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Approved 91digigAggl262/6112BRICUERDIDSEMMENAGEME01115110113-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY Tibet SUBJECT Popular Petition to the Chinese Communists and the Tibetan Authorities HOW PUBLISHEtt WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE ciiAMA. 40 UKCLASSIFIED PER REGRADIklq. BULLETIN NO, Pi THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THIS MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT NO U. S. C., SI AND 32. AS AMENDED, ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1A DATE OF INFORMATION October 1952 DATE DIST. AO March 1953 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE Tibetan-Language "Yulchog Sosoi Melo/1g" (the Tibetan Mirror), monthly published in Kalimpong? West Bengal, India RESTRICTED CLASSIFICATION STATE NAVY AIR X X NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION ARMY Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP711-04-864A00b 00050003-0 Approved For Release 2002/06/4ftchhIN378-04864A000300050003-0 SECURITY INFORMATION 25X1A True copy of the Tibetan People's petition submitted to the Chinese Communists and Tibetan authorities in May 1952: To the honorable Chinese and Tibetan officers: We, the Tibetan people, must address a feu words to you, as we are in distress; please do not be offended, We have six items to discuss. 1. We believe that all phenomena, good or evil, in this world are caused by religion, whose master Is the Buddha of India and the Dalai Lama in Tibet. The true symbol and pivot of every mortal and immortal being in Tibet is no other than the Dalai Lama. The Chinese Communists promised us, by the Sino-Tibetan peace pact, that the old systems and customs in Tibet would not be changed. We have been guided by the words of the Dalai Lama in peace or warp and we still are, and will depend on his words. Therefore, we, all the Tibetan people, are grateful to the Chinese Communists because the Chinese Central People's Government granted Tibet independence, with the same full power to the Dalai Lama as before, an act greatly beneficial to Sino-Tibetan relations. 2. There are thousands of monasteries, large and small, in Tibet, The Chinese Communists have promised, in the Sino-Tibetan peace pact, not to force any change in the religion, in the people's faith and customs, but to cooperate and to protect religious customs and the property of monasteries. We hope that this promise will be kept forever. 3. It is the Tibetan Government, first of all, that protects and fosters the religion. After the death of the thirteenth Dalai Lama in the year of the bird (1933--ed), the Tibetan people were bereft of their leader and were as if blind until the fourteenth Dalai Lama came into full power in the year of the tiger (195O--ed). Since then, the Tibetan e have been beset by difficulties. The Central People's Government of China has now said that China will not interfere in the domestic affairs of Tibet. The Tibetan people can cure the sickness of Tibet by themselves. There is no alternative; the Tibetan people will not seek a cure from outside. All the Tibetan people long for the real independence and prosperity of Tibet. 4. Thanks to the Dalai Lama, all the Tibetans, even the beggars, live happily, because they are free and each can look out for himself. However, times have become hard since the year of the tiger. Prices have gone up. Clothing, food and housing have all become ex pensive on account of the arrival of too many Chinese Communists. Prices of all local products have risen so high that the poor people are unable to get along. Moreover, there is no sign of improvement. Religion is declining, and the happiness of the people has been demolished. The cause of recent evil crimes, of the people's hardship and starva- tion, of robbery and murder is basically the scarcity of commodities. We cannot talk about the prosperity of Tibet when there is no happiness for the people. It is not de- sirable to change the customs of Tibet by force; the Tibetan people can take care of themselves. If the public considers that a certain reform is necessary in Tibet, teen it will be decided upon at the Council of All Classes. At present, the most urgent and fundamental matter is to secure the happiness of the people. If the people's happiness is not rapidly restored, trouble may occur which may even affect the friendly relations between China and Tibet. The Tibetan people are willing to fulfill ordinary obligations, including the payment of taxes, but extraordinary taxes or obligations the Tibetan people cannot undertake. If incidents such as the unreasonable deprivation of property or expulsion from homes occur we will not hesitate to file a petition with you. In such cases we request that the affair be resolved in accordance with the laws of this country. 50 There is a small Tibetan security force, for the purpose of border patrol, which needs better support, including good training, arms and ammunition. This force is not for war or aggression; Tibet is a religious country. The Tibetan people would be distressed if any foreign nation should take charge of the Tibetan security army. We hope that the Chinese authorities will take public opinion into consideration. The defense of Tibet should be left in the hands of the Tibetan people. If there is any unreasonable oppres- sion or border violation, the Tibetans are firmly resolved to settle the matter honorably. We need not dwell on this; you know it well. It is useless to station a large force in a small country like Tibet. A small force is enough to leave as garrison. Therefore we hope that the necessary measures for withdrawal of superfluous forces from Tibet will be taken immediately. 6. The main products of Tibet are wool, yak tails, fur hides, deer horn, musk, medical herbs, gold and silver. These products were formerly exported to India, America, Britain, and other nations, and in return various goods were imported into Tibet tax free, in accord- ance with friendly trade agreements. Now, however, since the development of friendly re- lations between China and Tibet, these nations have stopped buying Tibetan products. Therefore the Tibetan traders have suffered great losses, as you very well know. The RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300050003-0 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300050003-0 RESTRICTED SECURITY INFORMATION - 2 - t. 25X1A epotiomy of the Tibetan Government, the monasteries, and the public faces a grave situa- tion unless the problem of the traders is solved by the restoration of international trade. The Central People's GovernMent made the commitment in the pact to respect the old systems in Tibet, to develop agriculture, cattle raising2 industry and trade, and to raise the people's standard of living. We therefore request you to take appropriate measures in this situation in consultation with the Tibetan Government. This is the desire of all Tibetan people, We Pray for your success and trust that you will show us the solution in the near future. In the name of the Tibetan people. RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300050003-0