & 2 -Ad e I Fm D/Per jY Review Staff (I ^e7/h) OP/P C/ 1" clbw (26 Jux.yr 73) CL M 27 JUL i2 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140015-2 1. Approved Recommendations a. Aio~etoti~2@944~Ea ~'Ps$-Q~~~4~Q~1I7e Form and revise the certification statement to indicate that the employee has seen all entries on the Form. b. Add in the certification block an invitation to the employee to attach any-comme.nt (not necessarily in rebuttal) which he feels will contribute to Vie record of his job performance and require him to check an appropriate box indi- cating that he has or has not chosen to do so. c. Revise the Fitness Report Instructions to reemphasize that evaluations and narrative comments should relate to job performance and that any comments concerning. potential should be confined to factors related to job requirements. d. Include in the Instructions a requirement that reviewing officials con- fine their comments to the evaluation of the person being rated and not to include an evaluation of the rating official. e. Include in the Instructions a requreme.nt that rating officials comment on the rating performance of those employees who are themselves rating officials. f. Forward a copy of the revised Fitness Report Instructions with each set of three Fitness Report Forms for review by the, rating and reviewing officials before completing the Fitness Report. g. Revise Agency Regulations to make the Deputy Directors responsible for providing, instructions and guidance in adapting the use of Fitness Reports so as to best evaluate the job performance of employees within their areas of jurisdiction. h. Revise Agency Regulations; to make the Deputy Directors responsible for pro- viding guidance to the reads of Career Services. under their jurisdictions in de- vew:)ping and admi nis teri :ag syste)ns for appraising such factors as promotabi "l it?vr and career potential. I. Revise Agency Regulations to make the Director of Training responsible for providing instruction in job performance evaluation for all super,risors, includin i t ti g ns ruc on in the use of the Fitness Report Form and emphasizing the development of skills in conducting job performance evaluation interviews. 2. After the-meeting Mr. Colby approved-the report and directed the Director of Personnel to implement'-it with the following additions: a. Letters of Instruction will be used by all to establish what is expected from the individual; i.e., goals and objectives. Ratings then will relate to how individual achieved the established objectives. b. Mr. Colby wants the employee to review the rater's comments and then to comment himself as he desires. The reviewing officer then adds his comments and the ratee sees the entire report. s i.., t ~t its i ?i t ~ ~ .. Q. Approved For Release .' d /b i02 : hi i - P~a$'~547,;7A0(Q 0j140015-2 PE P)W` c ved For Rase 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-05077AQ 100140015 20. PERSONNEL EVALUILTION a. POLICY. Evaluations of employees' job performance and of their relative capabilities and potential are inherent in personnel management and should be as objective as possible. The Agency's personnel evaluation program includes an Agency-wide system for job performance evaluation and competitive evaluation systems suited to the selection. requirements of the Directorates and the Career Services. (I-) Performance Evaluation. The Agency's performance evaluation system is designed to promote communication and understanding between supervisors and employees with respect to their per- formance of their assigned duties and. to provide an official record of employees' job performance in terms of Agency-wide Comparative Evaluation. Systems #r' -,. ;ing the relative capabilities and potential of employees are designed to facili- tate selection decisions involving their utilization, promotion and retention. These systems should include comparative evalu-- ?ations of a-11 factors pertinent to the selection decision and should exclude consideration of factors which have no real bearing on the decision. The results of these comparative evaluations are of transient value since they pertain to com- parisons between members of particular groups and to specific Approved For Release 20&2/0 /0 ~1R-~D~.78-05b~A000100140015-2 YdM7Approved For Rase 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077AQ0100140015- selection considerations at given points in time. They are not recorded in official Agency records and usually are not made known to the employees concerned. b. ): CIU ORP,IANCE EVALUATION. Continuous evaluation of the performance of employees by their supervisors is an essential element of the Agency's personnel management progran. (1) Policy. (a) Supervisors will ensure that employees understand the nature and scope of their duties and responsibilities and are continuously advised as to the effectiveness of their performance. (b) Evaluations of the performance of staff employees and staff agents will be recorded in official Agency per- sonnel record at least once each year. Employees will be shown the reports of their performance evaluations except when operational circumstances, security consider- ations or other unusual conditions make it impractical or ill-advised to do so. If he does not show the em- ployee+.his performance evaluation report the supervisor will explain in the report the reasons for such action.- (2) Letters of Instruction. Supervisors will provide employees written statements of the nature and scope of their work. These statements will be revised to record any significant change in their 'duties and responsibilities. Supervisors Approved For Release 20 2/&5 `:'-6rk-f~bF 7 -* 7ri4000100't40015-2 PERSONNEla Approved For Rase 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077AW8100140015-2 will also participate with employees' in defining annual. performance objectives and action plans which specify the timing of results which the employees intend to accompli, h. These objectives and plans establish the standards for evaluating each employee's performance in terms of his productivity during the following year. Performance ob- jectives and action plans will be revised to record signi- ficant qualitative or quantitative changes in productivity goals. (3) Recording Performance Evaluations (a) The Fitness Report (Forms 115, 1E5k, and 45m) will be used to record performance evaluations and will be prepared and submitted in accordance with the instructions con- tained in Forms 1E5i, Directions for Completing Forms 15, 1+5k, and 1+5m, Fitness Repor; . (b) A memorandum in lieu of Form 1+5 is permitted for employees in grade GS-14 and above when it is clearly established. that such a. substitute is appropriate and not merely an avoidance of specificity. When a memorandum is used, care should be taken to ensure that the purposes of a Fitness Report are observed. The memorandum will be- prepared in accordance with instructions contained in Form 1+5i. A memorandum in lieu of Form 45k or 115m will not be used for a Career-Provisional Employee. (c) Promotion recommendations will not be made on Fitness Reports. ,Approved For Release 200200_,Clf4-p8T5p7000100140015-2 Approved For Rase 2002/05/02 : C A-RDP78-0 077I OO+ 100140015-2 (4) SubrLi.ssion of Reports (No change) (5) (6) as to best evaluate the jab performance of employees within their areas of jurisdiction. The Heads of Independent Offices, Operating Officials, and supervisors are responsible: Notice of Fitness Reports Due and. Delinquent (No chaznrge) lac^; ponsibilities (a) The Director of Personnel is responsible for developing and monitoring the Agency's program for producing timely and useful records of the evaluations of employees' job performance. (b) The Director of Training, in consultation with Operating Officials, is responsible for providing their supervisors with instruction in job performnannce evaluation for all superir:i.sors including the ~.evelopment of Letters of Instruction, performance objectives and action plans, the conduct of performance evaluation interviews, and the use of the Fitness Report Form. (c) Deputy Directors are responsible. for providing instruc-~ tions and guidance in adopting use. of Fitness Reports so (d) (1) For ensuring that employees are informed continuously as to the nature and scope of their duties and (2) responsibilities; For assisting employees in defining annual peT- formance objectives and action plans; -T-I-A ,Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140015-2 PERSOooved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140 15-2 (3) For cont_i.nual.l.y informing employees of the effectiveness of their job performance; and, (}t) For reporting evaluations of employee performance (7) I 25X1A in Fitness Reports in accordance with paragraph (3) above. Appeals. In addition to adding his comments to his Fitness Report, an employee who so desires may appeal his performance evaluation in accordance with provisions of Grievance 25X1A Procedure. c. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION. Deputy Directors will guide the Heads of Career Services under their jurisdiction in developing and admin- istering systems for comparing the relative capabilities and potential of employees as pertinent to their selection for assign- ment, advancement and retention. The Director of Personnel will assist. in the development and operati',a of ssc1 comparative evaluation systems and will. -review them from time to time to ensure their continuing relevance to the selection factors under consideration. 5 C-O-N-F-I D-E-?N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140015-2