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STATINTL FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT USSR INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VUIII RABILITIES DATE OF INFORMATION 15-28 .July 1952 HOW PUBLISHED WHERE` DATE DIST. c& 44t" 52.- PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED NO. OF PAGES 7 SUPPLEMENT TO. LANGUAGE- REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATIONAFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN. THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT BO U. S. C.. 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CPW Report No. 45A--USSR (15-28 July 1952) CONTENTS AGRICULTURE ...............1 PARTY ACTIVITIES ..........5 MISC.LLANEOt .............7 Approved For l C=0N7/29 : CIA-RDP788-048L64A000300020027-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY E ONLY REPORT NO. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xl DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 UNCLASSIFIED FFaster harvesting, punctual grain deliveries to the State, minimum grain losses and better utilization of machinery are the focal points of the central and regional propagAlida,.as the unwieldy agricultural machine is getting into full production. Much of the regional radio criticism is directed against the apparent inability or unwillingness of-the farmers and local authorities to concentrate on more than one aspect of.the field work at a time, Thus when harvesting has reached the desired tempo, the grain losses are often correspondingly high, deliveries are slower or plowing for winter wheat is behind schedule. KIROOORAKAyA PRAVDA (15 July) says that harvesting in the Oblast was started late to begin with, and the haphazard work now underway in a number of rayons tends to aggr Late the situation still further. Much of the hay and perennial grasses:..already mown has been left lying unstacked on the fields and rotting. Plowing for winter wheat which is scheduled to be done simultaneously with the harvesting have been grossly neglected and in some places even disregarded altogether- "Plowing has not even been started in ... Alexandrovskiy, Vityazevskiy, Dolinskiy, Kirovograd, Novgorodkovskiy and Ustinovskiy rayons "which have'already been harvesting grain for a long time... The failure to plow up the planned area during this season is said to be creating unfavorable conditions for next year's harvest, and this sort of 'using," the paper concludes, "will not be tolerated." .A RADYANSKA LAMA .editorial (16 July) finds that the Odessa oblast railroad 'workers are ioldi; g up the field work even more than do some of the farmers by'failing to provide adequate facilities for transporting the grain. This failure in itself, the paper implies, is not beyond repair but it is also revealed that a number of freight cars earmarked for grain hauling are in a state of utter disrepair while no nails-and other materials necessary to put them in working conditions had been made available. Grain traffic snarls are also reported to be common on the Stalin railroad line which services the Zaporozhye Basin area and the Southwestern railway line- The situation prevailing on the Odessa railroad line in regard to preparations for grain transportation is causing serious alarm. Ukrainian veesion- Stanovyshche, yake stvorylosya na Odeakiy magistrali z pidgotovkoyu do perevozok khliba, vyklykaye seryoznu tryvogu. Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA 000300020027-7 Pu.r?su.i the theme on the next day, the same paper compares the grain =~- liveries to the State to the first co .andm.ent (peraha zapovid) the violation oz` which is unthinkable., Whatever the other agricultural shortcomings, it is asserted, deliveries must be made on schedule until the plan is fulfilled. Discussing the genal progrees of the current f,iald work, the :editorial says :that in at least four oblaste the -grain-proceeei job :has logged down and the delivery plan will be jeopardized.if-something is not done about it at once4 In I oblast, for example, the collective; f axe a. threshing floors are swamped with grain (zavale$i zernom) which has been lying there untouched for some time. Nor are. there any trucks av*ilable for tra porti ito A similar situation prevails in other places o The grain is still left on the threshing floors and ,collective farm of Nikolayev, a aporobye and Dnepropetrovsk.. oblasts a . There is evidence that the leaders of a consider- able naa tber of collective far, and machine-tractor stations are ignoring the mechanization of work. on the threshing . floors.. Sheltered floors, barns, platforms and grain-drying .cilities are not available. idae khlib na tokakh i v kolgospakh Mykolaivekoy, Zapori.zskoy to Dnipropetrovskoy oblasteyw Daetsya vzraaky podek . : ignoruvanr a kerivyk:aai znacbnoy chastyny a? cspi~ i? mwzhyano-traktornykh sta:ctsiy anizxataii . r6b t na to .ha vidsutnist kxytykh tokiv, maydanchykiv, er pultiv is susharok dlya prosumhuvannya zerna A srhor r RAM-ANSMA.DONETSHOKIN& ed.Itorial (18 July) takes a slim view of grain . harvt. ti. Arad c slivery in Stalino oblast which, in the paper-0s words., do not look. at ell prying While in many other oblasts the grain processing tempos are fem behind the harvesting., Stalin oblast is said to be lagging In both aspects of t ``c.u. "Far from al1 kolkhozes and sovkhozes ... have done their utmost to insure. a high tpo of harvesting and speedy delivery of grain to-the State," Here, too, the threshing floors - are piled with grain which. -cannot be moved on time due to lack of mechanization facilities. Gr'ain must not be left on the threshing floors, insists DNIRTANSKA PRAM on 18 Ji4y, for this makes losses inevitable. Such losses are already noted in Novotroitskiy, Kalancharskiy, Sevashakiy and :kadovaiiy rayons where the lack of transportation facilities obstructs the whole process of harvesting and delivery woke A broadcast from Odessa (1.7 fly), quoting CIR:NC&C 4 K NN, d.iscloaas that a near-chaotic situation in harvesting and grain-delivery has recently come to light quite accidentally in some rayons. A surprise visit to Shyryaevskiy rayon by a group of rural correspondents revealed that "crops are shedding their grain, and only four kolkhozes in the rayon are delivering grain to the State." Deliveries are said to be ,Just- as slow and losses as high in Mostovskiy, 8avranakiy and a number of other unnamed rayons. Conceding the inadequacy of available transporta- tion facilities, the paper urges the use of draft animals as well as 24-hour work days for trucks.and other vehicles. The slowness in Odessa oblast is highlighted also by a BOL ITSKO 2N i.A editorial of 18 July. The Oblast as a whole, mays the paper, is far behind its neighboring, erson and Nikolayev oblasts which are not ohining examples of speed th elves a Declaring that nothing is done with the grain beyond harvesting it. particularly in Franzeski,y, Sbyr: raevsk :y, Tsebrik ski? Ovideopolskiy and Veli.ko4llikhailovskly rayons, the paper suggests that the 94conciuct" (povedinka) of those rayons ? leaders should be scrutinized since there Is no excuse for their poor performance. The necessary harvesters and other machines as well as manpower are available but the work is at a standstill. Anyone and anything that obstructs speedy grain deliveries to the State, the editorial concbdes, 0 it be removed." Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/29: CIA-RD 98 MR. 80300020027-7 ZkWYA, VQTC announces (18 July) that the first days of the ha vent ' _. have already revealed grave shortcomings in Georgian SSR?s agriculture. The paper?s criticism, however, is milder than. it might be under the circumstances because, as it further points out, harvesting is made particularly difficult by the crops "flattened by the elements" (poleganie). A number of scientific methods are said to have been worked out for harvesting these "flattened crops" (polegahie khleba) but "unfortunately these advanced methods have not been included in the practice of all machine operators,' Speedy harvesting and deliveries of grain elsewhere in the Republic are hampered by the failure of the local Party and agricultural officials "to grasp the importance" of mechanized work, especially the mechanization of threshing floorso FRAVMW blanket indictment of irregularities in agricultural work (21 July) covers a mach wider area than the one discussed by the mentioned regional papers. Asserting that the "har vesti.xug front" (front zhatvy) is spreading farther northward from day to day, the paper declares that the necessary mechanical and cadre preparations are not in keeping with the growing scope of activities. Summarizing the complaints already voiced by a number of regional papers, the editorial says that even at this late date the repairs of combines, threshers and other implements have not been completed; the construction of grain-drying facilities (sushilki) and sheltered threshing floors (krytye toka) and grain-storage facilities (zernokhranilishcha) is hopelessly behind schedule. Little more progress is noted in the preparation of harresters and qualified cadres to man them: Much attention is called to continuing grain losses which, in the paper?s view, rank among the gravest agricultural failings: The machine-tractor stations of Psnza., Ivanovsk and Astrakhan oblasts and Kazakh SSR are behind in combine repairs o a o o In Dnepropetrovsk oblast many combines are not equipped with loss-prevention devices Consider- able losses of grain are incurred in Moldavia a , 0 n Russian version: ;.s?va rua.t 0 r ontom kombainov shinno-traktornie stanteii Penzensskoy, Ivanovskoy, As txakhanskoy oblastey, Ka.zakh.ekoy AR o a a o V Dnepropetrovskoy oblasti mnogie kombainy rabotaayut bez pr:taposobleniy, preduprezh- dayushchi]th poteri oao0 Znachitelnie poteri terns dopuskayutsya na poliak Moldavii ao0 Pressing the drive for higher grain-delivery tempos and better agricultural performance in Odessa ob ,st in general, CHERNCMCRSKP XCUU lists inadequate mass political education and the complete indifference to the harvester operator, "the central figure" of the current season as the chief' sources of trouble o In its two consecu- tive editorials (22 & 23 july5 reviewing agricultural progress to date, the paper says that at least nine rayons are still very slow in their harvesting and deliveries but a number of unnamed others are not much faster. In Mostovskiy, Pervomaiskiy, Domaanivskiy?, Troitskiy and other rayons the grain-delivery schedules are said to have been "thrown to the winds" while harvesting operations in Baltskiy, Gra.dievsskiy and Chervono-O1 yar:~skiy rayons are "very u.nsatissfactor 0" A MOLOT editorial of 23 July speaks of the "mountains of grain" (gory zerna) left lying on the threshing floors unattended at a time when "every hour counts." Since unprocessed grain cannot be delivered to the State, the whole delivery program is being jeopardized. In Razvile; ] and other rayons, for example, grain deliveries have been very slow from the start a Since much of the cleaning is being done by har=d, large amounts of grain have accummulated in the collective farms and on the threshing floors but only a small portion of the stuff finds its way to the State delivery points. Approved For Release 2001/07/29: CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 Approved For Release 2001/07129 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 -4 - A summarized STAVROPOLSKAyA PRAM editorial (22 July) makes dispera.;,? - reference to the SoMet and Party officials of Petrovskiy, Sovetakiy, IEvokuskly and Arzgi7skiy rayons who "are paying insufficient attention to the grain-delivery schedules "" but it does not amplify the point. A brief item broadcast from Kherson on. 26 my says that the oblast Party committee is now taking steps to improve the "very unsatisfactory" harvesting and delivery progress in VelikoAlexandrovsky rayon. Next to harvesting and deliveries, the chronic inefficiency in the handling and maintenance of farm machinery comes in for the largest share of official attention. Combine b;rvesters are simply standing idle while those in use are not utilized to fall capacity, says MOVEPRfirANSIA PRAM on 15 July. KtJRSKAY. PRAVDA of the same date significantly suggests that a little more solicitude for the welfare of the machine operators might improve the performance of the machines themselves. It S the duty of the Party and other local leaders "to provide normal conditions" for the mentioned operators, says the papcsr, thereby inspiring them to better work: The indifference to the requirements of the machine operators, an attitude displayed by some chairmen of kolkhozes, is utterly inadmissible. Harvesting delays and grain losses are threatened if the "numerous organizational and technical defects" are not eiimi..nated in short, order, declares SOPSIALISTICHESKIY DONEAS on 20 July. These technical defects, it is pointed out, throw the combine harvesters off the previously prepared schedules, and the result is confusion all along the line. The paper makes no further reference to the organizational defects, but this point s amplified by KIRGVOCk FA PRAY, on 22 July. As a result of "administrative blundering," says the paper, many a trained combine operator finds himself doing unskilled a`bor while the machines remain idle for lack of qualified personnel. An unsigned MOIL article broadcast from Rostov on 25 July admits that technical defects, poor servicing and an indifferent attitude toward the machinery 'hiave resulted in ":ass idleness of combines." Matveyevo-Kurgansk, Mea:hetins , Se ikarakovski.y and "some other" rayons are said to be the worst in the o'b"last Precious time is lost, and great grain losses are permitted because of the inefficient use of the harvest- ing machines and the poor organization of the work of ,the. combine units, This causes great losses to the State, kolkhozes and kolkhozniks. Picking up the grain-lose theme on 26 July, RAIANSKA UKRAINA says that this sort of criminal negligence continues to plague Ukrainian agriculture. Dosses, it is pointed out, occur during the transportation of grain, through the improper use of harvesters and through the failure to equip the machinery with grain-catching devices. In the forest-steppe and Polessye areas a good air harvesting machines remain idle while "an overwhelmi ; number of them" are employed only part time. In Nikolayev, Iverson and .Kirovograd oblasts where, like in other parts of the country, muck of the crop has been, "flattened by the elements" nothing is being done about gathering the stalks of wheat that remain on the fields after the combines have gone over them. One of the major sources of grain losses, however, is late harveetingo Experiments have shun that a 15-day delay in combine- harvesting of winter wheat produces a 10% lose of grain through shedding, and after 25 days such losses amount to 18%. It can be imagined how much grain is lost by those kolkhozes and so?vkhiozes which delay harvesting beyond the time specified by the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party. This threat has already become real in many rayons. Approved For Release 2001/07/29: CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/29: CIA-700300020027-7 h by the Novorzhevskiy rayon Party committee affecting the activities 7 :11 its subordinate. primary organizations. What actually happened was that only four of the rayon's 60 organizations were informed about the mentioned decision, and took note of it--the others never heard about its Unfortunately, Tarasov points out, Iovorzhevskiy rayon is not the only one in the oblast" where this type of bureau- cracy has per zaeated all Party affairs. lntrapar ay democracy, says SEVERNAYA PRAVDA quoting Stalin (l8 July), means greater f'reedc for the Party masses and "develops in them a feeling" of being masters of the Party. The recent "report and election meetings" (otchetno-vybornie sobrania) have revealed, however, that to a number of local Party committees and officials intraparty democracy is no more than an abstract theory. Attempts are still being made to hush up unfavorable criticism at Party gatherings, and the meetings them- selves are said to be characterized by he familiar "low political and ideological level. " The following significant statement, without amplification, is contained in KCbtfJNISTT editorial broadcast from Tbilisi in Russian on 25 Julys At the present time the Georgian. Communist Party is correcting the mistakes permitted by the previous'Prty leaders, and carrying out a considerable amount of work to implement the instructions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party o , e The above statent is qualified by the paper's concluding remark that although "ser?icsae deficiencies" in Party work are still being revealed throughout the Republic, the Communists are criticizing them "with Bolshevik frankness" at the current report- ing and election meetings. A short dispatch from, Tbilisi of 26 July speaks of the "serious shortcomings" in the Tbilisi oblast Komsomol education network brought to light in a speech by Katyaehvili who proposed a number of (unspecified) measures to cope with the situation. lntrapari Democ: ' Honored in the Br?eachi That nepotism, corrupt practices and other intraparty irre lar Mies are not exclusively regional phenomena but are also observable HIM= itself, the well-spring of Communist activities' is seen in a long unsigned PRATMA article of 18 July (not broadcast). A recent plenary session of the Moscow city Party Committee is said to have disclosed a liberal sprinkling of ua investige:ted. (neproverennie), unworthy (nedossoynie) and casual (sluchainie) people among the citfs Communist officials, including its 7,000 primary Party secretaries. 7. .ck of Party control has produced rampant nepotism in the city's industrial and other establishments -hose officials select their personnel on the basis of family and other- wise friendly relations, surround themselves with servile flatterers and "their own kind" of people o... Russ ian ver?s on.- podbirayut kadry po semeinym, i priyatelakim otno- sheniem.., okruzbayut sebya pod -halimsm.i, "avoimi" ludmi o O . That this practice often leads to, besides suppression of criticism, is indicated in the case of eKal.ibr" plannt?, one of Moscow's largest. Having hired a large number of relatives and personal friends, the director and his deputy were able to "pad the accounts" (zanimatsya pripiskami), cheat the State and publicize non- existent achievements at the same time. This is said to have been made possible by "creating an atmosphere of mutual whitewashing and stage-managed clamor about the plant's non-existent successes" (ides byla aozdana obstanovka I ugovoy poruki, paradnoy shumikhi po povodu mnimykh uspekhov zavoda). Approved For Release 2001/07/29: CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA- M00300020027-7 - 7 - Discussing violations of intraparty d ocracy (vnutripartiynaya de ao; ~^a':i.a), PRAVDA (25 July) points to the Drogobych oblast Party Committee as a glaring ---ample of un-Bolshevik behavior. That organization not only pays little attention to its subordinate rayon and city Committees but also fails to rely on its own. "aktiv" (active membership) which is itself a grave violation of Party rules: We still have quite a few Party officials who try to exercis their leadership with the aid of a narrow circle of people; they have little contact with rank-and-file Comnaanists or the Party a.ktiv. Russian version; U s eshche nemalo tak'.ikh par.tiynikh rabotnikov, kotorie PYtaYutsya rukovodit pri pomoshchi uzkogo kruga lyudey; oni. MAID obshchayatsya s kc aaunisstami, partiynym, akt,ivom. Dr^ogo`bych oblast is believed to have too many officials that fit the above descrip- tion, bat such individuals may also be found in many other places, the paper says. The Bobruisk and Aktyubia k (Kazakh SSR) city committees, for example, appear to believe that aktivs are to be kept f"for parade purposes and the solemn approval of decisions" (dlya parada i formalno-torzhestvennogo odobrenia reshenly) on which they had not been consulted. K'1RtW0MW-,Kk PRAVDP (26 July) warns the oblast Party propagandists against "weaken- ing their Political work" among the masses, especially in the rural areas. These ag`itatora do not always link their talks with the problem on hand, that is greater prodq.cti-on, thereby defeating the purpose of political enlightenment. Moreover, their so-called lectures are said to betray an appalling ignorance of current affairs. Such pis the situation in Alexandriysskiy, pobrovelychkovakiy, Znamenaskiy, Novomirgorod- skiy and a number of other rayons. Marry of the "serious shortcomings" in the oblast Party work could be avoided if "the most worthy and authoritative" Communists were elected to run the primary Party organizations, declares SEVERNA!A PRAIA on.26 July. Recent Party meetings have disclosed that many of these secretaries are too inexperi- enced,, incompetent or both. Such officials, it is pointed out, make all but .impossible "'the absolute observance of intraparty democracy." No further details are offered on this point, however. A short item broadcast from Odessa on 26 July states tersely that the Veliko-Fontana, Zaliz ch y and Ostapovskiy rural councils (selsovety), all under the Jurisdiction of the Odessa city council, were liquidated by a decree of the Presidium of the Ukrainian .pr e Council dated 17 July 1952. Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020027-7