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Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 INSTRUCTION NO. LI 70-15 LI 70-15 RECORDS 7 October 1975 SUBJECT Implementation of the Privacy Act REFERENCES: (a) (b) Privacy Act of 1974 -- PL 93-579 (c) Federal Register dtd 28 Aug 75 1. GENERAL This instruction sets forth the requirements and responsibilities for imple- menting the Privacy Act of 1974. Procedures contained in this instruction became effective on 28 September 1975. Office of Logistics (OL) has five records systems falling under the provi- sions of the Privacy Act: (a) Parking Permit Files - CIA 16 (b) Vehicle Operators Files - CIA 17 (c) Personal Property Claims Records - CIA 18 (d) Equipment and Supplies Accountability Records - CIA 19 (e) Logistics Security Clearance Records - CIA 20 (Instructions concerning access to and maintenance of personnel soft files will be provided by the DD/A). The Privacy Act requires notice be provided to the public, via the Federal Register, of any records systems maintained by Government agencies that contain information on citizens of the United States and aliens admitted for permanent residence that is retrievable by individual name or identi- fying number. Information published in the Federal Register provides an individual with sufficient information about the records systems to enable him to determine if the system contains any information about him. Proce- dures by which the individual may request information, amendments or cor- rections thereto, have been established by the Agency. The act also provides for the individual to be advised of, and give written consent for, disclosures of information made from these records systems that are not in accordance with the routine uses as set forth in the Federal Register. 2, RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of the chief of each staff or division maintaining the records system identified in paragraph 1 to ensure that disclosures of Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 INSTRUCTION NO. LI 70-15 LI 70-1,5 RECORDS 7 October 1975 information from the records are made in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act and that safeguards to protect data from unauthorized alterations are established. All employees charged with the maintenance and operation of these systems must be made fully aware of. their respon- sibilities as set forth in dtd 26 Sep 75, and should be familiar with the description and uses of the particular system as published in the Federal Register. Access to these files must be limited to the employees of the office in which they are maintained. a. Conditions of Disclosure Disclosures of information from these records may be made to Agency personnel who have a demonstrated "need to know." Unless the dis- closure of information falls within one of the following categories, written consent of the individual is required prior to the disclosure: (1) Disclosure to employees, of the Agency which maintains the record, who have a need for the record in the performance of their of- ficial duties; (2) Disclosure which is required under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); (3) Disclosure made for a routine use as defined in the notice of records systems published in the Federal Register; (4) Disclosure made to the Bureau of the Census; (5) Disclosure to a person or another agency for statistical research or reporting purposes; (6) Disclosure to a law enforcement activity provided the head of the agency or instrumentality has made written request to CIA; (7)' Disclosure upon showing of "compelling circumstances" affecting the health or safety of an individual; (8) Disclosure to the Congress or the Comptroller General; or (9) Disclosure pursuant to a court order. b. Accounting for Disclosures A record must be maintained that accounts for all disclosures made outside the Agency. The. following information must be included in the accounting and maintained iri the individual's file: Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : ? /k-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 INSTRUCTION NO. LI 70-15 LI 70-15 RECORDS 7 October 1975 (1) Date, purpose, and listing of the record(s) disclosed (single document, folder, etc.). (2) Name and address of the person or agency to whom the disclosure is made. c. Safeguards (1) Only those personnel who maintain the records shall have access to the files. (2) Disclosures of information will be made only after a determination is made that the requestor has a "need to know." 3. PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING PRIVACY ACT RE UESTS Requests from outside the Agency for information from any of the OL records systems will be initially received in the Information and Privacy Staff (IPS), DD/A. These requests will be sent to the Executive Officer (EO), OL, and then forwarded to the staff or division responsible for search and reply. Replies to search requests, including any documents, will be returned to the EO/OL who will make the determination whether the information may be released to the requestor.- 4. REPORTS -A monthly report must be submitted to IPS on man-hours expended in proc- essing requests, plus any additional costs incurred to comply with the act. This report will be submitted by the EO/OL, MICHAEL J,'/MALANICK Director: o Logistics ATT: Excerpt from the Federal Register Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 -3- Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 E a to LI 70-15 r k4ik I 81-: CUB-M-O A000100100038-6 ATTACHMENT CIA-16. System name: Parking Permit Files. System location: Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D:C. 20505. Categories of Individuals" covered by the system: Employer-'s. Categories of records in the system: Records include name, vehi- cle license number, office designation, location, and extension. Authority for maintenance: of the system: Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (.44 U.S.Cd, Section 3101). Federal Property Nfanagement Regulation D-47 (GSA).. Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego- ries. of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by Agency em- ployees responsible for allocation and control of parking. spaces at the Headquarters Building. Policies and practices for storing," retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of. records in the sytem: Storage: Paper. Retrievability: By name, vehicle license number, assigned parking space number and assigned reference number. Safeguards: Stored in safes, vaults or secure area. Access limited to staff employees. Retention and disposal: Records marked void upon updating of in- formation or upon cancellation of parking permit: System manager(s) and address:. Director, Office of Logistics Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505.. . Notificadon Procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this system of records contains information about them should. direct their inquiries, to: Privacy Act Coordinator Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505/ . Indentafication requirements- are specified in- the CIA rules published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must ,comply with these rules. Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad- dressed as indicated in the. notification section above. Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's regulations for access to. individual records, for disputing the con- tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in the CIA rules section of the Federal Register. Record source categories: Employees. CIA.-17. System name: Vehicle Operators File. - System location: Central Intelligence Agency ~ Washington, D.C. 20505. Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees. Categories of records in the system: Name, medical qualification forms.-score. sheets for driver's test, registers of permits issued and records regarding accidents. Accident report records include police data and investigation. reports in addition to information. on vehicle involved. Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of 1947, as Amended-Public Law 80.253. Central - Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended-Public Law 8I-110. Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C.,. Section 3102). - Routine uses of records maintained In the system, Including catego- ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Used, by Agency em- ployees for issuing official -U.S. Government driver's licenses and renewals. For review by CIA officials in accident cases. A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a t and disposing of records In the sytem: StoragerPaper. tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary- to obtain information relevant to any agency decision concerning the hiring or retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance- of a license, grant or other benefit. - Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, Safeguards: Physically protected in a secure area. Access is limited to employees who have the need-to-know. Retention and disposal: Destroyed by burning three years after license is no longer valid. Accident reports are destroyed six years after case is closed. System manager(s) and address: ' Director,. Office of Logistics - Central Intelligence Agency Washington D C 20505 X Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if. this system of records contains information about, them should direct their inquiries to: -- Privacy Act Coordinator Central Intelligence.Agency Washington, D.C. 20505. Identification requirements are- specified in the CIA rules published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must' comply with these rules. Record access procedures: Request from individuals should be ad- dressed as indicated in the notification section above. Contesting record Procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's regulations for access to individual- records, for disputing the, con- tents. thereof, . and for appealing an initial determination by CIA_ concerning access to or correction.- of records, are promulgated in the CIA rules section of the, Federal Register. - Record source categories: Individual. Agency officials. - I Federal. State and local law enforcement agencies in cases when employee is involved in an auto; accident. CIA-18. System came: Personal. Property Claim Records. System location: Central Intelligence Agency - Washington, D.C. 20505. Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees and former employees. . Categories of records in. the system: Claimant name, address, na- ture and loss or damage. to personal effects, including inventory of items. S - Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of 1947, as.Amended-Public Law 80-253.. Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended-Public Law 81-110. Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U:S.C., Section 3101). Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including catego- ries of users and the purposes of such uses: Claims Review Board determines amount of financial loss sustained by claimant. Reimbursement for property loss. A record from this system of records may, be disclosed as a "routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil, criminal or other relevant enforcement information oe other per- tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to. obtain information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or - retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of- a contract, or the issuance of a, license, grant or other beq~fit. - Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the sytem: rou nae use a Federal tau RDP78-05054A000100100038-6 criminal or otfl"CQctl{~15tfti~~d es - Approved For Release 2001/11/01 Storage: Pape.. Retrievability: By name., Safeguards: Information is stored in safes or secure areas. Access is limited to staff employees working on such cases. Retention and disposal: Records are destroyed by burning two years after final action on case. Syste*n manager(s) and address: Director, Office of Logistics Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C 20505. Notification procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if this systen. of records contains information about them should direct their inquiries to: Privacy Act Coordinator Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505. Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must comply with these rules. Record access procedures: Request. from individuals should be ad- dressed as indicated in the notification section above. Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con- tents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA concerning access to or correction of records, are promulgated in the CIA rules section of the Federal Register. - Record source categories: Individual concerned and various Agen- cy staff elements involved in processing and adjudication of claims. CIA-RDP78-05054A000100106388-6 Notification procedure: diva uals see to learn if this system of records contains information about them should direct their - inquiries to. Privacy Act Coordinator Conti-al - Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505. Identification requirements are specified in the CIA rules published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must comply with these rules. Record access Procedures: Request from individuals should be ad- dressed as indicated in the notification section above. Contesting record procedures: the Central intelligence .Agency's regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con- tents thereof, and for appealing an initial d:tern:ination by CIA concerning access to or correction of records; are promulgated in the CIA rules section of the Federal Register. Record source categories:. Individual concerned and appropriate accountable property officers.. - - CIA-20. System name: Logistics Security Clearance Records. - Central Intelligence Agency - Washington, D.C. 20505. Ca)egorges of individuals covered by the system: Commercial con- tractors Ad vendors, persons in the private sector associated with. the Agency, and individuals in other government agencies con- tacted for liaison purposes. Categories of records. In the system: Biographic data including aar.he, address, position,. and security clearance held- Authority for maintenance of the system: National Security Act of 1947, as Amended-Public Law 80-253. - Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949," as Amended-Public Law 81-110. - Section 506(a), 'Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section 1101).. - -- - - Routine uses of records maintained Inthe system, including catego- ies of users and the purposes of such uses: Used by staff employees a conducting Agency business with - the commercial sector and laison with other government agencies. Policies- and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, mid disposing of records In the sytent: CIA-19. System name: Equipm~at and Supplies Accountability Records System location: Central Intelligence Agency - Washington, D.C. 20505. Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees. Categories of records in the system: Name, signature, office loca- _ lion, telephone extension and item of government equipment on loan or charged to the employee. - Authority- for maintenance of the system. National Security Act of 1947, as Amended-Public Law 80-253. Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as Amended-Public Law. 81-110. Section 506(a),. Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section 3101), -- - - rcuuusac - ,.. , ..w- --- - ries of users and the purposes of. such uses: Used by Agency officials who control and account for government nonexpendable'items. A recslid from this system of records may be disclosed as a "routine use" to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil, criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other per- tinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hiring or retention of an employee. the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other benefit. -~ ? - Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records In the sytem: Storage: Paper. Retrievability: By name. Safeguards: Physically protected in secure areas. Only employees charged with the responsibility of controlling government property have access. Retention and disposal: Signature card is returned to individual charged upon return or item. Record is destroyed by burning after inventory adjustment to property records. System manager(s) and address: Director, Office of Logistics- Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20:505. Storage: Paper.. Retrievability: By individual or company name- Safeguards. Information stored in safes, vaults or secure areas.- kccess is limited so-staff-employees with the need-to-know. Retention and disposal: Records destroyed upon expiration of learance.. Clearances. may be_ revalidated- three years after initial System manager(s) and address: - ? . - Director, Office of Logistics Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505. Notification procedure:. Individuals -seeking' to learn if this system tf records contains information about them should direct their nquiries toe - - - Privacy Act Coordinator Central Intelligence Agency - - D.C. 20505. Washington . Identification requirements -are specified in the CIA.- rules tublished. in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must :omply with these rules. - - Record.aceess procedures: Request-from individuals should be ad-. tressed as indicated in the notification section above. Contesting record procedures: The Central Intelligence Agency's egulations- for access to?individnal records, for disputing the con- ents thereof, and for appealing an initial determination by CIA-. 'oncerning access to or correction of records, are- promulgated in Ito CIA rules section of the Federal Register. - - Record -source categories: Information obtained from individual concerned and certification of.clearance from Office of Security. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100038-6