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25X1A 25X1A 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 20 25X1A9a 4723 WLY ? 61A-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 UghILATg3 ELIHINATED THROWA TESTU AND. IBTERVIEWS BYWORKING COMMITTEE Diaap1:2476V0div 1,2vgely far lack of demonstrated interest in JO Program., Test scokee reMtively high; seeved mea iti.itt;-xosted in overseas aasigtimAnt ger which he TV,8Ltnansideed in. Vialest atd Ylvaime. CoPnItteei oPinie was: "Ws .rtoovd of aghievenent in CU. is uqiimpressive?." Aleo? "nett net Tossess Sefnt eneoutiva potential to pyofit from the JO Fr*gram," got assesse6 Hr. !Saunders had reoomended as "an emellent oapdidateoN _ 25X1A9a DiaapprGved by ISollting Committee, despite "relatively high pralinditary tests" lare;aly becaues he was t'iac4king in vigoe? and in interest in the Y:Voggea Tte Ccualittae obseiliOd that "he had applied bco Ise he MB asrsad to dosc," saidv that &spite tha propacted plFi, 4 ve aagt devatpaInnt he 1.111T11. swept of hie von application, "he had no significant pi n for his future," resting rather on a E4-aiag "that if he did hie Sit well, he Would wake aklequate progress." The Working Committee felt that "he lacked tha capacity and ability desired in participants in the Programn" He was tested and interviewed but rat rec,i',04 ftib ammo- ment Eppliqatifn ues dtaapprvvad. Saunders had recommended Mr.IIIIIIII as a ?g4yad vandlOateu for the Pmgram, 25X1A9a Dian:owe-sad by Working Coaittee? despite thmir obs.mation that he "hcs deronstrated strtms deteric7Imetion to suzneed.0 It uas the Comsiitte.0A nate that "his p?elioinary it sc s inditato that ha is rather ligited in his inteDectu91 po'Atics." However, the ComAttee again tvmmaiat favorably on "hie laTstr,t1tive sttitneau during their interview with 25X1A9a 341r. ? but ealied th.'?t he tamed to be "literal-nivAed, 1,cke flexi- bility," and does Act "h1,..e qualities of 11,eade7ship." Then t,?Ay observe that "it is intnrzsting to note that he was asked to apply fov the Program." Sin-nifiveat in Nr. fainvre to egt051.117 was the CAmmitteecis ,-_,,,ollutersijted by Messrs. Baked and flaynoidsv that singa Mr, 25X1A9a hM drafted his callver developunnt paan in snoh a way that it ?soul ultimat14 return him to hi r old job after 12 wenthx, "any training Mr. gvolres 25X1A9a should be arranged through his own Caraer reard." Keret it appears that the Solecticn Comittee has made an interpretation that I am unahae to find tha 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A 6.1L ? apErrIVMTAT. Approved For Release 2001 /08/07tARP7804718A001700150023-4 Approved For Release 2001M X-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 basis for in either the enabling Ageney Notice setting up the Jen Pro- grams or in any of the epinions of the Administration Career Boards whioh favoraKy endorsed his application. .1 this which does not result in the oeol to Triiiiiris ? ferenta t ,sne gEtirei Saundera had reco nded Mr. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a as "a venv geed oandidate." Disapprolatid_LVayprking Committee as result of tests and interview. 25X1A9a Although Nr.11111111matied up moderately well an half the tests, he "was very low on the intellectual side (of them). u In the interview was "very alert and franks" but "disappointed in his present assignments" and who had not been able to follow his desires for a career in CIA (Which doeires lie in the Administrative field): Again the CceadItee noted that "he had not heard of the Program until. . 0 asked to apply for it. Strongest indict- 25X1A9a rant of Mr, lay in the Committees observation that "( was) rather inon quen ials somewhat frustr ted and unhappy. . . leaking strength of perscaality and executive interest." 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A9a The Committees final conclusion that Mr be disapprceedi use as follows: ' "The *eating Comaittee is of the opinion that Mr. hen 25X1A9a neither the capacity or the ability to profit from participation in thin Program." Mr. Saunders had recomended Mee as a Ncandidate." 25X1A9a I. M.111111/1 Dinapproved by Working C mattes. Test scores in bottrv half of norm group; training records "orildnerne" The Committee fon. him to be "eomen what indecisive and lacking in interest." Mr. gave the Coenittee to understarkd that he had been requeated to appy Program and that since raking application "he has not considered its possitdlitiee seriously." The C mmittee also felt that "he laake anbition." The Comeittee,e final statexents in disapproving his applications was 25X1A9a that Mr?"deem not sews the requisite executive potential capacity'," Programe" Mr. Saunders had reeorseended Hz, ? a "very candidate." Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2061H/PqIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 ~NW= - 25X1A9a 25X1A Disare, rigged hylftikl7ag Cemdttce? which questioned his low test scares, end his ?limited capacity and aty," mes scribed as ?stoat and perseverillg? pleasant and clean cut,* yet the Comittes found him "net outstnnding in any respect," .It is Acubtful that either hie collage degree in phyaical dwation aw his average grades in night law Scheel locally helped hin application. Additionally:, the 0 wittoe ob- served that ?his original motivation far Agency employment was not strong, since he apparently thought at first that empleynent here mould slidinate any military obliAtion." His application vas disapproved mith the nota - 25X1A9a tion thatt. "Mr* cannot te regarded aa having executive tantia3L0. 0 * lacking in bra/al at depth," 25X1A9a Mr,? Garrison had strongly endorsed Mr, application* - 3 . miNieggr EYES ONLY Approved For Release 2001/0 7 : dIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 25X1A9a RYES ONLY Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 nrrnr CANDIDATES TESTED, INTERVIEWED AND ASSESSED PRIOR TO DISAPPROVAL 25X1A 25X1A9a 7? 25X1A9a Disapproved as the result of assessment evslusticn Mr made a logical and effective presentation of his career devalopelmMiAla in the interview with the Working Committee, which then recommended him for assessment, despite low test scores, His intellectual performance was "below average according to Agency standards," While citing him for the quality of his work, the Committee noted that it was "limited in quantity," He was ranked among the lowest in ability to influence and persuade, accord-, ing to the evaluation supplied by his fellow OCD candidates, Also noted 25X1A9a were Mr.111111111reported inability to "think on his feet" and to deal with othes than oncreto situations, In 'summing up, the final disapproval noted his witoderate ambition and fair abilities, but doubt was expressed that "be will ever develop into the executive level." 25X1A9a Mr, had been recommended by Mr, Saunders and Mr, COA/NEA? as "an excellent candidate," 25X1A9a 25X1A 25X1A9a 8. Disapproved as the result of assessment evaluation and interview with Working Ocsamittee? Again, the principal reason t00, Mr, wee ream- 25X1A9a mended for assessment after his interview with the Working Oittee was that he made a "logical and orderly presentation of his career development plan, which he had thought out rather *irefully." HIM intellectual Ability was judged to be "significantly below the CIA average," His pleasant and forthright sinner was nated? but it was felt that "the farther Up he moves in the scale of advancement the less effective (he will be)," The Working -Committee. criticised Mr narrow interests, 1000, 25X1A9a Inspeator Osnerales Office and/or IttepomATEIRTIER-Review Staff, and said that this limited range was not mnapatible with the requirement's of people "with.totecutive caliber," They also observed "little evidence of leader- ship'qualities " though they did note that "his record of achievement in the Agency is good." , In rejecting his application, the Working Committee said that they felt that he has been and could be an effective member of his parent office, LIES ONLY Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 ibYajiOL Approved For Release 2001/084444RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 2n4 that t!.?a Administration.Caraer "%erg "should be encouramad to take positive to to develop hir4s 25X1A9a 25X1A 9. Mr, 25X1A9a had been endoweed by Mr. Saunders as a "good oandidateo" 25X1A9a Nr. application had bean forwarded without favorable endorse- ment by. the Administration Career Voard, His application ugs therefore assiduously azaained ty the We:in Cammitten& lest they acaused of boulag to the cation of the Laardm In facto the final rai-,trt sa!rc.d that azeassaant was requested gale* in the interests of being a lately eb- 25X1A9a jective? Nr. "perforated fair4 well on intellectual test but th ? COMMitteS lietCS ?lag* of breadth r interest dfati limited visa s and baek- avoutd.'N They felt that his answers ware all gaared t lag? tiate, and they noted that "there mas little evideme of leadership or ability to per- suade ottarap? despite what they called "'a facile mind, but not a thoughtful oho," ?The Yeactien of the Comings, to Kra p as a parson: -ac unitmay nagattia? Eta aarforaanae on the asseasnont V23 disappointing? 25X1A9a bad beau sponsored Hr agreeing -with the reseml- 25X1A9a nandation of Mr, . to superviser. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr, wee finally disawaved for the acp Program; but net until the final selection& which narrwed damn to four candidates, of whom rauhed third. However& t repart notes that the f ur ware adjitidged to have met the 601,almals vequireraats far participati n? and though Mr. waa third cut of fore, thare KWAS ta great distans bs, en hill and thp othr two faulted. bave ht. pe tntorvieelug him, t traima, Vaiagittee said that h was.'vpuiSal& frioadlyl. serious aboUt the PmFr gram& anxioastc itprove himself, and th ughtful.r. The-Committee that be was well tivated for work in 04 and described his ambitl n as ua nsiderable." Mr. tests were r fIstrong average general intellectual eapacity.m Tte Coaalttee apParantlyts not too impramml with Mre personally& degpite the adjectives above. FriEcdPel emmern exPrImmted was over his ability to mithstsnd stress in situations that were not compatible with his :interest .pattern, i.e., how he meld do if assigned to a job he did not like. 5 - 4.1111661111110?1 2Y2s ONLY Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 200 -RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 The final report rejecting him noted that "he is a worthy member of CIA and deserves much encouragement," Hr. had agreed withlt"., supervisor, in atteeting to this being qyalified for the Proves." 25X1A9a Despite "definitely unfavorable intellectual tests,* the Working Committee decided to request assessment of Mr. in the interests of 25X1A9a objectivity and beoause hr. wade a fatorabssion on the Cow, sittee through his presentittWiobefore Ulan his good activation, apparent drive and good reputation in his parent office. However, the *evaluation of the aesessmant was highly negatives" and contained "a lack of Positive indication that this'aan is high level potential," Instead, they recomsended that the Security Career Board "take steps to capitalise on his high sotiva tion and in:bitten.* 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A 25X1A9a Nr. 1.11.1=.11M) Chief, Special Security Division, and Colonel Eduards had both ,rsed Hr. application as being "excel- 25X1A9a lent materiel for MA,* and a person possessing apparent "good potential for this Programa* 120 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Kr. impreased the Working Committee as "rather alert, agfressive, anibitious, . fairly go intelligence and wide maga of istereste. His interest in the Program see d sincere, thong* the Committee did think that his career gam msuggeste superficiality and his statement of objectives is not always to the points," The Committee laid that he presented his plan well, thongh was inclined to be verbose albeit pleasant and they were disturbed by "his over..anzious manner, and% tendency to ma;e ill.coasidered statements, His maturity was questioned by titeri as walla The assessment report *confirmed the Working C tteela sumpicions 25X1A9a that Hr hes emotional problems," and that "he is not deemed to be a clearly superior oroutstanding individual in terms of the very high standards which the Committee believes should be Maintained for this Pro- gram'. (therefore) approval is not rev:amended*" 25X1A9a 25X1A Both Mr. and Colonel Edwards endorsed W.111111111application 25X1A2a attesting to his "proodse and potential for devolo.,nt, Approved For Release 2 A-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4 EYES ONLY Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150023-4