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Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA- R T723A000300080001-8 M rji_ -;-F- s P E FOR Director of Security DD/S S for xDtr..,C ptroller thru I)D/S 1. fayt fra uati ty dated 8 ber 1968, sub; j ec froaw Consolidation of Copatrtmsnt:a4 Intellif'ence Clearance Records and AdaaptatioA of a ttote Access to SPLCLI: Cuiapartmented Clearance Index ())11)/5 66- 5527) from ADD/S dated 2. a orasidU for /Security ,cezaber 1968, same subject (DD/S 68-6178) c c tD AD jS tbru Cj f 196s e or 3. Maaamorau4aana ur ject 1)/Security dated 29 January 4. 14eporaandum for AMA from DISIPS `bask Force. dated 24 June 1969, subject: SF :CLE 5. memorandum for Chief, t1SD/OCS from D>/Security/ pS dated 11 July 1969, aub j eCt araesaoto Acareae Terminal ~7[ea ange fx. 4aamorandta to ADD/S from D/SIPS 'Teak 'Force dated 0lidat cax~ and C on5 bject: 21 Auguaat 1969, su i C1 ft-franc Iaadi rtmentea ImproVa But of c aLv', saa (rA/S 69-3941) wit 1. The refaarasncas a,verale~aaetin~ raa.rad ,discaasasiranetle~a~. uehtaa iu fotti~yn, gleaned f rarra conclude Cleat it vou14 be worthwhile to proceed 4itt, your proposal to rds r *duto is naolidate. the couparta+anted intelligence clearance recoYour eo 6L i tall remote terminal devices in selected Laacasioraa. aap aravcd, t;:erefore, with the understacdi.n& beat a. No aadditiaalal positions or people will be required in any of the locations. If such a requirement should d, velop om h of it will he ;submitted to the DDIS for approval aaot.planaticn and justification before any re-program resources is done in the Office of Security. b. The iuatallatio-a of ladivtdu*l terminals will be isonc; ptpreing reviewed in terms of the Data nagament Center developed as a part of the SIPS project. U F'Eftxcluded from alramatic Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RD = 2 bOU80_., 1-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RQE123A000300080001-8 proves to be feasible, operation ally efficient, and Force , ;ai _al than individual terminals scattered about in several locations a Data Management Center eaay be installed to satisfy all of the requirements of the Office of Security Office for data eom nication with the 0 5 C puter center. this As v with ata ?ai na a as center concept evolves. of mind Security thees D e. After the aayste hss~teenca~dzectratt~c~rryugharevievo out year, in January 1971, you of the system in collaboration with the '031/S Information Pro- cessing Coordinator to evaluate its effectiveness from en operational as well as cost standpoint. 2. The installation of terminals its approved as follows a. 2 11 94 2260 CRT terminals in Rotes U-49. b. 1 Ii 2260 CRT terminal in eon 31-28. c. 1 IB14 2741 typewriter terminal in Room CT -05 to replacee one IBA 2260 curr'ently operating there in support sete (Reference 5 above); this S I y s . SANCA and Spf a be used to satisfy One Of the three Qaut3as rigesl above. s of 3. It is understood that the cost _. --- co- t 0 to *uo-ti e- development and installation fchapses a and i.r uancir l atedSCC *e- fs~r line installation and about f ftsrds of the support taer development. These costs will be raid wil Services gtaff. Terminal rentals for the balanceSof F s0S ill als sob be paid by tie~?Aasrt Services Staff. ">'e Sins eearsa and funding will o ate,d feusuds to ct>rer t3>fe #n eov+xssias this type of installa- ra er ceps sisteft with .& t cy' policy s-tion at t:at time. John a-. Coffey iaalstant Deputy 'Director for Support DDS/SSS/F,}.1: jms/13a (28 August 1969) Distribution: Qrig & 1 - Adse 1 - 1)/SIPS Task Force 1 - SSS 1 - DD/S Subject 1 _ DD/S Chrono `di dN ~ Approved For Release 2 0 1> : lA R 000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000434t' it -04723A000300080001-8 5 August 1969 {r. Coffey: o ahead with the SPECLE 1? ray inclination is to say we should g be wavering resistance as c e a It t i of information system but this may thing to that this really do. We hav difficult to them to make pro- is the right several papers but it is extremely package, Even if you decide to authorize - spread through spread into a cohesive p afternoon, I wonder if it wouldn't be eting Wednesday to pull the whole ceed after our me recor to ask Securi attached outline. worthwhile for the sakbocfument, perhaps following the thing together in one s ecific questions that you may want to have clarified some p follow. 25X1A memo 24 June 1969 25X1A 2. Regarding memo What are the tangible beabouts$140 month Para 1. totalling shows savings urea isn't identified. 0 but the basis for the fig e basis Are these dollars estimated 0ne Goat item Slows clerical manhours saved? $954 saved by eliminattione Ofithe need for addi- now tional clericals. meant by "a significant reduction in the Fars. 2. What is reports"? How many are being number of hard copy will be produced in the produced now and how many about a reduction in new system? Are we talking ies, or both? reports, or only numbers of cop How much overtime is being worked? How much will the elimination of overtime save in man- hours and dollars? liaw does microfilming relate to benefits to be from the terminals? What system advan- derived microfilming? Is there, or rages accrue from separate proposal on this system? will there be a seP Is it being With whom has it been coordinated? ow do the system considered only to gain space? ?? Who advantages offset the cost of microfilming, would do the microfilming? Approved For Release 20090 40-1 U L, -RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIl TIAkOO300080001-8 mil What will be gained by substituting wall storage for floor storage? Flow much space will be gained? How will it be used? Has this been coordinated with the Records Manage- ment people? What will wall storage equipment cost? How does this offset against cost of equip- ment to be turned in? Does this imply the reten- tion of hard copy files for manual search? Why is this necessary? How long will duplicate sys- tems be maintained? - memo says "we can proceed with further development rapidly with few resources". What does that mean? What resources will be required between now and the "scheduled completion" in December - 6, 12, 18, 24 man months? Does the slippage in main line Human Resources systems equate to that amount of time? How does the pay off for implementing SPECLE balance against the pay off for implementing any of the other Human Resources subsystems in Agency terms? 3. Some of these questions have persisted from the beginning, but most of the questions we have raised have been satisfactorily answered. Perhaps if we had an oral description of how the system will work and what the real pay off will be it would help to put all of the pieces in place. Then, with the answers to the questions you may choose to ask I think I would be satisfied to recommend that you authorize them to proceed. DDS/SSS/RHW:jms (5 August 1969) Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 - SSS Subject 1 - SSS Chrono Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :> 000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/0 / ilYfAt723AOOO3OOO8OOOl -8 IF L 1969 M RANDUM FOR: Chief, Management Support Division/OCS THR?UGH : Chief, Support Services Staff/DDS SUBJECT : Remote Access Terminal lxchange PivisiOO 1. The Security Records and CominuntCatt0 260 CRT tern, Office of Security presently utilizes three (3) IBM 2 for processing priority requests for search of the SAHCA index. searches indicates ae?k. The Division's experience ithvon-ling 1#500 searches terminals high percentage of daily use ra in 25 per cent involve all trace Of this number, approximately searches resulting in considerable output Manus lly transcribed from the 2260 terminal. 2. In An effort to provide this office with a more TxQuest peditiouss means of recording all trace search output, we te final. that one (1) IBM 2260 CRT terminal located2i41 om~ t5, H _ quarters Building be replaced with output and will thus enable us The latter will provide bard copy h computer. to service customer requirements entirely by 3. it in our understanding that the IBM 2141 is less costly and more practical than theIBM05intereand also does not the . interfere with other terminals within has zew q. It should be noted that this SpeBM inde~r~and 2741r access additional l termnals SPBCLR hard copy requirements santicipat+s~ utilizing as well 5. Should You have need for additional iuformaoin?ex encern- 25X1A ing this. re uest, please contact 7338 or on extension 5102. Deputy Director of Security for Personnel Security Distribution : Addressee Orig. 1 C/SSS/DDS I ~~ yl'i ~~ Sr 7~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : Cl Approved For Relea. 000/04/.18 : ClA-RDP78-04723A0003606001-8 '!I Juno 1969 '; :' DUM FOR: Assistant Deputy Director. for Support 01 A ` cu'? 4l Jr . SPECLE vy y ` T E.FE' CES 24 June 1969, Sa,io subject Mc-mo from NOS to r:D/Comptroll or dated Novej;bor 1963 : iere from DC;/'I SD to C/. SD, dated 1. ;`enbers of the SIPS Task Force have studied the O ice of Security request for on-line .orr,inal devices for use with the Special Cl carance Files (SPLCLh) . Their study indicated that the tangible benefits warrant '' rocecd.ing with the design and i:-pl c':?k# 311113 t~Ii of tin t3I?- '.ifi' .s SyS e? ~. They also conclude that the system is feasible and practical from an OCS point of view. 2. Benefits forseen are: a significant reduc- in the number of hard copy Gr:>or s, a stc>ila.za- tion of the manpower require,"lcnts in the Compartmented Information Branch to preclude the necessity for requesting additional :; 3TS1)o or . and the elii ina tion o cy rti~~e ~rc~r space requiro=vents can her ial.l _ reduced by converting, SPECLIi source file's to microfil i the interim, floor storage dovic ;s can he Cxchang+ 'or wall-type stora ,c which will provide needed working space. The costs for c i pater support for the pre sent and proposed systeans are about the sar c . The esti"inated avings of the new systc. are $1300 per month, offset y a tormina1 rental char e of $300, leaving a net - avinz,.s o $1500 p or Month. A one-time char e 01 .1 3. I I CLE rust be considered as a l.l( A of the a specific 1 si,r:a.n Resources systems. While detailed 'riorities for Ilu an nosources Syste.:.:s have not yet a known quantity and we : been developed, SPi' CLE is nn 1-1 Ali'v ? n Il Approved fvr-Rete 2000/04t1a,: CIA-'RDP78= 7t3Aflfl@3@6fiT80Q01=-B - -500 for line installation is cst T c t.Cd. } Approved For Release /04/18: CIA R1 A 3k000300 Q601-8 can proceed with further dcvelopizent rapidly with few resources. We are some time away from developing an f'- of the overall effect on schedules is negligible. 1" therefore seems to be a question of managerial judge- .IG have to be done sooner or later in any event, so that zo` 9/ resources. It is al.so true that this same work will # I , dditic 11 t 1 - l . d over the next six months for our -,,- be deferred until Emergency Locator, Badge, and Creden- tial information is available on-line. 6. The, tangible savings of the proposed system are not iiamcnse, but are significant. It is certain that the development of the SPECLE system will generate equal depth of detail for other Human Resources Systems and sub-systems. An intangible side benefit of the development of SPECLE will be the experience we acquire with an on-line application. 4. The Data Management Center idea is not fully developed and the Center would not be constructed in me to be of use for this system scheduled for coriple- wion in December 1969. The terminals could be placed on a temporary basis, pending systems decisions relating to the Center. To that and, funding the terminals with Task Force funds is suggested. 01 S. The number of terminals to be installed should be three, not four as proposed in the reference. Instal- lation of a terminal for the Security Duty Office should rent as to whether this is the proper time to expend GA "7 these resources. The Chief of the Human Resources Tear", estimates no serious deadline slippage would occur if we were to proceed wit SPECLE implementa- tion. I recommend we do so. 25X1A Director SIPS Task Force Distribution: Original + I - Addressee, w/attachments I - D/OCS, w/attach4m~.ents I - URS Team Leader. w/o attachments 1 - File, w/attachments 1 - Chrono N 'I i,,11 T RA . Qppri or...Release 20.0.0:/04/18: CIA-FRD ? Approved For Releas&+2000/04/18 CI/4-RDP78-04723A000380001-8 :; ='0R NZU,V1 FOR: Executive Director -Comptroller T~Z;OJGT Deputy Director for Support 5I~~ ~ ~~~ Y?ECT Consolidation of Compartmented Intelligence Clearance Records and Adaptation of E.emo to Access to SPECLE Coinpar tmented Clearance Index 1. This memorandum is submitted for l your approval . Such reco:m:lelldation is contained in par graph 2. in a memorandum dated 10 July 193 the Chief, Special :1 :i i = eflCe Staff (SPINT) proposed, for Of'. ice Of Secu"t ity ? cons d i. c on, the merger of three independent clearance record sys ;,erns with the Special Clearance Evaluation (SPECLE) systems :_,~ :: -:n~:.ix;...w~.?~=d by the C0mpar trl.cilted ini?O:~ma 11.011 Branch L.ia3/ vi:-r-cG of Security. This proposal was initiated in an effort to ate duplication of certain Special intelligence (S1) clearance record keeping- functions and to' place other manual systems into computerized format. The specific indices ",re: the CGr?".:. ni t~r Special intelligence contractor and consul tail t index ln~ ix t~ ned h executive Secretary, uSID' a listing of r; ncy ~e- `onne ~? A.`a authorized access to select compartmented sub-series of 31 ~ ,~ z--;_n lIi;ence ?;,a iled y the S:'1NT Staff ? and he Autonlate ~. ' Special ..~~ Clearance (ASPIC) system consisting of app approximately ^ 3 ~ ; 000 ca c: and records on Agency employees, contractors and consul -an:,ti liSiD member ao?encies, including the executive - holdings are increasing at the ra e. oy, ap~lo ~~ J per ,onne_ 01 non offices of the White mouse who have been cleared by the Agency for Si. The latter system is maintained and utilized by the S'D Special intelligence Security Staff (Siff) for controlling visitor access to the Special Center and for insuring the operational and physical security of S1 materials. In acting upon this proposal, it has become evident tha'; remote access to the SPECLE index is essential to the needs of the Agency, and to extend to all users the full pG- ?. time YlCLry ., r'~ .. i.Cri'i.s.al of the SyStelll. At the present the SPA .~l1...t.u~?i records 14 separate clearances authorizing access to information controlled by three compartmented intelligence systems. Appro mately 75, 000 individual records are contained in . the index -plc: 1 200 records 1 f~? l t 4}r~I /,~~ 11 I.i, Sul u:.~Nl~i~ 15c ,, , , a Approved For Release 2000/04/1.8 CIA-RDP78=04723A~0U Midbay_~ Approved For Releasd 00/04/18: CIAyRDP78-04723A000300 N001-8 Approved. For Release 2000/04/18: QIhr{RRDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Per month. On a monthly average, CID roc eives 5,000 telophone inqui ries and over 300 action cables con- tained t.ained in those records. During the past fiscal year, main- tenance of the system require:: over 73,000 record chan^a in some form or another. A. recent study, conducted by this office, has r o- vca l ,i that a fully automated SP CL;?, index, equipped with :i's 2230 remote access terminals, would not only improve tho service provided by CIB to the Agency and the l community, but, if extended to other offices such as SISS and the Security Duty Office, would offe opportunity to completely eliminate the present ASPIC system of record keeping which it actually a duplicate record of SI clearances listed in SPECLE, 5. The elimination of the ASPIC system does not in any way imply that this office intends to abrc.ate the authority or responsibilities vested in the Sias. They, are profession- oily staf. od to furnish support for the Special Center and specifically the CIA SIGINT officer and the Chief, SPINT. We recognize their need for accurate up-to-date clearance information in support of their miss o:n. The installation"- of a remote access terminal in the SISS would permit that office to answer the daily inquiries :of receptionists and guards using the SPECLE machine records rather than the manual card file. On an average over 2,700 visitors are processed through the Special Center each, month. The greater majority of these require the receptionist to make tei,vphonic contact with SISS,to obtain clearance certification or special instructions concerning access control. the SANCA CRT access method. Remote access tests have been conducted on existing CRT terminals installed in the Security Records and Communications Division proving the system to. be a definite time savings device. With limited library changes only, all information-necessary to meet t'n, needs of the SISS mission can. be provided in a single record. T4is would include information pertaining t0 compartaen ted ' SI sub-series, now 6. The adaptation of 2200 CRT remote access to SPECLE would provide the Agency with a single master clearance index to serve the needs of all users. Such a system has already been proven. The Office of Computer Services just recently adapted the system to remote random access search utilizing Approved.For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 to providin time aav;.+ device, a 7 , I. addition the need fur key fully automated system would eliminate the OCS no drastically punch support now provided to ASPIC by reduce the hard copy output necessary to support the current r the CL3 storage requirement for two hard tsystems. Further, co"py. card records would be reduced to provide. much needed office space for the current staff, and the S1SS manual rccorc. system can be des ::roved. S. :'';,s you will recall, one of the most significant advances in the automation within the Agency was field of - the conversion of the Security index ^tomachine languaget j and a machine search capability otherwise C r aCPnwi pr a rectte S.s1CA. Further advancement has provided SA access capability for processsin p~= iority search requests. Pr-jcotS~ .~ ~ECLE has similarly advanced to the point whore l. ~ .. ,g a1~?.' +; user remote access to these records wilive euser a throe (+) second response to requests for verification is 1 of special clearances. With such a capability,-it is SON'' possible to extend the use of SAL+YcA and SPECLE to the Security Duty Office. "~Ce. A single IBM 2260 C tT display installed in that y ^ssist duty officers in handling the many office will greatly and duty hours. queries received during non -duty access to the SPECLE index is a 1 e installation of . four . (4) 'am remote access to the SP.CCL.} on G. r r on now ? '-f: nnals Fri the .. 9. To adapt 00Iao process insofar as programining is concerned. -~a: ivcly simple a y have similar characteristics and Both SA~\TCA and Sp^ LC'LI. f~ les can be accessed and updated using essentially the sate access. fee! ctherefore, to tale advantage of method. We compelled, this conpa tab3.lity by progressing to the next logical step in the development and full utilization of computerized tllat security 'ystems. It is our understanding, however, the Offico of Computer Services has 'limi"ted the number of MY 2230 CRT terminals available for use within the Agency CLhut V.7. r... ^t any additional requirements, which would the current limit of 27, is suhject.to your approval. la. in 'view of the many advantages offered by a fully au tO;pia ted SPECLE system, we recommend that you authorize the Computer Services to complete the adaptation of Office of d a+-C that you approve the Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release "6'00/04/1 & ~'.CI'4;RDP78-.04723AO00300080001-8 :ollotvin three (3) local-ions for access to the Sr C~.+ index : wo (2) t~^,inina1S in t11e Co;tlpa.r t:;lentod 1 i1fGr112u i3 G'P. 3i anch R 3) one (1) each in the Special 1x1LG' licence Securely lE-2v) 7L ice (Room t , y; f S i~ (oom 3r-28) and the Security Du port D . Dannerrlan Deputy Directo nor Support Approved For Relea,se:2000/04/18' :CIA-R[ I?7~ a 23 1:QtlO3000800.01-8 C UFi E TJAt Approved For Release SW0104118 : CIA-RDP78-04723A0003000M01-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Management Support Division, OCS 1. In an effort to clarify the status of the SPECLE project and to formulate a true perspective regarding cost comparison, valid requirements, placement, etc., I have gathered together factual information from several of the papers prepared on this subject within the last year. 2. This memo also serves a dual purpose: to specifically answer questions that you have raised. 3. I should also like to clarify my personal position in this matter, to wit - I have no feelings one way or the other in regards to pride.of ownership, etc. In fact I suffer mixed emotions in that I feel that we should go ahead with the project at the same time that I realize that it will generate additional work for our limited resources. 4. The following are questions which you have raised and the answers as I see them. Q. That are the comparative costs of the proposed system vs the current system? A. SAVINGS (Per Month) $ 338.00. Elimination of SPINT (ASPICS) Activities 106.00 954.00 100.00 315.00 USIB Activities need for addn. clericals need for addn. floor space SPECLE Volume Reports 1813.00 Total - 400.00 Terminals (monthly rental) $1413.00 Total savings Per Month This monthly saving is offset by a one-time charge of $4500.00 (maximum) for installation of the four (4) lines. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78-04723A00030008000178 UMUEN 3 JAS. IrN Approved For Release 00/04/18: CIA-RDP78-04723A00030001-8 2 - PROPOSED The cost of on-line TS operations is undetermined. The present system is run eight (8) or nine (9) times per month - plus the final month-end run. Runs other than the month-end consume 1-i' hours of computer time. The month- end run consumes 2-4 hours of computer time. It is expected that computer costs to run in a TS environment would not appreciably increase or decrease. The major part of the system devoted to hard-copy requirements will continue to be serviced in a batch mode on other than the TS system. Q. What alternatives are there to on-line query? A. The current SPECLE system is the result of serious study of several existing computer techniques supporting the user through the use of generalized routines. The current Specie system.is the best of alternative BATCH processes explored. At the time, there was no requirement for placing SPECLE on-line. Q. What valid requirements suggest on-line query as the recommended alternative? A. The current SPECLE system is growing at a greater rate than expected. There are 84,000 records in the current master file. This fact (as one consideration) begins to nudge one toward an evaluation of batch vs on-line if for no other reason than manual processes of storage, searching, and retrieval are taxing the capability of SR&CD to keep up. As the size of the file increases there is an increased ratio of query on the file. SR&CD, in addition to authorizing regular O/T for CIB, has detailed personnel to CIB on a more-or-less continuous basis. But the workload within SR&CD has also 25X1A increased and has indicated to me that he is finding it increasingly difficult to make these detailed assignments. This, of course, impacts on CIB who, in addition to their regular duties of debriefing, outside communications, etc., are not keeping abreast of the Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Releas 00/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A00030Q80001-8 - 3 - workload. This has prompted ~ to look at the necessity of requesting two (2) clerks to back-stop CIB operations. feels that two of CIB's people using the query approach could handle the load, relieving two or three others to continue the remainder of Branch activities which obviates the necessity for an increase in T/O. Q. What impact does this priority have on other Human. Resources assignment, tasks, and targets? A. SPECLE is not the number one priority. The request to structure SPECLE in a query mode was made before the HRS took definite shape. Tab D of the Human Resources Systems Action Paper addresses the fact that work on a new SPECLE system was anticipated. There is a judgement factor exercised by MSD when faced with multiple tasks. One is faced with deciding which are short-term tasks and which are long-term tasks. Hopefully short-term tasks can be approached and. implemented without serious affect on long-term requirements. This was the case in evaluating the new SPECLE requirement. It falls within the framework of a short-term task. It is possible to implement SPECLE well in advance of the Manpower Control System without having a serious affect on either. What evidence is there that the installation of two terminals in CIB will provide relief for the space problem? A. The request for two terminals is not aimed specifically at the space problem although there is some trade off implied. The solution to the space problem becomes a byproduct of the new design. If CIB is machine supported, it then becomes unnecessary to have a floor filing system in order to answer the 200-300 inquiries they receive daily. SR&CD looks on the filing problem as being resolved in two (2) phases. In Phase I the floor filing system would be moved to wall filing, if given computer support. In Phase II - dependent on the success of the new system - SR&CD intends to explore the possibility of micro-mation as a means of complete elimination of source files. The complete SPECLE master file can be contained in one cartridge of microfilm produced directly from magnetic tape. There is currently an in-house capability to do this. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 N 1DE T1AL Approved For Releas 00/04/18: CIA-RDP78-04723A00030QOO01-8 Q. What are the pros and cons of designing SPECLE as a "stand- alone" versus its being part of the.MCS wheel, versus its being an interim "stand alone" to be incorporated into the wheel or left alone at a later date? Aren't we, by making SPECLE a "stand alone", interim or otherwise, in fact assuring that it will always be a "stand alone?" A. One can only design toward specific goals. Is it practical to make a decision at this time that SPECLE fits very neatly into the MCS concept? The only evidence of a MCS is on a physical chart used for briefing purposes. The briefing, incidentally, was a conceptual approach as so noted to those being briefed. There was no how stated. Why not make SPECLE a stand-alone system? One can argue that we are proposing a centralized approach to our data processing problems, and this, then, is centralization. One can also argue that: a) Since we don't have a clear picture of the MCS design, how do we know it will fit. b) if we see an increase of 59,000 records to the MCS central file - in which only a minimal amount of data relating to SPECLE is stored - do we know what future impact this will have? c) What is wrong if an interface between two systems is worked out to the advantage of users who are not aware that there are two systems. d) What if we find that SPECLE fits within the design concepts of the MCS? Good. If it doesn't, is that bad? e) I see no built-in assurance that if SPECLE is an interim stand-alone system we are, in fact, assuming that it will always be a stand-alone system. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 MT' 0 1 U1 IVL IAA, Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Q. Who is going Mr. Osborn? to answer the questions Mr. Coffey sent to A. As the Mr. far as I know the questions put to O/S were answered in 27 Jan 1969 paper addressed to Mr. Coffey from Osborn. Is the question one of 1) Mr. Coffey's questions were not answered, or 2) some of the questions were not satisfactorily answered? Q. What is the "decided advantage to be gained" by installing this system? ~,ez . ,, e We will provide a service for the user in meeting his iimiediate and long-range requirements. ? Elimination of O/T, need for additional space, and need for additional resources e A cost saving can be assumed o A completely duplicate system (ASPICS) can be eliminated in every endeavor of this type we, as technicians, learn more of our trade which .can then be applied to future projects o More MSD personnel will be trained in an environment closely resembling the direction being taken for other Human Resources Systems this we need., Q. Are you recommending "the total system" or an interim search capability? A. Within the time that it will take to get terminals installed (Dec 1969 or Jan 1970) a total system can be implemented. Approved For Release 2000/04/18.:;, 23A000300080001-8 111'IN '- iF ,BL'TiA . Approved For Release 0/04/18: I-RDP78-04723A00030001-8 6 Q. Why can't the four terminals be in the Data Center, from the beginning? A. Why not? However, the Center is, as far as I know, in the conceptual stage. Many decisions will have to be made before the Center becomes a reality. The planning, staffing, etc. in establishing a Data Management and Communications Center will probably take a better part of 14-18 months. The question then becomes one of do we defer SPECLE until the Center is ready? 25X1A Deputy Chief Management Support Division Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 1.1 I c!rF 1 L Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIAZ L 23A000300080001-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security Director, SIPS Task Force 1. I have met with representatives from your office who are concerned with the SPECLE System. The purpose of the meeting was to find a way to resolve a few outstanding issues surrounding your re- quest for terminal capability for the SPECLE System. 2. We will need to assure the DDS that the capability developed for SPECLE will be fairly long lived and that the benefits to be derived justify the cost and effort. I believe this can be done by first ex- amining the whole SPECLE system, with particular emphasis on updating and reporting from SPECLE Master Files, recognizing that the reporting problem is not one which the Office of Security can control. Secondly, potential relationships with the Human Resources systems being devel- oped as part of SIPS should be explored. The objective here is not to solve the problems of relating SPECLE to Human Resources systems but simply to identify relationships to avoid making it impossible to estab- lish the relationship at the appropriate time. Finally, we will need some reasonably accurate estimates of costs for the terminal devices and their installation and maintenance. The Office of Computer Services is not prepared to fund this equipment. 3. Subject to your approval, we have agreed to ask members of your office and members of the SIPS Task Force to meet with me at their earliest convenience to develop a coordinated project proposal for DDS consideration. 25X1A Chief, Support Services Staff DDS/SSS/JB:jms (20 March 1969) Distribution: 1 - Each adse 1 - SSS Subject 1 - SSS Chrono Approved r Release 2000/04 g'' `'23A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Mr. Coffey read this memo before it was sent today. He commented that cost should not be the only criteria for judging this system and it should not be adopted simply because it is glamorous and impressive. We should have real evidence of operational and management gain. 20 March 1969 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8/,-/ MAee14 6`j Recommend a limited systems study--not as an alternative to 1. File Order If organization is known for each SPECLE name search then programming done by group can 25X1A be used. This would require some modification to handle the terminals but Bill feels that can be done quickly. If this won't work we run into the possibility of having to maintain two master files one for terminal software (SANCA) and one for update and output of listings. 2. Listings Need to determine more precisely what impact ter- minals will have on the outputs presently produced for SPECLE. 3. There have been some misunderstandings over SPECLE between 0/S and OCS. Security people (CIB & SPECLE) apparently led and his group to believe that terminals were not planned for the immediate future. At the same time was fooling around with SANCA software and giving demonstrations. The demonstrations led the present Deputy Chief of the Records Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 to conclude it was just the thing for Division 25X1A SPECLE. had worked either with Special Clearances or Compartmented Information so he knew the system. Two sets of people in Security working with two groups in OCS doesn't always provide the best result. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 25X1A 25X1A 1. and met to discussest course to take in responding to the Office of Security request for terminal devices supporting SPECLE files. 2. The conclusion of the group was that while the request has merit terminal devices have potential for reducing the manual filing problem and the query problem, it does not solve the larger SPECLE pro- blem which includes file update and a large output (100 listings) pro- blem. These latter issues are of major concern to OCS and are probably not of special note to the Office of Security. 3. The SPECLE chronology is confused, but it appears that CI/B personnel requested an upgrading of SPECLE processing. OCS responded by developing a modified "query" capability based on index sequential fiji2 organization using query cards. The objective was to supply printed 25X1A output on an overnight basis. indicated that the objective had not been achieved and that some ill-feeling is resulting. The question of terminal devices came up several times during the development of this system and OCS people were apparently satisfied that terminals were not part of the immediate future for SPECLE. Despite this a request for terminals was made based apparently on the conviction of - that 25X1A the SANCA demo using SPECLE data was precisely the right approach for resolving SPECLE problems. '.j}MLLE 4. Using SANCA software for SPECLE confines SPECLE to name searches c and will reir.e__a_.. estructuring the SPECLE file. This could lead to two files--one for query and one for update and listing unless SPECLE queries can be accommodated by the index sequential software (plus query software) built by people. The Index sequential file is ordered by "Organization". A query under this system would be by Organization with individuals` name as a "secondary" part of the query. This would not affect output. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 5. The group recommends that a "limited" systems study be made to (1) identify the need for and possibilities of reducing the "in-house" listings produced from SPECLE files and (2) determine the prospects for using the index sequential approach to building a query capability. The objective of the latter would be to satisfy SPECLE requirements for query and for listings from one file and one set of software. (3) SPECLE users (Security Duty Officer for one) have information requirements be- yond SPECLE which are being worked on in SIPS. These relationships should at least be identified, not necessarily solved before SPECLE goes too far down any road. The limited systems study would attack these three questions. (4e) a-it 4~~d ~7 ~~, 7~ I" Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/ DP78-04723A000300080001-8 AJ 2 9 JAN 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Deputy Director for Support THROUGH Chief, Support Services Staff/DDS SUBJECT . Consolidation of Compartmented Intelligence Clearance Records and Adaptation of Remote Access to SPECLE Compartmented Clearance Index REFERENCE Memorandum DD/S 68-6178 dtd 18 December 1968 for D/S from ADD/S, Subject as above 1. In response to referent memorandum and in answer to questions contained therein, we submit the following: (Q) What is wrong with the present system which consolidation would correct -- objectives of consoli- dation? (A) In May 1962, the Compartmented Information Branch (CIB), Office of Security was established to satisfy a requirement of the President's Foreign In- telligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). The purpose of this action was to create, within the executive branch of government, a single compartmented clearance record and control facility which would serve the needs of the Agency and the intelligence community. Although the CIB is presently recognized as the office of central record for compartmented clearances controlled under 25X1A the , Talent, Talent/Keyhole and Special In- tel igence systems, it is not being utilized to its' fullest capacity within the Agency. The Special In- telligence Security Staff (SISS), for example, has a functional responsibility which requires that office to maintain a separate index which duplicates approxi- mately 12,000 Special Intelligence clearances contained in the CIB SPECLE index. The SISS index, known as the ASPIC system, is maintained and utilized by that office to control visitor access to the Special Center and for insuring the operational and physical security of SI material. In many instances, however, it is necessary Exs:r d ir'in wl inatlc Approved For Release 2000/04/18:78 41Qba$00 80001-8 Approved For Release 2000/0 :.;'cTh-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 for SISS to query CIB for additional clearance infor- mation, such as TKH, as a means of administering proper control procedures. Under present procedures, unescorted access to the Special Center requires both an SI and TKH clearance. In the case of official visitors, holding both clearances, unescorted access is only authorized if the visitor is also in possession of a Visitor No Escort badge to the Headquarters Building. (See Special Center badge samples attached under Tab A.) Another independent index is currently maintained by the Executive Secretary, USIB who has, by USIB directive, been charged with the responsibility for recording Special Intelligence clearances issued, by the various member agencies, to contractor employees and consultants. This index consists of a machine listing of some 6,000 names to which all changes or corrections are posted by hand notation. The SIGINT Committee of USIB has already approved the transfer of these records to CIB for inclusion in the SPECLE system. Key punch support, in this instance, is being furnished by the Office of Security and conversion is being handled as part of the normal SPECLE input. In the future, USIB member agencies will report add, changes and deletions to CIB, using the standard SPECLE Form 1927. For the first time, USIB will have a stand- ard, uniform means for reporting record information. Statistical data, required by USIB, will henceforth be produced from organizational machine listings currently produced for CIB. A third independent index is being maintained under the control of the Special Intelligence Staff (SPINT). This particular index, consisting of some 600 records, identifies those Agency employees who have been authorized access to sensitive Special Intelligence formerly published by the National Security Agency (NSA) in several restricted sub-series. This index is currently being maintained in the same manner as the USIB records, i.e., a machine list- ing to which add, changes and deletions are posted by hand notation. A new machine listing is prepared periodically and the Central Reference Service (CRS) provides key punch and related support. A new listing is soon to be published, however, SPINT has agreed to transfer the index to CIB Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : @kOffilff 8-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/1'81, C'II-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 ~y7 9 provided they and SISS will continue to have access to the individual records and retain control over access authority approvals and necessary briefings and de- briefings. Should this occur, the Office of Security would provide key punch support. Again, this would not increase current work load as changes and adds would be handled as normal input to the system. Consolidation, without remote access, can only aid USIB by relieving that office of the record keeping function. Other components such as SPINT and SISS must have access to the SPECLE index to fulfill functional requirements. Under the present system there is wasteful duplication of record maintenance, duplicate key punching of separate indices and duplicate machine listings are being prepared on the same individuals. The primary objective of consolidation and the application of remote access is to bring about a more efficient clearance record keeping operation and reduce the response time in answering clearance queries. (Q) Are there not more than three independent clearance systems? (A) Of immediate concern are the ~, Talent, Talent/Keyhole and Special Intelligence Systems. There are other clearances which are recorded by CIB, however, the primary systems involved, in which there is extensive community interest, are those listed above. (See Form 1927, Tab B, listing clearances controlled by CIB and a comparison with the ASPIC record.) (Q) Ref conversion of manual files to machine format, who will do it, how long will it take, and how much will it cost? (A) The ASPIC system is a duplication of 12,000 Special Intelligence clearances which already appear in the SPECLE system, therefore, transfer to machine format will not be necessary. Additional data desired by SISS for Special Center control purposes will require a minor library change in Columns 49-50 and 51 of the CIB Form 1927 (See Tab B) and the SPECLE computer system library. The 6,000 USIB records are currently being transferred to SPECLE format as part of the normal record input. The SPINT Special Intelligence sub-series records of which there are 600 Approved For Release 2000/04/18: j3YhJWW8-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/041181- -i`NRDP78-04723A000300080001-8 cannot be transferred until the proposed library change in Column 49 has been made. Subsequent key punch support will also be furnished by the Office of Security as part of the normal SPECLE input. Costs involved would not exceed those currently necessary for SPECLE system up- dating. (Q) What makes remote access to the SPECLE index essential, and evident, and why? Suppose we consolidate without remote access. (A) The time currently required to search the manual SPECLE index in response to query involves several minutes, depending upon the nature of the request. The total CIB staff, consisting of eleven (11) employees, is involved in searching the index in order to keep abreast of the number of queries now averaging 250 calls per day. When not so occupied, personnel of CIB perform other duties related to record maintenance, such as recording clear- ance indoctrinations and debriefing actions, updating the records, filing oaths and other correspondence re- lated to individual records, preparing cable responses and performing liaison services with and for the various government agencies of the intelligence community. The manual index now numbers approximately 79,000 card records located in eight table type tub trays for ease of access and search. Space within CIB has already become critical and with the index expanding at the rate of 1,200 records per month, the present quarters will be inadequate in a very short time. Further, as the index expands the need for personnel to maintain the system correspondingly increases. With a remote access capability, consisting of two (2) 2260 CRT terminals, CIB would be able to rotate two (2) employees each hour for the purpose of conducting all telephonic search requests. This would relieve all other personnel for record maintenance and related duties which are now interrupted repeatedly by requests for clearance data. Further, the manual index would then become a back-up system which could be relo- cated in up-right cabinet drawer files, providing much needed space. Remote access to the SPECLE index has already been proven to be a time saving device. Tests are currently being conducted on existing CRT terminals located in the Security Records and Communications Division (See Tab C for CRT SPECLE record display). Response time necessary to answer a query on a given Approved For Release 2000/04/18 STMI 78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/O4 8 RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 record has been reduced from minutes to seconds (a 3 second response time per record has been proven under test). In addition, the record is in constant display to answer any additional questions the requestor may have concerning a given individual. Also, the operator is stationary, and from a single fixed location, she can conduct a search involving several names without leaving her desk. Under the present manual search system, such a search would be a time consuming op- eration. To eliminate the ASPIC system without remote access would be impossible. The 12,000 records they currently maintain are essential to their every day needs in fur- nishing security support to the Special Center and specifically the CIA SIGINT Officer and the Chief, SPINT. The barrier control procedure that has been established requires that they maintain records of clearance, special badge information, credentials and other type data to effectively control the many visitors, who require the special attention of the SISS staff. To completely eliminate this record keeping function, without remote access, would require SISS to telephonically obtain clearance information from CIB. This is not practical because of the number of calls that would be involved. Such calls would over-burden CIB to the point where they could not handle the volume. To transfer the con- trol function to CIB would likewise be impractical be- cause that office is not professionally staffed to support such a task. (Q) Is growth net or gross? (A) The growth of the SPECLE index is net and the system now contains a total of 79,000 individual records. (Q) How do we eliminate clearances no longer required? (A) Under the present system, the deletion of in- dividual clearances requires a correction of the manual record first as it is the principal source of clearance information. The deletion action is then sent to key punch to up-date the machine record. The volume of such changes, approximately 70,000 per year, does not always permit the change to be recorded on the day on which it occurs. Under a fully automated system, however, the procedure would reverse. SPECLE currently Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA5RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/041.18 CiA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 has a daily update capability which would permit a key punch operation to record the change as it occurred and the corrected record would be available for CRT access the following day. The correction of the manual back-up index could then be made as time would permit as it would no longer be the principal record. (Q) What are the statistics on queries from re- ceptionists and guards? (A) The monthly statistical reports prepared by SISS for the Chief, SPINT and the CIA SIGINT Officer show the number of visitors to the Special Center as averaging 2,745 per month during calendar year 1968. These figures are obtained from the monthly reports submitted by the receptionists. The SISS reports also indicate that approximately one-half of the number of visitors processed by the receptionists and guards require a telephone call to SISS for verification of the visitor's clearance status or instructions on necessary entry control. In many instances, at the time the call is made, the person serving as the visitor's escort is also given specific instructions when access is to be restricted to specific areas or select classified material. (Q) Time and dollar savings amount to how much and for whom -- clerical or professional personnel? (A) The suggested elimination of the ASPIC system would result in cost savings that involve computer time, key punch operations and materials as follows: (1) Use of IBM S/360-65 computer once per month. Run time 60-70/minutes @ $170.00 per hour. (2) Processing approximately 2,000 trans- actions (key punch) per month. Total 16 hours @ GS-4 level ($39.52). (3) Production of eight (8) reports, generating 44,000 lines of print on five (5) print tapes listed on th e IBM S/360-20 computer. Run time 60-90/minutes @ $45.00 per hour. (4) Approximately five (5) boxes of 116 paper used to prepare reports at a cost of ($8.56 x 5) $42.80. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 P78-04723A000300080001-8 - 6- Approved For Release 2000/04/1:8 :,C1A RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 At the present time, one GS-5 Clerk/Typist assigned to SISS devotes one-half of her time in maintaining the ASPIC index, which includes recording all SI clearance actions as they occur and posting these actions to a transaction sheet which is sent to OCS once each month for key punch and updating of the machine index. She also types clearance record cards for the manual index and removes those cards on persons no longer holding SI clearance. The balance of her time is spent answer- ing calls from receptionists, guards, and offices within the Special Center concerning clearance certifications or pending actions and performing other administrative duties related to the daily operation of the SISS. Under a fully automated system, this individual would operate the 2260 CRT terminal for access to the SPECLE index while continuing to perform her same administrative duties. The transfer of USIB contractor/consultant records to the SPECLE index would eliminate 30 hours of personnel time now spent posting and maintaining the manual record. USIB has advised that such time is equally divided bet- ween a GS-6 and GS-9 ($45.60 + $61.05) amounting to $106.65 per month. Within the CIB, the installation of remote access terminals would not result in specific cost savings either in personnel or dollars. The more efficient system, however, would reduce the need for additional personnel and space resulting from the expansion of the index. Personnel currently assigned to CIB can be utilized more efficiently, thereby offering better and more timely service to the Agency and the intelligence community. (Q) How do savings compare with increased equipment costs? (A) At the present time, IBM 2260 CRT terminals are installed on a rental basis. This rental includes the cost of operating one IBM 2848 Control Unit which can accommodate up to eight (8) CRT terminals on a time- sharing basis. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 t ,78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 10.1,1114 ~-- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 In our attempts to obtain cost comparison figures, considerable difficulty has been encountered in obtain- ing hardware cost estimates for the IBM 2848 Control Unit and the IBM 360/67 processing time that would be devoted to a time-shared SPECLE system. Meetings with several OCS officials have convinced us that it is most difficult to assign a specific hardware cost to a single system which operates in a time-sharing environment. We feel, therefore, that any estimate we would make in this area would simply be a guess that could neither be proven accurate or inaccurate until the system is actually on- the-air and the 360/67 is equipped with an adequate time slice clock to measure SPECLE usage. We can say, however, that we are confident that the computer time saved by discontinuing the ASPIC system will offset the computer time needed to service a time- shared SPECLE system. It should be noted that due to the difficulties in separating hardware,costs, OCS has absorbed the rental costs for all IBM 2260 CRT units currently installed in the Headquarters Building. (Q) If key punching is eliminated, what is substituted and what would be the comparative cost of the two methods? (A) The consolidation proposal eliminates those key punching operations which are now being duplicated. Other key punch operations will be transferred to the Office of Security where they can be incorporated into the current SPECLE update operation which is being handled by a key punch section rather than being assigned to a single operator. Costs would be absorbed into what is now current production. (Q) How many queries do Security Duty Officers receive during duty hours? during non-duty hours? What are the "many advantages" offered by the proposed fully automated system? (A) The number of calls received by the Security Duty Office (SDO) vary from day to day. They consist of crank calls, emergency calls, general inquiry, etc. There are many instances when it would be a great ad- vantage to know if there have been previous calls from -8- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CI"A~ , 8-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 .Ga Azlle" Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/1$ CIA-.RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 an individual or if there is a record in the Security index concerning the person who is the subject of a telephone inquiry. The primary desire in locating a remote terminal in the SDO is to provide that office with immediate access to the Security index (SANCA). Further, it is contemplated that the SDO would have access to the personnel locator file currently being automated for remote access. In this particular instance the use of a 2260 CRT remote terminal would be to improve efficiency and eliminate the need for after hours access to SR&CD and a manual after-the-call search of the Security indices and subsequent file re- view. In the case of a "missing employee", for example, the immediate access to SANCA and SPECLE would provide senior officials with pertinent information pertaining to the employee involved. (Q) What justification for the numbers and separate locations of terminals? (A) Two 2260 CRT terminals is the minimum require- ment for CIB. In addition to utilizing these instruments to obtain clearance data in response to query, they will also be used to obtain data of record when new clearances are being processed. An individual's record can be viewed, for example, to determine whether a newly requested clear- ance is a duplicate request, thereby saving processing and security evaluation time. This occurs in a number of cases where there is dual Agency interest in a particular in- dividual. One 2260 CRT terminal will be necessary in SISS to access the SPECLE index, and to meet the requirements of that office for access control of the Special Center. With remote access they will no longer maintain a card file, or machine listings. One 2260 CRT terminal will allow the Security Duty Office access to the Security index (SANCA), the SPECLE index and the eventual Personnel Locator File. The location of these terminals has been determined by the physical separation of the offices involved. Approved For Release 2000/04/18= P78-04723A000300080001-8 I'L -9- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 7 r 9 1. E .Qi~.Gil~ ~ ~ 'the t 4/l am Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Attachment: Tab A - Special Center Badge Control Tab B - Comparison of SPECLE and ASPIC Control Cards Tab C - Hard Copy of SPECLE CRT Display DD/S 68-5597, dtd 8 Nov 68 Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Addressee 1 - Chief, SSS/DDS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : G ' 78-04723A000300080001-8 -10- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 25X1A Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 8 NOV 1966- MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller THROUGH Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT Consolidation of Compartmented Intelligence Clearance Records and Adaptation of Remote Access to SPECLE Compartmented Clearance Index 1. This memorandum is submitted for your approval. Such recommendation is contained in paragraph 10. 2. In a memorandum dated 10 July 1968, the Chief, Special Intelligence Staff (SPINT) proposed, for Office of Security consideration, the merger of three independent clearance record systems with the Special Clearance Evaluation (SPECLE) system maintained by the Compartmented Information Branch (CIB), Office of Security. This proposal was initiated in an effort to elimi- nate duplication of certain Special Intelligence (SI) clearance record keeping functions and to place other manual systems into computerized format. The specific indices are: the Community Special Intelligence contractor and consultant index maintained by the Executive Secretary, USIB; a listing of Agency personnel authorized access to select compartmented sub-series of SI main- tained by the SPINT Staff; and the Automated Special Intelligence Clearance (ASPIC) system consisting of approximately 12,000 card records on Agency employees, contractors and consultants, and personnel of non-USIB member agencies, including the executive offices of the White House, who have been cleared by the Agency for SI. The latter system is maintained and utilized by the Special Intelligence Security Staff (SISS) for controlling visitor access to the Special Center and for insuring the operational and physical security of SI materials. 3. In acting upon this proposal, it has become evident that remote access to the SPECLE index is essential to the needs of the Agency and to extend to all users the full po- tential of the system. At the present time the SPECLE index records 14 separate clearances authorizing access to information controlled by three compartmented intelligence systems. Approxi- mately 75,000 individual records are contained in the index and holdings are increasing at the rate of approximately 1,200 records 8AOUP f Excluded from autom E Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-R 8-0 72&' A&0?s3QQ 0001-8 dEOlasaliicatlon Approved For Release 2000/04/18 :X178-04723A000300080001-8 per month. On a monthly average, CIB receives 5,000 telephone inquiries and over 800 action cables seeking information con- tained in these records. During the past fiscal year, main- tenance of the system required over 70,000 record changes in some form or another. 4. A recent study, conducted by this office, has re- vealed that a fully automated SPECLE index, equipped with IBM 2260 remote access terminals, would not only improve the service provided by CIB to the Agency and the intelligence community, but, if extended to other offices such as SISS and the Security Duty Office, would offer opportunity to completely eliminate the present ASPIC system of record keeping which is actually a duplicate record of SI clearances listed in SPECLE. 5. The elimination of the ASPIC system does not in any way imply that this office intends to abrogate the authority or responsibilities vested in the SISS. They are profession- ally staffed to furnish support for the Special Center and specifically the CIA SIGINT officer and the Chief, SPINT. We recognize their need for accurate up-to-date clearance information in support of their mission. The installation of a remote access terminal in the SISS would permit that office to answer the daily inquiries of receptionists and guards using the SPECLE machine records rather than the manual card file. On an average over 2,700 visitors are processed through the Special Center each month. The greater majority of these require the receptionist to make telephonic contact with SISS to obtain clearance certification or special instructions concerning access control. 6. The adaptation of 2260 CRT remote access to SPECLE would provide the Agency with a single master clearance index to serve the needs of all users. Such a system has already been proven. The Office of Computer Services just recently adapted the system to remote random access search utilizing the SANCA CRT access method. Remote access tests have been conducted on existing CRT terminals installed in the Security Records and Communications Division proving the system to be a definite time savings device. With limited library changes only, all information necessary to meet the needs of the SISS mission can be provided in a single record. This would include information pertaining to compartmented SI sub-series, now maintained in a separate manual system. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 ,.SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/18 GI4-2DP78-04723A000300080001-8 7. In addition to providing a time saving device, a fully automated system would eliminate the need for key punch support now provided to ASPIC by OCS and drastically reduce the hard copy output necessary to support the current two systems. Further, the CIB storage requirement for hard copy card records would be reduced to provide much needed office space for the current staff, and the SISS manual record system can be destroyed. 8. As you will recall, one of the most significant advances in the field of automation within the Agency was the conversion of the Security index to machine language and a machine search capability otherwise known as project SANCA. Further advancement has provided SANCA with a remote access capability for processing priority search requests. Project SPECLE has similarly advanced to the point where remote access to these records will give the SPECLE user a three (3) second response to requests for verification of special clearances. With such a capability, it is now possible to extend the use of SANCA and SPECLE to the Security Duty Office. A single IBM 2260 CRT display installed in that office will greatly assist duty officers in handling the many queries received during non-duty and duty hours. 9. To adapt remote access to the SPECLE index is a re- latively simple process insofar as programming is concerned. Both SANCA and SPECLE files have similar characteristics and can be accessed and updated using essentially the same access method. We feel compelled, therefore, to take advantage of this compatability by progressing to the next logical step in the development and full utilization of computerized security systems. It is our understanding, however, that the Office of Computer Services has limited the number of IBM 2260 CRT terminals available for use within the Agency and that any additional requirements, which would exceed the current limit of 27, is subject to your approval. 10. In view of the many advantages offered by a fully automated SPECLE system, we recommend that you authorize the Office of Computer Services to complete the adaptation of remote access to the SPECLE index and that you approve the installation of four (4) IBM 2260 CRT terminals in the Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA, -RQP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/ ' A-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 following three (3) locations for access to the SPECLE index: two (2) terminals in the Compartmented Information Branch (Room 3E-49), one (1) each in the Special Intelligence Security Staff (Room 3F-28) and the Security Duty Office (Room 1E-26). Director of curity MM Robert L. Bannerman Deputy Director for Support (Date) The recommendation in paragraph 10 is approved. L. K. White (Date) Executive Director-Comptroller Distribution: Orig. - Return to OS 1 - ER 2 - DD/S 1 - Chief, SSS/DDS Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA4 DP78-04723A000300080001-8 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIS'-DP78-04723A000300080001-8 - O .ANWM FOR: DireMr at Security REFERENCE. M. -Comm * ?. th= D.E files to machim format, who will do uch will it oast? amass to the SPEC LE is essential, and ?? -- soppose we ca liA&e wahow remote access? Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723AAO0.10;30008000;1-8 Amem to SPEC Lb Corpse, (DD/ -5m) gem* Clem a Races and pt*tian of Remote D/S. : Ccrosolidatiaa of Carpaertma ed as than three i prance systems? as time lapse since you Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 join W. cafty Approved For Release 280610 O4/18 -04723A000300080001-8 n nn IDENTIAL ? SECRET Approved' F eIN*EMAD00/04/18: CIA-RDP7Q47S - ~ICIASSI F I ED T USE ONLY ruCCT ; ^ E~ rds nal ted Intelligence C1eented Clearancealndex SUBJECT: (Opt~a r% f rompartmen ,, ry.v Compartm ~vti~~~- nom"" I on EXTENSION I NU? of Remo daptati A __ FROM: a7 7 7 xn b ? Howard J. ? Director of Security COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom across column after each comment.) . Draw a line to whom 610 USE PREVIOUS SECRET [] CONFIDENTIAL EDITIONS 'Uh LASSi * ved FcEieleg%f O/04/18: CIA-RDP781A4723A'ODtl3DII0> 6QO1-8 SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Consolidation of Compartmented Intelligence Clearance Records and Adaptation of Remote Access to SPECLE Compartmented Clearance Index Director of Securit TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) 1. DD/Support Rm 7D-26 2. Ex. Dir.-Comptroller Rm 7D-59 B' Return to OS Rm 4E-60 13. FORM 3-62 OFFICER'S INITIALS 8 NOV 1968 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) SE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED 610 USEDITIONSUS ? SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ UINTERNAL 25M1 II 6177 DATE Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 S ` 6-ce- Mi>:MORANDUM FOR: Director of Computer Services SUBJECT Consolidation of Intelligence Clearance Machine Records i. In a memorandum dated 10 July 1968, the Chief, Special Intelligence Staff (SPINT) proposed, for Office of Security consideration, the merger of the Special Clearance Evaluation (S PECLE) system with th lee other inn ces maintained. within Cam=. for the purpose of recording S pecial Intelligence (SI) clear- ances. This proposal was initiated for the purpose of elimi- natin the duplication created y the enistence of separate clearance control indices, namely, the SPECLE system main- -lined by the Cow-eu for-r.iation -ranch (CIB , Office of Security, the ASPIC system maintained by the Special In- V telligence Security S .ai j~. ('S.-SS) , Office of the Chief, SPIN? and she community Special Intelligence contractor clearance index maintained by the :=ecutive Secretary, United States Intelligence Board (USIb) . in submitting his proposal, he Chief, SPINT indicated his desire to merge tae present three systems into the SrLC~.E sys c : a controlled by OS CAB. 2. The Office of Security supports this proposal and has so advised the Chief, SP'-'NT noting that such consolida- tion would result in our being able to maintain a more ac- curate and current index. Further, it would offer this office greater opportunity to be of service to the A ency and the intelli ence c rr,,,u :ity. 3. A recent study initiated by this office determined can begin immediately WitliOiiT; t-:. t the proposed consolidation modification to the existing SPECLE program. Accordingly, we have solicited the assistance of USIB member agencies in sup- plying updated machine listings from which pertinent data can be extracted. Necessary :fay puncil service will be provided by the Office of Securi-ty. in acting upon this proposal, it has become evident CLE index is essential to the that remote access to the SPL needs of the Agency and to el Cella co awl users the full Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 :potential of the S?LCLE sys Lem. The, locating of IBM 2260 CAT display terminals in select offices within the Agency, will allow each office tE have access to a central file eliminate currently used separate manual systems in support of their individual ;m=issions. This is particularly import- ant to the Special Intelligence Security Staff who has the responsibility fcr:, cont:clli-ns wccess to the Special Center, and the Security Duty Ofsice3s who respond to queries on behalf of the Agency during non-(uut;% hours. 5. The attachee computer Service request is therefore su 0iiiitted in support of these requirements. i t is noted that with the installation of those additional CRT units, a total of seven (7) 2230 displays will be available for access to security systems 1~ce ing y, your orifice may ,,ish to consider a single Cd control unit for access- -n-security 'isles and related records. 6. In the event there is need for further discussion concerning this matter, I will be glad to make avwiia of this office. Attachiiient : As Stated Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 Approved For Release 2000/041,18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 2-4 ho-d-- v r t L So d ~. _ wiz ' .t~,i ,. .. 3:'r? 'k 6t' ~ Ui~C't - --------- --------- ..... . - C \:, --- - ---- ------ - -------- Approved For Release 2000104/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723Ab00300080001-8 //'c -P,4," r.a 'CIA`) `//i' SA,eGt CA :a~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000300080001-8 ' d ' I 12 November 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: SPECLE 25X1A 1. I went to office, DC/SRCD, to read a "draft" 25X1A of the paper had prepared for their SPECLE terminal device request. The paper is pretty well done and I think it contains enough information to justify their request. 2. While the paper seems okay, its routing leaves something to be desired. I read a copy of the final draft, the finished version was on its way to Mr. Osborn for signature. They expect Mr. Osborn to send it on to Mr. Bannerman. I suggested that the C/SSS was the proper route for all this; they are sending a copy here in response to that requirement. 3. I believe this request represents a legitimate extension of existing hardware and software capability. SIPS will be able to utilize the dentified Duty capableaofrbeingeachieved. benefits, i Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP78704 :723A00 3QQp{3,0001-8