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Approved For Release 2001/08/ REMJTAT33DN NUS Rescissic : AC ; ' ,' K fi; .~ 4 3 , , i :~*~ r' rte The pt pose of thin regnalation Is to outli of their on a program ba eras: policies and practices which are to be followed in tlaar subm: ssicnp consideration, and approval of A envy programs., projects, and related a part (a rating, administrative, and technical) activities. More specific instructions for the impieaaantation of the general policies and practices outlined herein are contained in other Agency regulatory issuances. 2. DEFINITIONS a. E'ar aye A pxoagra na is a major classification of wh or effort of an Agency component for as fiscal year which involves a coa4wehensive plan of stated strategy to accomplinh stated objectives. .Program presented for approval will Include all no -w project's and support activities as well as projects and support activities that were approved in the prior fiscal year or years and are being recd: vended for coutina ce during the current fiscal year. As used in this regulation, the term program" applies only to the activities of the Deputy Director (Plans) until such tire as other components of the Agency my adopt the planning Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/08' 78-04718A002600400018-2 b. Pryt A. project is an opeeational entity or unit of operations, to which funds and other resources are allotted for use in ;yyerfgrxnatice and against which account ability w iU,. be main-Laizted du: ink aid after performance. A project may be an integral part of an overall program. A project out.Une de;rcribe: a specific objective o objectives, means to be em pl,oyed, and :,ursi ori x equl re r ents in sufficient detail necessary to obtain consideration and approval a : the project.: c. Support Activities The tenu "support activities" as used ita this regulation means all internal and external operations of an Agency component other than direct project operations, including the operating and administrative activities of headquarters and field installations. d. Budget Fcr the purpose of this regulation. the budget is the mechanism and device by which Agency programs and other activities are translated into, terfas of manpower, material, and money requirements, and Is the vehicle by which this Agency informs the Congress of the funds required to carry out the missions assigned to this Agency. After appropriation of funds by Congress, the 'budget becomes the authorized ceiling within which all Agency programs, projects and support activities shall be conducted. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 a. Project 11evie r Carr ittee SECRET This is a committee appointed by the Director of Central Intelligence to review all Agency programs, projects, and support activities, subject to the exceptions listed in paragraph 4.b. of regulation No. and utake recommendations thereon to the Director. 3. AGENCY MM1ON APED SOURCE OF ADS a. The missions of this Agency are established by statute and National Security Council Directives. These g2re:aa,l missions are the objectives beard the attainment of which the. Agency Is functionally organized and its programs are planned and directed. b. The funds required to carry out the missions assigned to the Agency are secured through a process of budget submissions and reviews beginning at the office level and culminating in an appropriation of funds by the Congress. The budget cycle from the formulation stage through the execution stage covers a period of about 24 months. The steps and timing in the preparation and adoption of the Agency's budget are outlined in other Agency regulatory issuances. c. The amount of funds appropriated by the Congress represents the .authorized ceiling within which all Agency activities shall be conducted. Upon appropriation of funds by the Congress, representatives of the Comptroller (CIA) will discuss the approved budget with the chief of each of the major components of the Agency (the Deputy Directors,, the Assistant Director for Communications, the Assistant Director for Personnel, and the Director of Training) for the purpose of preparing a recommendation to be submitted to the Director of Central Intelligence for 14is determination of the amount of the final allowance of funds to be made available to each major component. In preparing this recommenda- tion, distinction will be ma n finds necessary to: Igor Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP7$KA002600400018-2 (1) Meet the normal costs of administering and maintaining the functional organization which will plan,, direct, and perform the reapo sibilitien assigned to each orgsnizatioua]. Co ponent coerced. (2) Co Luct co i uw g or ccntoa lated substantive projects developed for the a4ccapiishAenw cf the overaU CIA mission* d. Tice det ex i:,?c .tk of 11t w nceo by the Director of Central Intelligence constitutes auth.rityt (1) (2) To the Comptroller to issue allotment advices against which funds any be obligated and eac, ended, for the following: (a) The administration and maintenance of the functional crganiza- ti.on and the performance of the internal functions assigned to the organizational conTomentes (b) Such continuing projects (3.c.(2), above) as the Comptroller and the chief of the component concerned shall jointly determin have been set forth in sufficient detail in the approved budget to justify the issuance of allotment advices; in the event of disagreement between these officials, the issue shall be referred through the Project Review Committee to the Director of Central Intelligence for determination. To the chiefs of major components to submit for consideration and approval within the limits of the allowances authorized for the conduct of their activities, those programs,, projects, and activities not set forth in sufficient detail in the approved budget to justify an allotment of funds. E RE.J Approved For Release 2001/08/08 CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718A002600400018-2 ZT 14 POLICY (1) The Agency's activities approval. system is an integral part of the budget system in that it is the me^h and device by which the Agency's assigned missions are developed and translated into terms of manpower., material, and money requirements. This approval system also establishes the rteee.ha:rUsra at d device by which Agency officials, subsequent to the appropriation of i ands, are authorized to spend the resources available for the accomplishment of the Agency's assigned missions. This system is augmented by special procedures relating to the submission and approval cf any operation or activity not set forth in sufficient detail in the approved budget to justify an allotment of funds. (2) Approval of programs, projects, and other activities is obligatory prior to entering into any commitments or obligating funds. The system of approval provf, for different levels of approval authority commensurate with the magnitude, sensitivity, and signi- ficance of the activities, Although approval of projects by appropriate authority, and the issuance of allotment advices by the Comptroller constitute authority to enter into commitments and to obligate and expend funds, this shall only be done in full compliance with Agency regulations governing each particular function involved, including specific authorization of Agency officials charged with responsibility for any such function (e.g., procurement of.real estate must be accomplished in accordance with regulations governing procurement of real estate). 5_ Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718A002600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/0$x, 8-047l8A002600400018-2 (3) Prior" to grart:i.rsg his apkro ,l, the i"f!.cial authorized to fin lly approve a project shall ensure that it has been properly coordinated with other components of the AgencyI whose functions are materially affected. b. Pro ratm A`c?"t?,1 (1) (21) (3) Approval of the Director cf Central Intelligence is required for all prodrrsa. Prograi a ~ be s~ t~~it cd t k, '!,.e I::irr actor of Central Intelligence for approval in principi ? and gene :? ! a earmarking of funds at any time. ;`under so eurmarked cone L t,?te the limits within which specific projects may be subudtted for ?:--apron 1. Projects sub- mitted within such programs must be .ufficiently identifiable to permit the ready determination of the relationship between the -project and the program it is designed. to implement. Approval of a program constitutes: (a) A directive to the Comptroller to issue allotment advices for those projects and/or other activities itemized therein which are continued. from the previous fiscal year with no substantial change in policy, method, or objective. (b) Authorization to the Comptroller to issue allotment advices for itemized new projects or activities and new portions of continuing projects or activities when the; Comptroller and the chief of the component concerned have made. a positive deter- mination that such projects or activitiep are set forth in sufficient detail in the program submission to justify the issuance of allotment advices. ..CRFT Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CI- 04718A002600400018-2 (c) Approval in pri c i ple only, and a general earmarking of funds for the balance of the approved program which has not been set forth in sufficient detail to warrant the specific allotment of funds for activation of particular projects of activities which will be r:ubritted in detail later in the fiscal tear. c. Pro ect A )r0va1 (1) App 'oiai of the Diroctor of Central Intelligence is required for all projects a: d activities e: ce' tt; as outlined below: (a) Within the total amount of funds authorized for foreign intelligence purposes from th ; appropriations available to the Agency and within policy l,ineo.. establish d, authority is granted to approve of espionage and counter-espionage operational projects, not approved under previously existing procedures, as follows: 1. The Deputy Director (Plans) may approve of any project calling for an expenditure of an amount not exceeding $100,000 in a fiscal year. The Chief of Operations, Office of the Deputy Director (Plans), may approve jrthe renewal of projects _w e previously approved by competent authority 41 the amounts involved will not exceed $100,000 incl'c fiscal year. 2. The Chief of Operations may approve of projects in amounts. not exceeding $25,000 in a fiscal year,, and may delegate in writing. such authority to the Chief, Foreign Intelligence Staff," individual projects involving an expenditure of less than $5i000. The Chief of Foreign Intelligence Staff may approve of the renewal of projects where' previousty prokrd~~ approved by competent authority a the amount involved wil; not exceed . $25, QO .iq? fiscal year. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 SECRET ,I,. Projects f olrWZ a 6,tti ?er in e c ss t' l ,ooo in a fist.-al yew will be r r1ed by the Deputy Director c Cee..ral tell a Sr i eft ,uy f tber c ??, . ) to e "ep kty 'flirect of C,-, ence with M'12 rac w,'eBOAt>: ,o;.A s ."'e' ac iml* The by Director Ti."tto:,` :"se deft-a".' app e Bud Is authorized in his d: core ': I VC r`' ore ` o aismh pp .' sect or refer it to t A%, o,..; of final action, s . : fic :t new, olley & to r:^ tione s i~?.ic t ~ the da .Lrabfl ty of decision by bi.a,r aut~t ity,e iA-lt the D ?ecto of Central will be p oprrly rcf r d for decision prior (2) (3) to final action, re rdless of the anol nts involved. Proprietary, subo3idyg and other projects will be bandled in accordance with established p woce :acres, (b) Project Review Ca iitttee or any Deputy Director may act finally on projects not exceeding V25, 0W in any one fiscal year provided that :N ads area 1abie within the budget under Bch the project is pied, Upon V approvul o ejects the C c .;roller shall issue allotment advices which c stitute o .uthoricatiou to obligate and expend fundi for the activation implementation of the projects concerned in full compliance with applicable Agency ra do . After approval of a project,, any c hats to as outside agency Involving the possible transfer of f nads from CIA may only be m e >8 SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2 S Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP -04718A002600100018-2 by the Comptroller after coordination with the Bureau of the Budget. (4) AU financial arrangements involving transfers of funds shall be made by the Comptroller. Function of the Erc (1) The Pro Boa to Committee performs a staff function for the Director c.f' Cantral. 1< elligcnce in t:W consideration of programs and projects for approval. (2) The Project Review Co;m,ittoey its opera-lion and general criteria governing material to be submitted Or Project Reviev Committee consideration are met-forth in Pegulation the s dargs5X1A and procedures governing the submission of annul. programs to the Committee are prescribed in Regulation and the sub- 25X1A mission of projects to the Committee is governed by Regulation . SLR Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02600400018-2