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Publication Date: 
January 17, 1956
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Approved For Release 2000/08/$7R'8-04908A0(t.100040012- PRC No. DD/I-153-56 ~1 Original 1956 IMHOROEDUI,42 IT 011. D ;pu: U, Di f;f~~?l'I.a elf ?era c, SUBJECT ~rcr, osed F :e_c?Loal Resea`rc P o js o;;'; East ; German Price Stinicture PE"'FE? M.I4 F-J cable from m November 1955 25X1A6a 25X1A6c .P cOblem To obtain base figures for the coniferaion of `stin't ,s of, the Gross N tional Pr odne E: (GMI) of Bast Ces sxay to dollars 2 Facts on the P:cobbarx .k One approach to ass ti t .ng economic csapabil: t:Le=s of ?orei ^..z countries is the measur erg; t of their FW in co,Sx ble units do3 lar s) . Official e.. xchang;e rates have been de onst: aced to be sI,eti.c i g;o In or r to convert GNP estimate i dcxestic currency to dollars, it is necessa:r:-y to obtain a cab tens. ere sa ,,ile of d ;mesti_c prices of goods an service Vmre are k omn to be available in Wost Germany < ora e ,e `~ Oes: economists, with an :~. ? , U ate knowledge of area ccadi. E.c:.~s , who am mace a_o rabie . and who have not only access to :a =a c ?or+a al -> sa otrat of overt. once data on : .st Ocxsta y, but =,lso can Fenwr direct access to F?nnrt Gerff'm for evaluating and int-rYpretin.c these da;t., 25X1A5a1 3 Fri s u sr on l e to to required. to p? oevi -. base figs .ies be ue-,.sea effectively i! estinnt.,Utf, G' a ia1 !]& 'n. recesses y to "c sider the possiblIit,.~,0-? e ' 4 e'.?.;r:?41? f uF Ouch w'lE3tir1al. research coat ?7=!c ~F' ?7T:'v y ..1 as _ .... are not. e_le': 1e .' r C, 1J L. , s , h Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-04908A000100040012-4 Approved ForRelease 2000/iil ?I-U08A000100040012-4 b .Ate _ Project mde:r ii; dire wec. -:owarc:. est ati as t Ger man MAT and its rate of grow' i ir, Eteutsf,-he- marks a The _ effort 4 however, is not c irec-c, !d to,,,mxd obta in ' ing sufficient -price data far converting &.st c ; zwa . (IM, to d. has inforniB.y advised ta:?at :,.t will taa1.e apr -oximately three months to car lete the work -.s required I 7,1 ' 25X1A2g 0:R at a cost oi' 25X1A1a e 0 The data required and the project itself would 1 w.classifiet results of this project would be made avails ole to 3:'car 25X1A5a1 ,'se in its project on East Gernnyo It is also sloped. tr-ia sill openly publish the results of its research as ~-, stinnhiu3 to further research on East Germany 25X1A5a1 f. No clearances o l-,* the staff of the contractor wog. ld. be requirau., Liaison and monitoring of the project woul ;f. be c-: -Mer:ted by G traategic Division toner cover. Agency coa:tnec t: *rith the project would not be revealed. Conclusion The ORR requirement for prices to be used in cover-- GNP of E31 ~ e:~y .to dollars can best be met thr. u a a project tsr ti ;rt ken icy tea The prop t 3ed. cost is 'o'ry Action Hecan-rxended a c Mat an externalt research project be approved f(--, -the purpose cf cc riciiling a specified se-mple ist of approiclmatc L;;r '"50 prices ct foods. ?n(I services (using 1954 as the base year;: in East Geriavrny with detailed sic fications of goods and. servic ,s o todest in terms of the to that wmild be o b ' ned from t lie project. Approved For Release 2000/08f~.., TbMA000100040012-4 ' . Approved For Release 2000/0&ikL/j7 i~ABAPITBTOk,8A000100040012-4 b. That funds in tha moon of - be provided 'or this pr o t e ~ t through tha use DD/I funds currently a ll.otte =. to - or by transfer of ORR funds. &ITO E MMIE (( Assista ri b Director Research and Reports 7; ID a- GD p~7 G-3/3a Approved For Release 2000/08f # j~I N -Q4 PA000100040012-4 r A L