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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 31, 2001
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-04718A002400340011-8.pdf214.4 KB
Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02400340011-8 his EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF DEFENSE MOBILIZATION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 3.. A i pion or the as** 111gking no" .+aaaprehsl*ixs r otation ; ctiAn trL "t"liabod by Ds sststing in this matter. - ntativos s f the foUoving arenciss an si*a l fteurity, Assigning s" JUN 2 5 1957 ise of ern Dr 57-2064 Frith 1utivl tsar 1 ti api ing Step* required sad its poa$*$AiOns which Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02400340011-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02400340011-8 As an T rim leas , I an re+a eating the be" of each thin, the purview of executive Order 1021) and hose builditnge or parts of buildings which house canon Of the agency. This request does not in any alter the building mamp- ment arrangements which exist now or may be is the "suture. involved. I offer the following space which houses personnel, Lpment associated with essential wartime exclude relocation sites from this being handled sepezrately. Also posts, camps and stations, and Atomic as they are excluded from the nta of sxaeeutive Order 10421. insider the advisability of moving essential etians either in the sa building or elsewhere doh willl, provide better physical security at Purpose of the suirrey is (1) to confirm the adequacy of 3? Consider protective measures agetinst , sabotage., and other subversive act distinguished from overt acts (enemy military action, g air attack with nuclear v*apons) . Consider wily protection against isolated incidents of covert activity designed to appear as accidents rather than all-out coordinated effort by ear a The gents coupled with planned surprise Overt enemy action use of nuclear weapons, and biological or chemical devices in covert activities should be considered extremely difficult to as an accident. 5. Consider the major objective to be a prudent degree of physical security agWturt covert acts rather than absolute secty. In ever that ve my have the benefit of your survey in formulating policy and also to have a basis for reporting ececma lisbeents under this program, will you please furnish us a repart, appr is ly classified for security reran as, giving the following Information ! or (2) to determine the additional - Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02400340011-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02400340011-8 eyed and locatitsa Essential wartime finotiaa housed therein- -identified by cis. Statement that the phyoical sec ty ne sure are odegnate or identify the added measures you feel a necessary, as foul sa mard +s - nmber and annual con Enclosures 2 Annual cost After jnstAlIMt+.4~ (1) 3n*tallation cost alam systems, fire a in shi 0sys' at etc. Partitions, fences. :hanieal devices -.. floodlights d. Total cost for the building, stn t f eat 2 Ann.' cl"at~efter Portion of the total cost which cannot be financed within fwAs now arecijable to er buigsted for your agency. I ax &a re of the practical problem involved in financing sided security manures - Z ver I P--'l - that we this i v 0 any, OQQM psY'aiQAI security is nee 11 be greatly appreciated and ng nut Executive Order 1021, sincerely ;'(Signed) Gordon Gray Gordon Gray Director Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO02400340011-8